* Dr. Sarfati added a quick thought/correction that I put at the bottom.
I must first say that I differ very little with Dr. Jonathan Sarfati on most of our views on the world, science, and the Bible. I have purchased most of his books he has authored and co-authored. So this is not coming from a place of disrespect — at all. Disagreement is healthy and good, dictatorial mandates, however, are not. And some governments are basing their decisions on the same mistakes I see made in an article about Dr. Sarfati’s position on THESE vaccines, titled, “Leading Creationist Endorses Vaccine: COVID Is ‘1,000 Times More Dangerous’ Than the Vaccine.”
What I do differ with however, is the idea that the death “because of” Covid is just accepted as “golden” by Dr. Sarfati. Let me explain, and this is in response to both the title of the article as well as ideas expressed within it. This is via a conversation a few weeks back on my Facebook, noted in a post of mine, after detailing the struggles of many hospitals to deal with expanding emergency areas due to increased patients (tents to expand sick wards, and the like) I noted the idea of comparing “emergencies” properly:
Likewise, I have yet to see a good study of applying the CDC changing how hospitals and physicians were told to write up deaths associated with Covid-19 to other “outbreaks.” So — for instance — if you catalogued the 2017-2018 flu season with the new definitions per the CDC (April of 2020), that flu season would have tripled to quadrupled in deaths attributed to it [I believe].
In 1969 the population was 207,659,263, and 100,000 Americans died from the Hong Kong Flu (H3N2)… but what if the changed definitions of attribution to Covid (dying WITH the Hong Kong Flu or FROM the Hong Kong Flu) were applied then? Similarly, in 1957 the U.S. population was 177,751,476, and 116,000 people died from that outbreak.
To me, this is partially a shell game where many who have died would have died from their ailments.
- See one post I authored quite some time ago (original posting was August of 2020): Funny Covid-19 Numbers By Date (Why Many Are Skeptical)
And the whole “Hospitals will be overrun with Covid patients” thing was largely myth, for example:
So when Doc Sarfati says “[t]he virus is at least 1,000 times more dangerous than the vaccine,” I look at that as an unfounded statement. In reality at least.
Why? Because his “known” factors are not REALLY KNOWN.
Now, do I think this is a bad outbreak?
Yes I do.
Worse than most in our history?
This virus is highly tuned to attack [especially] weak respiratory systems.
Do I think this demands forced masking and vaccinations?
No I do not.
I do think, however, that statements like those of Denis Prager’s….
- The fact is no conservative American politician is a likely dictator because one of the fundamental goals of American conservatives is to shrink the power of the government. A dictatorship in America is far more likely to come from the left, which seeks to massively increase government power. For example, as reported in Politico on Aug. 21, 2020, Biden has already pledged, “I would shut it down,” referring to the American economy and Americans’ freedom of movement to combat the COVID-19 virus.
…ring true. Leftists are using this BAD or INCOMPLETE DATA to control the masses in a way that destroys private wealth, and increases the governments power over handing out “manufactured” wealth [i.e., control].
Australia and France are among those already feeling the burn of government overreach. But the excuse of Covid to lock people [and I believe to use it as an excuse to hit the underground church] down in many countries such a China and places as obscure as Burma is an excuse to kill or jail rival political party leaders and Christians.
- Many governments “weaponized” the coronavirus pandemic during the last year to further repress citizens’ rights, global rights group Amnesty International said in its annual report, released Wednesday. The report also says the virus disproportionately hit ethnic minorities, refugees and women. (AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL)
- David Curry, the CEO of the Christian charity Open Doors, warned that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of China is arresting Christians using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to intensify its persecution of the Christian community, even punishing believers who attend online church ceremonies. (VISION TIMES)
- There are reports that authorities used the COVID-19 pandemic to keep churches closed, even after it was no longer necessary for health reasons. (OPEN DOORS)
- Examples from Canada as well can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE.
What fuels this? Lies, ignorance, elitism, or plain ignorance about the above challenges regarding the deadliness of the 2019-2020 Covid outbreak, or the later [predominately] Delta Variant. Even NPR thinks comparing it to Chicken Pox was an overreach. So does Doc Victory:
When Doc Sarfati says
- “So the virus is far more fearful than the vaccine could possibly be,” he added. “Otherwise, we’re living in a magic universe if somehow a vaccine is more dangerous than a fast-multiplying virus.”
- If the vaccine was “as bad” as conspiratorial websites say it is, he said, “we should be seeing millions of people dropping like flies, but we don’t even see the thousands of people.”
I am not a “conspiratorial website,” to be clear. And in fact, I often rant against conspiracies. And I agree, I do not think they are as bad as some say… however, I also do not think they are as safe as Doc Sarfati makes them out to be either. (For reasons already stated and to be stated, below.)
The people who have died from blood clots, heart attacks, and the like, after a 1st or 2nd dose have not had the proper medical evaluations to justify such “matter of fact” statements.
In reality, we do not know the REAL RATES of deadly side-effects so to examine the topic fully.
- In short, Dr. Schirmacher performed autopsies on 40 people who had died within two weeks of receiving a Covid jab. Of those, 30%-40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.” He is calling for more autopsies of those who die shortly after getting injected to see if his numbers pan out. But Germany has thus far been reluctant to act. Meanwhile, the report of this highly respected pathologist and pro-vaccine doctor is being suppressed. (NOQ REPORT)
The only other autopsy to dat is in the medical journal (PMC) regarding an 80-year old patient: First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2
I don’t think this is a big conspiracy. In fact, the reasons why autopsies are not done that often is a combination of (a) the acceptance en masse of the change in death certificates by the CDC in April of last year as well as (b) a financial interest:
- Unfortunately, autopsy rates have fallen from 25% to less than 5% over the past four decades. It never was a revenue producer for anyone except malpractice attorneys (WND).
Related as well to the already noted article about hospitals postponing elective surgeries via the Long Beach Business Journal is this detailed article by way of Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (Penn LDI)
- Hospitals lost more than $20 billion in revenue when the pandemic led to an unprecedented nationwide shutdown in elective surgical procedures from March to May 2020.
ALL THAT BEING SAID, statements about the health of the vaccines compared to other categories in any meaningful way is still out of reach of “firm statements.” One anecdotal example seems to be a good fit here:
Again, these blood clots have been an issue for many of these vaccines. The “experts” say it is rare, but as I have pointed out, they cannot make statements like “4 in 1 million people experience cerebral venous thrombosis after getting the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, versus 5 in 1 million people for the AstraZeneca vaccine” (source) — because people who have died have not been properly examined. Again, when properly examined….
- Dr. Schirmacher performed autopsies on 40 people who had died within two weeks of receiving a Covid jab. Of those, 30%-40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.”
… the rates may be higher.
A site doing a decent job in cataloging the detrimental impact of these vaccines on people’s lives can be found at 1000 COVID STORIES. Here is one example from the site:
These will not make it into Doc Sarfati’s “hopper,” because like that Daily Mail story noted: “The agency [the CDC] could not determine whether the vaccine played a role in her condition.” And so… many cases are rejected or not even determined/found. So when people state as “fact” the following:
These statements [in my estimation] cannot be said with the built in ASSURITY that they seem to posses.
Another example from the article is when he states: “When individuals are fully vaccinated, he wrote, ‘people are 94% less likely’ to have COVID-19.” Early in July Israel dropped the effectiveness of the Pfzier Vaccine from the mid-ninety-percent effectiveness to 64%. Then 2-weeks later they dropped it to 40%…
- Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry. (CNBC)
All this may or may not be true… what I do know is that since March of 2020, I have noticed an acceptance without question of numbers and stats that I find incredible. Or if questioned, relegated to conspiracies or wackiness, connecting those who question THESE vaccines as “anti-vaxxers,” which I most assuredly am not!