Some Speakers on Media Influence ~ Accuracy in Media

At the Accuracy in Media conference, “ObamaNation: A Day of Truth,” former congressman and Federal prosecutor Artur Davis had high praise for former President Ronald Reagan, saying that “Reagan took liberty and freedom, which are very imaginative concepts, and he gave them a power they had never had before.”

Davis is a four-term member of the House of Representatives from Alabama, where he represented the 7th District as a Democrat from 2003-2010. He was viewed as a rising star in the House, and named in 2008 by Esquire magazine as one of the “Ten Best Congressmen in America.” He was the first congressman to endorse Barack Obama for president, and even seconded his nomination in 2008. But he has since switched to the Republican Party, and even spoke at their convention in August. Davis is now a columnist and commentator across a wide media spectrum: He contributes to Politico and National Review, among others. He is a Current Fellow at Harvard’s prestigious Institute of Politics, and is an attorney in Washington, D.C.

In recent remarks to an AIM conference, “ObamaNation: A Day of Truth,” former Democratic pollster and analyst Pat Caddell said, “I think we’re at the most dangerous time in our political history in terms of the balance of power in the role that the media plays in whether or not we maintain a free democracy.” Caddell noted that while First Amendment protections were originally provided to the press so they would protect the liberty and freedom of the public from “organized governmental power,” they had clearly relinquished the role of impartial news providers.
Nowhere was this more evident than during the tragic death of a U.S. ambassador in Libya that was lied about for nine days, because the press and the administration did not want to admit it was a terrorist attack.

“We’ve had nine days of lies over what happened because they can’t dare say it’s a terrorist attack, and the press won’t push this,” said Caddell. “Yesterday there was not a single piece in The New York Times over the question of Libya. Twenty American embassies, yesterday, are under attack. None of that is on the national news. None of it is being pressed in the papers.”

Caddell added that it is one thing for the news to have a biased view, but “It is another thing to specifically decide that you will not tell the American people information they have a right to know.”

At the AIM conference in September, “ObamaNation: A Day of Truth, Richard Benedetto gave a speech titled “How the Media are Impacting the Election”.

Benedetto is a former White House correspondent, USA TODAY, political columnist, and adjunct professor at American University.

“If you’ve got a cause, go to work for the cause; don’t go to work in the newspaper business.”

Media Mash on Chris Matthews Being an `Unmitigated Liar`

At this point in the campaign, most liberal journalists are panicked, but MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, well, he’s just “delusional,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the Thursday edition of Fox News Channel’s Hannity. The Media Research Center founder was reacting to a montage that a) showed the Hardball host bullying a college student, insisting that the “Innocents of Muslims” video was the real spark of the deadly Benghazi attack and b) showed Matthews complaining that conservatives are more interested in turning Obama out of office than destroying al Qaeda, and that that was out of racial animus.

Matthews was being “clearly, clearly dishonest” since he most certainly “knows [the Benghazi attack was] not about a video.” As to Matthews’s charge about conservatives hating Obama more than al Qaeda

Scarborough Clashes With New Yorker Editor Over Mag`s Bush-Bashing Obama Endorsement

Video Description:

Joe Scarborough and New Yorker editor David Remnick clash over the New Yorker’s endorsement of Barack Obama, in which the magazine writes of Obama helping to relieve the “national shame inflicted by the Bush administration.”

MSNBC vs. CNN in Fact-Checking Abilities ~ Plus: Where Do Liberals Get Their News From?

Where do they (Libs) get their news from?

Cable News Race
Thurs Oct 18 2012

FOXNews O’reilly 3,865,000
FOXNewsHannity 3,729,000
Cmdy Daily Show 2,806,000
FOXNewsGreta 2,753,000
FOXNewsBaier 2,567,000
FOXNewsShep 2,355,000
FOXNews Five 2,242,000
Cmdy Colbert 1,912,000
MSNBC Maddow 1,839,000
MSNBCO’donnell 1,557,000
MSNBCHardball 1,119,000
MSNBCSharpton 1,092,000
CNN Piers 894,000
CNNCooper 662,000

Post-Debate MSNBC Meltdown

Liberal on Liberal Violence, MSNBC’s Fineman Equates Lehrer’s Debate Moderation to ‘Criminal Negligence’

Howard Fineman lamnets how the president was on defense during the first presidential debate and called its moderator, Jim Lehrer, “useless” and criminally negligent for not following up on questions that would have benefited Obama

Upset NBC Reporters Whine: Why Didn’t Obama Bring Up 47 Percent? (Is “rope-a-dope” a dog whistle?)

On NBC News’ live October 3, 2012 presidential debate coverage a clearly upset David Gregory was shocked that Barack Obama didn’t hit Romney with the liberal media’s favorite talking point as he whined: “He didn’t bring up the 47 percent!” Obama not mentioning the hidden camera video of Romney talking about the 47 percent also stunned NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams who asked Savannah Guthrie: “Were you surprised we didn’t hear the number 47?”

Dem Debate Meltdown: Obama Surrogate Refers To ‘President Romney’

How utter was Mitt Romney’s rout of Barack Obama tonight? In the post-debate spin room, a hopelessly muddled Martin O’Malley, Dem guv from Maryland and supposedly an Obama surrogate, wound up referring to “President Romney”!

Brokaw: If Romney Performed Like Obama Did Last Night Campaign Would Be Over

The Obama `We` All Know ~ Race Baiter

“White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality.” quoted from James Cone’s book, A Black Theology of Liberation, page 64.

A book that was/is sold in the church’s book store the entire 20-years Obama went to the church and that his pastor promoted on Hannity and Colmes.

(See my post on this)

The Daily Caller broke some video of a 2007 speech via Obama that the legacy media “sanitized” in order to make the Obama look good. The watered down video can be see here, but make no mistake… this is the real Obama… race batting, southern drawls, and the like. Stories related via the Daily Caller:

TUCKER CARLSON: ‘This isn’t a dog whistle — this is a dog siren’
PREACTION: DNC scrambles to deflate Obama video before Daily Caller story published
FLASHBACK: JournoList plotted to kill Wright story in 2008

National Review has the portions that were taken out of the presentation to make him look good:

1. Hurricane Katrina “was a powerful metaphor for what’s gone on [in America] for generations.”
2. “It was also there — at Trinity United Church of Christ on the South Side of Chicago — that I met Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., who took me on another journey and introduced me to a man named Jesus Christ. It was the best education I ever had.”
3. On his run for the Illinois State Senate: “And the second thing people would ask me gets back to the question about why we can’t seem to take the bullet out in this country and do the works and the deeds and unite this country.”
4. “[The poor] may need help with basic skills — how to show up to work on time, wear the right clothes, and act appropriately in an office. We have to help them get there. That’s why I have called for $50 million to begin innovative new job training and workforce development programs.”
5. “We need to give our young people some real choices out there so they move away from gangs and violence and connect them with growing job sectors. That is why I am also going to create a 5-E Youth Service Corps. The ‘E’s’ stand for energy efficiency, environmental education and employment. This program would directly engage disconnected and disadvantaged young people in energy efficiency and environmental service opportunities to strengthen their communities while also providing them with practical skills and experience in important and growing career field.”

Tammy Bruce posted the side-by-side comparisons of two speeches, the now known 2007 speech, with another one from 2008 (where he is not off script, i.e., on teleprompter). Here is some of her commentary:

Daily Caller came out today with a remarkable speech from Obama in June 2007, a short 9 months before Obama’s campaign race speech. Let’s just say the two a very different. Tonight Hannity presented a clip comparing a few elements of the two speeches. Obama’s hypocrisy is astounding. At the end of the clip you’ll hear Hannity and Carlsen wonder which Obama is the real Obama. I suggest neither one–both were theatre. I think it’s become quite obvious in the past 4 years that Obama’s agenda involves destroying everyone’s lives, and will morph into whatever the moment requires of him to accomplish that goal.

Here is the Tucker Carlson appearance on the Sean Hannity Show Tammy posted:

Here is the full video with the Daily Caller’s lead in, and take note that we all knew (know) who Obama IS, this is just another evidence that he is a two-bit race-hustler… like the cultural left:

In a video obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama tells an audience of black ministers, including the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, that the U.S. government shortchanged Hurricane Katrina victims because of racism.

“The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much!” Obama shouts in the video, which was shot in June of 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia. By contrast, survivors of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Andrew received generous amounts of aid, Obama explains. The reason? Unlike residents of majority-black New Orleans, the federal government considers those victims “part of the American family.”

The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups. For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he almost never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America. The mostly black audience shouts in agreement. The effect is closer to an Al Sharpton rally than a conventional campaign event.


Rough Week for Media and Obama ~ You Will Only Hear About Romney`s Week However

Although you will only hear about Romney’s rough week, the Obama admin and even the legacy media have taken quite a hit. So not only do you have liberal Kirstin Powers saying the press is complicit with terrorism, as well as liberal Jews and Democratic Representatives and Senators expressing their worry about Obama’s stance on Israel. Not to mention that more evidence that “Death Panels” are a reality in the Obama-Care mandate (examples: liberal Evan Thomas, and former Obama “car czar” Steven Rattner), but you have Democratic strategist and pollster Pat Caddell at an Accuracy in Media conference earlier this month saying that the “Press Has Become ‘Threat to Democracy’ and ‘Enemy of the American People‘”

P.S. Don’t forget that a person on MSNBC said that only if Obama is elected a second time will America be a non-racist country.

Kirsten Powers’ Full Comments In Regards to Administration`s Failure w/ Libya and the Legacy Media`s Complicit Behavior

From video description:

I came across some video of Kirsten Powers being rationally honest, a trait she exhibits well from time-to-time even though a liberal Democrat. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) The original video can be found at The Right Scoop, but I wanted more, and found it. So here is her full comment on the issue of Libya and how the administration tried to package the narrative a couple of weeks ago via Susan Rice, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations.

It is now widely known that the administration knew it was a terrorist planned attack within 24-hours, and for the full week afterwards the media (still — in actuality) seems to have covered for the administration as well. This is what Miss Powers is commenting on, honestly, and truthfully. It comes from Special Report Online… where the panel on Special Report continues frank discussion after the main show. Here is Right Scoop’s comments:

Kirsten Powers believes that media bias has gotten out of control on the issue of the Benghazi attack and the subsequent lies from the Obama administration on what happened. There are so many questions that need answering and she says that the media could possibly be complicit in another terrorist attack on America if they don’t get to the bottom of what is happening here. She cites the attacks on our embassies pre-9/11 as warnings back then, and says Al-Qaeda is not dead and the media should be asking what this really means.

Kirstin Powers actually has a great column on this topic as well:

Write About Terrorism? Nah, Let’s All Bash Mitt Romney Instead!

MSNBC Caught Editing Audio, AGAIN

The caller above says the same thing… so does the caller into The Blaze:

“The crowd was yelling,” caller Sherry recounts, “the crowd was screaming ‘Romney! Romney!’ and Romney, being the gentleman [he is], we can‘t get in his head because he’s so stinking nice, he stopped us to add ‘Romney-Ryan.’”

“And if you watch the clip again, Ryan throws up his hand like ‘oh, you don’t have to add me to the chant,’”

Libertarian Republican has this combo video of the Glenn Beck Show and the MSNCBC report:

The Blaze has another video further down its posting from a different stop that Romney goes through the same routine. And that is what it is, the same speech at every stop: