A Couple of Musings from Today….

… so I drive for a living [essentially], and in heavy traffic — typically the 405 or 134 freeways — I get to pop in on FB. I also listen to Larry Elder and Dennis Prager (and Armstrong and Getty). At any rate, this was posted by a friend:


So I merely supported the OP by the following:

Voting with ID is not racist. In fact, to demean the intelligence of the Black community [they are too dumb or poor to get ID] IS more bigoted than asking for ID

The Obama administration gave tax payer $$ to South Africa for the purpose of insuring election integrity. How? By pushin for voter ID.

Is Obama Jim Eagle?

EDITED ADDITION: fleshing the idiotic Leftist thinking further…. was Obama’s white half using the top 1%’s taxes — you know, the greedy white supremacists that pay 40% of all income tax [how the Left looks at it] — to ensure the obfuscation/obstruction of the black vote in South Africa??

I wonder.



And Larry Elder has been playing some audio from Sen. Kennedy (John Neely Kennedy), here is the recent audio I heard:

And here is FOX’s Chris Wallace noting Sen. Kennedy’s humor:

For the life of me I was trying to place the voice… I was thinking Green Acres. Bingo! Time at Grandma’s being watched [plopped in front of the boob-tube]. As soon as I played his character from Green Acres — Mr. Hanly, my wife immediately said “he was the old hound dog in Fox and the Hound.” So here are some comparison videos [really listening to the similarity].

The Best of Mr. Haney

Pat Buttram tribute (Disney’s Robin Hood / Aristocats / Fox and the Hound / Roger Rabbit)

Filibuster Hypocrisy: Biden Supported It, Harris Led It, Dems Used It

DAVID HARRIS JR. expands on the facts mentioned above in the video:

According to the Democrats, anyone who uses the filibuster is a racist, If that is true then Democrats in the Senate. Last year alone the Democrats used the filibuster over 300 times. The KKK did not block anything. That must mean that the Democrats are much worse than KKK. I’m just kidding.

The reason that Democrats used the filibuster over 300 times is their ideology, not their racism.

Now, the Democrats want to kill the filibuster so that they will have a dictatorship in order to control the masses. The Democrats claim that slave owners were the people responsible for the filibuster.

But, that s a lie.

The filibuster was put in place in 1806, 55 years before the civil war. Slavery was the law of the land them. There was no need to put the filibuster in place due to slavery.

The filibuster is the only thing standing in the way for the Democrats to have total control of the government. That should scare you and it is a dangerous thing for them. What happens when the Republicans take control with no filibuster?  They could make crossing our border a felony and anyone who aids them could be tried for aiding and abetting the illegal aliens. They could cut all funding for Planned Parenthood and other budget items.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Democrats used filibuster 327 times, compared to only once by GOP in 2020: Report

President Joe Biden has been increasingly critical of the Senate filibuster, calling it a Jim Crow relic and saying it has been widely abused despite Democrats using it over 300 times in 2020, compared to once by Republicans.

    • “After @POTUS @JoeBiden denounced the rampant abuse of the filibuster last year, we did some digging,” Fox News anchor John Roberts tweeted Friday. “Republicans used it once. Democrats used it 327 times.”

Remember when Kamala Harris said she would get rid of the filibuster to pass AOC’s socialist, job-killing Green New Deal. (See more at DAILY CALLER)


Harris said, “Here’s the thing. first of all, let me tell you, I think about this issue about this, my nieces are one-and-a-half and three-years old. When I look at those babies, and I think about what the world will be like in 20 years if we don’t act. I’m really afraid. And as it relates to those Republicans in Congress where I’ve now been for two and a half years, every one of those members needs to look at the babies, the grand babies in their life and then look in the mirror and ask themselves why have they failed to act?”

She continued, “On the issue of this climate crisis, I strongly believe this is a fight against powerful interests. and leaders need to lead. So lead, follow, or get out of the way. Get out of the way starting with Donald Trump. So yeah we need to work across the aisle. I’m going to tell you, I’ve been there two years and some months. I see no evidence of it. I kid you guys not. In the United States Congress, I was part of a committee hearing during which the underlying premise of the hearing was to debate whether science should be the basis of public policy. This on a matter that is about an existential threat to who we are as human beings.”

She added, “So again back to the United States Congress, here’s my point. if they fail to act as president of the United States, I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham On Trump Declassifying

(Hat-Tip to WEASEL ZIPPERS): Looking at you, John Brennan and James Clapper.

Via Fox News:

President Trump has authorized Attorney General Bill Barr to declassify all materials related to the Russia investigation, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is giving his full support.

Graham said that while Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was “not a witch hunt” like Trump has claimed, he wants to know exactly how and why it began, and expressed suspicion for those who do not support Trump’s decision to release the relevant documents.

“The people who are worried about this are worried about being exposed for taking the law in their own hands,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Graham was referring to the process the FBI used in applying for a FISA warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Republicans have claimed that the FBI improperly relied on and misrepresented information from Christopher Steele’s unverified Russia dossier. Democrats have downplayed the role the dossier may have played in the process.

President Trump gave Barr the authority to declassify the relevant material in a memo Thursday night. A statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the president “directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the attorney general’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 presidential election.”….

Sunday Shows: State of Emergency, Bill Barr, Soft Coup, and More



Representative John Ratcliffe appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the DOJ and FBI ‘soft coup’ attempt headed by Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

Ratcliffe also discusses the outlook with newly confirmed Attorney General William Barr and what actions he hopes AG Barr will take in the wake of mounting evidence that Andrew McCabe, James Baker, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and former Acting AG Sally Yates were coordinating an effort to remove President Donald Trump.

And Rush Limbaugh opines on similar topics this Sunday (CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE):

FOX NEWS Pundits On FISA Memo

Chris Wallace lays out some revealing info at 15:55 to 2:31… and Peter Strzok was the guy who started this. Ahhhh. ‘Fox News Sunday’ anchor Chris Wallace comments on release of GOP memo on alleged surveillance abuses.

Neil Cavuto, former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker and former Justice Department official Robert Driscoll weigh in on Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) comments on the release of the FISA memo and how the memo impacts the FBI.

Tic-Toc — more coming!

Jay Sekulow, lawyer for President Trump reacts on ‘Hannity’ to information released in declassified FISA memo.

Laura Ingraham, from the moment he came down that shiny escalator in Trump Tower, Donald Trump represented an existential threat to the DC Swamp.

The Five, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence releases memo alleging bias in the investigation of the Trump campaign.

The ‘Special Report’ All-Star panel weighs in.

Tucker Carlson, controversial GOP memo states discredited Russia dossier was key to FBI’s FISA warrant to surveil members of Trump’s team.

Trump’s Media Inspired Green-Card Mayhem

Larry Elder pours over the Sunday shows and by doing so shows the green-Card issue is at worst a misunderstanding [purposefully or innocent] on the Press’ part – at best poorly communicated through proper channels via the Trump administration. What is clear however is that nothing in the bill itself requires the conclusions by the Left and the media. Here David French makes the point:

✦ The plain language of the order doesn’t apply to legal permanent residents of the U.S., and green-card holders have been through round after round of vetting and security checks. The administration should intervene, immediately, to stop misapplication. (National Review)

I include in this long audio/video Mark Levin’s impersonation of John McCain.

Are Democrats Turning Into A Municipal Party?

SAME-OL-SAME-OL. Pelosi was reelected as leader, serious consideration for Keith Ellison DNC Chair (a racist/segregationist and cult member – see also: “Louis Farrakhan’s First Congressman” and “The Ellison Elision.”), and the “head-bobbing – womansplainingPocahontas speaking down to all Americans (she is the 2020 choice so far of the Bernie people). We will win more ground in 2020 at this rate… IF, “the Donald” doesn’t effe it up.

— Must Listen to the Previous Panel Discussion —

A trifecta is when a Party controls both state houses AND the governorship. Here is the post-2016 map to show states that have this:

I think this is a good indicator that the general public is rejecting the PC, gender-politics and tendency to label every thing as sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted (S.I.X.H.I.R.B.). Hillary even saying all white people are essentially racist, supporting anti-Semitic groups like Black Lives Matter, allowing men into women’s bathrooms with parents daughters, etc.

And so each election season something is happening across our nation:

Pre-2016 Trifecta Pre-2014 Trifecta
Pre-2012 Trifecta Pre-2010 Trifecta

I love these maps. It was something I was made aware of (trifectas) by Michael Medved and his statistician historical mind back in 2010. But I haven’t really kept up on it… till this Victor Davis Hanson article, from which I include an extended excerpt:

…In contrast, the Democratic Party is torn and rent. Barack Obama entered office in 2009 with both houses of Congress, two likely Supreme Court picks, and the good will of the nation. By 2010 he had lost the House; by 2012, the Senate. And by 2016, Obama had ensured that his would-be successor could not win by running on his platform.

A failed health care law, non-existent economic growth, serial zero interest rates, near record labor non-participation rates, $20 trillion in national debt, a Middle East in ruins, failed reset and redlines, and the Iran deal were albatrosses around Democratic Party’s neck. Obama divided the country with the apology tour, the Cairo Speech, the beer summit, the rhetoric of disparagement (“you didn’t build that,” “punish our enemies,” etc.), the encouragement of the Black Lives Matter movement, and a series of anti-Constitutional executive orders.

In other words, even as Obama left the Democrats with ideological and political detritus, he also had established an electoral calculus built on his own transformative identity that neither had coattails nor was transferrable to other candidates. Indeed, his hard-left positions on redistribution, social issues, sanctuary cities, amnesty, foreign policy, and spending would likely doom candidates other than himself who embraced them.

The Bernie Sanders candidacy was the natural response, on the left, to Obama’s ideological presidency. But the cranky socialist septuagenarian mesmerized primary voters on platitudes that would have proven disastrous in a general election—before meekly whining about Clinton sabotage and then endorsing the ticket. What then has the Democratic Party become other than a hard left and elite progressive force, which without Obama’s personal appeal to bloc-voting minorities, resonates with only about 40 percent of the country?

The Democratic Party is now neither a centrist nor a coalition party. Instead, it finds itself at a dead-end: had Hillary Clinton emulated her husband’s pragmatic politics of the 1990s, she would have never won the nomination—even though she would have had a far better chance of winning the general election.

Wikileaks reminded us that the party is run by rich, snobbish, and often ethically bankrupt grandees. In John Podesta’s world, it’s normal and acceptable for Democratic apparatchiks to talk about their stock portfolios and name-drop the Hamptons, while making cruel asides about “needy” Latinos, medieval Catholics, and African-Americans with silly names—who are nonetheless expected to keep them in power. Such paradoxes are not sustainable. Nor is the liberal nexus of colluding journalists, compromised lobbyists, narcissistic Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, family dynasties, and Clintonian get-rich ethics.

The old blue-collar middle class was bewildered by the leftwing social agenda in which gay marriage, women in combat units, and transgendered restrooms went from possible to mandatory party positions in an eye blink. In a party in which “white privilege” was pro forma disparagement, those who were both white and without it grew furious that the elites with such privilege massaged the allegation to provide cover for their own entitlement.

In the aftermath of defeat, where goes the Democratic Party?

It is now a municipal party. It has no real power over the federal government or state houses….

Here is the map of Republican Governors:

As the liberal agenda becomes more brash and evident, I am seeing a slow change in demographics. Which is great in many respects.

Gabriel Gomez (R) Humorously Responds to Chris Wallace

Video Description:

Former Navy SEAL Gabriel Gomez(R), is running in a special election in Massachusetts to replace John Kerry in the Senate next Tuesday. In an interview by Chris Wallace, Mr. Gomez had a funny quip in response to a challenge by Chris. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk). Here is a cartoon related to Mr. Gomez: http://i41.tinypic.com/2r5rhgi.jpg

`I wish to God she [the Principle] would have had an M4 in her office locked up-and didn’t have to lunge heroically with nothing in her hands` ~ Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)

There was time for her to get it out and save lives (of some other staff member):

…Hochsprung’s husband, George, told CNN: “There were gunshots. Somebody shot the window. Somebody came in, into the — not into the office, but into the building, the foyer of the building. And Dawn told us to go hide,” George said the teachers told him.

Hochsprung “and at least one other teacher went out and actually tried to subdue the killer. I don’t know where that comes from. Dawn was 5’2,” he continued, sitting surrounded by his three daughters from a previous marriage and one of Dawn’s two daughters from her previous marriage.

“Dawn put herself in jeopardy. And I have been angry about that. Angry. Until just now, when I met two women that she told to go under shelter while she actually confronted the gunman,” George recounted.

“She could have avoided that. And she didn’t. I knew she wouldn’t. So, I’m not angry anymore. I’m not angry. I’m not angry at anyone. I’m not angry,” he repeated as if hoping she would hear him, adding in a small voice, “I’m just very sad.”…

…read more…