Are abortion laws more conservative in America or in Western Europe? Would a pregnant woman seeking an abortion have an easier time getting one in Texas or in…Germany? The answers, as talk show host Elisha Krauss explains, may just change how you think about America’s abortion laws.
Party of Death

Google CELEBRATES Anti-Human and Anti-Christian Motifs
I am updating this post by adding to it by way of older posts AS WELL AS this new example of Google’s morbid honoring of an Islamo-Fascist/Marxist leaning radical, Yuri Kochiyama:
Many of you may not know who this is. Trust me, until I started writing on the Five-Percenters, I didn’t know either. Truth Revolt catches up the uninitiated to the violent culture of the left:
- I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire,” said activist Yuri Kochiyama in 2003.
Kochiyama has just been given the honor of having her 95th birthday celebrated with a colorful Google Doodle that attempts to paint her as a great advocate for equality on par with Martin Luther King Jr.
If the above quote alone wasn’t enough to disqualify her from the list of many other Americans who deserve a Google Doodle in their honor, Kochiyama also “admired Mao; supported the black separatist movement; demanded the release of four Puerto Rican nationalists who opened fire in the House of Representatives in a terror attack; worked on behalf of cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur,” according to Jim Lakely ofHeartland.
Lakely did not have to look very far (nor did TruthRevolt) to discover all this troubling information on Kochiyama, because a mere click on the Google Doodle itself leads to the Wikipedia page that lays it out alongside her work as a “human rights” activists, the same place where her opinions of Osama bin Laden after 9/11 were labeled merely “controversial.”
At a time when Facebook is being exposed for its suppression of conservative users and ideas on the social media platform, it’s great to see that there’s no leftist bias at Google as well.
Kochiyama also converted to Islam later in life….
You know who else admires Mao? Rachel Maddow… but that is neither here-nor-there, as, those that watch her on MSNBC do not grasp reality anyway. I make this point of “reality in a conversation with a commentator on one of my recent uploads to my YouTube Channel about the Left. Here is the opening comment followed by my response:
Tim said: I have been following the debate and, as a European, I have to say it sends shivers down my spine. If the state can decide what ever it wants, it will…
I respond: …And, if people believe the “States” new definitions/reality (like government can control weather or legislation does away with nature’s “male/female” distinctions), they are [or can be] convinced of anything… violence being the lesser of the reality we experience. “Lesser” in that natural law (whether you think the gender distinction is God given or millions of years of the struggle of species through evolution) is more a law that CANNOT be changed… but is. People who are convinced that they can change THIS are easily convinced [in my opinion] of violent ends to their conviction. This is natural to man’s nature… and so these people scare me. And we have seen this happen in the past — either people convinced to do violence or people convinced to ignore it for the greater purpose.
Sorry for the rant, you got me thinking.
Tim finishes: Never apologize for thinking! Ever :) I live in Belgium which is a social democraty with a mighty state, cruddy economy and backwards infrastructure. Needless to inform you about the terrible state my country is in… I Always considered the USA as a beacon of light, good idea, success and individualism. I share your opinion….
These people and support for radicalism in all walks of life scare me. Not in my soul… I am saved and a child of God, but scares me for the future of our country which has been a blessing for soo many. Here are PolitiChicks input on this Yuri Kochiyama flap:
My default search engine is Google and I use it quite often. I am aware of the Google higher ups and their political leanings and I disagree with them but I’m not usually a boycott person. Honestly, if I boycott everything I disagree with then I will live in a closet with nothing to eat or look at for the rest of my life.
Recently, however, the Google Doodle kept flashing at me every time I opened the browser. Eventually I clicked on the dumb thing, though I rarely do…
…Clicking on the image I see this at the very top of the page:
“Yuri Kochiyama (河内山 百合 Kōchiyama Yuri, May 19, 1921 – June 1, 2014) was a Japanese American human rights activist. She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black black separatists. Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X, she was an advocate for many revolutionary movements.”
“Influenced by Marxism, Maoism and the thoughts of Malcom X…” Interesting that Google would choose to put a Doodle up celebrating someone who admired murderers and thugs.
I don’t care if she was advocating for “equality,” the fact is, if you are influenced by communist dictators your idea of “equality” is obviously not the kind of equality Webster’s Dictionary defines….
…[Google’s] short summary substantially whitewashes Kochiyama’s career, though. Besides campaigning for reparations to interned Japanese-Americans (which were granted in 1988), Kochiyama’s career included frequent support for Communist revolution, black separatism, and anti-American terrorism.
A convert to Islam, after 9/11 Kochiyama was deeply critical of the U.S. war on terrorism and offered strong praise for Osama bin Laden. In a 2003 interview, she described bin Laden as a leader she admired, alongside Fidel Castro, Malcolm X, and Che Guevara.
“I thank Islam for bin Laden,” she said. “America’s greed, aggressiveness, and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped.” She argued that America’s goal in the war on terrorism was “taking over the world.”
Bin Laden wasn’t the only violent terrorist Kochiyama had sympathy for. She also declared she “completely support[ed]” the Shining Path in Peru, a violent Maoist insurgency implicated in numerous terrorist actions and atrocities. She participated in an occupation of the Statue of Liberty in 1977 that called for the release of four Puerto Rican terrorists who shot up the House of Representatives in the 1950s. She also solicited support for figures like Yu Kikumura, a member of the Japanese Red Army who was convicted in 1988 of planning to bomb a U.S. Navy recruitment office, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, a Black Panther who was convicted of murdering a Philadelphia policeman in 1981.
Besides her sympathy for armed revolutionaries and terrorists, Kochiyama also advocated black separatism, an ideology that seeks the creation of a separate black homeland in the United States. Towards that end, she was one of the few non-black individuals to join the Republic of New Afrika, a seditious group that claimed dominion over five states in the American South.
Needless to say I stopped using Google for most of my searches years ago. I support Bing with as much bandwidth as I can. Here are some previous posts I have on the issue… “enjoy”
First I want to note the “Easter Example” of choices between Bing and Google. Google first followed by Bing:
Here is the posted “doodle” [art] on Easter by Google:
Now, here is Bing’s Easter display:
This erupted into a an issue on the WWW… here are a few examples:
…The timing is oddly appropriate; as Dennis Prager has written, “You cannot understand the Left if you do not understand that leftism is a religion,” and one with its own sources of mythology. Back in 2006 at Tech Central Station, Lee Harris described French Marxist Georges Sorel (1847-1922), and the concept of the Sorelian Myth:
Sorel, for whom religion was important, drew a comparison between the Christian and the socialist revolutionary. The Christian’s life is transformed because he accepts the myth that Christ will one day return and usher in the end of time; the revolutionary socialist’s life is transformed because he accepts the myth that one day socialism will triumph, and justice for all will prevail. What mattered for Sorel, in both cases, is not the scientific truth or falsity of the myth believed in, but what believing in the myth does to the lives of those who have accepted it, and who refuse to be daunted by the repeated failure of their apocalyptic expectations. How many times have Christians in the last two thousand years been convinced that the Second Coming was at hand, only to be bitterly disappointed — yet none of these disappointments was ever enough to keep them from holding on to their great myth. So, too, Sorel argued, the myth of socialism will continue to have power, despite the various failures of socialist experiments, so long as there are revolutionaries who are unwilling to relinquish their great myth. That is why he rejected scientific socialism — if it was merely science, it lacked the power of a religion to change individual’s lives. Thus for Sorel there was “an…analogy between religion and the revolutionary Socialism which aims at the apprenticeship, preparation, and even the reconstruction of the individual — a gigantic task.”
…Google frequently honors important figures or dates with its popular “doodles,” but the decision to honor Chavez while many around the world were marking Easter sparked an intense reaction from some on social media. The search engine Bing decorated its homepage with Easter eggs.
Still, a search of Google’s past doodles shows they have honored Easter just once in the United States — in 2000 — and tend not to recognize specific religious holidays. While they regularly post special logos for Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Earth Day and other dates, certain doodles tend to be more esoteric….
While 2.1 billion Christians around the world celebrate Easter Sunday on this 31st day of March, Google is using its famous ‘Doodle’ search logo art to mark the birth of left-wing labor leader, Cesar Chavez.
Dennis Prager explains this odd choice, via Ed Driscoll at Instapundit: “You cannot understand the Left if you do not understand that leftism is a religion.”….
…Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt was an informal adviser to both of President Obama’s presidential campaigns, a member of the Obama White House transition team in 2009 and a onetime prospect for an Obama Cabinet post during the president’s second term.
As The Daily Caller has reported, Schmidt is also a steadfast climate-change activist, and has advocated for the complete termination of the oil, natural gas, and coal industries, and predicted that Washington, D.C. will soon be completely underwater due to climate change. (RELATED: Schmidt’s influence in the Obama White House)…
Fox News
Wow. At any rate, Caesar Chavez does not fit the mold of the modern Left. see my post “Comedian Paul Rodriguez Strays from CNN’s Script,” for some examples of just how “xenophobic” he was.
I lost my Christmas graphics and post for this one… so I will merely show the graphics from a couple of years via Google, followed by an example of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day by Bing:
I wonder who these angels pictured below would be heralding?
Are you getting the picture? It is worth a thousand words.
E C O – D E A T H
Memorial Day ~ Google vs. Bing

- Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock, p. 292.
Google ignored an American Tribute to our men and women of the military on Memorial Day (first GOOGLE, followed by BING):
However, the day AFTER Memorial Day I saw this graphic, and had no idea what it was for:
I thought it was some dumb holiday or solstice, or something. It couldn’t be that easy, right? Moonbattery explains its meaning:
Yesterday Google barely acknowledged Memorial Day, with a tiny little flag that contrasted sharply against the sea of flags on display on Bing’s homepage. But today is a holiday the Google people can get behind. It’s Rachel Carson’s birthday:
Rachel Carson was an environmental extremist best known for the book Silent Spring, a work of alarmist propaganda that led to the banning of the most beneficial substance ever created in terms of saving human lives, DDT, which was instrumental in largely ridding Western countries of malaria.
Malaria continues to be a very serious problem in Third World countries, which Western moonbats of the sort who consider Rachel Carson to be an admirable character have leaned on heavily to stop using DDT. The result has been by some estimates as many as 50 million unnecessary deaths.
Among Carson’s fellow progressive luminaries, only communist dictators Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin can top her body count…
The above (audio) and below are Dennis Prager explaining more about DDT and other issues:
Go on to Google today and you’ll see a charming illustration celebrating the life and work of environmentalist Rachel Carson. There’s a turtle and a pelican and a crab and a delightful seal in an idyllic landscape of flowers and trees and water. But what are missing from the picture, for some bizarre reason, are the dead bodies of the millions of people who died of malaria thanks to Carson’s principled campaigning against the insecticide DDT.
Will Google be paying similar tribute to any of the other mass killers of the 20th century? Hitler? Stalin? Mao? Pol Pot? Probably not. But then, none of the others have had the benefit of having their images burnished by a thousand and one starry eyed greenies. Nor, unlike Carson – as I note in The Little Green Book of Eco Fascism – do they have named after them a school, a bridge, a hiking trail, three environmental prizes and an annual “sustainable” feast day (at her birthplace in Springdale, Pennsylvania)…
…How many people died as a result of Carson’s scaremongering? We cannot be sure. But in 1965 the National Academy of Sciences estimated that over the two previous decades DDT had “prevented 500 million deaths that would otherwise have been inevitable.”
Dennis Prager
Environmentalism and Human Sacrifice
…These are the people who coerced nations worldwide into banning DDT. It is generally estimated this ban has led to the deaths of about 50 million human beings, overwhelmingly African children, from malaria. DDT kills the mosquito that spreads malaria to human beings.
US News and World Report writer Carrie Lukas reported in 2010, “Fortunately, in September 2006, the World Health Organization announced a change in policy: It now recommends DDT for indoor use to fight malaria. The organization’s Dr. Anarfi Asamoa-Baah explained, ‘The scientific and programmatic evidence clearly supports this reassessment. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is useful to quickly reduce the number of infections caused by malaria-carrying mosquitoes. IRS has proven to be just as cost effective as other malaria prevention measures and DDT presents no health risk when used properly.'”
Though Lukas blames environmentalists for tens of millions of deaths, she nevertheless describes environmentalists as “undoubtedly well-intentioned.”
I offer two assessments of this judgment.
First, in life it is almost always irrelevant whether or not an individual or a movement is well intentioned. It is difficult to name a movement that has committed great evil whose members woke up each day asking, “What evil can I commit today?” Nearly all of them think they’re well intentioned. Good intentions don’t mean a thing.
Second, while environmentalists believe they have good intentions, I do not believe their intentions are good.
Concern for the natural environment is certainly laudable and every normal person shares it. But the organized environmentalist movement — Lomborg specifically cites Greenpeace, Naomi Klein and the New York Times — is led by fanatics. The movement’s value system is morally askew. It places a pristine natural world above the well-being of human beings.
The environmentalist movement’s responsibility for the deaths of tens of millions of poor children in the Third World is the most egregious example….

Character of Our Nation ~ Carly Fiorina (*Caution! Graphic!*)
See more at BreitBart.

Open Season On Police Officers w/Thanks To Obama
…According to Clarke, their rhetoric has caused an “open season” on police officers.
“I am too pissed off tonight to be diplomatic with what’s going on and I’m not going to stick my head in the sand about it,” Clarke said. “I said last December war had been declared on the American police officer led by some high profile people, one coming out of the White House, and one coming out of the United State Department of Justice. And it’s open season right now. No doubt about it.”
“I’m tired of people calling these black activists,” he added. “They’re not black activists. This is black slime and it needs to be eradicated from American society. I need every law abiding person in America to stand up and start pushing back against this slime.”

“Cancer” ~ Melissa Harris-Perry Kid’s First Words
( – MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry compared abortion to cancer treatment and hand amputation during a segment of her self-titled show Saturday on Alabama’s abortion law that requires minors to get written parental consent before an abortion or petition the court if they don’t.
And NewsBusters has this:
“I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence…”
Faye Wattleton, former president of Planned Parenthood (1997)
Don’t be fooled by the deceptive labels and euphemisms. When it comes to “reproductive rights,” feminists have a very specific agenda—one that involves a lot more abortions, but not necessarily more choice.
Ashley Herzog, Feminism vs. Women (Xulon Press, 2008), 86.
…As Dave Andrusko (National Right to Life News) stated:
“At first blush, you might simply say, What?!” But remember this is the same woman who argued that superstar singer Beyonce could [should?] have promoted abortion at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards program where she spoke at length…”
(I’ll add a few more examples that will make people scratch their heads and say “What!?” There was the time where she downplayed the role that radical Islam played shortly after the Boston Bombings. The time she linked GITMO detainees to American slaves. The time she mocked (and then shamefully apologized) Mitt Romney on his newest grandson – who happened to be black. Or the time when she said that parents shouldn’t raise kids, communities should raise kids: “Part of it is, we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”)
McPhilips took Harris-Perry’s irrational comment in stride, and sensibly responded:
“Well, you wouldn’t have to, because I presume you’re well over 17, but someone 17 or younger, especially 16, 15, 14, having an abortion or having a baby could have great consequences. And at their age and stage, they can’t enter into any contract legally in any state anyway, and the rules of civil procedure in Alabama and in most states allow for the appointment of a guardian ad litem to protect the property interests of an unborn child. And we reason if the property interests of an unborn child can be protected, why not the life interests, because without the life, you can’t have property. …
“But I will say this: I want to raise the consciousness of people out there that there’s much at stake, great life itself. The only problem with pro-choice is it’s absolutely no choice for the one life that’s really at stake.”
Melissa Harris-Perry once asked “When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents. A powerful feeling – but not science”; and spoke of an unborn child as a “thing” that “might turn into a human.”

California Democrats Kill Bill to Outlaw Sex-Selection Abortions
Breitbart reports on this horrendous example that comes from the Party of Death:
On Tuesday, thirteen Democrats on the California State Assembly Health Committee voted down a bill that would have outlawed the practice of sex selection through abortion.
The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (AB 2336) ran into opposition by all of the Democrats on the committee, who saw the bill as a prelude to broader abortion restrictions, according to a report from Instead, Democrats introduced a resolution to condemn sex-selection abortion–but not to outlaw it.
The bill was introduced on May 6th by Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), who said in her opening testimony that “the U.N. estimates that upwards of 200 million girls around the world have been aborted merely because they were ‘the wrong gender.'” She explained that countries like India and China are dominated by a male-child mentality, with mothers preferring future working men and family providers over the “burden” of baby girls.
“This is the real war on women,” Grove told the committee. “Girls are being killed simply for being girls and it’s happening right here in California and not just Third World Nations.”….
Lifenews fills in some blanks:
Sex-selection abortion in California—which has evolved into a cottage tourism industry for women wishing to hand-pick their baby’s gender—will remain a protected practice after the Assembly Health Committee snubbed a proposal on May 6 to end the barbaric trend. As expected, the committee voted along party lines, 13-6, squelching Assembly Bill (AB) 2336 (Grove R-Bakersfield).
In introducing her Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act at the hearing, Assemblywoman Shannon Grove offered statistics showing that entire population segments are shifting toward male majorities as experts estimate that 160 million girls have been killed either from through sex-selection abortion or infanticide at birth by parents seeking a boy.
Grove cited evidence that women from China, India, and other nations where the practice has been outlawed are now coming to California to take advantage of the state’s dangerously deregulated abortion laws.
“This is the real war on women: the killing of baby girls simply because they are girls,” Grove told committee members. “We hear often in this Capitol building about women’s rights, equal rights for women, equal protection under the law, equal pay. Well colleagues, girls are being killed simply for being girls and its happening right here in California and not just Third World nations.”
Grove also reminded committee members that multiple Planned Parenthood workers across the country have been captured on undercover videos assisting patients seeking abortions based on gender.
“Are American girls somehow less valuable or do they deserve less dignity, less worth?” Grove said at one point in her testimony….

Another Example of Progressive Ideals Ending in Disaster!
An interesting post (@HotAir) caught my attention in regards to birth-control, and the dangers associated with them. Again, the Left has a vision which it thinks will increase choices made in the utopian dreams envisioned of a perfect society. But what leftism fails to do which conservatism does is ask three questions:
1) compared to what?
2) at what cost?
3) what hard-evidence do you have?
Here is the article:
…First it was former Winter Olympics hopeful and former intern Megan Henry — sidelined due to use of the intrauterine device NuVaRing — whose joining of a class-action lawsuit against NuVaRing parent company Merck Pharmaceuticals made news across the country.
Then there was a 10,000-word essay from Vanity Fair, which asked “why, despite evidence of serious risk, a potentially lethal contraceptive remains on the market.” And Ricki Lake’s documentary on hormonal contraception and “the unexposed side effects of these powerful medications” is getting backlash from writers at and Slate.
Registered nurse and pro-life activist Jill Stanek told me this exposure is no surprise, delayed though it is:
“In 2005, the World Health Organization classified the morning-after pill as a Class 1 carcinogen — as dangerous as cigarette smoke and asbestos,” Stanek said. “With all of the studies showing links between oral contraception and greater chances of glaucoma, heart risk and breast-cancer risk, it’s amazing any women use them. And the NuvaRing lawsuit shows how dangerous hormonal contraception is.”
“The American people are belatedly finding out from the mainstream media just how far we’ve gone off the path of proper care of the bodies of women,” stated Stanek. She said media attention to the issue, as well prominent political attention to issues like the HHS contraception mandate, has created “a perfect storm for greater knowledge by women about why they should use better wisdom and responsibility in their sexual practices.”
Obviously, women won’t stop using birth control overnight — and their male sex partners aren’t likely to ask them to stop — but it’s important that young women receive all of the facts surrounding the use of contraception. This is especially true as the HHS mandate forces coverage of products with literally deadly potential.
Abortion Survivor Pens Letter to Her Unborn Child
Via the Blaze:
Now pregnant with her second child, Ohden recently penned a letter to her own unborn baby, speaking of the joys present in the world, while also warning the child that “the culture of death is all around us.”
“You are 62 days old in the womb today, so we don’t know a whole lot yet about you. But what we do know is this. You are ours and you are loved,” Ohden told the child. “Without yet even seeing you, I feel your presence each day, and I look forward to your presence being made more aware to the world through a soon-to-be burgeoning belly and through movements that make your sister and father squeal with joy.”
She went on to express how excited the family is for the coming birth — and shared how the unborn baby’s sister, Olivia, is anxiously awaiting the happiness she will experience from meeting and interacting with her younger brother and sister.
The letter, though, also struck a more serious tone, with Ohden letting her daughter know that the world is a mixed bag of both joy and pain.
Chet McDoniel, born without arms, speaks about his testimony against the `Fetal Abnormalities Exemption` in the abortion bill during a Texas State Affairs Committee hearing
From Video Description:
Recently, Chet McDoniel, an inspirational speaker who was born without arms, spoke to MRCTV about his testimony against the “Fetal Abnormalities Exemption” in the abortion bill during a Texas State Affairs Committee hearing. He also addressed the state of the pro-life movement in TX, and gave his predictions about the future of this ground-breaking bill.
Chet’s entire testimony can be found here:…
What Age Is Appropriate for Plan-B?
The Obama Administration has recently decided not to challenge a judge’s ruling that girls of any age can buy the morning after pill (also known as Plan B) over the counter and without parental consent. MRCTV’s Dan Joseph went to the National Mall to ask Americans the minimum age they think it is appropriate for girls to have easy access to this form of birth control.
Savannah Guthrie (NBC) Grills Justin Bieber`s Mom On Being Involved With Anti-Abortion Film
In an interview with the mother of pop star Justin Bieber, Pattie Mallette, on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie worried about Mallette’s producing role in an upcoming film: “…you wanted to talk about your involvement in a movie called Crescendo….[which] tells the story of Beethoven’s mother, who, while she was pregnant, attempted to have an abortion and even attempted suicide….it’s a movie with a decidedly pro-life/anti-abortion purpose.” (Read More @ NewsBusters)
The movie site and info is here at “Crescendo the Film” — Trailer Below:
A Jesuit University (Fordham) Dumped Ann Coulter as `Hateful,` but Pro-Infanticide/Pro-Bestiality Peter Singer Okay (UPDATED)
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
(Isaiah 5:20)

The Daily Caller note the upside-down world of the left
After effectively barring conservative columnist Ann Coulter from speaking on campus last week, the Jesuit college Fordham University welcomed infanticide and bestiality advocate Peter Singer for a panel discussion on Friday.
According to Fordham’s media relations website, Singer, a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, spoke from 4 to 6 p.m. in a panel the university promised “will provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”
Singer has long lamented the societal stigma against having sex with animals.
“Not so long ago,” Singer wrote in one essay, “any form of sexuality not leading to the conception of children was seen as, at best, wanton lust, or worse, a perversion. One by one, the taboos have fallen. But … not every taboo has crumbled.”
In the essay, titled “Heavy Petting,” Singer concluded that “sex across the species barrier,” while not normal, “ceases to be an offence [sic] to our status and dignity as human beings.”
“Occasionally mutually satisfying activities may develop” when humans have sex with their pets, he claimed.
In addition to supporting bestiality and immediately granting equal legal rights to animals, Singer has also advocated euthanizing the mentally ill and aborting disabled infants on utilitarian grounds.
In his 1993 essay “Taking Life,” Singer, in a section called “Justifying Infanticide and Non-Voluntary Euthanasia,” wrote that “killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person.”
“Very often it is not wrong at all,” he added, noting that newborns should not be considered people until approximately a month after their birth.
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