Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a whistleblower from inside the child gender transition industry has finally come forward and what she reveals is horrifying. I’ll walk you through the whole story today. Also, a congressional Democrat learns that the old “yelling fire in a crowded theater” trope is not actually a valid argument against free speech. I have one more clip that you haven’t seen yet from that now infamous committee hearing in Tennessee. Plus, reports suggest that Project Veritas is trying to push James O’Keefe out, even though James O’Keefe is Project Veritas. In our Daily Cancellation, Vice holds a panel discussion on race. One guy with common sense made it onto the panel, and proceeded to offend and terrify the rest of them.
Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh Leaves Elected Officials Speechless
Matt Walsh gets grilled by the Tennessee House Committee. Their attempts to corner him don’t go so well.

Children Butchers (Matt Walsh)
Matt Walsh in this 1st snippet an example of what the Left says is a fiction of conservative right wing conspiracists.
And in this clip Matt Walsh reads from an article regarding the loss of all sexual function if puberty blockers are used early.
Here is the article at THE POSTMILLENNIAL:
At a recent talk at Duke University on “Trans & Gender Diverse Policies, Care, Practices, & Wellbeing,” surgeon and “trans affirming” doctor Marci Bowers, who transitioned at the age of 38, admitted that children who undergo transition before puberty will never have adult sexual function or experience orgasm.
“An observation that I had,” said Bowers, “every single child who was, or adolescent, who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2,” which is the beginning of physical development, when hormones begin their work of advancing a child to adulthood, “has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it’s really about zero.”
This raises huge and glaring red flags about the concept of “informed consent” for children and teens who are ushered into transition. How can a child, or a pre-teen, who has never experienced sexual satisfaction, orgasm, sexual intimacy, consent to giving that up?….

Caller: Roe v Wade at His Synagogue (Dennis Prager)
A caller notes his experience the day after the Supreme Court announced their Federalist ruling at his synagogue. Dennis Prager makes a great argument from our [pro-life] point of view. I have used a similar “extreme” example to counter the Left’s extreme examples, but a “well-ta-do” family with the means to care and raise the child is a good one as well… uses the Left’s argument of “poor” persons with no means of caring for said child and turning the argument around on them.
This is the quote I always use:
- “If homosexuality is really genetic, we may soon be able to tell if a fetus is predisposed to homosexuality, in which case many parents might choose to abort it. Will gay rights activists continue to support abortion rights if this occurs?”
Dale A. Berryhill, The Liberal Contradiction: How Contemporary Liberalism Violates Its Own Principles and Endangers Its Own Goals (Lafayette, LA: Vital Issues Press, 1994), 172.
[BTW, this was the first book I read that made excellent arguments using the Left’s positions to show just how vacuous their stance was.]
Even well-known atheists GET IT. And the BIBLE IS CLEAR in the Old Testament about the issue.

White Liberals Colonizing Latino Language
Matt Walsh Zeroes In On The Most Disturbing Point Of “TacoGate”
When I heard this I had to record it. Great point[s] by Matt regarding the real issue of white liberal women colonizing and and subjugating the historic language of other cultures.
Take note that when Trump had some of his kitchens ethnic food for Cinco de Mayo, he was called racist. The same media is making excuses for Jill… lol. But, the Left wishes to change and control language:

Matt Walsh On Biden’s Bike Ride (Lol)
The full episode I truncated this small segment from can be seen HERE.

If Only Babies Had The Same Rights As Sea Turtles (Matt Walsh)
Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Democrats attempt to legalize abortion through every stage of pregnancy up until birth, nationwide. Meanwhile, people are getting sent to prison for killing bald eagles and harassing turtle eggs. Our law — and Democrat policies — literally place animals and bugs above human beings. We’ll discuss. Plus, Handmaid’s Tale cosplayers show up at Amy Coney Barrett’s house and proceed to embarrass themselves. Because what else could they possibly do? And a Republican senate candidate is caught on a tape in shocking video claiming that the gender pay gap is a myth. This is a huge scandal. He’s also completely right. For our Daily Cancellation, we will attempt to make sense of the latest gender innovation: cake gender.

Matt Walsh Discusses the Latest Roe v Wade News
The Left Temporarily Rediscovers Biology | Ep. 946 (May 6, 2022)
00:00 – Opening
02:02 – The Left Temporarily Rediscovers Biology
14:00 – Trying To Figure Out The Mind Of A Leftist Talking About Abortion
23:54 – Jen Psaki Doesn’t Denounce Doxxing Of Supreme Court Justices
29:33 – The Latest On Johnny Depp / Amber Heard Trial
35:56 – Man Accused Of Attacking Dave Chappelle Won’t Face Felony Charges
39:16 – Forbes Article Claims Trump Wanted To Launch Missiles At Mexico Cartel
41:50 – The Comments Section
48:38 – Huff Post Writer, Kelsey Smoot, Is Canceled
Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Left continues to struggle to find a compromise between their feminist pro-abortion talking points and their trans talking points. Also, the White House refuses to condemn “protesters” who are planning to hunt down conservative Supreme Court Justices and show up at their houses. The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard drama continues, but I think the lesson in this story is one that most people are ignoring. Trump allegedly suggested missile strikes against drug cartels. Sounds like a fine plan to me. Plus, the guy who physically assaulted Dave Chapelle on stage during a comedy show will not face felony charges, despite the fact that he was carrying a deadly weapon at the time. It’s almost like they want this kind of thing to happen more often.
Dems And Media Cheer While Pro-Abortion Terrorists Wreak Havoc | Ep. 947 (May 9, 2022)
00:00 – Opening
01:53 – Dems And Media Cheer While Pro-Abortion Terrorists Wreak Havoc
17:27 – Nobody Wants To Buy A Biography Of Jill Biden
19:30 – Media Propaganda On Abortion Is Egregious
33:23 – ABC Still Pushing Theory That A Conservative Leaked The Roe Decision
37:37 – Teacher On TikTok Explains How She Teaches Gender Ideology
40:05 – Chet Hanks, Founder Of White Boy Summer, Doesn’t Bow To The Mob
42:27 – The Comments Section
49:42 – NPR Abortion “Fact-Checker” Is Canceled
Today on the Matt Walsh Show, pro-abortion militants invaded churches, committed arson, harassed Supreme Court Justices at their homes, and did all of this with the implicit and sometimes explicit support of the most powerful Democrats in the country. We’ll discuss. Also, we’ll debunk some of the most outrageous anti-life propaganda we’ve heard from the media over the past week. Speaking of outrageous, a self-described “queer” teacher explains how she uses board games to sexually indoctrinate her kids. And Chet Hanks has an inspiring message for social justice warriors. Plus, we will fact check the fact checkers at NPR.

DGB Director: Nina Tarintino (Matt Walsh)
All joking aside this is kinda terrifying. Like you said we now have a good’ol fashioned All-American KGB, only real difference is it’s spread across different agencies. Once again the American Left has taken yet another giant stride toward Soviet Communism. (See Matt’s full commentary HERE)

Democrats Don’t Actually Want To Debate Abortion (Matt Walsh)
I excerpted the main segment of Matt Walsh’s show dated May 4, 2022. I thought it was good enough to render it and upload it on my RPT-FACEBOOK site. (Here is the full episode from Matt’s RUMBLE)

“Don’t Say Gay” Bill and The Trans Agenda
An example of concern from California: “Teachers at California school disguise gay club, coach 12 yr-old into transgender behind parents back, then calls CPS on mother“
Watch the Campaign/Narrative that Florida Democrats are pushing:
Governor Ron DeSantis questions a reporter where the so called “don’t say gay” bill says “Don’t say gay.” The answer as Gov. DeSantis points out is that it doesn’t. The bill that the Governor has seen stops transgenderism and sexual education of children in elementary school.
REPORTER: “What critics call the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill…” DESANTIS: “Does it say it in the bill? Does it say it in the bill?!” Oh man, this is SO good ???
“Don’t Say Gay Bill” Is A Lie (Straw-Man)
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Fox News’ Karol Markowicz, Newsmax’s John Cardillo, and David Reaboi about Joe Biden’s lies about what is being called the “don’t say gay” bill. Joe Biden is spreading the lie that Florida’s parental rights in education bill is actually a hate filled attack on LGBT kids. Democrats have even started calling it the “don’t say gay” bill. Dave and his guests explain what the bill actually says about sex education for young kids.
Dave Rubin puts the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ movement on blast as the left wages war against Florida’s new education bill.
(Hat-tip FOX NEWS) Overtime: Frank Bruni, Batya Ungar-Sargon | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO): Bill Maher and his guests answer viewer questions after the show.
Today on the Matt Walsh Show, as creepy sexuality camps for kids proliferate across the country, video surfaces of Pete Buttigieg’s husband leading children at a gay camp in a pledge of allegiance to the pride flag. Also, Democrats pass a 1.5 trillion dollar spending bill with lots of goodies for left wing causes and Ukraine. Plus, a black man kills a white man for saying a racial slur and is only sentenced to house arrest. In our Daily Cancellation, a married couples claims they’ve never argued in thirty years of marriage. Where’s the fun in that?

Delusions of Gender | Matt Walsh (WSJ Article Added)
There’s no doubt about it, the Left has transformed gender from a biological fact into an ideological opinion, but how did we get to this point? Why is everything the Left tells you about gender wrong?
Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh dispels the Left’s delusions of gender during a special event from The University of Texas at Austin. This event is part of Young America’s Foundation’s Robert and Patricia Herbold Lecture Series.
YAF makes every effort to host in-person campus events. Unfortunately, administrators at the University of Texas at Austin limited attendance to only 99 for this event.
Here is an excellent WALL STREET JOURNAL article (via TOP TECH SOLUTIONS):
‘What are your pronouns?” is a seemingly innocuous question that has become increasingly common. Pronouns are now frequently displayed prominently in social-media bios, email signatures and conference name tags. Vice President
Kamala Harris
features “she/her” pronouns in her
bio, and Transportation Secretary
Pete Buttigieg
includes “he/him” in his. Then there are the singular “they/them” pronouns used by “nonbinary” people who identify as neither male nor female, as well as a growing list of bespoke “neopronouns” such as “ze/zir” or “fae/faer,” and the even stranger “noun-self” neopronouns like “bun/bunself” which, according to the
New York Times,
are identities that can encompass animals and fantasy characters.
A recent survey of 40,000 “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth” in the U.S. found that a full 25% use pronouns other than she/her and he/him exclusively. The Human Rights Campaign, which claims to be the “nation’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization,” recently tweeted that we should all begin conversations with “Hi, my pronouns are __________. What are yours?” We are told that asking for, sharing and respecting pronouns is “inclusive” to trans and nonbinary people, and that failing to do so may even constitute violence and oppression.
If this all sounds confusing and makes you uncomfortable for reasons you find difficult to articulate, you’re not alone. While being subjected to constant rituals of pronoun exchanges may seem silly or annoying at best and exhausting at worst, in reality participating in this ostensibly benign practice helps to normalize a regressive ideology that is inflicting enormous harm on society. To understand why, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with its core tenets.
Proponents of gender ideology have completely decoupled the terms “man,” “woman,” “boy” and “girl” from biological sex. Gender ideology teaches that the terms “man/boy” and “woman/girl”—and their corresponding “he/his” and “she/her” pronouns—refer to a person’s gender identity, while “male” and “female” refer to biological sex. While you may define a woman as a female human adult, gender ideology contends that a “woman” is an adult of either sex who simply “identifies” as a woman.
But what does it mean to “identify” as a man or woman?
Gender activists believe that being a man or a woman requires embracing stereotypes of masculinity or femininity, respectively, or the different social roles and expectations society imposes on people because of their sex. Planned Parenthood explicitly states that gender identity is “how you feel inside,” defines “gender” as a “a social and legal status, a set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts,” and asserts that “it’s more about how you’re expected to act, because of your sex.”
A recent New York Times piece refers to “men, women and gender nonconforming people,” as though gender nonconformity were incompatible with being a man or a woman. According to the Genderbread Person, a popular educational tool for teaching young children about gender identity, the properties of “man-ness” and “woman-ness” include certain stereotypical “personality traits, jobs, hobbies, likes, dislikes, roles, [and] expectations.”
The clear message of gender ideology is that, if you’re a female who doesn’t “identify with” the social roles and stereotypes of femininity, then you’re not a woman; if you’re a male who similarly rejects the social roles and stereotypes of masculinity, then you’re not a man. Instead, you’re considered either transgender or nonbinary, and Planned Parenthood assures you that “there are medical treatments you can use to help your body better reflect who you are.” According to this line of thinking, certain personalities, behaviors and preferences are incompatible with certain types of anatomy.
So when someone asks for your pronouns, and you respond with “she/her,” even though you may be communicating the simple fact that you’re female, a gender ideologue would interpret this as an admission that you embrace femininity and the social roles and expectations associated with being female. While women’s-rights movements fought for decades to decouple womanhood from rigid stereotypes and social roles, modern gender ideology has melded them back together.
Coercing people into publicly stating their pronouns in the name of “inclusion” is a Trojan horse that empowers gender ideology and expands its reach. It is the thin end of the gender activists’ wedge designed to normalize their worldview. Participating in pronoun rituals makes you complicit in gender ideology’s regressive belief system, thereby legitimizing it. Far from an innocuous act signaling support for inclusion, it serves as an implicit endorsement of gender ideology and all of its radical tenets.
Let me offer an analogy. Consider the Human Rights Campaign urging people to begin conversations with “Hi, my pronouns are ________. What are yours?” Now imagine a similar request from the American Federation of Astrologers encouraging everyone to begin conversations with, “Hi, I’m a Sagittarius. What’s your sign?” To respond with your own star sign would be to operate within and signal your tacit agreement with the belief system of astrology. If you reject astrology and respond to the question with “I don’t have a sign,” the reply might be “Of course you do! When were you born?” But that’s a completely different question.
Similarly, if you reject gender ideology’s claim that men and women are defined by their willful adherence to masculine and feminine roles and stereotypes, and so refuse to answer a request for pronouns, your interlocutor might say, “We all have pronouns! Do you identify as a man or a woman?” But because that concept of man and woman is nothing like yours, stating pronouns will only further normalize the ritual and validate a radical worldview.
The redefining of “man,” “woman,” “boy” and “girl” around sex-related stereotypes has serious real-world implications. The rejection of these stereotypes is now commonly viewed as a medical condition (gender dysphoria) to be treated with puberty blockers (for children), cross-sex hormones and surgeries that result in permanent sterility and consign patients to a lifetime of medical bills. The redefinition is also threatening the safety of women in prisons, as well as compromising the safety, fairness and dignity of women and girls in sports, as males who simply “identify” as girls or women are allowed access to these protected spaces.
The effort to resist gender ideology is reality’s last stand. We simply can’t ignore fundamental realities of our biology and expect positive outcomes for society. Pronoun rituals are extremely effective at normalizing and institutionalizing the abolition of biological sex in favor of gender identity. These rituals take advantage of people’s confusion and compassion to achieve compliance. But the time for politeness has long passed. The only proper response to the question “What are your pronouns?” is to reject the premise and refuse to answer.
Mr. Wright, an evolutionary biologist, is managing editor of Quillette.
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