Men Can Menstruate? (#Science)

An activists vs. reality UPDATE


Dennis Prager’s FIRESIDE CHAT (found on YOUTUBE as well) discusses the reality of nature (or Nature’s God) on a video series he does. (I say “nature” because whether you believe in a theistic Creator or that millions of years of evolutionary forces and chance has honed the species to survive by being “male and female” by reproduction… then both are objective looks at reality and the Left is #antiscience.) I include – for context – a portion of Steven Crowder’s dealing with the topic Prager mentions in passing (the fuller video of my excerpt can be found here).

Dennis wrote an article on the issue as well, it can be found here: “The Left-Right Divide Is About Reality Itself,” a must read in my opinion.

FAITHWIRE and LIFESITE NEWS have some decent articles up as well. But this should be a good video to show just how nutty the Left really is… and it is to compliments another audio I am working on.

Damning Prosecutorial Misconduct in [Trump] Special Counsel Probe

(CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE) In a good segment of encapsulation, Newsmax host Greg Kelly does a great job outlining how the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) created a double-standard specifically to target President Donald Trump after he left office. {Direct Rumble Link}

Kelly highlights remarks by former Trump attorney Timothy Parlatore who was responsible for trying to reconcile the issues that NARA had created.  I’ve also included further context with video segments from Tim Parlatore below.  WATCH:

As Special Counsel investigations into former President Trump approach a potential indictment, “irreconcilable conflicts” led attorney Timothy Parlatore to leave the Trump legal defense team. He discusses the cases Trump faces thus far on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd.

Ex-Trump Attorney Reveals Damning Evidence of Prosecutorial Misconduct in Special Counsel Probe


Trump Prosecutor Jay Bratt’s Alleged Misconduct Causing a ‘Problem’ for DOJ

An attorney who represents former President Donald Trump’s valet, who is under scrutiny as part of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation, alleged in a letter that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutor handling the case engaged in misconduct that is reportedly “being viewed as a problem,” within the DOJ, according to The Guardian.


Last November, DOJ counterintelligence chief Jay Bratt summoned Nauta’s attorney, Stanley Woodward, for a meeting at DOJ headquarters regarding “an urgent matter that they were reluctant to discuss over the phone,” The Guardian reported, relying on a letter filed under seal with the chief U.S. Judge in Washington, DC, James Boasberg.

During that meeting, Bratt allegedly brought up Woodward’s application to be a superior court judge in Washington, DC, when trying to gain Nauta’s cooperation in the investigation.

The meeting between Bratt and Woodward occurred after Nauta had already spoken with prosecutors as part of their investigation into the former president.

As The Guardian reported:

Nauta should cooperate with the government because he had given potentially conflicting testimony that could result in a false statements charge, the prosecutors said according to the letter. Woodward is said to have demurred, disputing that Nauta had made false statements.

Bratt then turned to Woodward and remarked that he had not taken Woodward to be “a Trump guy” before noting that he knew Woodward had submitted an application to be a judge at the superior court in Washington DC that was currently pending, the letter said.

The allegation, in essence, is that Bratt suggested Woodward’s judicial application might be considered more favorably if he and his client cooperated against Trump. The letter was filed after Trump’s lawyers submitted a motion on Monday seeking grand jury transcripts, because of what they viewed as potential misconduct.

The Guardian’s report recognized that Bratt’s mention of Woodward’s judicial application could have been his attempt at making “small talk.”

However, Guardian reporter Hugo Lowell spoke with multiple people inside the DOJ who told him, “This incident with Jay Bratt is widely known inside the National Security Division and is being viewed as a problem.”

“Unclear whether it affects the Mar-a-Lago investigation but the chief judge in Washington has ordered briefings,” Lowell added.

Reports of Bratt’s alleged misconduct came the same week that Timothy Parlatore, a former Trump defense attorney, accused prosecutors working on the special counsel’s investigation of crossing a “red line” during grand jury proceedings [VIDEO ABOVE] ……


PSALM 26:10
in whose hands are evil devices,
and whose right hands are full of bribes.

For in their hands is maliciousness. The Hebrew word זמּה, zimmah, signifies properly an inward stratagem, or device. But here it is not improperly applied to the hands, because David wished to intimate, that the wicked, of whom he was speaking, not only secretly imagined deceits, but also vigorously executed with their hands the malice which their hearts devised. When he farther says, Their right hands are full of bribes, we may infer from this, that it was not the common people whom he pointed out for observation, but the nobility themselves, who were most guilty of practising this corruption. Although the common and baser sort of men may be hired for reward, and suborned as agents in wickedness, yet we know that bribes are offered chiefly to judges, and other great men who are in power; and we likewise know, that at the time referred to here the worst of men bore sway. It was no wonder, therefore, that David complained that justice was exposed to sale. We are farther admonished by this expression, that those who delight in gifts can scarcely do otherwise than sell themselves to iniquity. Nor is it in vain, unquestionably, that God declares that “gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and pervert the hearts of the righteous,” (Deut. 16:19.)

John Calvin and James Anderson, Commentary on the Book of Psalms, vol. 1 (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2010), 447–448.

here mischief committed, the hand being the instrument of action, and intends whatever is prejudicial to the person, character, and properties of men. And their right hand is full of bribes; whereby the eyes of judges are blinded, the words of the righteous perverted, men’s persons respected, and judgment wrested, Deut. 16:19.

John Gill, An Exposition of the Old Testament, vol. 3, The Baptist Commentary Series (London: Mathews and Leigh, 1810), 640.



The story of a mom whose son was healed from all allergies and asthma after consuming raw milk, and real food from farms. It depicts people all over the country who formed food co-ops and private clubs to get these foods, and how they were raided by state and local governments. Farmageddon tells the story of family farms that were providing healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop by agents of misguided government bureaucracies.

Beyond Impossible | Documentary

Beyond Impossible exposes the corruption of the fake meat industry and how it ties in with the sinister plans of a global elite. Health expert Vinnie Tortorich asks the intriguing question: What do Harvard University, internet Vegans and the World Economic Forum all have in common?

A religious desire for the world to go Vegan.

But why? Is it an effort to stop global warming? Is it an earnest attempt at making everyone healthier? Is it a desperate plea to end animal cruelty? The answers may surprise you. Beyond Impossible reveals an uncomfortable truth about a world where peoples good intentions are being taken advantage of by everyone from Vegan doctors to global elites hell bent on instituting planetary policies that remove all personal choices from the kitchen and beyond.

To name a few, the characters involved include a Harvard doctor who wants to tax consumers into the healthy choice, a fake meat inventor who has a fascination with snapping cows out of existence, a vegan leader who bares a strong resemblance to Jesus Christ and a German engineer and economist who dreams of starting task forces to realize his dreams of a global reset.

Joined by experts that include doctors, journalists and even former vegans, Vinnie Tortorich maintains that while we still have the power of free will, it’s only a matter of time before it’s too late.

Biden’s War on Gas and Oil Drilling

(PART ONE) The typical course of societal response to most government impositions is for small, aware, vocal groups to speak out against them, fail to stop them, and become frustrated as the rest of the population adopts normalcy bias, assumes the changes are just “natural,” and new generations are born into the mad system, never knowing what was destroyed and never seeing the lost opportunities that freedom could have offered.

(PART TWO) Writing about political activity is a never-ending exercise, akin to “demonology” – the chronicling of evil. But, thankfully, some courageous souls go to the trouble of doing the heavy lifting to report on areas of particular interest to them. And in this second of two parts looking at the first two years of Biden Administration attacks on oil and gas energy provision, one can thank Institute for Energy Research (IER) head Thomas Pyle for doing the “heavy lifting” of compiling the top 150, and putting them in chronological order.

(PART THREE) Last week, MRCTV produced two articles and videos outlining the numerous attacks against energy independence and competition Joe Biden’s Administration has committed since he entered office in January of 2021. The bulk of those attacks were against inexpensive acquisition, refining, and transport of petrochemical fuels such as oil and natural gas. And now, he’s added another to the ever-expanding list.

Glamour Magazine Has Earth Shattering/Breaking News! (Matt Walsh)

Yes, it is the biggest story of the millennia… except it isn’t. Matt Walsh explains:

The TV “green screen” is via GLOBAL KREATORS excellent YouTube Channel

More via THE DAILY WIRE: (As an aside, the picture I include technically is a naked woman, mutilated and deluded. But nonetheless, a woman. Not even a transgender, but a transvestite — getting the terminology “straight” [pun intended].)

Glamour U.K. kicked off “Pride” month by featuring a pregnant female who identifies as a transgender male on the cover, writing in the featured piece that “he gave birth,” language many slammed on social media.

The fashion magazine features author Logan Brown on the cover — topless and covered in paint designed to look like a partial three-piece suit. The headline reads, “Trans Pregnant Proud.”

In several posts on Instagram, the magazine included clips from the Brown interview, with the outlet writing that they had met Brown “two weeks before he gave birth to his daughter, Nova, to talk about queer love, gender dysphoria, and navigating the NHS as a pregnant transgender man.”

“I spent so much time feeling shame and being hard on myself until I thought, ‘You can enjoy this process or make it really difficult for yourself,’” Brown said in the piece. “I’m a pregnant man, and I’m proud to do what I’m doing…”

Brown, whose partner is a non-binary drag queen performer in the U.K., also told the outlet, “I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive. I’d been off testosterone for a while due to some health issues. It was like my whole world just stopped. That everything, all my manlihood that I’ve worked hard for, for so long, just completely felt like it was erased.”


Libs Of TikTok shared the cover on Twitter, with many people reacting to the headlines and comments Brown made in the article, blasting them as a “lie” and more.

“As a student of biology, that isn’t how that works,” one person wrote.

“He was able to give birth only because he’s not a ‘he,’” another tweeted. “Corrupting the language won’t make fantasies become reality. Demanding that all of Society upends itself to please a tiny group of severely troubled people is unreasonable & it’s not helpful to those in desperate need.”

“He did not give birth, she did,” one person wrote. “XY DNA is male; XX is female. There are two sexes.”

While another tweeted, “This is so unnatural. There is nothing cute about this at all. Men don’t get pregnant and give birth. They can’t even produce milk.”……


Hawley Rips Judicial Nominee For Trying To Shut Down Churches

Loren L. AliKhan: Nominee for the District of Columbia Court of Appeals

HAWLEY: “Do you think it’s wrong to discriminate on the basis of religious faith?”

ALIKHAN: “Absolutely.”

HAWLEY: “Then why did you argue that religious services and religious people pose a greater risk of infection than people gathered to argue for defunding the police?”

“And for this reason I will NOT support your nomination!” Senator Josh Hawley grilled this Biden nominee during today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Todd Hermann: “The Big Lies” (UPDATE: Jesse Morgan Vindicated)



(BTW, does anyone have any conspiracy theories I can borrow? Mine all came true.) This is for all the buttheads [being polite] that argued against this story as some sorta crazy fantasy…. Jesse Morgan has been vindicated:

Jesse Morgan drove a tractor trailer for a contractor working for the U.S. Postal Service. Shortly after the 2020 election, Morgan made these claims at a press conference held by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society:

  • On October 21, 2020, Jesse drove his truck and trailer from Bethpage, New York, to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, loaded with as many as 288,000 completed ballots. In addition, there were two large trays of mixed mail, bound for Lancaster. Those were in the front of the trailer.
  • Jesse drove the trailer to Harrisburg, but was not allowed to unload. After a six-hour wait, he was told to drive to Lancaster, without unloading at Harrisburg. In addition, the supervisor in Harrisburg refused to give him any paperwork to document his arrival in Harrisburg or his six-hour wait, which normally would justify extra compensation.
  • Jesse Morgan was perplexed by these instructions because “95 percent” of the load was for Harrisburg, and that mail would have to be unloaded before anyone could get access to the Lancaster mail bins. After that, the Harrisburg mail would have to be returned to the trailer and driven back to Harrisburg. Even for the government, that is slightly inefficient.
  • As instructed, Morgan drove the tractor trailer to Lancaster, and parked it in his usual spot. The next morning, the trailer had disappeared, without explanation. The trailer and the ballots were gone, and no one would explain to Morgan, or anyone else in this world, what had happened.

Jesse tells his story on this video.


Morgan later said that the FBI basically harassed him, was “harassing my family,” and wanted to know “how I came on TV.” Did they seriously investigate his claims? Not to his knowledge. Jesse Morgan has never recanted his story.

Final point: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania certified its 2020 election despite the undisputed fact that it had recorded 202,000 more ballots cast than voters. That disparity probably made the election certification illegal under Commonwealth law. Eventually, Pennsylvania “found” more voters, but not enough. To this very day it appears that there were 91,000 more ballots cast than identified voters. Of course, that number exceeds Biden’s winning margin. It also lends credence to the claims of Jesse Morgan. But… let’s not be picayune.

As The Gateway Pundit reported in 2020, election fraud whistleblowers came forward in December following the controversial election, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state lines on October 21.

The new information was made public at a press conference by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization.

The Amistad Project said that they have sworn declarations that state over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.

They claim that their evidence reveals multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least three of six swing states.

The whistleblower statements include potentially hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots being transported across three state lines, and a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania.

Attorney Phil Kline said, “130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election were shipped from Bethpage, NY, to Lancaster, PA, where those ballots and the trailer in which they were shipped disappeared.”

Truck driver Jesse Morgan was present at the press conference and spoke for 9 minutes about his unbelievable ordeal. Morgan was tasked with delivering completed ballots to Pennsylvania from New York State.

This was explosive testimony.

Jesse Morgan: In total I saw 24 gaylords, or large cardboard containers of ballots, loaded into my trailer. These gaylords contained plastic trays, I call them totes or trays of ballots stacked on top of each other. All the envelopes were the same size. I saw the envelopes had return addresses… They were complete ballots.”

Jesse went on to say that he sat in Harrisburg for hours, and when he was told to leave, the supervisor at the post office would not give him a slip or an overtime slip so he could get paid. Jesse said the manager-supervisor was “kinda rude.”

Jesse’s testimony revealed that United States Post Office employees were in on the conspiracy to steal the votes.


In June 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported that the United States Postal Service investigated the allegations by the truck drivers – but they would NOT release their report.

Now this- The American Thinker published a report this weekend. The USPS finally released their report on the accusations of truck drivers hauling completed ballots across state lines into Pennsylvania before election day!

Jesse Morgan was exonerated. No wonder they hid this for a year!

The USPS is running ballots!……….



Todd Hermann fills in for Rush Limbaugh and at the beginning of hour 3 he goes on a good rant about The Big Lies. (See Rush’s site about the show)

  • Reasons Why The 2020 Presidential Election Is Deeply Puzzling: If Only Cranks Find the Tabulations Strange, Put Me Down As A Crank (SPECTATOR)
  • 5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms: Surely The Journalist Class Should Be Intrigued By The Historic Implausibility Of Joe Biden’s Victory. That They Are Not Is Curious, To Say The Least (THE FEDERALIST)
  • Legitimacy Of Biden Win Buried By Objective Data: Emerging Information From The States Render His Victory Less And Less Plausible (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
  • EXCLUSIVE: Peter Navarro Expands Election Fraud Memo, Number Of Illegal Ballots Dwarf Biden Victory Margin By Over Two (Peter Navarro released an exclusive update to his “Immaculate Deception” – NATIONAL PULSE)
  • A Simple Test for the extent of Vote Fraud with Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election: Georgia and Pennsylvania Data. John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D. (Revised December 21, 2020) (SCRIBD)
  • Why Do the Election’s Defenders Require My Agreement? (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
  • What Would It Take To Convince You The Election Was Rigged? (STREAM)
  • Massive 78% Of Mail-In Ballots Proved Fraudulent, Judge Orders Election Do-Over (NATIONAL PULSE)

Rand Paul breaks down voter fraud step-by-step as dem senators scream internally. (Ken Starr)

Just a Few Examples of Voter Fraud

Ballots Counted Multiple Times

Vote Tally Centers Breaking Rules

Undercover Investigations




I just wish to add context to the claims made in this first LIBERTY PEN video from a previous post of mine:

I included the excerpt of Larry O’Connor discussing just how many ballots were adjudicated of the absentee ballots — at the time of the audio 113,130 ballots were counted, and 106,000 were adjudicated. The percentage of guessing voter intent was 93.6% – wow. Here is the video:

In other words, a voter review panel interprets voter intent… at a 94% rate? This is illegal, and what’s worse, is that the re is no way to check these changes.

Also, watch Dr. Coomer explain how easy it is to change votes using Dominion systems “adjudication” part:

The WASHINGTON TIMES notes that in

The report authors said they “observed an error rate of 68.05%” with ballot counts — a “significant and fatal error in security and election integrity” that far surpasses the “allowable election error rate” of 0.0008%, or one-in-250,000 ballots, that’s been established by the Federal Election Commission.

What’s interesting, too, is that state and county officials didn’t want to release information on Antrim County’s voting equipment for analysts’ review.

A judge had to order its release.

From the Detroit Free Press: “Judge Kevin Elsenheimer of the 13th Circuit Court had ordered ‘forensic imaging’ of the Dominion Voting Systems voting tabulators and related software after Antrim County resident William Bailey filed a lawsuit that challenged the integrity of the election equipment, citing errors in how the county initially reported its unofficial results.”

Come on, now. Why the need to go to court to obtain access to data and information that should already be transparent and public?


Rumble — An unbiased by-county analysis of 2020 general election results of over 3000 U.S. counties shows large-scale skewing of election results in favor of Joe Biden in counties using Dominion Voting Systems.

Analysis conducted by DataScience and released through BASEDmedia constructed a statistical model to predict relative performance for either candidate based upon U.S. Census county data to 90% accuracy.

This analysis revealed that counties that used Dominion and Hart InterCivic ballot counting devices and software consistently gave a 5% vote advantage to candidate Joe Biden over President Trump. This advantage was observed regardless of the county’s majority political party affiliation nor urban, suburban, or rural area demographics.

For further information, the full report is available online here: Evidence of Potential Fraud in Counties Using Dominion Voting Machines (PDF)

Truth Doesn’t Always Find Friends (Galatians 4:16)

Watching Matt Walsh yesterday he said something that made me wanna excerpt it. I didn’t get to it last night, and luckily I didn’t. This morning at a men’s group discussion during small groups a verse on truth came up (Galatians 4:16), and that reminded me of a J. Vernon McGee commentary, which brought me to Chuck Smith as well (also discussed at the meeting this morning). Of course this short video wouldn’t be complete without Jack Nicholson’s character in the movie “A Few Good Men,” Colonel Nathan R. Jessep, talking about truth. So I hope this hits the right nerve with some who happen upon this.

Here are some commentaries on Galatians 4:16
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (HCSB)

Truth is not always relished where sin is nourished

L. Moody, Notes from My Bible: From Genesis to Revelation (Chicago; New York; Toronto: Fleming H. Revell, 1895), 165.

A person with pure motives and real friendship does not always say things that are pleasant to hear. Paul was telling the Galatians the truth, and as result was being labeled as their enemy. Sometimes the truth hurts; but a faithful friend would courageously confront another.

Earl D. Radmacher, Ronald Barclay Allen, and H. Wayne House, The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version (Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1997), Ga 4:16.

I had always wanted to place on the pulpit, facing the preacher, the words, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” A very fine officer of the church I served in downtown Los Angeles did this for me after he heard me express this desire. There is another verse I wanted to place on the audience side of the pulpit, but I never had the nerve to do it. It is these words of Paul: “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” As you know, many folk today really don’t want the preacher to tell the truth from the pulpit. They would much rather he would say something complimentary that would smooth their feathers and make them feel good. We all like to have our backs rubbed, and there is a lot of back-rubbing from the contemporary pulpit rather than the declaration of the truth.

Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible Commentary, electronic ed., vol. 5 (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997), 179.

QUESTION—Is this a question or a statement?

  1. It is a rhetorical question [BNTC, Lns, Lt, Mor, NIGTC, NTC; all versions]: because I am being truthful to you, have I therefore become your enemy? The Galatians do not appear to be able to tolerate the truth [NTC]. Paul wants them to face the reality of what they were doing. Paul was not their enemy when he initially preached the gospel to them, and as he continued to do so, and they should see it as a friendly gesture, not as a hostile one [Mor]. Paul wanted them to realize that he was truly their friend even though he had to use strong language in this letter and possibly in the previous letter [NTC].
  2. It is a statement [ICC, NCBC, NIBC, NIC, SSA, WBC]: therefore it appears that I have become your enemy because I am being truthful to you! The idea is ‘So I have become your enemy!’ and this reflects the Judaizers’ view of Paul, not Paul’s [NCBC]. The conjunction ὥστε ‘therefore’ indicates a conclusion from the facts stated in 4:14–15: Since they once regarded Paul with such great affection and now consider him as an enemy, this could only come about because he had been telling them the truth [ICC, WBC].

Robert Stutzman, An Exegetical Summary of Galatians, 2nd ed. (Dallas, TX: SIL International, 2008), 160.

become your enemy There come times with all God’s servants when certain people proclaim something fresh and new in doctrine, and then the old messenger of God, who was blessed to them, comes to be despised. I have lived long enough to see dozens of very fine fancies started, but they have all come to nothing. I daresay I shall see a dozen more, and they will all come to nothing. But here I stand. I am not led astray either by novelties of excitement or novelties of doctrine. The things which I preached at the first, I preach still, and so I shall continue, as God shall help me. But I know, in some little measure, what the apostle meant when he said, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

by being truthful to you There are many who have incurred enmity through speaking the gospel very plainly, for the natural tendency of man is toward ceremony, toward some form of legal righteousness: he must have something aesthetic, something that delights his sensuous nature, something that he can see and hear, to mix up that with the simplicity of faith. Paul was as clear as noonday against everything of that kind, and so the Galatians got at last to be angry with him. Well, he could not help that, but it did grieve him.

Charles Spurgeon, Galatians, ed. Elliot Ritzema, Spurgeon Commentary Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2013), Ga 4:16.

Am I therefore become your enemy? He now returns to speak about himself. It was entirely their own fault, he says, that they had changed their minds. Though it is a common remark, that truth begets hatred, yet, except through the malice and wickedness of those who cannot endure to hear it, truth is never hateful. While he vindicates himself from any blame in the unhappy difference between them, he indirectly censures their ingratitude. Yet still his advice is friendly, not to reject, on rash or light grounds, the apostleship of one whom they had formerly considered to be worthy of their warmest love. What can be more unbecoming than that the hatred of truth should change enemies into friends? His aim then is, not so much to upbraid, as to move them to repentance.

John Calvin and William Pringle, Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2010), 129–130.

Paul’s emotion betrays itself in the ellipsis of his thought. At one time the Galatians counted themselves blessed for having Paul in their midst, but this is passed. Is the opposite now the case? And so have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?

Read this as a question; ὥστε means, “and so,” R. 999. “An enemy of yours” is active, one who hates you, and not passive, one who is hated by you (C.-K. 459). The perfect tense “have I become” is used in the Greek fashion from the standpoint of the readers and refers to the time when they read this letter in which Paul tells them the truth. Will they then say: “Paul has become hostile to us”? Ah, but it is the best and the truest friend who honestly tells us the truth about ourselves even when he knows we shall not like it. False friends are the ones who hide such truth from us and do so in order to remain in our favor.

Some regard this statement as a declaration: “Wherefore I have become your enemy by telling you the truth.” But that is not true (v. 19). If he intends to imply that the Galatians now consider him as being hostile to them, this thought is expressed far better by a question. The declarative idea is made more confusing when the inferior reading in v. 15 is adopted: τίς οὖν ἦν; “What, then, was your felicitation of yourselves?” and supplying in thought: “Nothing but superficiality,” and then attaching: “Wherefore I have become your enemy.” Paul regards the self-felicitation of the Galatians as being genuine; he even states the strongest reason for his so doing: that they were willing to sacrifice their eyes for him.

Again, Paul is not their enemy. Finally, the ὥστε clause cannot be construed across the intervening γάρ statement and attached to the question asked in v. 15. The reason: “I testify,” etc., would be contradicted by any declaration that Paul is an enemy of the Galatians. Regard the sentence as a question, and all is readily understood.

C. H. Lenski, The Interpretation of St. Paul’s Epistles to the Galatians, to the Ephesians and to the Philippians (Columbus, O.:Lutheran Book Concern, 1937), 222–223.

It was natural that a certain uneasy reserve should begin to mark the Galatian Christians’ attitude to Paul. They knew that the teaching to which they were now giving ear could not commend itself to him, and that he would disapprove of their accepting it. This reserve would be reinforced if they entertained suggestions tending to discredit him, or to diminish his standing in their eyes. When he heard of what was happening, he could be trusted to tell them they were wrong, and such plain speaking was bound to be unpalatable.

ὥστε is used here to introduce a rhetorical question.

It is hazardous to find in Paul’s use of ἐχθρὸς here the source of his later designation among the Ebionites as ἐχθρὸς ἄνθρωπος (Epistle of Peter to James, 2; Clem. Recog. 1.70f.), as is done by H.-J. Schoeps, Judenchristentum, 120, 474; Paul, 82; a much more probable source is the ἐχθρὸς ἄνθρωπος of Mt. 13:28 (cf. Schoeps, Judenchristentum, 127).

ἀληθεύων. In telling them the truth Paul is their best friend. The truth he is now telling them is the same as what he told them when first he came among them, and on that occasion it won their friendship for him. For this ‘truth’ is nothing other than the good news of divine grace. If it is true, then the ‘other gospel’ brought by the trouble-makers is self-evidently false. It is reading an alien idea into the text to say with W. Schmithals, ‘Precisely this argument of Paul shows that in truth people in Galatia were declaiming against Paul on account of the apostle’s fleshly [“sarkic”] weakness’ (Paul and the Gnostics, 50 n. 107).

The situation, in fact, is not unlike that in which Paul was later involved with the Corinthian church, when it was visited by interlopers who brought a ‘different gospel’ and tried to disparage Paul in his converts’ eyes; Paul protests his unchanging love for his friends, even while he remonstrates vigorously with them: ‘If I love you the more, am I to be loved the less?’ (2 Cor. 12:15).

F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Galatians: A Commentary on the Greek Text, New International Greek Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1982), 211.

ὤστε ἐχθρὸς ὑμῶν γέγονα ἀληθεύων ὑμῖν, “so, [it seems,] I have become your enemy because I am telling you the truth!” Elsewhere in the NT ὤστε (“therefore,” “so”) is always used at the beginning of independent clauses to draw an inference from what has just been stated (cf. Gal 3:9, 24; 4:7, etc.). Most commentators acknowledge this. Yet almost all critical texts, translations and commentaries treat v 16 as a rhetorical question (e.g., WH, Souter, Nestle, UBSGT, KJV, RSV, JB, NIV, Lightfoot, Lietzmann, Oepke, Schlier, Mussner, Betz, Bruce), despite demurrings to the contrary (cf. Betz, Galatians, 228: “The connection of ὤστε [“therefore”] is certainly loose”; ibid., 228 n. 97: “ὤστε [“therefore”] introducing a question is odd”). Nonetheless, linguistically speaking, Burton, Zahn, and Sieffert are right: v 16 must be read as an indignant exclamation that draws an inference from what is stated in vv 14–15; “the appropriate punctuation is, therefore, an exclamation point” (Burton, Galatians, 244–45). It is not, of course, Paul’s own statement of relationships, but his evaluation of what seems to be his converts’ attitude: “So, [it seems,] I have become your enemy because I am telling you the truth!”

ἐχθρός, “enemy,” was the epithet given Paul by the later Ebionites (cf. Ps.-Clem. Hom., Ep. Pet. 2.3; Ps.-Clem. Recog. 1.70), though whether the Judaizers of Galatia ever used it of him is impossible to say. The modal present participial phrase ἀληθεύων ὑμῖν, “by telling you the truth,” refers not to some past proclamation, but to the truth Paul is now telling the Galatians, which, of course, is what he told them when he was first with them and which then won such a favorable response from them.

Richard N. Longenecker, Galatians, vol. 41, Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas: Word, Incorporated, 1990), 193.


A Positive Way To Tackle “Gay Pride” In the Classroom

During a kid’s birthday party (a classmate of my niece) — the birthday boy’s father and I had a discussion partly spawned by my hat.

We discussed the current indoctrination push during “gay-pride” month, among other things. I discussed some of my past letters to the parents/teachers/and principles I had written when my boys attended school.

(5th Grade) Kwanzaa: Racism in Disguise
(6th Grade) Indians vs. Settlers – Letter from a Concerned Parent
(9th Grade) “Racism” Invoked in the Classroom

(My boys are 31 and 27 years of age now, so the indoctrination on all fronts has gotten worse for sure.)

He mentioned that it is bad, and I responded roughly like this:

  》》 Cray Cray 《《


Not the school his kids
go to, but nonetheless,

  • My boys are 31 and 27 years-old, but I wonder what I would do if they were in school right now. For instance, if my kid told me [or on a parent teacher night I saw] there was a gay-pride flag in the classroom. I think what I would do is offer the teacher a similar sized flag which I would buy her [almost always a “she” touting “equality”] to hang in the classroom as well. And is she refused to show equality of flags representing sexuality [which flags representing sexuality shouldn’t be allowed in the classroom, but that is neither here-nor-there], I would take the next step and discuss this with the principle. And if that met a dead end, the next step may be legal action. And by adding something to the “equality” stance, rather than asking them to take something down, I think would offer a more positive legal outcome.

When I mentioned this part of the conversation to my son he spoke like the teacher and said what would your response be to when she flatly refuses and says the flag is homophobic. To which I responded:

  • If someone in the classroom refused to include the “heteronormativity flag” (straight pride) – and it got to that point where they didn’t want to put it up because of “bigotry” or “homophobia” – you would argue: Well, I’m, in fact, the one that wants both sides to be represented. I am not telling you to take something down or to put this one up exclusively, again, I’m the party who wants both sides to be represented. So if any “phobic” term is to be used, it’s “heterophobe” here in this conversation.

That was just one part of the convo with some dads and friends of dad at the birthday party. I thought that that solution to one of the many problems faced by parents of kids in state-schools is worthy to catalog here for others to say, “Oh yeah, I think that is something I can do in my little corner of the community.”

Two flags repping heteronormativity:


Correcting the Humorless Social Media “Fact-Checkers”

So the lack of cartoonish humor on social media is upsetting. So much so I am going to do a “fact-check” on a “fact-check.”

Yes, it is true with the original cartoon I posted on Facebook that 5-year-old’s do not get hormone therapy to prepare for sex-transitions, yet, very young children do in fact get hormone blockers and surgery.

Did I mention VERY YOUNG?

So, I decided to make a cartoon of my own with the current FACTS I know of.

I am curious if I will get “fact-checked” when I upload this to my SSM Facebook page.

Here is what I will post with the cartoon… and a larger version will be available when you click the below cartoon for better reading:


The “fact-checks” are missing the humor of the original cartoon I posted. Both Reuters and PolitiFact would probably say the same if I changed this to an 11-year-old. However, we know that,

  • A brief report from four doctors at Vanderbilt University, Gender-Affirming Chest Reconstruction Among Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adolescents in the US From 2016 to 2019 appeared in JAMA Pediatrics earlier this week. It is “the largest investigation to date of gender-affirming chest reconstruction in a pediatric population” to date. [….] An estimated 1,130 “top jobs” were performed during those four years on girls as young as 12. [….] According to the data, based on the Nationwide Ambulatory Surgery Sample, the Vanderbilt doctors calculated that 5.5 percent of the children were under 14, 21.5 percent under 15, and 56 percent under 16. I assume if a double mastectomy is done at 12 or 13, a penectomy would be done as well to that age-group? [I assume a penectomy has more health consequences for this age-group, so this may be a later stage surgery.] (See more at RPT)

Typically, hormone therapies/puberty blockers are required a year before surgery, so it is reasonable to assume girls [and boys] as young a 11-years-old have had these “therapies” [child abuse] done to them. I say, “to them” because 11-year-olds cannot consent to such medical procedures and “therapies.”