Here is more from POLITISTICK:
Here is a portion of that WASHINGTON EXAMINER article Prager is reading from:
I grabbed this story from the Little Rock Tea Party Facebook group:
Dee, the woman who posted the link to the story, said this:
I SAY that I am happy that we shouldn’t see anymore of this by our Commander and Chief (BREITBART and my post –RPT– are the source for the text below):
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement says it’s fighting for Palestinian rights, but it’s really just trying to destroy Israel. Jonathan Sacks, author and former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, explains how.
The teen arrested in Israel, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, may be behind the 1,000 threats. Also, in a previous story another unlikely character was behind a few of them as well. When I say unlikely, I mean the press was thinking some White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) was behind these threats… emboldened by Trump’s “obvious” Antisemitism.
“They [the Left] live off of fake news!” ~ Dennis Prager.
First, a great article in the Atlantic Monthly can be found here: “The Dangers of Blaming Trump for Anti-Semitism“; and a decent read at HotAir can be found here: “How the media treated those Jewish community center bomb threats.” Here is an example of a CNN headline: “More bomb threats target Jewish community. Trump finally responds.” Ooops, with many of the nation’s media complexes (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc., and the MANY newspapers across our nation) relating the release of anti-Semitism with the Trump election… Hinting that the right’s hate is being publically being unleashed due to Trump’s election.
The first guy found to be behind a dozen or so of the threats to Jewish Centers was a black Leftist fanboy of Bernie Sanders. Now, a majority of these threats are linked back to a Jewish-American 18-year old with a brain tumor living in Israel.
In other words, this is yet another HATE-HOAX that the major media tried to pin on the right. There are hundreds of these, and almost always they pan out the opposite of how MOST Americans have news packaged to them. THE NARRATIVE as Bill Whittle rightly notes it.
Why wasn’t the same concern given to the attendance for twenty-years that Obama went to a church that celebrated black nationalism [racism] and sold sermons by and openly celebrated a UFO cult leader (and cop killer), Louis Farrakhan, that teaches the white ethnicity was created on the island of Cyprus over 6,000 years ago and that black “gods” in UFO’s will come to earth to kill the white man (UFO Sermon), and that they (the black man) are the only true Jews?
Books like the following were sold in the church’s bookstore:
✦ “The goal of black theology is the destruction of everything white, so that blacks can be liberated from alien gods” ~ James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.62
✦ “White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality” ~ James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.64
(For comparison: “The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf)
And addressing Antisemitism and the “dark vein of racism” is, all-of-a-sudden NOW a big concern for the media?
Just a couple stories to set the “record” straight (really #fakenews). While there are some credible vandalism, like in the Philadelphia cemetery (CNN), what hasn’t been shown is that they were done by anti-Semites. Or if they were by them, if they were Arab or not. In other words, as ours and other Western nations are letting in many Muslims from North Africa and the Middle-East… you will see more of this hatred directed towards Jews. ALSO note that what the media has not trumpeted as loud is the vandalism of a CATHOLIC cemetery as well in Philadelphia. T-h-a-t doesn’t fit the narrative against Trump… since straight white Protestant males are the spawn of the devil.
This seems like it is done by people who hate the Judeo-Christian worldview (like their professors), or may be drunk kids, or maybe Muslims from a Jewish and Christian hating culture, or may be religiously motivated by the occult… WHO KNOWS. At least CNN included this quote from someone they interviewed: “Maybe we’ll never know if this was an anti-Semitic act, but it’s a desecration of a holy site.”
Part of the “rising tide of anti-Semitism” Trump is apparently inspiring is exemplified by threats against Jewish Centers. One St. Louis man was arrested for making several threats against Jewish Community Centers in the United States.
So did this man fit the profile of a racist Trump voter emboldened to express his hatred publicly?
That fine looking gentleman to the right is a far-Leftist (communist), Bernie Sanders supporting, black man who was pissed at his ex-old-lady.
Another failed narrative is Jewish graveyard vandalism as somehow connected to Donald Trump’s election. Again, while some may be racially motivated, I would make a guess that some of it as well may be motivated by Islam. Or committed by some asshole teens bored and drunk. At any rate, here is an example of the narrative by Democrat leader, Chuck Schumer:
Unfortunately for good ol’ Chuckie Schumer, the NYPD got involved… (H-T Moonbattery)…
So this example used by Chuck Schumer was nothing of the sort.
The only other cemetery story I could find where there have been some arrests is in a case from Indiana… but it is unclear what their political affiliation was, if they were truly anti-Semitic, or what was the final motivation. I called and spoke with someone from the newsroom of this smaller newspaper… and asked this (roughly):
The person responding called back and said this was just a bunch of dumb, bored young people with no known motive as of yet — other that social retardation (*my words*).
This could be just as much a hate-crime against the Judeo-Christian viewpoint or worldview — like in almost all the humanities classes in higher education. The headline, “UPDATE: Arrests made in anti-Semitic gravestone vandalism in Scottsburg,” seems a bit misleading to me and is named this maybe to try and grab the readers attention, not report the news. I wonder why only the Jewish cemetery stone is noted in most of the stories… but is James Hart a Christian? Why isn’t this an example of Christophobia, or a prime example of a theophobic hate crime? Anti-Judeo-Christian hate? There are plenty of crosses desecrated — probably weekly, across our nation.
As many of these stories as there are… I think the majority of them do not fit the narrative the mainstream media is trying to pawn off on us.
YES, there is a rise of threats against our Jewish bretheren… but most of this — I suspect — will have other sources than the ones the media is trying to get us to believe — i.e., emboldened Trump supporters. But never did I see a national outcry like this for the following story:
Remember, many of these “hate-crimes” end up not being hate-crimes at all, and have a more “innocent” explanation. But politics is the driver in this news cycle.
What’s holding the Arab world back? Why, by nearly every measure, are Muslim nations so far behind the West economically, culturally and scientifically? Bret Stephens, Global View columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains.
See my LARGE POST on the topic of Israel…
JIHAD WATCH notes this about the above video:
The WASHINGTON TIMES notes this anti–Semitism at the Games:
NEWSBUSTERS reports on the issue:
In this audio from late in December 2016, Ben Shapiro on the “Morning Answer” discusses the United States abstention in the vote against Israel in the United Nations. He notes Obama’s history — along with the rest of the crew — of disliking the Judeo-Christian freedoms in this country. A good clip to remember by Ben.
Here are a couple articles by Ben:
➤ A Complete Timeline of Obama’s Anti-Israel Hatred || March 2015;
➤ Happy Chanukah, From Obama: Obama-Backed UN Resolution Says Temple Mount Isn’t Jewish || December 2016;
➤ Obama Despises Israel Because He Despises the West || December 2016.
See other Prager University insights:
The officials said that business with the embassies of those countries — Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal and New Zealand — will be suspended… (CNN)
Here is an excellent article by GATESTONE on the issue of the United Nations trying to undermine the Judeo-Christian West:
Larry Elder interviews Joel about the charges of white nationalism and anti-Semitism stemming almost entirely from left leaning media, radical Marxist orgs (like MoveOn.org), and all the people that get their news from them and John Oliver. In a very recent article (besides all the Jews that came out to defend Bannon) a Muslim conservative notes how Bannon flew to the UK to get him to come write for Breitbart: “Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’.” Yep, a white nationalist/anti-Semite for sure.
Remember, Horowitz is one of the people to “prove” Bannon’s anti-Semitism.
The discussion does not stay exclusively on Bannon, but it stays close to the broader issue. David Horowitz has apparently written a seventh book in his series.