Great points… driving through the areas of Hollywood / L.A., I see these signs all over the place:
French Actresses Reject #MeToo As “War on Men”
Dennis Prager discusses an article (see USA TODAY) that discusses some well known French actresses rejecting the #MeToo movement as going too far in it’s war against men. Discussed as well is feminism’s deleterious affect on femininity — with a clip from Curb Your Enthusiasm that Dennis enjoyed.
See other related audios:
Hollywood Wants Your Mind, And Money
Imagine a group so powerful they could beam ideas directly into your head. Well, you don’t have to imagine — it’s Hollywood. Ben Shapiro, Editor of the Daily Wire, explains the world’s largest mass propaganda machine.
Matt Damon’s “Racial Reckoning”
Dennis Prager discusses Matt Damon’s comments on race relations and “racism” in America. Prager plays the comment (I add the video), and then dissects what the hell Damon is talking about — (I think in the end, it is just an actor liking the sound of his own voice). Let me say I think when Matt Damon says “there needs to be a reckoning,” he really means that conservative/libertarian view of the state and it’s influence on freedom to associate should be forcefully ripped from America. He would view there to be MORE of a problem than there really is, and want the state to come in and “fix it.”
Hollywood’s Hypocrisy At Large
HOTAIR notes the following HOLLYWOOD REPORTER piece:
FLASHBACK: Pedophilia In Hollywood
Here is some more info regarding Elijah Woods comment via The Blaze:
A must read over at The Other McCain:
(Above: Michael Egan as a boy with Bryan Singer)
…with interview of Michael Egan’ lawyer, as well as a small Harvey Levin (of TMZ) on Kevin and Bean (KROQ). I will include as well some info via Comic Book Movie’s (CBM) post. There is some additional information and a TMZ video at CBM’s post (click over to view it if you wish), after all is said and done, CBM says this:
Here are the two added audios of the topic:
Lonely Conservative will start this conversation out for us:
American Spectator dissects this support by a left-leaning pedophile as well as the connections between the homosexual predation on young men:
To which I go back to LC when he asks: “Will they give that money back, or at least donate it groups that help children victimized by liberal pedophiles?”
Red Dirt brings us back to an older story already mentioned in Larry Elder’s discussion with Paul Peterson (at top), but should be a stark reminder of how people process this — say — compared to allegations of pedophile priests:
And Fox 411 has this titled article that is worth a read: Experts: Pedophiles in Hollywood even bigger problem than in Corey Feldman’s day
- “Pedophiles and predators in Hollywood are just as rampant today, if not more so. The entertainment industry is much larger than it was in their day. Think how many cable channels there are. In Corey’s day, there were channels 2-13,” Anne Henry, co-founder of BizParentz Foundation, an organization that supports families of children working in the entertainment industry, told FOX411. “We also have the Internet today, which allows predators to virtually stalk and contact child actors in a more personal way.”
Remember the Marches Against Bill Clinton?
John and Ken in their humorous way look at the hypocrisy of the women at the Washington march who are worried about Trump’s vulgarity but were waaay more vulgar — either on stage or cheering for what was going on on stage. They note as well, sarcastically of course, all the marches against the rapist known as Bill Clinton. Who also stuck cigars in girls butts in the White House. Yeah, trump is the issue. John and Ken note as well the reversal of TPP which many union leaders just praised:
- Trump tells business leaders he wants to cut regulations by 75% or “maybe more”
- AFL-CIO Praises President Trump’s Move to Withdraw from TPP, Renegotiate NAFTA, Target Big Pharma
One last thing. Hollywood is a Leftist filled and populated industry. So it wouldn’t surprise me to find out their are pay differences among the sexes. As usual, very entertaining.
Rush Limbaugh on Meryl Streep
A good opening point about why actors try to show themselves to be other-than their roles. Find More @
Hollywood Parade [Almost] Shooter ~ Gay Lib
Howell James Wesley, the guy arrested on the way to the gay parade in Hollywood. Not only is James gay, but he is a liberal arguing for voting for Bernie Sanders, arguing in favor of legalizing weed. Apparently he was a conspiracy guy as well, believing that the Charlie Hebdo attack was some sort of false flag attack (GOT NEWS).
I guess I can add this guy and the Orlando shooter to my “CRAZED GUNMEN BIO” which details almost all the vio;ent attacks typically blamed on conservatives really being by Democrats… or at least registered Democrats.
Jennifer Garner’s Return to “Faith”
May I say, not only is the movie about a miracle, but the miracle continued on in Jennifer Garner’s life and kids life. I just hope it is a church that can guard their walk in their faith by teaching them the completeness of God’s Word and our worldview.
THAT BEING SAID, if that is T.D. Jakes sitting next to her (in the below video)… and that is the church she is going to… well, good luck. There are some well founded concerns about his teachings — to say the least.
This comes by way of NewsBusters:
Not Enough Minorities In Hollywood?
A great short clip via Michael Medved and his usual factual tenor. In the video (audio) I show a headline of a Brent Bozell column. Here is the link to it:
For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved… I invite you to visit:
Larry Elder vs Hollywood Elitists
Video Description: