
(UPDATED this post with a DEER… and now BIRDS)

“When a Man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.” ~ G. K. Chesterton

You can no-more change species than you can change gender/sex… sorry to break that to you. And if you are against this in society… are you a TransSpecie’ist? Are Specieaphobic?


This come via MOONBATTERY... rightly so:

Since political correctness trumps biological reality, men can now decide that they are really women, and women can decide that they are really men. So what is to stop people from deciding that they are really animals?…. Anyone surprised to see the Obama/Biden sticker in the window of Caleb the Wolf’s parents?

FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE has this article about the movement:

Insanity. It’s not just a mental illness. It’s also an identity. Men in dresses claim that gender is in the mind, not in the body. If you think you’re a woman, then you are a woman. What used to be a minor form of eccentric insanity has now become educational policy in schools.

But why stop at gender when you can also do species? There are people who believe that their true identity is that of an animal. And who is to say that species isn’t in the mind, just like gender is in the mind?

This isn’t just a thought-experiment or satire. It’s reality.

Species dysphoria is the equivalent of Gender dysphoria. Mentally ill persons with gender dysphoria are fashionably diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. There is as of yet no Species Identity Disorder, but that is no doubt coming.

Like Trannies, Transpecies Americans create special pronouns for themselves and insist that refusing to pretend that they’re cats or wolves is a hate crime.

Like most newly minted civil rights groups, Trannies are intolerant of Transpecies Americans accusing them of only pretending to think that they’re cats and playing the old, “How dare you compare your pain to my pain and your imaginary identity to my imaginary identity” game.

Men who claim that they were really born women based on their personality insist that the idea of men who claim they were born cats is just nuts….

…read it all…



You see, no matter how much surgery you get… you will never become a dragon (removing ears and altering the nose), JUST LIKE a man can never become a woman through mutilating the gentiles. GAY PATRIOT notes a very funny “work-rights” issue if this person is hired, after quoting “it”


  • “I am the Dragon Lady, A pre-op M2F (male to female) transgender in the process of morphing into a human dragon, becoming a reptoid as I shed my human skin and my physical appearance and my life as a whole leaving my humanness behind and embracing my most natural self awareness as a mythical beast.”


So, does this mean that businesses will be required to provide this creature with a sunny rock to warm itself in the afternoon sun on? Will states that exempt businesses from having to cater to this be subject to boycotts in services of the LGBQTAR (As in ‘Reptilian’) coalition of the perpetually aggrieved?

Dragon Lady


A person at GP brought up THE STALKING CAT guy in the comments section. Here is the comment:


I met and talked with him. Very nice guy. He fortunately paid for all of his body modifications himself, and did not ask the government to provide that for him. He made no excuses, nor did he expect anyone to address him in special ways or give him special treatment or accommodations.

He also committed suicide three years ago.

In other words, the body modifications did nothing to improve his self-image.

And this is a point made on my TRANSGENDER PAGE, nothing these people do change their quality of life, and in most cases the suicide risk increases.

Not to be outdone, this “person” self identifies as a… wait for it… a


This story comes from NEWSBUSTERS, I add some TWEETS:

If normal radical liberals in Big Tech weren’t bad enough, Twitch has named a transgender streamer who self-identifies as a deer to be on the platform’s “Safety Advisory Council.”

Steph “FerociouslySteph” Loehr who is listed as a “Professional Community Leader” with the Anti Defamation League (ADL) now serves as a member on Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council. The council, according to Protocol’s May 15 newsletter is “made up of eight members: a mix of academics and professionals with online safety expertise, plus a few Twitch creators.”


Loehr could be seen in a variety of disturbing clips. In one, Loehr wore antlers while broadcasting and explained: “In my spare time, I go out to my yard, and I, and I prance around. And I eat grass.” While explaining this, Loehr mimed eating grass and described how “it helps me feel, like, in tune with my deer-self.”

Culture/Tech commentary news outlet Sausage Roll explained that the “otherkin” phenomenon is a subculture “who socially and spiritually identify as not entirely human.” It added that “Some otherkin claim that their identity is genetic, while others believe their identity derives from reincarnation, trans-species dysphoria of the soul, ancestry, or metaphor. In Steph’s case, the Twitch admin identifies as a deer.”

In another clip, Loehr could be seen making strange noises while another individual scratched Loehr’s head. Loehr also warned in a clip that “I have power,” and that “there are some people that should be afraid of me. And that they are, because I represent moderation and diversity, and I’m gonna come for hurtful, harmful people. If you’re a really shitty person, I’m going to stand up against you. Period. And Twitch has endorsed me to do that.”

The ADL describes Loehr as “Transgender, and an advocate for authenticity, challenging herself and others to find and express truth through vulnerability” on its website….




Here is another “trans-species” story of a man who identifies as an elf. The story is from MOONBATTERY:

If Bruce Jenner is a woman, then Luis Padron is an elf:

Luis Padron, 25, from Buenos Ares, Argentina, became obsessed with the world of elves, angels and fantasy beings after being bullied as a child.

He became determined to look like his favourite otherworldly characters and started bleaching his hair and skin.

He now has a £4,000-a-month ritual applying specialist creams, dyes, treatment and SPF 100 sunscreen.

He has almost spent more than £25,000 on surgery including liposuction on his jaw, a nose job, full body hair removal and operations to change his eye colour.

Mr Padron gets unusual looks but says he doesn’t care what people think and said he won’t stop until he has fully ‘transformed’ into an elf.

He is planning surgery to make his ears pointed, hair implants for a heart-shaped hairline and a limb lengthening operation to make him 6ft 5in tall.

His to-do list also includes muscle implants and the removal of four ribs to make his waist thinner.

Explains Padron,

“I consider myself trans-species, in the same way transgender people feel, I need to become how I feel inside


Here is a recent story via THE DAILY MAIL:

‘It’s Not About The Ears, It’s About Who You Are’: ‘Transpecies’ Woman Who Identifies As An Elf Speaks Of Life As An ‘Otherkin’ – Leaving GMB [Good Morning Britain] Viewers Wondering If It’s A Late April Fools Joke

  • Kimberel Eventide, 36, from Chicago, is ‘transpecies’ and identifies as an elf
  • She became an ‘Otherkin’ after feeling a connection with Tolkien’s characters
  • Ms Everel spoke about becoming an elf and divided GMB viewers this morning

A woman who is ‘transpecies’ and identifies as an elf divided viewers after appearing on Good Morning Britain today. 

Kimberel Eventide, from Chicago, says she is an elf trapped in a human body and identifies as an ‘Otherkin’ – a term coined to described those who feel a connection to mythical creatures and do not deem themselves entirely human. 

Speaking to Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid today, Ms Eventide revealed how she connected with J R R Tolkien’s characters after reading The Lord of the Rings. 

But she divided opinion among viewers, with some praising her beliefs and others questioning whether the interview was a ‘late April Fool’s joke.’…..


This TikTok user identifies as a bird… there isn’t much more to say.

THE BOYSCAST has some humorous commentary on this girl:

Kerrygold Butter Shortage (For All You Keto Dieters)

This issue was telegraphed by PJ-MEDIA in 2015:

New research from the University of Southern Denmark and the children’s health project Odense Child Cohort has shown that everyday chemicals can significantly increase the risk of spontaneous miscarriage. Researchers studied 392 pregnant woman including 56 who experienced a miscarriage. They found that those who miscarried had higher levels of endocrine-disrupting polyflourinated alcylated substances (PFAS) than those who carried their babies to term.

PFAS are found in numerous everyday products including pizza boxes, furniture and rain and sports clothing. The study looked particularly at the women’s exposure to perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA). According to Claus Jørgensen from the consumer advocacy group Forbrugerrådet Tænk Kemi, the chemicals found in food packaging are particularly dangerous.

“It is packaging we use for food that is treated with fluorinated substances because it needs to be resistant to water and grease – for example, wax paper, pizza boxes and popcorn bags. It is particularly here that these fluorinated substances can get into the food and in that way expose us to them. The problem is that they build up in the body and never really leave again,” Jørgensen told Fyens Stiftstidende.

VICE has a more recent article on the matter. I am not here saying this is untrue… forever chemicals may be bad for us. I will say however that the people concerned about these miscarriages could care less about the covid “vaccines” evidences of the same.

So, why the lack of good butter? There was a new law enacted in California and New York that bans these chemicals that are considered “forever chemicals.” Here is an article that discusses the law:

New laws in California will clamp down on the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food packaging, goods marked as compostable, and products for babies and toddlers.

PFAS, dubbed “forever chemicals,” are synthetic molecules that don’t break down in the environment. Exposure to some types of PFAS is linked to cancer, developmental problems, hormone disruption, and interference with vaccine effectiveness.

One of California’s new laws, AB 1200, bans the use of PFAS in paper, paperboard, and other plant-based food packaging as of Jan. 1, 2023. It also requires manufacturers of such packaging to use “the least toxic alternative” when replacing PFAS. California joins Connecticut, Maine, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, and Washington in prohibiting PFAS in food packaging.

AB 1200 also forbids manufacturers of cookware to label their products as free of any particular toxic chemical if the pots or pans contain any substance in the same class of compounds as the toxic chemical. This outlaws a practice by some cookware makers of labeling products as free of toxic perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) although the pans are coated with polytetrafluoroethylene, an essentially inert PFAS……..

IRISH CENTRAL bring it home for us:

Kerrygold butter will be returning in New York and California after changes were made to its packaging in light of new regulations in the states.

A Kerrygold spokesperson told IrishCentral on January 20: “We have made changes to some of our packaging due to new regulatory requirements in the states of New York and California.

“We are pleased to confirm products will return to shelves from next week onwards.

The spokesperson said that Kerrygold temporarily stopped supply in time to ensure that no impacted product would be on shelves by the time the new state regulations in New York and California came into effect.

New food packaging regulations that came into effect in New York on December 31, 2022, and in California on January 1, 2023.

As per the New York regulations, “no person shall distribute, sell, or offer for sale in this state food packaging containing PFAS substances as intentionally added chemicals on or after December 31, 2022.”

PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a family of man-made chemicals that have been manufactured since at least the 1940s and are used in many products to provide stain resistance, water and oil repellency, and other properties.

PFAS do not occur naturally, and some PFAS have been found to persist in the environment for long periods of time…………

And INDEPENDENT adds to the story we already know:

Irish dairy group Ornua has stopped Kerrygold butter from reaching supermarket shelves in two US states due to non-compliant packaging.

New York and California introduced restrictions three weeks ago on the use of certain chemicals in packaging.

The US Environmental Protection Agency has linked the chemicals to harmful health effects in humans and animals.

There are no food safety concerns with Kerrygold, a spokesperson said, and it refers to a technical issue with the packaging…….

SO, until Kerrygold comes back, what is a good stand in? And, you may even like it better — however, the price of Kerrygold is unmatched at Trader Joes. But this butter pictured is at most supermarkets. That being said, all the “Kerrygolder’s” are buying them as soon as they appear on the shelves: (Link in pic)


I didn’t think it was possible to add to my list! And in case you think this is an oddity, it is just as “odd” when a man says he is a woman and cuts his genitalia off. (Or a woman cuts her perfectly healthy breasts off… etc.)


Here is the story, followed by a video:

Anthony Loffredo, dubbed the “black alien”, is pressing on with his radical transformation and has shared his latest step in his ‘The Black Alien Project Evolution’ in search of “total dehumanization”.

The 33-year-old Frenchman has admitted that he removed his ears, cut off his nostrils, sharpened his teeth, dyed his skin purple, amputated several fingers to give his hands an alien shape and now admits he’s ready… to amputate a leg!

“It’s a tough thing because I have a healthy leg and an amputation is a big thing,” Loffredo admitted in the documentary.

Anthony Loffredo: I’m not human. I’m the black alien
The “black alien” acknowledged in the U.S. press that he was miserable living in a body where he didn’t belong.

“I am not human. I’m the black alien,” Anthony Loffredo recently declared in an interview with ‘LADBible’……

In this episode of No Filter, we speak to Anthony about his extreme tattoos and body modifications. Anthony tells us why his ‘black alien’ project to become more alien, less human is so important to him and the challenges he’s faced along the way.

This new addition is with an ACE OF SPADES hat-tip. Here are two pics from that post:

(MARCH 2017 and March 2019)

Yet, here “it” is (Updated from 2-years ago. Added the HODGE TWINS):


When our culture demands we capitulate to the mentally ill as opposed to help them seek treatment, we end up with “genderless aliens” adopting children.

Which, of course, sounds like it would be a completely successful venture on all ends…

Vinny Ohh is a 22-year-old makeup artist who has dropped over $50,000 on 110-plus procedures to help transform himself into the “genderless alien” he believes he is. On Monday, Ohh appeared on a UK-based morning show “live from outer space” (and by that, I mean in front of a green screen with stars on it) to discuss the status of his “transformation,” when he dropped the bombshell that he plans on adopting children in the future.

“I do not see myself having regrets when I am 70,” Ohh said. “I see myself adopting kids and raising them, that’s totally fine. I don’t need sexual organs to do so.”

Operation White Elephant (Afghanistan)

Operation White Elephant is a nonprofit organization that coordinates, synchronizes and deconflicts humanitarian assistance, provides necessary emergency communications support and equipment, conducts media efforts to educate and raise awareness, and assists with legal needs for issues arising during the crisis.

Dr. Steven E. Koonin Discusses His Book: “Unsettled”

For the average American, climate science may as well be divination. Without extensive training in the subject, consumers and policymakers often learn only what advocates, media, and governments choose to report. At a time when “following the science” may seem like a policy unto itself, the question of what the science actually says has never been more important—or unclear.

Steven E. Koonin’s new book, Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells us, What it Doesn’t, and Why It Matters, explains the science for policymakers and everyday people with clarity and candor, informed by decades in the trenches of climate science as a researcher, professor, and Under Secretary of Science in the Obama Administration’s Department of Energy.

Please join the Manhattan Institute on May 25, 2021 at 1pm EDT for a virtual book talk with Steven E. Koonin, in conversation with Mark P. Mills, about Unsettled, the state of climate science, and its implications for energy and environmental policy.

Birth Rates and Vaccines (Naomi Wolf)

Full DAILY CLOUT report of the above can be seen HERE. The full interview is HERE.

Mr. Rogers Tried To Warn Us

Mr. Rogers on #SCIENCE:

  • Mr. Rogers tried to warn everyone in the late 1960’s, and again in the 1980’s about an agenda on tv that isn’t suitable for minors. He went as far as making a song to remind young boys and girls what their biological gender is ln fear of one day the media would give them the idea to change genders later in life. Everyone laughed then but this is very much a reality now.

Mr. Rogers Tried Tried To Warn Everybody In The Late Sixties And In The Eighties

Here is the full testimony in the Senate:

On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers, host of the (then) recently nationally syndicated children’s television series, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (named Misterogers’ Neighborhood at the time), testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Communications to defend $20 million in federal funding proposed for the newly formed non-profit Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which was at risk of being reduced to $10 million. Subcommittee chairman, Senator John Pastore (D-RI), unfamiliar with Fred Rogers, is initially abrasive toward him. Over the course of Rogers’ 6 minutes of testimony, Pastore’s demeanor gradually transitions to one of awe and admiration as Rogers speaks.

Entertainment While You Eat Your Bugs

(Hat tip to MOONBATTERY) Our haughty Climate Czar John Kerry describes himself and his fellow globalist liberal elitists at the World Economic Forum moonbatfest in Davos as “almost extraterrestrial” in their grandeur as they determine how the rest of us must live to comply with their ideology. True enough, they are not of this world. A sample of their alien culture:

A friend noted to me:

  • Our would be genocidal dictators ladies and gentlemen. Say what you will about Hitler at least he had good taste in music. Wagner was the shit.

Why Democrats Are ‘Terrified’ Of Biden’s Classified Docs (Bongino)

Fox News host Dan Bongino shares the ‘real story’ behind President Biden’s classified documents scandal and the left’s ‘freak out’ on ‘Unfiltered with Dan Bongino.’


Natalie Winters Exposes Ukraine’s ‘Money Laundering’ Through Censoring Americans On Social Media

Philadelphia Flyers Player Refuses To Wear Pride Jersey

Major controversy has broken out over Philadelphia Flyers hockey player Ivan Provorov because he refused to wear the rainbow flag pre-game jersey due to his Russian-Orthodox beliefs.


Here is a Christian, conservative, apologist — Frank Turek —  making a point (CHRISTIAN POST):

  • “….Imagine a homosexual videographer being forced to video a speech that a conservative makes against homosexual behavior and same sex marriage. Should that homosexual videographer be forced to do so? Of course not! Then why Elane Photography?….”

Now, here is a gay “conservatarian” site, Gay Patriot’s input (GP’s site is sadly gone):

  •  “…it’s a bad law, a law that violates natural human rights to freedom of association and to freely-chosen work. It is not good for gays; picture a gay photographer being required by law to serve the wedding of some social conservative whom he or she despises.”

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton lace up the skates to check out this NHL story. Philadelphia Flyers star defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to wear the LGBTQ jersey during the pregame skate on Tuesday night. Even though the Flyers won 5-2, the story after the game was Provorov’s refusal to participate in the team’s Pride Night dress code. Provorov said he wanted to “stay true to myself and my religion” during the postgame scrum. However, this didn’t stop the woke leftists in the Philadelphia and national sports media from bashing the defenseman’s choice.

The Philadelphia Flyers hockey team released their pride jerseys for game day, but one player was not having it. As usual, the media pounced on the team, and Ivan Provorov, to ask why he refused to wear the jersey.

Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld Slams Liberal Canadian TV Broadcaster Sid Seixeiro because he claims the NHL needs to fine the Philadelphia Flyers $1 Million’: for Ivan Provorov not wearing pride jersey.