Democrat Supported BLM Killing Machine Laid Bare ~ Firewall

While these stats show blacks are 13% of the population… in reality, most black families and intact homes are not causing the issue. I don’t know what the fair estimate is of black persons percentage-wise of the whole causing the criminal activity. Four-percent? Three-percent? That is a lot of criminal activity for a small percentage if this is the case. It may be more, as, the fatherless home percentage in the black community is over seventy-percent.

In this powerful and timely Firewall, Bill Whittle provides shocking evidence that demolishes the central, Big Lie of Black Lives Matter and then goes on to explain why a lie that size needs to be told by people like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch. Speaking this kind of truth plainly requires courage, and it also requires your help: keep them coming by becoming a Citizen Producer:

“Smart” Diplomecy – FIREWALL

From the petty — such as his buttinsky remarks regarding Britain and the EU — to the tragic — his failure to support the 2009 Iranian revolution — Barack Obama and his “Smart Diplomacy” has been an absolute catastrophe the the United States and her allies, and a huge boon to those countries that wish us harm. (DONATE to Bill Whittle HERE)

Appropriate This! ~ Firewall

See my previous post on the example of dreadlocks, here: Cultural Appropriation Alert: Honkeys Cannot Have Dreadlocks

The Social Justice Warriors — the first warriors to faint at the sight of a penknife — have a new weapon to show off their unearned moral superiority: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, where mainstream culture steals from minorities without being “authentic.” Surprisingly Bill Whittle agrees with this, and has a list of grievances all his own.

American Fascists ~ Firewall

Left/right, Progressive/Conservative, Democrat/Republican… The names change and evolve but the core difference remains constant: The Collectivists vs. The Individualists. In his latest FIREWALL, but shows how violence, disruption and intimidation have always been the tools of the Collectivists. This is not about Donald Trump, no matter how much they want you to believe it.

Mass Shooting and Other Gun Myths!

Below are some updated videos inserted into this older post… the most recent being Steven Crowder’s rebuttal of VOX’s anti-gun propaganda video:

  • (Louder with Crowder) Misrepresenting numbers, massaging “facts,” are tactics used by leftists daily. Misrepresentation is the secret ingredient in their half-caf soy latte. Leftists always have a pre-determined outcome in mind. In Vox’s case (like all leftists), TAINT GUN OWNERSHIP. Make gun owners look like out of control whack jobs with no hearts.

Also, this IS a good definition via the FBI:

✦ An FBI crime classification report from 2005 identifies an individual as a mass murderer if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. SO, following VOX’s own criteria WITH this definition to help set boundaries… we are not even close to having one “every-other-month.”

This Uber driver just stopped a mass shooting (ehem, in Chicago) with his concealed weapon (for which he had a permit), via Breitbart:

On Friday, an Uber driver with a concealed carry permit thwarted an attempted mass shooting by pulling his own weapon and shooting a gunman who had opened fire in Chicago’s Logan Square.

Illinois Assistant State’s Attorney Barry Quinn verified that the driver “had a concealed-carry permit and acted in the defense of himself and others.”

According to the Chicago Tribune, the driver was watching “a group of people” walk in front of his car on North Milwaukee Avenue just before midnight when 22-year-old Everardo Custodio allegedly “began firing into the crowd.” The Uber driver pulled his own gun and “fired six shots at Custodio,” wounding him in “the shin, thigh, and lower back.”

The attempted mass shooting ended with no one other Custodio injured….

In his June 18, 2015, remarks from the White House, Obama said, “Now is the time for mourning and for healing. But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it.” (Politifact)

(Obama’s most recent remarks are in the video, above/right.)

Obama, as usual, tries to rewrite history by his word. Here Fox lays out some of the stats in regard to this statement of “faith.”

….In the November attacks, 129 people were killed and 352 were injured. In just 2015, France suffered more casualties – killings and injuries – from mass public shootings than the U.S. has suffered during Obama’s entire presidency (508 to 424). This number includes the San Bernandino massacre on Wednesday.

Obama also overlooks Norway, where Anders Behring Breivik used a gun to kill 67 people and wound 110 others. Still others were killed by bombs that Breivik detonated.  Of the four worst K-12 school shootings, three have occurred in Europe. Germany had two of these — one in 2002 at Erfut and another in 2009 at Winnenden, with a total death toll of 34.

Obama isn’t correct even if he meant the frequency of fatalities or attacks. Many European countries actually have higher rates of death from public shootings that resulted in four or more murders. It’s simply a matter of adjusting for America’s much larger population.

Let’s look at mass public shootings from 2009 to the middle of June this year. To compare fairly with American shootings, I excluded attacks that might be better classified as struggles over sovereignty. For instance, I did not count the 22 people killed in the Macedonian town of Kumanovo last month.

Norway had the highest annual death rate, with 2 mass public shooting fatalities per million people. Macedonia had a rate of 0.38, Serbia 0.28, Slovakia 0.20, Finland 0.14, Belgium 0.14, and the Czech Republic 0.13.  The US comes in No. 8 with 0.095 mass public shooting fatalities per million people. Austria and Switzerland are close behind.

In terms of the frequency of attacks, the United States ranks ninth, with 0.09 attacks per million people.  Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland, Norway, Slovakia, Finland, Belgium, and the Czech Republic all had higher rates.

There are two other studies on these questions that have gotten a fair amount of attention.

One, by State University of New York-Oswego public justice professor Jaclyn Schildkraut and Texas State University researcher H. Jaymi Elsass, who look at shootings across countries, has left out a large number of shootings in other countries.

Yet, despite the extensive news coverage their study has received, they miss a lot of cases.  For example, in France, they miss three mass public shootings:

  • Tours, France, October 29, 2001: four people were killed and 10 wounded when a French railway worker started killing people at a busy intersection in the city.
  • Nanterre, France, March 27, 2002: a man kills eight city councilors after a city council meeting.
  • Toulouse, France, March 19, 2012, Mohammed Merah killed four people (the killer also killed people in Montauban, France).

Other cases are missed in such countries as Austria, Belgium, Finland, Netherlands, Italy, Macedonia, Spain, Switzerland and Slovakia.

It takes a lot of time and effort to find all the cases, but if you get all the attacks in the U.S. and miss those in other countries, it makes the U.S. look a lot worse…

Crowder likewise showed that the “Gun Show Loophole” exists only in the leftists mind:

Here is a great video by Encounter Books:

From the video description:

The right to keep and bear arms has always been central to the American identity. The American Revolution was sparked by British attempts to confiscate guns. After the Civil War, America changed the Constitution to defeat America’s first gun control organization, the Ku Klux Klan. When Hitler and Stalin demonstrated how gun registration paves the way for gun confiscation which paves the way for genocide, Americans resolved to make sure it never happens here.

Gun control is not an issue of left vs. right, or urban vs. rural. Liberal icons such as Hubert Humphrey and Eleanor Roosevelt recognized the right to arms as fundamental to preventing large-scale tyranny by criminal governments, and small-scale tyranny by ordinary criminals. Barack Obama’s gun control program is founded on disinformation, and is a direct assault on the Constitution.

To learn more read The Truth about Gun Control, by David B. Kopel.

BTW ~ even Bernie Sander’s understands the goal of the left:

In the aftermath of more mass shootings, Bill Whittle tackles gun control, rebutting progressives call for stricter measures.

“The Ends Justify the Means” ~ Sarah Silverman (UPDATED)

Video Description:

As only he can, the “Sage from South Central,” Larry Elder, explains with “proof texts” why the Left’s modus operandi is lying. Larry starts with Sarah Silverman, goes right to Hillary Clinton, then on to James Carville and others.

Good opening minutes of Elder’s Show!

Harry Reid: “I Lied About Romney, But He Didn’t Win, Did He?” (American Spectator)
The Truth About What’s In Clinton’s Deleted Emails (Allen West)
The Bush 41 Grocery Scanner Myth (Brendan Nyhan)
▼ Durbin Should Reflect On His Past Votes Against African-American Nominees And Apologize For Playing Race Card Against Republicans (Greta van Susteren)

For more clear thinking like this from Larry Elder… I invite you to visit: ~AND~

“Sir, I Will Not Obey That Order” ~ Firewall

If you were raised to despise the US military as a source or repression and injustice, and then, say, happened to get elected as its Commander-in-Chief — what would you do? As Bill Whittle shows in his latest FIREWALL, you don’t need to destroy the weapons and you don’t even need to fire the warriors. There’s another way…