“Fancy Lawyer” Drop Kicks MSNBC Hosts On Obstruction/Collusion

Jay Sekulow, President Trump’s personal attorney, tells Ari Melber and Nicolle Wallace that he received an early version of the Mueller report on Tuesday, confirming that AG Barr provided a version of the report to both the White House and The President’s defense attorney days before providing anything to Congress.

More from the DAILY CALLER (hat-tip DAN BONGINO):

“My first question, I’m afraid, is going to verge on plain English,” Williams began. “Where did the attorney general get off with that characterization this morning, including four mentions that there was no collusion? What document was he reading, compared to the one we’re left with?”

Sekulow responded, “Well, page two of the document says, ‘The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election of interference activities.’ So it’s right from the document itself.”

“Have you read part one?” Williams retorted.

“I have read part one and part two,” Sekulow added.

Williams shot back, “Do you find good news in here for the president and the administration?”

“The investigation—page 181—the investigation did not establish the Contacts described in volume one—that’s the Russian contacts—amounted to an agreement to commit any violation of federal criminal law, including foreign influence and campaign finance laws,” Sekulow followed up. “Yes, I think it’s very good win.”……


Brian Williams Fib Is Exposed by Stars and Stripes (UPDATED)

Watch the original report…

Politico notes that William’s has told the story multiple times, as the above video shows:

Williams has told the story several times, including during a 2013 appearance on “The Late Show” with David Letterman.

“Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one I was in, RPG and AK-47… we were only at 100 feet doing 100 forward knots,” he told Letterman. “We landed very quickly and hard, and we were stuck, four birds in the middle of the desert. And we were north out ahead of the other Americans.”

(Cartoon by Foden!)

This video comes from NewsBusters:

Here is more via the Weekly Standard, Stars and Stripes first uncovered the fake story:

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted Wednesday he was not aboard a helicopter hit and forced down by RPG fire during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a false claim that has been repeated by the network for years.

Williams himself repeated the claim Friday during NBC’s coverage of a public tribute at a New York Rangers hockey game for a retired soldier that had provided ground security for the grounded helicopters. In an interview with Stars and Stripes, he said he had misremembered the events and was sorry.

The admission came after crew members on the 159th Aviation Regiment’s Chinook that was hit by two rockets and small arms fire told Stars and Stripes that the NBC anchor was nowhere near that aircraft or two other Chinooks flying in the formation that took fire. Williams arrived in the area about an hour later on another helicopter after the other three had made an emergency landing, the crew members said.


Red State writes well on this topic!

…The mind boggles. That a man who has risen to the top of his profession would need to imitate Baron von Munchausen and claim experiences that were so blatantly false defies explanation… or rather any explanation that doesn’t include the word “sociopath.” That he would use the occasion of a senior non-commissioned officer’s retirement to spin the web of deceit once again is tawdry beyond words.

His excuse is priceless:

“I would not have chosen to make this mistake,” Williams said. “I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”

Have you ever been shot at? For real? Have you ever been in an aircraft that had to set down with an actual in-flight emergency? These are not things you “conflate” with anything else….

…read more…

Also… don’t forget: “Sharyl Attkisson: Brian Williams Not Alone; Hillary Clinton Lied About Being Shot At In Bosnia

Media Mash on Chris Matthews Being an `Unmitigated Liar`

At this point in the campaign, most liberal journalists are panicked, but MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, well, he’s just “delusional,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the Thursday edition of Fox News Channel’s Hannity. The Media Research Center founder was reacting to a montage that a) showed the Hardball host bullying a college student, insisting that the “Innocents of Muslims” video was the real spark of the deadly Benghazi attack and b) showed Matthews complaining that conservatives are more interested in turning Obama out of office than destroying al Qaeda, and that that was out of racial animus.

Matthews was being “clearly, clearly dishonest” since he most certainly “knows [the Benghazi attack was] not about a video.” As to Matthews’s charge about conservatives hating Obama more than al Qaeda

~This Thing Ends In Jerusalem~ (Eschatology Watch)

NewsBusters has this story that will turn the head of all those end-time junkies out there:

On Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel informed viewers that he is “worried” that a major war between some of the Arab countries and Israel could be in the not too distant future because of the “ferociously anti-Israel” sentiment of the “Arab street” that is likely to gain power in countries like Egypt. He ended up concluding: “But I think, over time, this thing ends in Jerusalem.”

After host Brian Williams and Engel had discussed the likely prosecution of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and the disappointment of Libyan rebels at the level of assistance to their cause supplied by NATO, Williams posed the question: “You’re back here in New York for a few days. The question I’ve seen most people ask you: Where does this all end?”

Engel sounded more pessimistic than he did during the protests in Egypt from January and February. Engel:

This whole movement in the Middle East, and I’m worried about it because while people in the region deserve more rights and they want more rights and they’re embracing more of the will of the Arab street, well, the will of the Arab street is also ferociously anti-Israel, against Israel.

He added:

And there’s many people who believe that if you empower the Arab street and the Arab street wants to see a war or wants to see more justice for the Palestinians, that, down the road three to five years, this could lead to a major war with Israel. It could also force a negotiated settlement. But I think, over time, this thing ends in Jerusalem.

…(read more)…