Gun Control
FLASHBACK: Larry Elder MOPS THE FLOOR with Piers Morgan
“I think YOU’RE Stupid Piers!” — Larry Elder
Guns SAVE Lives! A CDC Study Uncovered
THE DAILY WIRE squashes the anti-gun peoples MANTRA:
Here is a good portion of what is referenced above via REASON’s article:
Democrats Say They Aren’t Grabbing Our Guns… Well…
Leftist Democrats in two cities start grabbing guns, literally.
Michael Medved discusses another lie from the left, “we aren’t trying to grab your guns!” Um, yes you are… literally! Here is an excerpt from the WASHINGTON TIMES:
- A unanimous vote by village trustees Deerfield, Illinois, this week is primed to turn many legal gun owners into criminals on June 13. Fines of up to $1,000 per day will face citizens this summer if they ignore a ban on “semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with certain features.”
There is a longer video of some council meeting video from Deerfield, HERE.
This comes by way of the DAILY WIRE:
Some Questions Asked At The “March For Our Lives” Rally
Actors reading facts for the first time.
Students at the March For Our Lives event in Washington, D.C. were quick to call for a ban on ‘assault weapons,’ but do they know what those are? Campus Reform was there to find out.
This week I headed to downtown Los Angeles to see what the March For Our Lifers were marching about.
DEFINITIONS (Listen/watch old audio/video HERE):
Wow… Just Wow (Gun Free Zones)
L.A. Times Visceral Attack On the Value of Life (Paso Robles)
(JUMP to Added Update)
While on vacation I remembered this reading by Dennis Prager of an LA TIMES article that enrages his sensibilities… why you ask? Exactly because the Left doesn’t use theirs. So a volume caution at around 8:22 to about 9:30 is required.
Here is my Facebook post as I was sitting for breakfast in the Central Coast wine country:
Someone on Facebook wasn’t picking up what I was laying down. She responded thus:
- While i’ll admit that self preservation is a driving force for many of us, many of us did not go to the academy and swear to an oath “to protect & serve”, which was failed completely. Now we are protecting him from violence? Who protected those children? He’s a cop, let him protect himself like he did those children. Any action he could have & should have taken may have saved even just one life, one less family paying for a funeral.
I expanded my view a bit:
- I know two people at the elementary my boys attended that would be more than happy to conceal carry. And if their kids and they were to come under fire, their self-preservation would kick in and many children’s lives would be saved. Because of the natural instinct to live another day. That same instinct that stopped four officers from entering a school would have kicked in with armed staff and teachers. It’s Florida for God sake… There would have been more than a couple armed staff.
Now, more important than my editorial above, are cold hard facts in the face of the mantras. To wit, while in Paso Robles wine tasting, the wine tender at Rocky Creek (FACEBOOK PAGE – great wines BTW) mentioned that the United States has all the mass killings like the one in Florida. This just is not true. John Lott clears this up for us over at IBD:
Another myth surrounds the AR-15 and the progression of semi-automatics from military to civilian use. The truth is just the opposite, via HOT AIR:
So much for the mantras I heard on vacation. I will share more in a review of my time in Paso.
Here is part of Prager’s article:
NRA Political Donations Myth
THINK PROGRESS, a Leftist organization, back in 2012 went on to prove the following:
In a more recent post, GUNMART notes the under-funding of gun issues:
Dennis Prager Highlights Two WaPo Stories Debunking Leftist Positions
Dennis Prager gives credit where credit is due. The Washington Post debunks two widely believed stats gobbled up by the Mainstream Media (MSM).
The first story by WAPO fact checks Rubio’s statement about proposed laws making no difference in the recent school shootings:
The other story looks into the widely repeated claims about 18-school shooting already in 2018
Larry Elder Interviews Professor Malcolm On Gun-Control
Larry Elder interviews Joyce Lee Malcolm, Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law, a few days after the Mandalay Bay Sniper (sprayer) killed 59-people in Vegas. As usual, this 2nd Amendment historian sheds light on this right enumerated in the Constitution. You can listen to a previous interview with Dr. Malcolm via Larry Elder (May, 2014).
Gun-Control Advocates Bump Up Against Hard-Facts
Funny how “Putting politics aside” means “Advancing the Democrat Left Agenda.”
I would be remiss to NOT add this by BEN SHAPIRO (for the transcript read THE DAILY WIRE):
Some must read articles and stats — the first is an article by GAY PATRIOT, who quotes a WAPO article (which I will include in full, below). Here is GP referencing about the Washington Post article:
I want to pause here and break down the suicide numbers a bit… and this is really for all the people that support assisted suicide. Why does it have to be assisted? The biggest demographic that shoots themselves are the geriatric. Many of whom are in the throes or chronic pain or were diagnosed with a life threatening disease with no hope of overcoming. Here are the suicide by gun numbers:
It is sad, but using the Left’s argument FOR suicide… why is this bad? CONTINUING with Gay Patriot…
Mmmm… that brings up a different stat. I wouldn’t know where to look for such a study, but, I bet if one were to quantify those who are Democrat and those who are Republican using guns in homicide activity… I wonder what the comparative percentages would be.
For instance, one can see many more Republicans own guns, but more inner-city gang members use them illegally.
Last I remember from being in jail myself, most minority criminals are Democrats in regard to who they support.
Also, as people buy more guns, the death rate has dropped. If one were to believe the rhetoric of the Left… this should be the exact opposite:
Dennis Prager is right… this and other arguments from the Left are driven by emotions:
Here is the promised article… Leah Libresco is a statistician and former newswriter at FiveThirtyEight, and a Leftist!
In this meme a point is made that I think is worthy… and that is…. there are already laws on the books to make murder illegal. What law can you pass that will stop a person from really committing this horrible act? If laws like this work, why haven’t they?
More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016. Over 11,500 deaths by homicide are gun related each year [+/-]. Has the war one drugs and all the regulations and laws (local, county, state, and federal) stopped this? No. The answer is no. NEITHER would any law have helped less people die in Vegas. The next media presentation is prefaced by POLITISTICK:
The following is from an family friend-of-a-friend who was in law enforcement for 35-years:
Larry Elder Interviews Chris Hayes of MSNBC
Larry took Chris Hsyes, of MSNBC, to the tool shed! A great working through many of the points of Chris’s book he was on the show for: “A Colony in a Nation.”
I don’t want the listener to lose sight of the influence of Saul Alinsky on Chris and his family at the beginning of the interview. Obviously socialists… maybe even a Communist (red-diaper-doper-baby)?