RPT’s Musings On An Article: “Leading Creationist Endorses Vaccine”

* Dr. Sarfati added a quick thought/correction that I put at the bottom.

I must first say that I differ very little with Dr. Jonathan Sarfati on most of our views on the world, science, and the Bible. I have purchased most of his books he has authored and co-authored. So this is not coming from a place of disrespect — at all. Disagreement is healthy and good, dictatorial mandates, however, are not. And some governments are basing their decisions on the same mistakes I see made in an article about Dr. Sarfati’s position on THESE vaccines, titled, “Leading Creationist Endorses Vaccine: COVID Is ‘1,000 Times More Dangerous’ Than the Vaccine.”

What I do differ with however, is the idea that the death “because of” Covid is just accepted as “golden” by Dr. Sarfati. Let me explain, and this is in response to both the title of the article as well as ideas expressed within it. This is via a conversation a few weeks back on my Facebook, noted in a post of mine, after detailing the struggles of many hospitals to deal with expanding emergency areas due to increased patients (tents to expand sick wards, and the like) I noted the idea of comparing “emergencies” properly:

(OP – Original Post) Good presentation. This rant is not related to the video, but I was thinking about this today. Whenever there is a bad flu year, we always deal with the variants in years to come, and, typically they aren’t as deadly. Like Delta. So deaths, and hospitalization are typically lower than the Alpha strain. So tent triages and the like were set up for the 2017-2018 flu season — (the CDC estimates that between 46,000 and 95,000 Americans died due to influenza during the 2017-18 flu season. This resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and a middle-ground of 61,099 deaths) and the subsequent variants were less deadly, but they are still floating around. But this seasons Delta Variant is less of a bugger than 2017-18, maybe even the 2012-2013 flu season — (56,000 deaths is the CDC estimate. 571,000 influenza-related hospitalizations). But people still want to live in fear, rather than live. Its sad.

(KRIS W. — a thoughtfully minded conservative) This doctor was great! I hope you are right about the numbers. I refuse to live in fear.

(ME) Kris W., So, the Alpha Covid strain was here in September of 2019. So the Covid season “A” was 2019-2020. We are now in a 2020-2021 season. The numbers from this season need to be separated from the previous. I bet we are closer to bad seasons from previous years. And next year will be better. But like other flu strains, we will have Covid with us forever. (Flu shots are a hodgepodge mixture of various strains, and people who get it hope one of the many strains in the shot get close to the actual, and so lessons the symptoms if they get the flu. Same here. These Covid strains may be in a cocktail mix in the future.)

Likewise, I have yet to see a good study of applying the CDC changing how hospitals and physicians were told to write up deaths associated with Covid-19 to other “outbreaks.” So — for instance — if you catalogued the 2017-2018 flu season with the new definitions per the CDC (April of 2020), that flu season would have tripled to quadrupled in deaths attributed to it [I believe].

In 1969 the population was 207,659,263, and 100,000 Americans died from the Hong Kong Flu (H3N2)… but what if the changed definitions of attribution to Covid (dying WITH the Hong Kong Flu or FROM the Hong Kong Flu) were applied then? Similarly, in 1957 the U.S. population was 177,751,476, and 116,000 people died from that outbreak.

To me, this is partially a shell game where many who have died would have died from their ailments.

And the whole “Hospitals will be overrun with Covid patients” thing was largely myth, for example:

After unprecedented preparations—including filling the Long Beach Arena with cots and welcoming a 1,000-bed floating medical center off the coast—Long Beach hospitals have yet to experience the patient surge anticipated in the early days of the COVID-19 health crisis.

In fact, local hospital officials say they are now making every effort to avoid laying off or furloughing staff, and hospitals statewide are estimating losses of up to $14 billion after they delayed elective surgeries to make room for an expected crush of emergency patients….


So when Doc Sarfati says “[t]he virus is at least 1,000 times more dangerous than the vaccine,” I look at that as an unfounded statement. In reality at least.

Why? Because his “known” factors are not REALLY KNOWN.

Now, do I think this is a bad outbreak?

Yes I do.

Worse than most in our history?


This virus is highly tuned to attack [especially] weak respiratory systems.

Do I think this demands forced masking and vaccinations?

No I do not.

I do think, however, that statements like those of Denis Prager’s….

  • The fact is no conservative American politician is a likely dictator because one of the fundamental goals of American conservatives is to shrink the power of the government. A dictatorship in America is far more likely to come from the left, which seeks to massively increase government power. For example, as reported in Politico on Aug. 21, 2020, Biden has already pledged, “I would shut it down,” referring to the American economy and Americans’ freedom of movement to combat the COVID-19 virus.

…ring true. Leftists are using this BAD or INCOMPLETE DATA to control the masses in a way that destroys private wealth, and increases the governments power over handing out “manufactured” wealth [i.e., control].

Australia and France are among those already feeling the burn of government overreach. But the excuse of Covid to lock people [and I believe to use it as an excuse to hit the underground church] down in many countries such a China and places as obscure as Burma is an excuse to kill or jail rival political party leaders and Christians.

  • Many governments “weaponized” the coronavirus pandemic during the last year to further repress citizens’ rights, global rights group Amnesty International said in its annual report, released Wednesday. The report also says the virus disproportionately hit ethnic minorities, refugees and women. (AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL)
  • David Curry, the CEO of the Christian charity Open Doors, warned that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of China is arresting Christians using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to intensify its persecution of the Christian community, even punishing believers who attend online church ceremonies. (VISION TIMES)
  • There are reports that authorities used the COVID-19 pandemic to keep churches closed, even after it was no longer necessary for health reasons. (OPEN DOORS)
  • Examples from Canada as well can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE.


What fuels this? Lies, ignorance, elitism, or plain ignorance about the above challenges regarding the deadliness of the 2019-2020 Covid outbreak, or the later [predominately] Delta Variant. Even NPR thinks comparing it to Chicken Pox was an overreach. So does Doc Victory:


When Doc Sarfati says

  • “So the virus is far more fearful than the vaccine could possibly be,” he added. “Otherwise, we’re living in a magic universe if somehow a vaccine is more dangerous than a fast-multiplying virus.”
  • If the vaccine was “as bad” as conspiratorial websites say it is, he said, “we should be seeing millions of people dropping like flies, but we don’t even see the thousands of people.”

I am not a “conspiratorial website,” to be clear. And in fact, I often rant against conspiracies. And I agree, I do not think they are as bad as some say… however, I also do not think they are as safe as Doc Sarfati makes them out to be either. (For reasons already stated and to be stated, below.)

The people who have died from blood clots, heart attacks, and the like, after a 1st or 2nd dose have not had the proper medical evaluations to justify such “matter of fact” statements.

In reality, we do not know the REAL RATES of deadly side-effects so to examine the topic fully.


  • In short, Dr. Schirmacher performed autopsies on 40 people who had died within two weeks of receiving a Covid jab. Of those, 30%-40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.” He is calling for more autopsies of those who die shortly after getting injected to see if his numbers pan out. But Germany has thus far been reluctant to act. Meanwhile, the report of this highly respected pathologist and pro-vaccine doctor is being suppressed. (NOQ REPORT)

The only other autopsy to dat is in the medical journal (PMC) regarding an 80-year old patient: First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2

I don’t think this is a big conspiracy. In fact, the reasons why autopsies are not done that often is a combination of (a) the acceptance en masse of the change in death certificates by the CDC in April of last year as well as (b) a financial interest:

  • Unfortunately, autopsy rates have fallen from 25% to less than 5% over the past four decades. It never was a revenue producer for anyone except malpractice attorneys (WND).

Related as well to the already noted article about hospitals postponing elective surgeries via the Long Beach Business Journal is this detailed article by way of Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (Penn LDI)

  • Hospitals lost more than $20 billion in revenue when the pandemic led to an unprecedented nationwide shutdown in elective surgical procedures from March to May 2020.

ALL THAT BEING SAID, statements about the health of the vaccines compared to other categories in any meaningful way is still out of reach of “firm statements.” One anecdotal example seems to be a good fit here:

A Minnesota woman who contracted COVID-19 after getting vaccinated had to have both of her legs amputated, and will soon have her hands amputated as well.

Jummai Nache, a medical assistant from Minneapolis, received the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on February 1.

A few days later on February 6, her husband, Philip, took her to urgent care after she felt chest pains. 

A day later, she tested positive for COVID-19, and her condition quickly deteriorated, leading to hospitalization and eventual amputation.


He said that his wife suffered from an arterial blood clot, respiratory disease, cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease), anemia, ischemia and multiple inflammatory syndrome (MIS) – a condition where multiple organs in the body become inflamed….


Again, these blood clots have been an issue for many of these vaccines. The “experts” say it is rare, but as I have pointed out, they cannot make statements like “4 in 1 million people experience cerebral venous thrombosis after getting the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, versus 5 in 1 million people for the AstraZeneca vaccine” (source) — because people who have died have not been properly examined. Again, when properly examined….

  • Dr. Schirmacher performed autopsies on 40 people who had died within two weeks of receiving a Covid jab. Of those, 30%-40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.”

… the rates may be higher.

A site doing a decent job in cataloging the detrimental impact of these vaccines on people’s lives can be found at 1000 COVID STORIES. Here is one example from the site:

These will not make it into Doc Sarfati’s “hopper,” because like that Daily Mail story noted: “The agency [the CDC] could not determine whether the vaccine played a role in her condition.” And so… many cases are rejected or not even determined/found. So when people state as “fact” the following:

“And the death toll for fully vaccinated people is only one in a million, compared to ~20,000 deaths per million C19 cases,”


If the vaccine was “as bad” as conspiratorial websites say it is, he said, “we should be seeing millions of people dropping like flies, but we don’t even see the thousands of people.”


“The virus is at least 1,000 times more dangerous than the vaccine,”

These statements [in my estimation] cannot be said with the built in ASSURITY that they seem to posses.

Another example from the article is when he states: “When individuals are fully vaccinated, he wrote, ‘people are 94% less likely’ to have COVID-19.” Early in July Israel dropped the effectiveness of the Pfzier Vaccine from the mid-ninety-percent effectiveness to 64%. Then 2-weeks later they dropped it to 40%…

  • Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry. (CNBC)

All this may or may not be true… what I do know is that since March of 2020, I have noticed an acceptance without question of numbers and stats that I find incredible. Or if questioned, relegated to conspiracies or wackiness, connecting those who question THESE vaccines as “anti-vaxxers,” which I most assuredly am not!


  • Not very good, That 1000 times factor was based on the burst size of the virus. Since March and millions of people vaccinated, the data show that it’s in the right ball park. E.g. compare the worst estimates of vacine deaths with the most optimistic for Rona survival, and the factor is several hundred at least.

Covid and Vaccine Updates and News Stories

This is Dr. Dan Stock addressing the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools. (Hat-tip to HANCOCK COUNTY PATRIOTS)

so conversation on my Facebook and some early early morning reading is what follows. The first portion is via my RPT FACEBOOK and some honest dialogue follows my descriptor to the above video:

Facebook Convo

(OP – Original Post) Good presentation. This rant is not related to the video, but I was thinking about this today. Whenever there is a bad flu year, we always deal with the variants in years to come, and, typically they aren’t as deadly. Like Delta. So deaths, and hospitalization are typically lower than the Alpha strain. So tent triages and the like were set up for the 2017-2018 flu season — (the CDC estimates that between 46,000 and 95,000 Americans died due to influenza during the 2017-18 flu season. This resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and a middle-ground of 61,099 deaths) and the subsequent variants were less deadly, but they are still floating around. But this seasons Delta Variant is less of a bugger than 2017-18, maybe even the 2012-2013 flu season — (56,000 deaths is the CDC estimate. 571,000 influenza-related hospitalizations). But people still want to live in fear, rather than live. Its sad.

(KRIS W. — a thoughtfully minded conservative) This doctor was great! I hope you are right about the numbers. I refuse to live in fear.

(ME) Kris W., So, the Alpha Covid strain was here in September of 2019. So the Covid season “A” was 2019-2020. We are now in a 2020-2021 season. The numbers from this season need to be separated from the previous. I bet we are closer to bad seasons from previous years. And next year will be better. But like other flu strains, we will have Covid with us forever. (Flu shots are a hodgepodge mixture of various strains, and people who get it hope one of the many strains in the shot get close to the actual, and so lessons the symptoms if they get the flu. Same here. These Covid strains may be in a cocktail mix in the future.)

What follows is the same OP but on my personal FB:


(MIKE B. – a very liberal leftist dude) it’s a choice – this guy would have made a different choice if given the chance – WASHINTON POST

  • (RPT’S NOTE: I have heard audio and been given various links to this same story – ad infinitum. I heard it covered on talk radio before any of these libs were passing it around.)

(JOSHUA P. – A much smarter version of myself) I’ve known people who have died in car accidents. If they hadn’t been driving, they would have lived. Guess we should stop driving.

You might respond that this is different because the vaccine is safe, except I also know people who have gone to the hospital for complications after getting it, and we have people who have died locally after taking it, within days, from sudden unprecedented heart problems.

Everyone on earth is going to die. If you want to worship the precautionary principle as your god, you will still die. You’ll just live a miserable life before you do.
Nothing lowers reasoning capabilities like fear.

(ME) Mike B., Yep, it’s a choice, and the possibility of death by choice goes both ways. For instance, I referenced in one of my posts a young 28-year-old Staff Sergeant Deven Futch who had a massive heart attack at family day at Camp Pendleton. If he had not been so fit, and in a crowd that knew what to do and a federal fire department that rocks, he would have been dead. Now he is at the center of a very large study about the side-effects of the mRNA issues. But hey, force the military (my sons) to get it.

Also, while I know part of the reason for these numbers, here is a snag in the reasoning to get them:

The above was fact checked at BOOMLIVE. But the fact check didn’t necessarily disprove the Tweet (now gone but still represented above).Here is the fact check…. and they note that boosters are needed — I think Israel is on their 4th or 5th booster. Here is part of the fact-check that effectively says the same thing:

Misleading Captions

The posts claim that Haviv says, “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated.” However, he does not utter these words in either the full or edited video.

He actually said, “Most of the elderly are vaccinated, most of the population is vaccinated, and that’s why around 90 percent, 85-90 percent of the patients hospitalised here are patients that were fully vaccinated.”

Health experts have pointed out that in places with high vaccination rates, it is expected that a high proportion of people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 have received the jab, as there is still a risk of breakthrough infections.

Furthermore, the posts make it appear Haviv is describing the COVID-19 vaccine situation generally, when in fact he is referring to his own hospital.

The posts claim he said that “85-90% of the hospitalisations are in fully vaccinated people” but omit the Hebrew word “etslenu”, which translates “at our place”.

In a similar way, the posts misquote Haviv as saying, “We are opening more and more COVID wards,” although he does not utter these words.

In the full version of the video, Haviv explains that a second unit opened for COVID-19 patients at his hospital was already full. He does not say that “more and more” Covid wards are opening, either at his hospital or elsewhere.

The final quote attributed to Haviv about the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines “fading” is missing context.

The posts claim he said, “The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out”.

In the full interview, he said in Hebrew, “Unfortunately, as we hear, the efficiency of the vaccines fades. That’s why I hope people will hear the call for the third vaccine and that the third vaccine will help.”

S-o-o-o Ditto

(MIKE B.) Sean G. [ME] those stats are crazy. Who is checking their accuracy. They say if you are vaccinated you are more likely to have a severe case. That just isn’t in the same zip code as truth

(ME)  Those stats are out of Israel who have the highest vaccinations out of almost all countries. And are on their third booster shots. Again:

“95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”.

“85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.”

(MIKE B.) Sean G. I can say locally Florida is on fire. And it is the anti-Vaxxers that are hospitalized. And I agree it is a choice

(ME)  Mike Baxter the response to this is similar to Israel… many are the elderly, and many of them have been vaccinated. So whether vaccinated or not, this virus is bad for older people.

Israel’s third booster is failing….

Same in Florida HOWEVER, since the normal seasons start in the 9th month (we are in the 2020-2021 season*), the pic of Covid deaths of Florida is probably way less than the flu seasons I speak of (the OP) in Florida, or similar.

(From Florida’s Health Dept)

* (This was a response on my RPT page to an ally who had a question on the same OP):

  • So, the Alpha Covid strain was here in September of 2019. So the Covid season “A” was 2019-2020. We are now in a 2020-2021 season. The numbers from this season need to be separated from the previous. I bet we are closer to bad seasons from previous years. And next year will be better. But like other flu strains, we will have Covid with us forever. (Flu shots are a hodgepodge mixture of various strains, and people who get it hope one of the many strains in the shot get close to the actual, and so lessons the symptoms if they get the flu. Same here. These Covid strains may be in a cocktail mix in the future.)

Articles & More

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Updated Aug. 6 with CDC analysis of Kentucky (unvaccinated Kentuckians had “2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with fully vaccinated) and national analysis in Israel (vaccinated Israelis were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection). More below.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) became one of the latest high-profile figures to get sick with Covid-19, even though he’s fully vaccinated. In a statement Monday, Graham said it feels like he has “the flu,” but is “certain” he would be worse if he hadn’t been vaccinated.

While it’s impossible to know whether that’s the case, public health officials are grappling with the reality of an increasing number of fully-vaccinated Americans coming down with Covid-19 infections, getting hospitalized, and even dying of Covid. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) insists vaccination is still the best course for every eligible American. But many are asking if they have better immunity after they’re infected with the virus and recover, than if they’re vaccinated.

Increasingly, the answer within the data appears to be ”yes.”….


THE BEAUTY OF VACCINES AND NATURAL IMMUNITY, By Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff

As scientists, we have been stunned and disheartened to witness many strange scientific claims made during this pandemic, often by scientists. None is more surprising than the false assertion made in the John Snow Memorandum – and signed by current CDC Director, Rochelle Wolensky – that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection.”

It is now well-established that natural immunity develops upon infection with SARS-CoV-2 in a manner analogous to other coronaviruses. While natural infection may not provide permanent infection-blocking immunity, it offers antidisease immunity against severe disease and death that is likely permanent.  Among the millions that have recovered from COVID19, exceedingly few have become sick again.

  • Propagated by the media, the idea that infection does not confer effective immunity has made its way into decisions by governments, public health agencies, and private institutions, harming pandemic health policy.  The central premise underlying these regulations is that only vaccines make a person clean. For instance:

  • The state of Oregon has instituted a discriminatory vaccine passport system that provides privileges to the vaccinated but treats recovered COVID patients like second-class citizens even though natural infection confers disease protection.

  • The European Union will be open to vaccinated tourists this June, but not to recovered COVID patients.

  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently amended their mask guidelines, no longer recommending masks outdoor for those vaccinated. However, those who are immune by natural infection are out of luck and must continue to wear masks.

  • Universities like Cornell and Stanford, which are supposed to be bastions of scientific knowledge, have mandated vaccines for students and faculty. Neither exempt people who are immune by dint of natural infection.

  • Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has stumbled. In the fall, they changed their definition of herd immunity to something achieved through vaccination rather than a combination of natural immunity and vaccines. Only after a public backlash did they change it back in January to reflect reality.


BOOST THE INSANITY: Before you even CONSIDER a third shot, please read this, by Alex Berenson

….The real-world data – from Israel, the United States, and everywhere else – are clear. Protection from infection fades within months even against the original coronavirus. It shrinks essentially to zero against the Delta variant (we can argue about time vs. variant effects, but the answer doesn’t matter in this context, either way the vaccines have stopped working).

For now, vaccine advocates are clinging to the hope that even if the vaccines do not protect against infection, they still provide some protection against more serious illness and death. I think the jury is still out on that question, but again it is largely irrelevant for this conversation – the Covid wards are filling in Israel, and most people in them are older and vaccinated. If the vaccines do offer any help after a few months against serious illness, it is far less than the 95-99 percent protection that advocates have claimed.

Thus the move for a third shot. And possibly more shots to come.

But please – please! – understand how radical a move this is…..

SOME ACTUAL NEWS: About Moderna adverse event reports, by Alex Berenson

Covid vaccine maker Moderna received 300,000 reports of side effects after vaccinations over a three-month period following the launch of its shot, according to an internal report from a company that helps Moderna manage the reports.

That figure is far higher than the number of side effect reports about Moderna’s vaccine publicly available in the federal system that tracks such adverse events.

Vaccine manufacturers like Moderna are legally required to forward all side effect reports they receive to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, where they are made public each week.

Run by the Centers for Disease Control and Food & Drug Administration, the VAERS system is crucial to tracking potential problems with vaccines. It helped scientists determine the Covid vaccines may cause heart problems in young adults.

The reason for the gap is not clear. Moderna may simply still be processing the reports, though the number of reports about Moderna’s vaccine in VAERS from the first half of 2021 remained almost flat this week.

Moderna and IQVIA, the company that works with Moderna to handle the reports, did not return emails for comment.


The 300,000 figure comes from an internal update provided to employees by IQVIA, a little-known but enormous company that helps drugmakers manage clinical trials. Headquartered in North Carolina, IQVIA has 74,000 employees worldwide and had $11 billion in sales last year.

Earlier this week, Richard Staub, the president of IQVIA’s Research & Development Solutions division, sent a “Q2 2021 update” which was labeled “Confidential – For internal distribution only.”…..

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BIRTHDAY VS. BIKERS: Elites display double standard over Obama bash, motorcycle event, JUST THE NEWS

While Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed fears Sturgis Motorcycle Rally would be Delta variant “superspreader event,” N.Y. Times reporter soft-pedaled risk of viral spread by “sophisticated, vaccinated crowd” celebrating liberal icon on Martha’s Vineyard.


 While Stephen Colbert of CBS’ “The Late Show” is advocating that Americans be excluded from participating in society without a vaccination card, he has also remained silent about Obama’s apparently maskless party. 

Colbert “is a total hypocrite,” tweeted former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell. “And Democrat Party apologist. Did Obama’s party have vaccination card requirements for guests, Stephen?”

While some have argued that those in attendance had to confirm they received the COVID-19 shots, political commentator Candice Owens claimed she can confirm at least two attendees who were there who have not received them and that attendees were not required to be vaccinated to attend. Obama’s office has not released a statement on the vaccination status of the attendees. 

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser,  targeted motorcyclists convening in Sturgis, S.D., without saying a word about Obama’s party. 

Fauci said he was concerned about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally becoming a “superspreader event” of the so-called Delta variant. 

“Well I’m very concerned that we’re going to see another surge related to that rally,” said Fauci. “I mean, to me it’s understandable that people want to do the kinds of things they want to do. They want their freedom to do that, but there comes a time when you’re dealing with a public health crisis that could involve you, your family and everyone else, that something supersedes that need to do exactly what you want to do.”

The CDC, meanwhile, has not explained its testing methodology, even as critics have pointed out that tests to determine variants are not available on a national scale, making it difficult to determine if someone who tests positive for the coronavirus has a variant or not.  

New York Times White House correspondent Annie Karni defended Obama’s party. She told CNN the reaction to the party “has really been overblown, they’re following all the safety precautions, people are going to sporting events that are bigger than this, this is going to be safe, this is a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd and this is just about optics it’s not about safety.”

California attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon mocked Karni’s remarks, saying, “Of course viruses don’t attack sophisticated people.”….

(Also: Den Rep. Rashida Tlaib Blasts Rand Paul For Resisting Mask Mandate…. Promptly Seen Dancing Maskless At Indoor Wedding…)

Pediatrician: Don’t ‘Facemask’ Your Child: Medical science proves a face mask can be harmful for children, AMERICAN SPECTATOR

….Good doctors do not base medical decisions on passionate rhetoric or flawed logic, and especially not on political ideology. They make recommendations based on medical information confirmed by rigorous, statistically robust, apolitical scientific study. There is an abundance of evidence regarding children and COVID, confirming that masks are not helpful and can in fact be harmful.

A randomized controlled study of mask protection was performed in Denmark during April-May 2020 and published after critical peer-review in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Researchers concluded that mask wearing “did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate.” No similarly rigorous study has been reported showing that masks do protect. Nonetheless, the U.S. government has repeatedly mandated mask wearing, including for children.

There is abundant evidence that masks do not prevent COVID infection in children. “Reported face mask use . . . [in child athletes] . . . did not have a significant relationship with COVID-19 incidence,” one study of Wisconsin high school athletes found. A July 2020 review by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine similarly found no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks against virus infection or transmission. Studies in Florida, Massachusetts and New York schools as well as schools in Sweden, “do not find any correlations with mask mandates.”

The medical risk of COVID infection in children has been greatly exaggerated. Without a serious pre-existing condition such as leukemia or kidney failure, the mortality rate among children with COVID is zero. A very large study from Germany concluded that children “act as a brake” on COVID spread. Other studies show that children have strong natural immunity to COVID, have better outcomes than adults when hospitalized, and spread the virus less than adults.

Researchers recently reported in Cell Reports-Medicine, Vol. 2, Is. 7, July 20, 2021, that, “Most recovered COVID-19 patients mount broad, durable immunity after infection,” including both persisting antibodies as well as memory B and T cells. Simply put, after being infected, most people have strong naturally acquired protection against COVID for all variants. 

Masking children is worse than non-protective: it is harmful, both medically and socially. In a small, uncontrolled study in Gainesville, Florida, of masks worn by children, 11 dangerous (non-COVID) pathogens were found, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis (causes tuberculosis), Neisseria meningitidis (meningitis), Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease), and Escherichia coli (severe diarrhea), amongst others. It is shocking that a study of potential medical danger from face masks was not done by the CDC, NIH, or any government agency. This study was performed and paid for by the parents of the children in the study.

In addition to the lack of protection and the medical harm of masking children, there are other adverse effects such as impaired learning. Social psychologists tell us that body language, especially the face, is more communicative than verbal.

“Suck my wheel?!” is an oft-used expression in bicycle racing. When said with a smile, it is an offer of assistance allowing the person behind to draft the one in front. When said with an angry, threatening face, it dares the person behind to try to draft. Same words but totally different meanings depending on facial expression.

When we cover the faces of our children and their teachers, we impede communication and kids’ ability to learnMental health has clearly deteriorated from mandatory social isolation. Illicit drug usage is up. Suicides have increased, especially in teenagers.

Despite all the evidence above, and citing no evidence of its own, the CDC urged parents, “Children 2 years or older should wear masks in public indoor settings, including schools.” This official medical advisory was released in peer-reviewed, medically authoritative, nonpartisan news outlet, Twitter.

Medical science proves that a face mask on a child is not protective, and worse, a face mask is harmful.  

No parent would intentionally “facemask” a child. However, a parent who blindly follows federal, state, or local anti-scientific mandates to mask up our children is doing just that!….

Most important in this post is this, WHERE CAN I GET Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS has a consultation sign up HERE! See also FLCCC ALLIANCE (Click Pic)

Is The Delta Variant Bad? Should We Mask Up For It?


This is a comment by a close friend…

….and while this is using her comment, it is not being used to zero in on her — it is merely indicative of a wider position held by many. It is a raw expression of ultimately the failure of leadership in various levels of our government (federal, state, and local). Not giving us the real info, stirring people up by fear that is not warranted in order to cover-up administrative failures.

It is almost comical, but the next “we are all gonna die” moment is already here… Delta is soo last week, cue hysteria:

It’s a never ending political power-grab opportunity.

First however, a quote to set the mood:

  • “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – CS Lewis, God in the Dock.

So, let us first deal with the real numbers and why the individual should be concerned about themselves — coming from a person who got the J&J, but who’s wife refuses to get the jab.

(Graphic and more found at RIGHT SCOOP)


Ben Shapiro has been hitting these out of the park! Here is a good-sized excerpt of him speaking “truth to power-grabs.” (A truncated one also at his site is worth watching and passing on — also, the Fuller Show)

One of the most important aspects of this is that the Delta Variant is LESS DEADLY than the original variants. Here is Rand Paul to kick off the next part:

  • “So, the Delta variant is more transmissible but less deadly,” Sen. Paul said. “But if you say that, Facebook will take you down; they’ll chastise you, take away your birthday, and say you’re spreading mistruth. But it’s absolutely factual.”

Yes, it is waaay less deadly! Here are some UK stats via an excellent post over at PJ-MEDIA: (all graphs to follow are enlargeable on clicking):







And of course, common sense tells you that the Biden Admin knows it’s full  of crap:

  • If New COVID-19 Variants Need to Be Taken Very Seriously, Why Isn’t Biden Closing the Border? (PJ-MEDIA)

Here is a recent story about another case most likely linked to an mRNA vaccine:


Here is a recent story of a drill Sgt. who is now rumored to be part of a large study on the possible effects of the mRNA vaccines — why? — because he was said to be a couple of weeks past his 2nd shot. Here is his story via Deven Strong’s “PERSONAL BLOG” on Facebook:

(June 29th) On Wednesday June 23rd around noon, Staff Sergeant Deven Futch had a major heart attack affecting his major artery. He just finished a big run at work for Family Day. He was down for 52 minutes before they were finally able to find a light pulse on him. He was rushed back where they found his main artery was 100% blocked. They Inserted a stint in his heart to clear the blockage and placed him on the respirator.

Deven was transported that day to a bigger hospital that specializes in Cardiology. He was placed on life support a machine called ECMO that pumps and oxygenates his blood outside the body, allowing the heart and lungs to rest and placed on a lot of meds. He was also placed on dialysis because his kidneys also took a big hit.

On June 26th Deven had a small seizure they sent him for a CT scan that showed slight brain swelling, and fluid in his lungs. Dr’s suspected this with his condition. He also has broken ribs and collapse lungs from the prolong CPR. They placed him on seizure meds and neurology watched very closely.

On June 27th they eased up on Devens sedation medicine and he was able to follow the DR’s commands. I was able to let him know I was not going to leave his side and he nodded his head at me. I walked away for a moment to go to the cafe to grab a coffee and Deven Took it upon himself to pull out his breathing tube while tied up. When his Nurse looked at him and asked why he did that, he gave a little Grin. That’s our Deven lol We watched closely to monitor Devens breathing, his lungs still need more time to heal. He did pretty good for about an hour until his oxygen levels were dropping and he was struggling to breath. After talking with the Drs and seeing things differently we could do we finally told Deven the best thing would be to sedate him for a couple more days and place another breathing tube in. He tried so hard to push through to be able to stay awake with us, but finally agreed to another breathing tube. I asked if he wanted me to stay and he shook his head yes, I stayed by his side while they inserted another breathing tube and he said he loved me and blew me a kiss.

His parents and I were able to talk to him and let him know how much we love him. He understood where he was at and what happened. We let him know how much love and support he has and he needs to continue to fight for his beautiful children.

Today on June 29th he will have a procedure to remove him from life support the ECMO machine. We ask for prayers for our sweet Deven and ask that God watches over the Dr’s and Nurses while they do their job and work on him.

We are all so greatful for his Marine friends starting CPR as soon as they did and acted the way they did because of them and the good CPR that he got he is where he is right now!! He is here able to still fight. Deven is strong ?? I know he will get through this. He’s Deven Strong.

He is recovering, and his family has time to spend with their husband/father.


(UPDATED 8-4-2021) This comes by way of REASON.COM discussing a recent study on masks:

The research has not yet been peer-reviewed, and may still prove to be flawed. But it does line up with some other data points on mask mandates. For instance, Texas saw no case spike when it lifted its mandate in early March. And an April 2021 analysis saw states with stricter rules about face coverings and indoor dining faring worse than states that did not.

This goes against many people’s assumptions—including those of this study’s authors.

Contrary to our hypothesis, early mandates were not associated with lower minimum case growth. Maximum case growth was the same among states with early, late, and no mandates. This indicates that mask mandates were not predictive of slower COVID-19 spread when community transmission rates were low or high.

We wondered if mask mandates were associated with smaller or slower surges in case growth. Differences between minimum and maximum case growth were similar among early, late, and no mandate states, and surges from minimum to maximum growth occurred at similar rates. These findings suggest that mask mandates are not predictive of smaller or slower shifts from low to high case growth.

The authors also “speculated that statewide mask use, rather than mask mandates per se, may predict COVID-19 case growth.” This hypothesis fared slightly better, but still didn’t hold up for situations when case growth was high.

“Data suggest that mask use is a poor predicter of COVID-19 growth at the state level,” they conclude. “Our findings do not support the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates decrease with greater public mask use.”

Most important in this post is this, WHERE CAN I GET Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS has a consultation sign up HERE! See also FLCCC ALLIANCE (Click Pic)