“Transferring Sainthood” In Denying Nature – Zac Petkanas Edition

Tucker Carlson discusses “transgender bathrooms” in schools with Zac Petkanas after President Trump reverses Obama’s transgender bathroom guidance.

Wow… people who do not think like this guy are unenlightened. Just… wow. Of course the gay professor most known for firing the first shot across the bow of the modern culture war said:

There is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain of: almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative. If this belief is put to the test, one can count on the students’ reaction: they will be uncomprehending. That anyone should regard the proposition as not self-evident astonishes them…. The relativity of truth is… a moral postulate, the condition of a free society, or so they see it…. The danger they have been taught to fear is not error but intolerance. Relativism is necessary to openness; and this is the virtue, the only virtue, which all primary education for more than fifty years has dedicated itself to inculcating. Openness — and the relativism that makes it plausible — is the great insight of our times…. The study of history and of culture teaches that all the world was mad in the past; men always thought they were right, and that led to wars, persecutions, slavery, xenophobia, racism, and chauvinism. The point is not to correct the mistakes and really be right; rather it is not to think you are right at all.

Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind (New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1987), 25.

Even the truth of nature ceases to be reality on the Left.

Again, I think the Lord above for people like VtotheK, via GAY PATRIOT:

According to CNN News Anchor Chris Cuomo (Brother of New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo {Because Democrat-Media Complex}), if a 12 year old girl objects to seeing a penis in the Girls Locker Room, it’s because of her intolerant, sexually repressed parents.

I am not making this up. (I am however excerpting it because Twitter drags the site down).

Q. What do you tell a 12 year old girl who doesn’t want to see a penis in the locker room?

A. i wonder if she is the problem or her overprotective and intolerant dad? teach tolerance. 

One day last week, after a good sweaty workout, I went into the locker room and there were three naked little kids in front of my locker. Parents often take their kids to swim in the adjacent Natatorium. These kids had just showered and were goofing around and just happened to be where I had parked my stuff. I just kind of reached over them and got my stuff while taking care not to look in their direction. They were so involved interacting with each other, I don’t think they noticed me at all. But a locker room environment is a place where children are vulnerable. Mix a creep in with that situation and… potentially terrible outcome.

I just don’t get why all of society should have to be reordered and everyone has to bend over to accommodate the tiny number of people who are trannies? Why is it not incumbent on trannies to accommodate the actually quite reasonable wishes of a much larger amount of society?….

“Reasonableness” is not in the progressive Lefts vocabulary… radical views of equality excavate any such thing. Any many well-intentioned [benighted*] Democrats led by the nose not realizing this are just as much at fault.

* “Benighted”


The Active Transfer Of Saint-Hood Through Social Justice Means

~ some examples ~

One might say that the politician, the doctor, and the dramatist make their living from human misery; the doctor in attempting to alleviate it, the politician to capitalize on it, and the dramatist, to describe it.

But perhaps that is too epigrammatic.

When I was young, there was a period in American drama in which the writers strove to free themselves of the question of character.

Protagonists of their worthy plays had made no choices, but were afflicted by a condition not of their making; and this condition, homosexuality, illness, being a woman, etc., was the center of the play. As these protagonists had made no choices, they were in a state of innocence. They had not acted, so they could not have sinned.

A play is basically an exercise in the raising, lowering, and altering of expectations (such known, collectively, as the Plot); but these plays dealt not with expectations (how could they, for the state of the protagonist was not going to change?) but with sympathy.

What these audiences were witnessing was not a drama, but a troublesome human condition displayed as an attraction. This was, formerly, known as a freak show.

The subjects of these dramas were bearing burdens not of their choosing, as do we all. But misfortune, in life, we know, deserves forbearance on the part of the unafflicted. For though the display of courage in the face of adversity is worthy of all respect, the display of that respect by the unaffected is presumptuous and patronizing.

One does not gain merit from congratulating an afflicted person for his courage. One only gains entertainment.

Further, endorsement of the courage of the affliction play’s hero was not merely impertinent, but, more basically, spurious, as applause was vouchsafed not to a worthy stoic, but to an actor portraying him.

These plays were an (unfortunate) by-product of the contemporary love-of-the-victim. For a victim, as above, is pure, and cannot have sinned; and one, by endorsing him, may perhaps gain, by magic, part of his incontrovertible status.

David Mamet, The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture (New York, NY: Sentinel Publishing, 2011), 134-135.

There is a Liberal sentiment that it should also punish those who take more than their “fair share.” But what is their fair share? (Shakespeare suggests that each should be treated not according to his deserts, but according to God’s mercy, or none of us would escape whipping.)

The concept of Fairness, for all its attractiveness to sentiment, is a dangerous one (cf. quota hiring and enrollment, and talk of “reparations”). Deviations from the Law, which is to say the Constitution, to accommodate specifically alleged identity-group injustices will all inevitably be expanded, universalized, and exploited until there remains no law, but only constant petition of Government.

We cannot live in peace without Law. And though law cannot be perfect, it may be just if it is written in ignorance of the identity of the claimants and applied equally to all. Then it is a possession not only of the claimants but of the society, which may now base its actions upon a reasonable assumption of the law’s treatment.

But “fairness” is not only a nonlegal but an antilegal process, for it deals not with universally applicable principles and strictures, but with specific cases, responding to the perceived or proclaimed needs of individual claimants, and their desire for extralegal preference. And it could be said to substitute fairness (a determination which must always be subjective) for justice (the application of the legislated will of the electorate), is to enshrine greed—the greed, in this case, not for wealth, but for preference. The socialistic spirit of the Left indicts ambition and the pursuit of wealth as Greed, and appeals, supposedly on behalf of “the people,” to the State for “fairness.”….

….But such fairness can only be the non-Constitutional intervention of the State in the legal, Constitutional process—awarding, as it sees fit, money (reparations), preferment (affirmative action), or entertainment (confiscation)….

….”Don’t you care?” is the admonition implicit in the very visage of the Liberals of my acquaintance on their understanding that I have embraced Conservatism. But the Talmud understood of old that good intentions can lead to evil—vide Busing, Urban Renewal, Affirmative Action, Welfare, et cetera, to name the more immedi­ately apparent, and not to mention the, literally, tens of thousands of Federal and State statutes limiting freedom of trade, which is to say, of the right of the individual to make a living, and, so earn that wealth which would, in its necessary expenditure, allow him to provide a living to others….

…. I recognized that though, as a lifelong Liberal, I endorsed and paid lip service to “social justice,” which is to say, to equality of result, I actually based the important decisions of my life—those in which I was personally going to be affected by the outcome—upon the principle of equality of opportunity; and, further, that so did everyone I knew. Many, I saw, were prepared to pay more taxes, as a form of Charity, which is to say, to hand off to the Government the choice of programs and recipients of their hard-earned money, but no one was prepared to be on the short end of the failed Government pro­grams, however well-intentioned. (For example—one might endorse a program giving to minorities preference in award of government contracts; but, as a business owner, one would fight to get the best possible job under the best possible terms regardless of such a pro­gram, and would, in fact, work by all legal and, perhaps by semi- or illegal means to subvert any program that enforced upon the pro­prietor a bad business decision.)*

Further, one, in paying the government to relieve him of a feeling of social responsibility, might not be bothered to question what in fact constituted a minority, and whether, in fact, such minority con­tracts were actually benefiting the minority so enshrined, or were being subverted to shell corporations and straw men.


*No one would say of a firefighter, hired under rules reducing the height requirement, and thus unable to carry one’s child to safety, “Nonetheless, I am glad I voted for that ‘more fair’ law.”

As, indeed, they are, or, in the best case, to those among the applicants claiming eligibility most capable of framing, supporting, or bribing their claims to the front of the line. All claims cannot be met. The politicians and bureaucrats discriminating between claims will neces­sarily favor those redounding to their individual or party benefit—so the eternal problem of “Fairness,” supposedly solved by Government distribution of funds, becomes, yet again and inevitably, a question of graft.

David Mamet, The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture (New York, NY: Sentinel Publishing, 2011), 116-117, 122, 151, 154.

Which bring me to the FAIRNESS BRIGADE our universities are creating so “progressives” [really, regressives] feel good and benighted…

FAMILY POLICY INSTITUTE OF WASHINGTON visited the campus of the University of Washington to see if students would affirm or reject Joseph Backholm’s new chosen identity: a 6’5″ Chinese woman.

I think the really important part is at the end when it is pointed out that how are these people going to make the real [tough] decisions in life than truly matter if they cannot deal with simple realities. I can see this thinking with How Obama deals with foreign affairs. This brings to mind as well the recently “famous” dragon-lady, which is a man mutilating his body to become a female… wait for it… dragon. I have more on this in my Transspecies post, but Gay Patriot ends his post on the matter with this:

  • So, does this mean that businesses will be required to provide this creature with a sunny rock to warm itself in the afternoon sun on? Will states that exempt businesses from having to cater to this be subject to boycotts in services of the LGBQTAR (As in ‘Reptilian’) coalition of the perpetually aggrieved?

Earlier I highlighted a video where “College Kids Speak With a 6’5″ Chinese Woman,” but there are other videos in line with this thinking from The Family Policy Institute of Washington.

We took to the streets of Seattle to see if people actually oppose all discrimination, or if they just oppose *some* discrimination.

The Family Policy Institute of Washington asks Seattle residents if there are any limits to the way someone can self-identify.

Do college kids think there’s a difference between men and women? FPIW visited Seattle University to find out.

See more:

British NHS Bans Term “Expectant Mother”

Dennis Prager reads about the British Nation Health Service’s new guidelines about “gender inclusiveness.” The Left is tearing apart norms of science and logic, as well as common sense. Below is a commentary by RED STATE after they quote the official NHS guidelines:

…The British National Health service recently released guidelines demanding employees no longer refer to a pregnant woman as an “expectant mother” as it is “non-inclusive” of transgender men  women people. The Daily Mail reported the story.

NHS doctors have been told not to call pregnant women ‘expectant mothers’ because it might offend transgender people, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The astonishing warning comes in official guidelines issued by the British Medical Association to its 160,000 members, which says mothers-to-be should be referred to as ‘pregnant people’ instead.

The controversial advice to doctors in hospitals and general practice comes just weeks after it emerged that a Briton who was born a girl but is changing to a man put his operation on hold to have a baby.

Four-months pregnant Hayden Cross, 20, is legally male and has had hormone treatment but not sex-change surgery.

There are no other known cases of a transitioning person becoming pregnant in the UK, but official figures show 775,000 women give birth in Britain every year.

There is so much to unpack here but the take-away is that womanhood is no longer defined by women. I won’t rehash everything wrong with the idea of “gender theory” (again, you can read my previous column on that here) but what strikes me as quite unsettling is the idea that though not one other case of a “man” (by legal definition but not gender) having a baby has been reported yet the NHS is shifting their entire agency policy to accommodate one person. All women who proudly carry the term “expectant mother” are now expected to shift their feelings and motherly pride to bend to the will of one person.

That’s terrifying.

This gender theory madness makes victims of women over and over again. The only end result is that it empowers men to define “womanhood”. Hayden is biologically a woman, but let’s go with the British law on this and call her a man (as is her wish). Here is a man saying that we women don’t even get decide what we call our unique ability to bear life and now aren’t even allowed to claim that mantle as uniquely female and defining of our gender.

It’s very confusing but let me see if I can sort this out: men aren’t allowed to tell women what to do with their bodies when it comes to abortion, but when it comes to giving birth men are allowed to dictate whether or not we are allowed to even call it “motherhood”, which is what it’s been since ALWAYS.

Also, women aren’t to be defined by their vaginas but we just endured angry, nationwide protests by women proudly wearing “p***y hats” and fake vaginas on their heads to symbolize the supposed misogyny of the current administration.

If men can have babies (which they can’t, people. They can’t. It’s S.C.I.E.N.C.E.), periods, and breasts; if men can shun the societal construct of “manly” behavior to proudly include characteristics we’ve traditionally defined as female; if men can even erase the distinctly female term “mother” then what the hell are women good for anymore?

We can stop protesting, Women’s March feminists! There is no such thing as “woman” anymore….

California Paying for Convicted Murderer’s Sex Change Operation

John and Ken detail just how out of control California’s (and really, society as a whole) “fiscal common sense” is and why we as a state will stay in the red. So when someone says schools are broke… point this story out to them:

Here is FOX NEWS‘ story on this lunacy:

California taxpayers will be funding a convicted murder’s sex change operation, according to the prisoner’s attorneys.

Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center, which represents Quine, reportedly told CBS that the surgery’s completion and legal settlement associated with operations for transgender inmates marks a victory “for all transgender people who have ever been denied the medical care we need.” (BREITBART)

Shiloh Heavenly Quine, 57, who is serving a life sentence for murder, will be receiving “sex-reassignment surgery” and will be transferred to a women’s prison, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The state of California will cover much of the funds for Quine’s operation, which will be the first to take place under a new Golden State standard.

Quine, who was born Rodney James Quine according to CNS News, killed a man in 1980 and stole his car during a drug and alcohol-fueled rampage, Abby Huntsman reported.

The Times reported that Farida Baig, the daughter of victim Shahid Ali Baig, legally petitioned to block the surgery but was unsuccessful:

“My dad begged for his life… I’m helping pay for [Quine’s] surgery… It’s kind of like a slap in the face,” Baig said….

Katherine Kersten’s First Things Article (Dennis Prager)

Dennis Prager read from a FIRST THINGS article entitled “Transgender Conformity,” by Katherine Kersten. The article discusses Nova Classical Academy, “a K–12 charter school in St. Paul, Minnesota, is the sort of school that most parents seeking a first-rate education for their children can only dream about. Founded in 2003, the school teaches the classical curriculum of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Students read the Aeneid, the Iliad, and Dante’s Inferno.”

First Things continued:

Nova’s website proclaims, “Parents are the primary educators of their children.” The school’s mission statement calls students to “a virtuous life of duty and ideals.” In 2016, U.S. News and World Report named Nova’s high school No. 1 in Minnesota, and the No. 4 charter high school in the nation.

But on October 14, 2015, parents of K–5 students at Nova received an email from lower school principal Brooke Tousignant that was destined to change the school forever.

Tousignant informed parents that, in the coming year, Nova would be “support[ing] a student who is gender non-conforming.” This term, she explained,

describes children whose identities, appearances, behaviors, or interests do not fit traditional societal expectations associated with their sex assigned at birth. It is important to note that this expression of gender is ever-changing as students are constantly exploring many different aspects of their identity.

To support the gender-nonconforming child, Nova would be teaching K–5 students “about the beauty of being themselves.” All K–5 students would read a book called My Princess Boy, “which tells the story of a boy who expresses his true self by dressing up and enjoying traditional girl things.” Thus was Nova Classical Academy plunged into the Twilight Zone of transgender politics.


….School board meetings at Nova, once sleepy affairs, quickly became scenes of conflict. LGBT activist groups such as Transforming Families (a support group for transgender families) and Gender Justice (a nonprofit law firm) “mobbed the meetings, brought their lawyers, protested, and compelled their sobbing transgender kids to talk about bullying and suicide attempts,” according to Emily Zinos, a longtime Nova parent.

Parents who questioned the proposed policy changes were branded as bigots. “We were ridiculed, mocked, and accused of hatefulness and ignorance, despite our doctoral degrees,” said Tom Lynn, parent of four Nova students. Parents’ free speech rights were also frequently challenged. At one school board meeting, Nova’s attorney asked the school board chair to end public comment, warning that a parent’s reference to the First Amendment could be interpreted as creating an impermissible “hostile environment.”


…Individuals who suffer from a psychological condition known as “gender dysphoria” experience a marked incongruence between their biological sex and their “gender identity”—defined as the subjective, internal sense of being a man or woman. Gender dysphoria is listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It is part of the family of psychological disorders that includes anorexia, body dysmorphic disorder, and body integrity identity disorder (BIID). Anorexic individuals wrongly believe they are obese, while those with body dysmorphic disorder are consumed by the notion that they are ugly. Individuals who suffer from BIID identify as disabled and sometimes seek amputation of healthy limbs or the surgical severing of their spinal cord.

In adult males, gender dysphoria is generally rooted in erotic attractions, according to McHugh. Children are different. They “come to their ideas about their sex” through “a variety of youthful psychosocial conflicts and concerns,” he says. These include “conflicts over the prospects, expectations, and roles that they sense are attached to their given sex—and presume that sex-reassignment will ease or resolve them.”

Gender dysphoria is often associated with pre-existing psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, autism spectrum disorders, and a history of sexual abuse or physical or mental trauma. Other “predisposing and perpetuating factors” include troubled peer dynamics, parental psychopathology, and parental reinforcement of cross-gender behavior during the sensitive period of gender-identity formation, according to Dr. Kenneth Zucker, longtime director of the Child Youth and Family Gender Identity Clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. A child’s ability to resolve gender dysphoria tends to correlate with parental attitudes, with success much more likely if parents minimize the problem, which is exactly the opposite of what transgender ideologues such as the Edwards are doing.

Fortunately, the great majority of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria “identify” with their own sex by late adolescence or adulthood, according to the DSM-5. Estimates range from 70 to 95 percent. For those afflicted, McHugh says, the best treatment is counseling and family therapy….

(MUST read)

A Transgender Poster-Child Fail

He is different alright! This is with a H-T to BLAZING CAT FUR’S TWITTER:

A transgender police officer in Washington, D.C., who has repeatedly been praised as a community role model has also quietly been reprimanded for improper sexually-tinged antics with underage police interns.

In a story published Thursday night, NBC4 News profiled Jessica Hawkins as a police officer who “helps build trust in [the] D.C. community” due to his work on an LGBT outreach unit. Hawkins, who previously went by Billy, is biologically male but identifies as a woman, and publicly transitioned two years ago.


But a new report by local D.C. station Fox 5 shows another, more disturbing side of Hawkins that hasn’t appeared in profiles. According to the report, Hawkins has repeatedly landed in hot water because of his conduct around interns for D.C.’s police department.

“Sgt. Hawkins showed the interns a ‘homemade video of her having sex with 4 men while she was intoxicated,’” Fox’s report says. Another complain filed against Hawkins accused him of taking under-21 interns to an Arlington gay bar, where she helped them buy alcohol and laughed at one intern’s possession of a fake ID.

According to Fox, Hawkins has admitted that both complaints against him are accurate, and was quite cavalier in the admission. Hawkins even volunteered that he had shown other interns an inappropriate picture on his phone….

FOX 5 continues:

Hawkins in that very interview admitted to buying alcohol while on duty and drinking the store bought vodka inside an MPD facility amongst others while they were on duty.

Her reputation amongst DC’s LGBTQ community came into question because of her role in the unit. Allegations she gave preference to concerns from transgender citizens over others.

Officers claimed her role was undermined amongst her peers after her predecessor and now chairman of the DC police FOP, Sgt Matthew Mahl incited tensions between her and the gay community after Mahl left the unit on bad terms.

DC police released this statement which reads in its entirety quote:

“Following misconduct allegations, Sergeant Jessica Hawkins was the focus of a recent internal affairs investigation. That investigation has concluded and the findings are currently with the MPD’s disciplinary review division. The DRD will review and determine an appropriate penalty. Throughout the investigation, Sergeant Hawkins remained in her current assignment and is still widely considered a valuable MPD team member in our special liaison division.”  

Male Bicyclist Wins Female Division

One person commenting on this story said: “Remember when steroids were illegal in professional sports?” Yep. Great point.

Here is part of the story via the DAILY CALLER:

A 36-year-old biological male dominated the women’s division of the El Tour de Tucson last weekend, an annual cycling competition in Arizona that attracts thousands of amateur and professional cyclists.

Jillian Bearden — who identifies as a transgender woman — won the 106-mile race in 4 hours and 36 minutes, the Arizona Daily Star reported.

Bearden finished approximately 25 minutes behind former Mexican Olympian cyclist Hugo Rangel, who took home first place in the men’s division.

“It’s absolutely huge,” Bearden told the Daily Star, referring to his victory. “We’re at a moment of time — especially now — where not only do we have to come out but we have to be positive. We have to come together in solidarity and move this country in a direction that is accepting of all.”

Bearden’s victory is just the latest example of what critics say is an unfair advantage biological men have when competing in women’s athletic events.

In June, Alaskan high school girls felt cheated after teenage male Nattaphon Wangyot took home all-state honors in girls’ track and field. (RELATED: High School Boy Wins All-State Honors In Girls’ Track And Field)


Milo Lectures On “Retarded Culture” and Child Abuse

Child Abuse foisted on society by the progressive Left, via GAY PATRIOT:

So this mom tried to jump on the trendy transgendered band-wagon, claiming her little boy identified as a girl. You get a lot of high-fives and social kudos in left-wing social circles for this.

Then, the court put the little boy back in dad’s custody. You won’t believe what happened next. (See, I can be a master clickbaiter) 

A seven-year-old boy has been removed from his mother’s care by the high court, after he was found to be suffering “significant emotional harm” due to his mother raising him as a girl.

The judge in the case slammed social services who had simply accepted that the boy should be treated as a girl.

The woman had told him that the boy “expressed disdain for his penis”, he said, adding: “I consider that [the mother] has caused significant emotional harm to [her son] in her active determination that he should be a girl.”

“I have been told that [the father] and his partner were shocked when they first saw [the boy] by the extent to which he appeared to be a girl, both in appearance and in mannerism,” said the judge. “However, what is striking is how well [the boy] has settled down.

“I have noted from reports that [the boy] has become interested in Power Rangers, SpongeBob, superheroes and is constantly finding new interests … It is striking that most of [the boy’s] interests are male-oriented.

You gotta feel sorry for kids who become just tokens of their parents desire to embrace social justice culture. I keep thinking of that poor little boy raised by the two man-hating lesbian couple* who, surprise surprise, despises himself and also identifies as transgendered because it’s probably the only way to get his parents to accept him. He’s due for quite a shock later on when he finds out how many lesbians hate trannies. Poor kid….

(read more)


Here is a partial excerpt from the above via BREITBART:

…Of course many trannies, or those that make up their own new gender, are not actually retarded. But they are deeply mentally damaged, and they are failed by a liberal establishment obsessed with making them feel good about themselves.

Consider how fanatical the liberal establishment, especially on campus, is with pronouns.  My pronouns in case you are curious are “Fag, Faggot, and His Royal Fagness”.  In the minds of the far left, what is important is not that a person be free to believe what they want about themselves, it is that all of us need to believe what they believe…. OR ELSE.

If trans lobby had its way, misgendering them would land you in jail.   How ridiculous is this idea!  Forcing people think a certain way, to make another person comfortable.

A tranny may say I am ugly. They’d be wrong of course. But they are free to say it.

More importantly, I do not base my self esteem on the fact that everyone around me is forced to accept whatever I say about myself.

Trannies need to learn to say “So What” if someone doesn’t accept them.  But they never will.  They are obsessed with being victims and being given special rights.  

Everything they don’t like is transphobic. They’ve even invented a swear word for straight people: “cis”.

And if you won’t sleep with a tranny, you are transphobic. They call it the Cotton Ceiling, which is a stupid name. They should just call it: Biology.

My constant refrain is that we must not tailor our cultural norms to the whims of the mentally ill.

We do not require Americans to speak french to mental patients who believe they are Napoleon Bonaparte.  We also don’t change that poor soul’s birth certificate to say he was born in France centuries ago.  

There is a mental illness in Israel called Jerusalem Syndrome, in which foreigners spontaneously believe they are religious figures from the bible.

Imagine if society had to conform to their lunacy?  You’d not only have to speak aramaic or some other dead tongue to them, you’d have to accept their faith. If you are an atheist and someone identifies as Jesus, will you risk disbelieving them, and being labeled a bigot? I think not!

This isn’t to say I don’t have sympathy with trans “folk”, as we are asked to call them.

I’m not, by the way, remotely the most offensive person on this subject.

Real people with the real disorder, that is, not transtrenders in the media, who are simply gay men dressing up for attention. I hate people like that!

I want you to imagine the struggles of a fellow student.  They feel they don’t belong in their body.  They were born the wrong shape, and when they look into a mirror, they see something alien…. It isn’t them.

This fellow student will go to any lengths to become the person they KNOW they are on the inside.  It may involve drug usage, mutilation, or starvation.

You may think I am describing a transexual, but I’m not- I’m describing a young person with Anorexia Nervosa.

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder.  When detected, the sufferer will receive counseling and other mental health treatment to stop their destructive behaviors and learn to recover both mentally and physically.

Many sufferers of Anorexia end up leading normal and productive lives, and even maintain a healthy weight.

Now imagine if Anorexia was on the LGBT spectrum.

How would treatment differ?  The Anorexia would not be called a mental disorder, but something else, something non-offensive, maybe a condition.

It would be encouraged by parents and mental healthcare providers.  The trans-eating would be praised for their strength and encouraged not to eat.  They might even get surgery to remove some ribs to be even thinner.

It’s sick and disgusting, but that largely describes how gender dysphoria, formerly known as gender identity disorder, is treated today.

Even the DSM-V, the manual which is used to diagnose mental disorders, has bowed to the pressure of the establishment, which insists that trannies are healthy and legitimate. Their 2013 edition made the change from a “disorder” (Gender Identity Disorder) to a “condition” (gender dysphoria).

Some are still brave enough to say the truth, for example Dr. Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, who has said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are “collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.”

He said that and didn’t get droned by the Obama administration. I’m shocked!

Dr. McHugh and colleagues pioneered gender identity disorder studies in the 60’s.  They found no good reason to cut off healthy body parts.

In short, and this is the concept the entire left and LGBT spectrum rejects: reality DOES NOT and CAN NOT conform to delusion.

Trannies can never be women, or men for the small slice of women insane enough to desire to give up female privilege.

Trannies suffer from an astronomically high suicide rate after having their genitals mutilated.  Some theorize that they realize they did not magically turn into women, and cannot handle this truth.  Regardless of the reason, that this treatment continues is a travesty of medicine.

Every study shows the same thing: post-transition depression and suicide rates do not change or get worse.

One study in Sweden, which ran for 30 years, found the suicide rate of post-op trannies is 20 times higher than the normal population. Is that not the definition of medical malpractice? When a doctor’s operation leaves the patient 20 times more likely to die?

The Williams Institute at UCLA also found unbelievably high suicide attempt rates.  More than 40% of trannies attempt suicide, as compared to less than 5% of the general population, and somewhere between 10 and 20% of the gay and lesbian population.

There is a long list of health problems associated with trannies, some mental and some physical.

Researchers at Vanderbilt have documented many of these:

  • Problems caused by hormone therapy like liver damage and blood pressure problems.
  • Cancer in remaining organs- is it transphobic to tell a trans-man to get checked for cancer of the uterus?  
  • Drug abuse just to deal with what they are…. Leading to dangerous sex and increased HIV transmission
  • Higher rates of anxiety and depression, especially among those without social support.
  • Higher risk for heart disease due to hormone use, smoking, and obesity.

No matter how you slice it (pun intended) trannies suffer a tremendous risk of suicide, worsening mental problems, and a massive range of physical issues.

Our medical establishment has taken one of the most vulnerable groups — certainly the most likely to kill themselves — and declared the way to treat their mental illness is to pump them full of estrogen, cut up their genitals, and make everyone call them a woman.

And the LGBT lobby and their friends in the media — the people vulnerable groups in society look to for support — are complicit in this self-mutilation and denial of reality.

These are terribly broken people. They are some of the most damaged amongst us, besides my ex-boyfriends. They need therapy, treatment, and to learn to live with the gender they are.

In my opinion, in future times we are very likely to look back at gender reassignment surgery with abject horror.   We will wonder how the people of the time still known 50 years in the future as “current year”  were able to justify butchering the bodies of mental patients to play along with their cruel delusions.

It will rank up there with electro-shock therapy to cure homosexuality as a barbaric practical with zero efficacy.  

At some point children of both real genders will read about doctors who treated mental illness by surgically building their patients a vagina out of their penis…. A vagina that has to be blocked open for six months lest it heal over.  Does that sound like medical treatment or barbaric medieval torture?

Although I may seem cruel to trannies, I say all of this because i recognize they are vulnerable and at-risk, and are treated as pawns by the liberal establishment eager to use them to push thought control on the rest of us.

I wish I could say these adults struggling with identity disorders were the most vulnerable and at-risk, but they are not.

The vogue thing to do these days in is to declare that your child is a transexual.  We see them on TV and elsewhere, parents parading their tranny kids around.

It reminds me a bit of the little girls dressed up as pageant contestants, but parents pushing transexualism on their kids is worse…. Much worse.

Children have no idea what they are sexually until puberty.  Even the mental health establishment will grudgingly admit that so called “gender non-conforming” children may snap out of it by their teenage years.

I mean, we used to have a word for this: tomboys.

I fear a future in which by the time they snap out of it, mommy and daddy has gotten them a sex change on the taxpayer’s dime.   

Imagine the hell these kids will experience, all so that their parents feel special, and part of the tranny movement themselves.

There is no coming back from having your penis surgically removed.

You may have heard of a peculiar mental illness called munchausen’s syndrome by proxy.  In this mental illness, a caregiver will fabricate, exaggerate, or directly cause illnesses in their child or other dependant so they can feel special and act as a wonderful caregiver.

I think there is a direct parallel to these parents, we could call it tranny by proxy.  They feel special and they feel part of a cultural movement by playing around with the gender identity of their child.

It is sick, just as sick as giving a child a dose of poison so you can rush them to the ER.

Now we’ve been discussing trannies, who are mentally ill and not necessarily retarded.  But there are plenty of retards out there.

Deeply narcissistic young people who have latched onto gender identity as a way to be special.  

I hate to break it to you– but if you identify as one of these, you as closer to a potato than a regular college kid.

Made-up genders don’t make you special, they make you a retard…

Covergirls (lol) Cover Is Not a Girl

I have to share GAY PATRIOTS comments on this:

The Cover Girl make-up company decided to use a 17 year old boy as its new ‘Cover Girl.’ The kid wears make-up like Tammy Faye Bakker and, well, let’s just say he better stay away from Donald Trump if he doesn’t want to get grabbed. Apparently, this is what the mainstream media wants men to be these days; sissy boys wearing girly make-up.

You know who’s pissed off about this? Come on, who is always pissed off about everything? The feminists, the trannies, the feminist trannies, and the Social Justice Wankers.  Apparently, choosing a white boy as a Cover Girl isn’t transgressive enough. They should have picked a transgendered humanoid of color, ideally vegan, and if Muslim, even better.

The Tammy Faye Bakker comment had me rollin!

Jan Crouch

Tammy Faye

5 Ways The Left Are Anti-Science ~ Lauren Southern


1. Biology: We are not all the same.
2. GMO foods: They are healthy, not toxic.
3. Fat positivity: Being overweight is not something to encourage.
4. Gender: It is not subjective; it is not a social construct.
5. Nuclear power: This safe source of energy would be moonbats’ first choice if they took their own carbon rhetoric seriously.

Lauren Southern of TheRebel says that while the Left makes fun of the Right for being “anti-science,” but she proves that “progressives” also cling to unscientific beliefs. MORE

Sexuality and Gender ~ A Scientific Report

I updated my #4 in my cumulative case against SAME SEX MARRIAGE with the below. Find more at The New Atlantis sites:

A new giant study has been released showing a few things in the transsexual and homosexual arena that I have said for a very long time, and while the bullet pointed summary can be under a few different headings… I will place it here. These are the main points from the larger study “co-authored by two of the nation’s leading scholars on mental health and sexuality, the 143-page report discusses over 200 peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences, painstakingly documenting what scientific research shows and does not show about sexuality and gender” ~ THE STREAM (via Dr. Brown):

The thought police aren’t going to like this. A major report has come out on sexuality and gender, in which two highly accomplished scientists lay waste to the leftist dogma underlying the current homosexual/transsexual cultural Marxist blitzkrieg. A few highlights from the Executive Summary:

● The understanding of sexual orientation as an innate, biologically fixed property of human beings — the idea that people are “born that way” — is not supported by scientific evidence.
● Longitudinal studies of adolescents suggest that sexual orientation may be quite fluid over the life course for some people, with one study estimating that as many as 80% of male adolescents who report same-sex attractions no longer do so as adults.
● Compared to heterosexuals, non-heterosexuals are about two to three times as likely to have experienced childhood sexual abuse.
● Compared to the general population, non-heterosexual subpopulations are at an elevated risk for a variety of adverse health and mental health outcomes.
● Members of the transgender population are also at higher risk of a variety of mental health problems compared to members of the non-transgender population.
● The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex — that a person might be “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or “a woman trapped in a man’s body” — is not supported by scientific evidence.
● Compared to the general population, adults who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery continue to have a higher risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes.
● Only a minority of children who experience cross-gender identification will continue to do so into adolescence or adulthood.


Kudos to the authors Lawrence S. Mayer and Paul R. McHugh, for sticking to their scientific guns in a hyperpoliticized field. They know a price will be exacted.