Dennis Prager Exemplifies How Leftist Thinking Muddles the Mind

(This was originally posted May 27th, 2010)

Here is the Tavis Smiley video (thanks HOTAIR for the h/t):

  • (Description from YouTube Channel) Via Hengler, this seems so off-the-grid stupid that it makes me paranoid that I’m misunderstanding it. Hirsi Ali’s talking about jihad here, i.e. religiously-motivated murder by Muslims, and his comeback is that, well, Christians kill people too. In fact, in America, many more Christians commit murder than Muslims do. Which is no doubt true since the ratio of the former to the latter is, um, like, 75 to 1. What that has to do with her view of each faith’s capacity to motivate its followers to kill is beyond me (and beyond even nonpartisan sites like Mediaite). Either he’s missing her point so wildly that they’re having two different conversations or he seriously believes that a guy who shoots up a post office after, say, getting laid off is necessarily committing an act of religious terrorism in the name of whatever faith he follows. Off the grid, I say.

Here is my upload dated the same, moved to my RUMBLE:

  • This is a FLASHBACK to May 2010 and is an exchange between Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Tavis Smiley on PBS. The interview was May 25th, 2010. Dennis Prager exemplifying how Leftism makes a person dumber.


Teens Dying of Sudden Death Syndrome (Democrats Say: “Meh”)

Adult Sudden Death Syndrome….. popular for “no reason” since early 2021. A compilation of 100+ news articles from the 10 days leading up to 7th October 2022. Young people who have either died suddenly, had serious heart issues or severe adverse complications.




Quantitative Easing

(Originally posted July 2017 – updated with the below video) On this episode of Common Sense Soapbox, Florida Man leads the crew via gator to a Federal Reserve branch in Miami. Upon the marble steps, Seamus engages the crew in a brief lecture about the function — and dysfunction — of The Fed.

Question, or Statement Often Made by Democrats

  • “The stock market relies on confidence, and the stock market has done incredibly well since Obama took over. How do you explain that?”

Click to Enlarge

(This is with thanks to GAY PATRIOT and the graph from ZERO HEDGE) Here is GAY PATRIOT’S summary: Fed pumping gobs of money into Wall Street? Market drifts upward. Fed stops pumping? Market doesn’t. The so-called “confidence” is drug-induced.

Credit Writedowns touches on this a bit:

As for Bill Gross, he also said that the Federal Reserve knows that its easy money policies have a negative impact: “There are ultimately and presently negatives to these policies. The chairman recognizes that.”


On how to get out of the quantitative easing scenario that we’ve been in for so long:

“That’s very difficult, not just for the Fed, but other for other central banks. at the moment, the bank of japan is about to enter the pool, so to speak, the deep end. The Bank of England as well, perhaps, with carney indicating as much. Is it easy to get out of the deep end once you get into it? It gets difficult, because the market begins expects a constant infusion of liquidity–$85 billion a month into the bond market, which extends out into high-yield and equity credit as we move forward. Once you cut off the check writing and the purse strings, it becomes a problematic question in terms of valuation and the ability of markets, stocks, and bonds to continue on.

On his tweet on 2/20 saying that bond vigilantes are no more and central bankers are the masters of the universe:

“They are trying to let us know that they are vigilant. We saw the minutes yesterday and they were extensive and they meet every other month or more frequently. Are they vigilant? They are in terms of their objectives. what the fed is trying to do is reflate the economy, that means not only produce 2 to 3 to 4% real growth, but a modicum of inflation in combination such so we have a nominal 5% of GDP environment. Are they vigilant in terms of moving towards that goal? Yes. Will they be vigilant in terms of having reached it then pulling back and not disrupting markets? Perhaps not. We’ll have to see going forward.”

Above video description:

When Ben Bernanke announced that the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee was going to continue its monetary expansion program it calls Quantitative Easing, almost everyone in the financial media was taken by complete surprise. According to the mainstream media, the non-taper “surprised almost everyone out there.” Well it did not surprise me, nor anyone who had been paying attention to what I had been saying. As I said repeatedly over the past several months, the Fed knows that the appearance of economic health would evaporate if its stimulus were withdrawn, or even diminished. The Fed understands, as the market seems not to, that the current “recovery” could not survive without the continuation of massive monetary stimulus. In fact, the Fed’s next big move will likely be to increase, rather than taper, its monthly QE dosage! One reporter on this video said that its time for the Fed to take the training wheels off the economy. As I have been saying for years, QE is not the training wheels, its the only wheels the economy has. Take it away and the economy stalls. However, as the economy is now headed toward a cliff, taking the wheels off is much better than leaving them on and going over that cliff.

For more on how I knew the Fed wouldn’t taper, here’s an op-ed I released after the decision was announced.

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  • ….Until recently, the US had a coalition of allies at the G-20 to stand firm against the manipulation of the yuan. However, much to Barack Obama’s shock, they’re not as interested in scolding China for manipulating its currency while the Obama administration has done the same with its second round of “quantitative easing”….




Many currency analysts agree with Mr. Obama that the U.S. dollar stands to gain in coming months against the euro and Japanese yen, in particular, if the Fed is successful and the U.S. recovery picks up speed.

Nick Bennenbroek, analyst with Wells Fargo Securities, said the dollar actually has strengthened since the Fed’s announcement last week because, in an “ironic twist,” the economy has been showing unexpected strength. A report on Friday showed the best private job growth since April.

“Moreover, with the initial Fed announcement now out of the way, markets have refocused their attention on the ongoing European debt-market difficulties and, in particular, concerns over the state of the Irish government’s finances,” Mr. Bennenbroek said. The result is the euro may be due for a decline against the dollar.

But the Fed’s move only seemed to provide an excuse to many nations to dig in and further resist Mr. Obama’s call to curb global trade imbalances, starting with the massive Chinese trade deficit with the United States.

A Commerce Department report on Wednesday showed that the U.S. deficit with China fell $2.2 billion to $27.8 billion in September but remained near record highs. The U.S. blames the deficit in part on China’s currency policy, which makes Chinese imports cheaper in the United States.

But Chinese President Hu Jintao, ahead of a scheduled meeting with Mr. Obama on Thursday, called on other countries to “face their own problems” rather than cast blame for their giant trade imbalances on China. Mr. Hu also defended China’s currency controls as a boon to the world economy.

…(read more)…

POV: Russian Pilot Ejecting From His Shot Down SU-25SM3

Incredible footage released to the internet today shows a the POV of a Russian pilot as he ejects from an Su-25SM3. As far as I know, this is the first and only footage like this that exists.


Climate Activist Hypocrites Hurt Environment by Using Super Glue

I use some examples of these “climate activists” using Super Glue as part of their “statement.” Here are as few examples:

  • The Just Stop Oil campaign said 35 of its members blocked roads near Trafalgar Square on Thursday afternoon by sitting down with banners and gluing themselves to the road. (LONDON WORLD)
  • Activists Glue Themselves To Capitol Hill Sites To Urge Climate Action (AXIOS)

Climate Activists Defile Van Gogh’s Sunflowers at the National Gallery

Climate Change Cultists Latest Eco-Terrorist Act: Mashed Potatoes Tossed on $110 Million Monet

See other examples:

SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA notes the hypocrisy:

Here is the hypocrisy of the matter via THE SUN:

….Superglue used by the eco mob could even be HARMING the environment by pumping a huge amount of toxic greenhouse gasses into the air during production and rendering anything it touches un-recyclable.

The main ingredient in most of the super-strength adhesives is cyanoacrylates, a group of harsh, sticky chemicals.

Green-expert Rachel Watkyns, who has 14-years of experience crafting environmentally friendly packaging – including eco-friendly adhesive – branded superglue “just not eco-friendly”.

Rachel, who starred in a 2007 episode of Dragons’ Den, winning investment from Theo Paphetis and Peter Jones, said: “The main problem with superglue is the actual process when it’s made.

“In the first stage of reaction to making it, toxic chemicals are by-products – one of them is cyanide.”


Rachel, 50, added that depending on how the by-products are disposed of, the toxic chemicals could end up in Brits’ water supplies.

She said trying to get hold of information on how they are are disposed of is “probably nigh-on impossible”.

“But it’s not just the by-product, it’s the greenhouse gasses emitted in the production of it,” she said.

The businesswoman, owner of eco-packaging firm Tinybox, explained: “It’s like most things where you know it’s not environmentally friendly, the data is kept so private.”

She explained another of the chemicals released, formaldehyde, has been shown to make animals sick and reduce their life-span.

Rachel also said because the glue is an acrylic resin anything it touches can’t be recycled.

She insisted: “The fact activists are using superglue, it’s just not an ideal scenario.”……

Volkswagen let this activist stew…. in his pants:

It “all went bad” after protesters glued themselves to the floor at Volkswagen in Germany, according to Sky News host Cory Bernardi. “All the rage in the green world today is actually getting one of those pesky fossil fuel-based glues and sticking yourself to something as a form of protest, but what happens when that goes wrong?” Mr Bernardi said.

These activists discover French Police don’t use solvent to un-stick hands from pavement:

Simpson’s Prediction

(12-years ago) “We are here to come up with the next phony-baloney crisis to put Americans back where they belong – in dark rooms, glued to their televisions, too terrified to skip the commercials”

Leading Cardiologist Went From Booster To Critic Of COVID Vaccines

Dennis Prager reads from a JUST THE NEWS article about a cardiologist who was “pro-mRNA vaccine,” until his father inexplicably died after getting one.

Here is some of the JUST THE NEWS article:

….a British cardiologist who once promoted COVID vaccination on TV will go before Parliament to argue the opposite.

Aseem Malhotra, who recently wrote an unusual first-person medical paper calling for a “pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19,” has become increasingly vocal in his skepticism of the jabs since his healthy father’s inexplicable cardiac death six months after vaccination.

In a phone interview with Just the News, he called COVID vaccines “one of the worst pharmaceutical interventions in the history of medicine” whose harm is so thoroughly documented that “it shouldn’t even be worthy of debate” to pause vaccination campaigns.

The only explanation in his mind is “the increasing unchecked power of Big Pharma over the last two decades” and “willful blindness” of policymakers and regulators. 

That’s one reason he published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance — it doesn’t take money from corporate interests. “I want a good rebuttal” to the paper, but most criticism has consisted of “character assassinations,” Malhotra said. 

He’s testifying on COVID vaccine damage before the All-Party Parliamentary Group in the House of Commons Thursday. “The British government must announce an immediate halt to the UK’s Covid-19 vaccine programme and launch a public inquiry to fully assess the risks and benefits associated with new mRNA vaccine technology,” Malhotra wrote.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will undertake “recommendation votes” for the adult and child/adolescent immunization schedules and COVID vaccines, according to the Federal Register notice for the meetings Thursday and Friday. 

This is despite the fact that vaccines for younger children are still under emergency use authorization. The FDA itself warns healthcare professionals not to use Pfizer’s fully approved Comirnaty vaccine “interchangeably” with its EUA vaccine for children 5-11.

Malhotra, who previously campaigned to tax sugary drinks and against overprescription of statins, told Just the News he never faced censorship before COVID.

Facebook locked him out of his account for 24 hours after he shared Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo’s controversial assessment of post-vaccination cardiac deaths in young men, Malhotra told GB News. Twitter briefly censored Ladapo’s tweet thread as well.

Facebook extended the lockout another few days, Malhotra said, after finding a two-week-old video where he called for a pause on COVID vaccination until “all the raw data” on trials “has been released for independent analysis.” He accused Facebook of “trawling through” his account “looking for misinformation.”

It’s not Malhotra’s first tiff with social media, he told Just the News. Facebook censored him last year for sharing a Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics study, later retracted, that found dangerously high carbon-dioxide intake in masked schoolchildren. Facebook threatened to penalize users for sharing the paper even before its retraction.

LinkedIn permanently suspended him last year for sharing his appearance on GB News discussing a possible link between mRNA vaccination and heart attacks, Malhotra said.


This week, the journal Science said “several new studies suggest” these heart injuries can take “months to heal,” with unknown long-term consequences, and that doctors are divided on the risk-benefit calculus for boosting young people. FDA advisor Paul Offit is well-known for his skepticism of boosting young people and voting against so-called bivalent vaccines that include Omicron subvariants.


Pfizer’s human data showing “an increase in circulating antibodies seven days after the dose” say little about protection against severe disease or the duration of elevated antibodies, Nicole Saphier, assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, wrote for Fox News

“To put this plainly, there are no data on the bivalent booster shot in kids,” safety data for their age group or effect of the new boosters on previously infected or boosted children, she said.

“I’d love to see the data on the Omicron vaccine in children but the Biden admin will not release it,” Johns Hopkins medical professor and National Academy of Medicine member Marty Makary tweeted. “Why can’t it be made public?”

“Let’s Debunk Some Myths” (Memology 101 | MRCTV)

Sure, Joe. Whatever you say, man.



A December Scott Rasmussen national survey found 59% of voters believe that the Biden administration’s blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline project and another pipeline have contributed to rising gas prices across the United States.

In 2019 America became a net exporter of oil for the first time in decades, a status it maintained in 2020 as well. In 2021 the US once again returned to becoming a net importer of oil, with the US expected to import 62% more crude in 2022 than it did in 2020.

In the video below, we take a look at the timeline of Keystone XL project and how American energy independence has been lost under Joe Biden and the policies of the left.