DHS Secretary Nielsen Gives The Press A Time-Out (Updated)

  • DHS takes very seriously its duty to protect minors in our temporary custody from gangs, traffickers, criminals and abuse. (CHICKS ON THE RIGHT)
  • See NATIONAL REVIEW’S excellent article (h-t POWERLINE): “The Truth about Separating Kids”

NEWSMAX recaps the presser for us:

Nielsen said that previous administrations had also at times separated children from immigrant parents at the border, though “their rate was less than ours.”

“So I want to be clear on a couple of other things,” Nielsen said. “The vast majority, vast, vast majority of children who are in the care of H.H.S. right now — 10,000 of the 12,000 — were sent here alone by their parents. That is when they were separated. So somehow we’ve conflated everything.

“But there is two separate issues. 10,000 of those currently in custody were sent by their parents with strangers to undertake a completely dangerous and deadly travel alone. We now care for them. We have high standards. We give them meals, we give them education, we give them medical care. There is videos, there is TVs, I visited the detention centers myself — that would be my answer to that question.”


“But they absolutely did this. This is not new,” she said. The Trump administration, she said, was engaging in the practice more frequently because U.S. law forbids the government from detaining “family units” apprehended while crossing the border for longer than 20 days.


Nielsen described a crisis on the southwest U.S. border, where she said illegal crossings exceed 50,000 people a month — “multiples over each month last year.” Authorities have observed a 325 percent increase in crossings by unaccompanied children and 435 percent increase in crossings by families since this time last year. Asylum claims have surged 1,700 percent in the last decade, she said, creating a backlog of 600,000 cases.

CNN and Quinnipiac University each released polls on Monday showing that two-thirds of Americans oppose Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy for border crossings that has led to children being taken from their parents. But both organizations also found that a majority of Republicans support the policy.

ProPublica published a recording it said was made last week in a U.S. detention center in which 10 Central American children can be heard crying for their mothers and fathers. One unidentified Border Patrol agent remarks, “Well, we have an orchestra here. What’s missing is a conductor.”

Nielsen said she’s “not in any position to deal with hearsay stories. If someone has a specific allegation,” she said, “we will look into it. ”


Trump continued to blame Democrats, falsely, for a policy that even members of his own party said he could end with a single phone call.

The president said at a White House event on Monday that “all of the problems” the U.S. is having with immigration are “very strongly the Democrats’ fault.” He insisted again that his family separation policy was the consequence of “horrible laws” that the opposition party refused to agree to change.

“The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility,” Trump vowed. “You look at what’s happening in Europe, you look at what’s happening in other places; we can’t allow that to happen to the United States, not on my watch.”


Several Democrats have charged that Trump is attempting to use the children’s plight as leverage to force them to accept changes to immigration law they oppose, including construction of a wall on the Mexican border and curbing legal immigration.

“That’s a very cowardly response,” Nielsen said. “It’s clearly within their power to make the laws and change the laws. They should do so.”

After denying that the family separation policy existed in a tweet on Sunday, Nielsen defended it in a speech earlier on Monday in New Orleans and said border authorities “will not apologize for doing our job.” People seeking asylum in the U.S., she said, should go to official ports of entry instead of crossing the border illegally…

Larry Elder’s 2nd and 3rd Appearance on Dave Rubin’s Show

Larry Elder (Author & Radio Host) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his views on Black Lives Matter, real racism vs systemic racism, Donald Trump white supremacy, fake news, and much more. (Make sure to watch Larry the first appearance on the Rubin Report):


Larry Elder joins Dave to discuss Kanye West’s political awakening, the state of the media, the new conservatives, and more.

MAY 2018


See previous links to MANY articles (prior to June)


saved for perpetuity

  • Obama Officials Spied on Trump Campaign Using at Least Five Methods (EPOCH TIMES, by Jasper Fakkert | May 31, 2018)
  • London ‘Bridges’ Falling Down: Curious Origins Of FBI’s Trump-Russia Probe (THE HILL, by John Solomon | June 1, 2018)
  • BOMBSHELL new text messages suggest Obama White House was trying to run Operation Crossfire! (RIGHT SCOOP | June 1, 2018)
  • Mueller Tries to Stop Defendants in Russian Troll Farm Case from Getting Ammo for Motion to Dismiss (LAW & CRIME, by Alberto Luperon | June 1, 2018)
  • Report: Intel On Papadopoulos Was Passed To Us Embassy Officials In London (THE DAILY CALLER, by Chuck Ross | June 1, 2018)
  • Andrew McCarthy: If the FBI spied on a mosque for the same reasons they spied on Trump campaign (WASHINGTON TIMES, Andrew McCarthy | June 1, 2018)
  • PANDORA’S BOX: Trump/Russia May Expose Extent of “Five Eyes” Allied Spying (SARA CARTER | June 1, 2018)
  • The Real Reason Why the FBI Had a Spy in the Trump Campaign (PJ MEDIA, by D. C. McAllister | JUNE 1, 2018)
  • Report: Obama White House Tried to Intrude on FBI’s Russia Investigation (PJ MEDIA, by Debra Heine | JUNE 1, 2018)
  • Prosecutors Interview James Comey About Former Deputy Andrew McCabe (HOT AIR, by John Sexton | JUNE 1, 2018)
  • Leaker, Liar and Former FBI Head Comey Likely Caught in Another Lie – FBI Russia Investigation Started Before July 2016 (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | June 3, 2018)
  • The DOJ IG Report Must Be Devastating Because The Media Has Already Started The Spin Cycle (RED STATE, by Streiff | June 3, 2018)

  • Ex-Clinton Adviser Penn: Mueller ‘Absolutely After’ Trump (NEWSMAX, by Solange Reyner | June 3, 2018)
  • FBI Spying On Trump Started In London, Earlier Than Thought, New Texts Implicate Obama White House (ZERO HEDGE, by Tyler Durden | June 3, 2018)
  • Trump Says Mueller’s Appointment Is Unconstitutional–Here Are 7 Reasons Why [He’s Right] (EPOCH TIMES, by Ivan Pentchoukov | June 4, 2018)
  • BOOM! Andrew McCabe asks for IMMUNITY in exchange for his TESTIMONY… (RIGHT SCOOP, by Soopermexican | June 5, 2018)
  • Team Mueller’s Illegal, Unethical Hunt for the President’s Scalp (AMERICAN SPECTATOR, by George Parry | June 5, 2018)
  • BREAKING: Senate Releases Unredacted Strzok-Page Texts Showing FBI Initiated MULTIPLE SPIES in Trump Campaign in December 2015 (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | June 4, 2018)
  • Another Trump Campaign Aide Was Invited To Cambridge Event Where ‘Spygate’ Started (THE DAILY CALLER, by Chuck Ross | June 5, 2018)
  • BREAKING: McCabe & Comey Cleared Sally Yates to Use Strzok’s Dubious 302 Flynn Report to Get Him Fired (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Cristina Laila | June 5, 2018)
  • DEEP STATE Tried to Lure Trump Speech Writer Stephen Miller to London – Invited Him to Infamous Cambridge Meeting (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | June 5, 2018)
  • Lawmakers Warn IG Being Pressured to Slow Roll Clinton FBI Report (SARA CARTER | June 5, 2018)
  • How Do New Manafort Accusations Fit Into Mueller’s Investigation? (THE WEEKLY STANDARD, by Andrew Egger | June 5, 2018)
  • Napolitano: It’s ‘Unheard Of’ for FBI #2 Official to Request Immunity Before Testifying (FOX NEWS | June 6, 2018)
  • Andrew Mccabe Seeks Immunity For Senate Testimony (THE DAILY CALLER, by Chuck Ross | June 6, 2018)
  • 8 Times Obama’s Intelligence Agencies Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story (THE FEDERALIST, by Willis L. Krumholz | June 6, 2018)
  • First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary’s Wrongdoing Before Election (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | June 6, 2018)
  • Inspector General draft report says Comey was INSUBORDINATE and defied authority (RIGHT SCOOP | June 6, 2018)
  • IG Leaks – Media Frame Clinton/Obama Defense: James Comey as “Insubordinate” (CONSERVATIVE TREE-HOUSE, by Sundance | June 6, 2018)
  • Giuliani: Let’s Face It, The 13 Partisan Democrats On Mueller’s Team Are Trying To “Frame” Trump (HOT AIR, by AllahPundit | June 6, 2018)
  • Inspector General’s Report Will Be Critical Of Comey, Lynch, And McCabe (HOT AIR, by John Sexton | June 6, 2018)
  • Grassley Again Demands Flynn Documents: “If The Facts Are Inconsistent With The Plea Agreement, That Would Be An Entirely Different Kettle Of Fish” (CONSERVATIVE TREE-HOUSE, by Sundance | June 6, 2018)
  • Disappointing – Only Three Lawmakers Attended Priestap Testimony (CONSERVATIVE TREE-HOUSE, by Sundance | June 6, 2018)
  • Report: James Comey ‘Defied Authority’ While Serving as FBI Director (THE WESTERN JOURNAL, by Scott Kelnhofer | June 6, 2018)
  • Why Mueller Is Getting Desperate (FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE, by Daniel Greenfield | June 6, 2018)
  • Who Made Mueller President? (AMERICAN SPECTATOR, by Ben Stein, | June 6, 2018)

  • DOJ to Provide Lawmakers New Information on FBI Russia Probe (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Jack Crowe | June 7, 2018)
  • Pre-Dossier Carter Page: Russian Spy … or FBI Honor Scout? (REAL CLEAR INVESTIGATIONS | June 7, 2018)
  • Papadopoulos Was Approached By ‘Highly Suspicous’ Businessmen, His Wife Claims (THE DAILY CALLER, by Chuck Ross | June 7, 2018)
  • SpyGate: Is Robert Mueller’s Volcano Set To Blow? (INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY | June 7, 2018)
  • Rand Paul: Obama Admin Sought To Criminally ‘Entrap’ Trump Campaign (THE WESTERN JOURNAL, by Randy DeSoto | June 7, 2018)
  • Prosecutorial Fanatics (AMERICAN SPECTATOR, by James Black | June 7, 2018)
  • James Clapper Did Not Know About Fbi Informant’S Contact With Trump Campaign (WASHINGTON TIMES, by Alex Swoyer | June 7, 2018)

  • Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated By Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (CONSERVATIVE TREE-HOUSE, by Sundance | June 8, 2018)
  • Congress Votes to Audit Mueller’s Multi-Million Dollar Russia Witch Hunt (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Cristina Laila | June 8, 2018)
  • Weekly Update: New FBI Docs On Clinton Email Scandal (JUDICIAL WATCH | June 8, 2018)
  • Alleged Leaker Engaged in ‘Betrayal’ of Public Trust, Prosecutor Says (THE DAILY SIGNAL, by Fred Lucas | June 9, 2018)
  • Leakers, Liars, Lovers & Other Strangers (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | June 9, 2018)
  • The Spying That Dare Not Speak Its Name (AMERICAN SPECTATOR, by George Neumayr | June 8, 2018)

  • Rep. Louie Gohmert: Mueller ‘Covering’ Up For Clinton and Plotting ‘Coup’ Against Trump (TRUE PUNDIT | June 10, 2018)
  • Nunes Accuses DOJ of ‘Obstruction’ in Battle Over FBI Informant Documents (THE STREAM, by Chuck Ross | June 11, 2018)
  • Judge: DOJ Ignored Demands to Produce Records on Obama Admin Links with Clinton Campaign (LAW & CRIME, by Ronn Blitzer | June 11, 2018)
  • DOJ refusing to give Grassley access to agent who interviewed Flynn (FOX NEWS, by Alex Pappas | June 11, 2018)
  • MSNBC Guest Suggests North Korea Summit Is Only A Distraction From Russia Investigation (THE DAILY CALLER, by Julia Nista | June 11, 2018)

  • CHILLING ABUSE OF POWER: Rod Rosenstein Threatened to Subpoena GOP Committee Lawmakers, Staffers as Payback for Requesting Records (FOX NEWS, by Catherine Herridge | June 12, 2018)
  • Report: Rod Rosenstein Threatened to Subpeona Emails and Phone Records of Congressional Lawmakers and Staffers Seeking Information About the Origins of the Russia Probe (ACE OF SPADES | June 12, 2018)
  • Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Files Lawsuit Against DOJ (HOT AIR, by John Sexton | June 12, 2018)
  • Robert Mueller Asks Judge To Hide Russian Election Evidence From The Russians Accused of Election Interference (CONSERVATIVE TREE-HOUSE, by Sundance | June 12, 2018)










“I Dare You, Go Back And Look” (Media Fail)

Add in a dare to find an example of Obama doing the horrible, terrible, probably illegal and impeachable thing that President Trump did, and they set themselves up for serious embarrassment and humiliation… watch the one-minute video from the GOP below and be rewarded with a dose of exquisite schadenfreude. (AMERICAN THINKER)

The Left Makes Everything About Race By Design

Tucker: Increasingly it seems as if everything in American life revolves around race. It’s as if we live in country that’s completely divided between different groups of people categorized by their color. You get the sense that there aren’t Americans anymore. There are only hyphenated Americans. None of this is an accident. (Hat-Tip, Mike Vlach)

Gutfeld says he is “outraged out”!

A Larry Elder flashback:


FBI Spy Operation On Trump (SPYGATE)

UPDATES will appear above  [scroll up] Ace of Spades


Keep in mind this whole story is about BIG government and makes Prager’s maxim stand taller:

  • The larger the government, the smaller the individual.

The NEW YORK TIMES offered a major correction to its “official” timeline of when the spy operation started against the Trump Campaign. The NYTs confirms a spy in the Trump campaign, thus, undermining its own attacks on “crazy Trump” and his and other conservative “conspiracy theories” – so called.

  • Crossfire Hurricane | Rush Limbaugh (YOUTUBE)
  • Crossfire Hurricane | Mark Levin (YOUTUBE)

Since Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General who was appointed by Obama, signed the first FISA application using the Steele Dossier as evidence to spy on a campaign of an opposing political Party, you bet Obama would have been aware.

One thing the NYT article did admit, and that is that “…No Evidence Exists of Trump-Russia Collusion” (EPOCH TIMES). And there have been many concerted efforts to whitewash the players in this cabal from the article in the New York Times — proving they are helping soften the blow (MOLLIE HEMINGWAY) — click graphic to enlarge:

What is the bottom line of this issue?

  • The NYTs reveals FBI used a secret type of subpoena to spy on the Trump campaign, as well as human spies inserted into the campaign – BEFORE Carter-Page, before Papadopoulos, BEFORE Flynn (BREITBART). Meaning, this is a concerted effort by a political party to overturn an election. Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, head of Stalin’s secret police, once told Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” – Me

All I will do is give a listing of some articles that are noting the NYT column:

  • Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew C. Mccarthy | May 17, 2018);
  • Crossfire Hurricane: Category Five Political Espionage (AMERICAN SPECTATOR, by George Neumayr | May 18, 2018);
  • National Security Letter (WIKIPEDIA)
  • 10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign (THE FEDERALIST, Mollie Hemingway | May 17, 2018);
  • NYT Report Confirms Obama Administration’s FBI Spied on Trump Campaign (LEGAL INSURRECTION, by Kemberlee Kaye | May 16, 2018);
  • Just WOW: Kimberley Strassel’s thread on NYT ‘Hurricane Crossfire’ piece incredibly DAMNING for Obama DOJ/FBI (TWITCHY May 17, 2018THREAD READERMay 16, 2018);
  • The Origin of The Feces – Corrupt Intelligence Community Now Leaking To Justify Unlawful Election Surveillance: Operation “Crossfire Hurricane” (CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSEMay 16, 2018);
  • The Morning Report (ACE OF SPADES5/17/18);
  • Trump: Obama FBI ‘Probably’ Had a Spy Inside Presidential Campaign (FREE BEACON, byPaul Crookston | May 17, 2018);
  • A “Crossfire Hurricane” Of Partisanship (HOWARD KURTZMay 17, 2018);
  • Operation Crossfire Hurricane + I.G. Report Update (SEAN HANNITY | May 16, 2018)
  • Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation (ABOVE TOP SECRETMay, 16 2018).

Here is another evidence of the New York Times carrying water for this deep state:

This example cam from an article entitled, “The Deep State Is Real, And Much Bigger Than You Know” (TOWNHALL).

  • In Politicized Justice, Desperate Times Call for Disparate Measures (NATIONAL REVIEW, Andrew C. Mccarthy | May 19, 2018 )


Stefan Halper has been identified and confirmed as the intelligence informant used by President Obama’s CIA and FBI to engage in contact with low level Trump campaign officials during their efforts to conduct a counterintelligence operation against the candidate.  The joint CIA and FBI operation was codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane“.

Rather ironically, five days before the 2016 election intelligence agent provocateur Stefan Halper gave an interview to Sputnik News where he outlined his agenda; in hindsight the aggregate agenda of the Obama administration:

  • “I believe [Hillary] Clinton would be best for US-UK relations and for relations with the European Union. Clinton is well-known, deeply experienced and predictable. US-UK relations will remain steady regardless of the winner although Clinton will be less disruptive over time.”  — Stefan Halper


  • Perspectives On An “Outing” (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | MAY 20, 2018)
  • Nunes Approaches The Target (POWERLINE, Scott Johnson | May 20, 2018)
  • Nunes Approaches The Target (2) (POWERLINE, by  Scott Johnson | May 21, 2018)

  • Clintonista Mark Penn: Mueller Probe Exposed — and the ‘Deep State’ Is Flailing (BREITBART | 21 May, 2018)
  • Who Is Stefan Halper? Meet the ‘FBI Informant’ Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign (BREITBART, by Joshua Caplan | 21 May, 2018)
  • BREAKING: Rosenstein ORDERS probe into Trump spying… (THE RIGHT SCOOP, by Soopermexican | May. 20, 2018)
  • The Media See Only One Collusion Story (NATIONAL REVIEW, by John Fund | May 20, 2018)
  • Trump Gets FBI, Justice Department To Probe Claims Of Spying On His Campaign (WASHINGTON TIMES | May 21, 2018)
  • Devastating 2016 Strzok Text Found: Obama’s WH is Running Trump Investigation (CONSERVATIVE TRIBUNE, by Ben Marquis | May 21, 2018)
  • Why Former Clinton Pollster Mark Penn Opposes the Russia Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Alexandra Desanctis | May 21, 2018)
  • At Trump’s Urging, Justice Department Expands Investigation of Investigators (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew C. McCarthy | May 21, 2018)
  • As Evidence Piles Up, The Media Ignore The ‘Other’ Trump-Russia Scandal (INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY | May 21, 2018)
  • Spies Like Obama? The Treachery Of “Crossfire Hurricane” Comes Into The Light (FRONTPAGE MAG, by Matthew Vadum | May 21, 2018)
  • NY Times Tries to Minimize Reports on FBI Informant (ACCURACY IN MEDIA, by Carrie Sheffield | May 21, 2018)
  • Pence: Reports of Politicized FBI ‘Very Troubling’ (NEWSMAX, by Jason Devaney| May 21, 2018)
  • Sally Yates: Trump Has Taken His ‘Assault on Rule of Law to a New Level (NEWSMAX, by Brian Freeman | Monday, 21 May 2018)
  • Mueller ‘Has No Right’ To Investigate POTUS (ONE NEWS NOW, by Chad Groening | May 21, 2018)
  • Outing Of FBI Informant Underscores British Spy Service’S Ties To Shadowy Trump Investigations (WASHINGTON TIMES, by Rowan Scarborough | May 21, 2018)
  • House Republicans to call for second special counsel to investigate alleged FISA abuse, Hillary Clinton probe (FOX NEWS, by Samuel Chamberlain | May 21, 2018)
  • Grassley requests DOJ documents on Bruce Ohr dealings with Christopher Steele on anti-Trump dossier (FOX NEWS, by Samuel Chamberlain | May 21, 2018)
  • Does The Justice Department Have To Tell Congress What Mueller Is Doing? (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Byron York | May 21, 2018 — also, SOOPERMEXICAN)
  • Diplomat Who Prompted FBI Trump Spying Helped Raise $25M for Clinton Foundation (BREITBART, by Nate Church | 21 May 2018)
  • In Politicized Justice, Desperate Times Call for Disparate Measures (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew C. McCarthy | May 19, 2018)

  • BREAKING: E-mails Show FBI Brass Discussed Dossier Briefing Details With CNN (THE FEDERALIST, by Sean Davis | May 21, 2018)
  • Byron York: When Did Trump-Russia Probe Begin? Investigators Focus On Mystery Months (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Byron York | May 21, 2018)

  • The Real Origination Story of the Trump-Russia Investigation (NATIONAL REVIEW, by Andrew McCarthy | May 22, 2018)
  • FACT CHECK: Cnn Claims There Aren’T 13 Democrats On The Mueller Probe (CHECK YOUR FACT, by David Sivak)
  • NYT Columnist Worries Mueller Investigation Actually Helping Trump (DAILY CALLER, by Peter Hasson | May 22, 2018)
  • Manafort’s Lawyers Suggest Key Mueller Deputy Is Leaking To Media (DAILY CALLER, by Richard Pollock | May 22, 2018)
  • About That “Sensitive Matter” (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 23, 2018)
  • Deep State James Clapper: Embedding Spy Inside Trump Campaign Is “Standard Investigative Practices – Goes On All the Time” (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | May 22, 2018)
  • CNN Water Boy Don Lemon Calls BS on Trump’s Spying ‘Conspiracy’ – Then James Clapper Tells Him Spying on Trump “A Good Thing” (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Jim Hoft | May 23, 2018)
  • Concealed FISA Docs May Hold Key to Trump Surveillance (SARA CARTER | May 22, 2018)
  • Sources: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt (DAILY CALLER, by Kerry Picket  | May 22, 2018)
  • Mueller Probe Is ‘Just Plain Wrong’ and ‘Has Got to Be Ended’ (POLIZETTE, by Kathryn Blackhurst | 22 May 2018)
  • Of Course, Obama Knew of the Spying on the Trump Campaign (CONSERVATIVE TRIBUNE, by Cillian Zeal | May 26, 2018 )
  • The Dummies Guide To The Russia Collusion Hoax: Who, What, Where, When, & Why (ZERO HEDGE, by Tyler Durden | May 26, 2018)

(Meadows: We Need to Know Who Directed Spy Campaign – BREITBART)

  • Sorry, But Obama White House, Not Dossier, Was Behind Trump Investigation (INEVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY | May 23, 2018)
  • CIA Or CNN? The Media Deep State’S Echo Chamber (FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE, by Daniel Greenfield, May 25, 2018)
  • Did the Obama Administration Spy on Trump Using Flimsy Evidence? (NATIONAL REVIEW, by  David Harsanyi | May 25, 2018)
  • Enough w/Semantics: Let’s See Evidence to Justify Spying (NATIONAL REVIEW, by  Andrew McCarthy | May 26, 2018)
  • Crossfire Hurricane: Is The Code Name A Reference To Christopher Steele? (HOT AIR, by John Sexton | May 26, 2018)
  • It’s Time To Admit The Russia Investigation Was Illegitimate From The Start (THE FEDERALIST, by Margot Cleveland | May 23, 2018)
  • Steve Hilton: “Sufficient Reasons To Think” Intel Services Acted To Thwart Trump’s Election (REAL CLEAR POLITICS, by Ian Schwartz | May 23, 2018)
  • Michael Hayden Calls BS On James Clapper (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | May 27, 2018)
  • Explicating “Crossfire Hurricane” – One More Thought (POWERLINE, by  Scott Johnson | May 27, 2018)
  • Giuliani says Mueller probe is ILLEGAL and ILLEGITIMATE, Russian indictments are ‘PHONY’ (RIGHT SCOOP, by Soopermexican | May 27, 2018)
  • Rudy Hits Another Home Run: Mueller’s Team is Rigged So Bad Some of His Team Were “at Hillary Clinton’s Funeral!” (GATEWAY PUNDIT, by Joe Hoft, May, 28, 2018)
  • Trump Has More Questions for the ’13 Angry Democrats’ (TOWNHALL, by Cortney O’Brien | May 27, 2018)
  • Law Professor Insists Mueller ‘Has No Clothes’ (LIFE ZETTE, by Brendan Kirby | May 27, 2018)
  • Obama’s spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate (NEW YORK POST, by Michael Barone | May 27, 2018)
  • Trump campaign vet: Informant used me to get to Papadopoulos (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Byron York | May 28, 2018)
  • Fox News Contributor Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Gave’ Russians Money During 2016 Campaign (WASHINGTON EXAMINER, by Mandy Mayfield | May 28, 2018)

  • Trey Gowdy’s Defense Of The FBI In “Spygate” (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | May 30, 2018)
  • Not Giddy Over Gowdy (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 31, 2018)
  • Yes, the FBI Was Investigating the Trump Campaign When It Spied (NATIONAL REVIEW, by  Andrew McCarthy | May 30, 2018)
  • Trey Gowdy Didn’t Even See Documents He Claims Exonerate FBI On Spygate: Reports (THE FEDERALIST, by Mollie Hemingway | May 30, 2018)
  • And Now, The McCabe Memos (POWERLINE, by Scott Johnson | May 31, 2018)
  • Grassley: Fusion GPS Founder Gave ‘Extremely Misleading’ Testimony About Trump Work (DAILY CALLER, by Chuck Ross | May 29, 2018)
  • 3 Reasons Rod Rosenstein’s Special Counsel Appointment Was Illegal (THE FEDERALIST, by Margot Cleveland | May 31, 2018)
  • Prosecutors Interview Comey As They Consider Whether To Charge Mccabe (LAREDO MORNING TIMES [WaPo], by Matt Zapotosky | May 31, 2018)
  • Rod Rosenstein’S Non-Recusal (POWERLINE, by Paul Mirengoff | May 31, 2018)
  • Boom!! Prosecutors Interview Comey, Close To Charging Andrew Mccabe… (RIGHT SCOOP, by Soopermexican | May 31, 2018)










The Media Is Assisting Terror Groups In Attacking Israel

Another segment that is part of this example of the media’s view of Israel, which focuses more on the pastors who opened and closed the benediction of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem (posted at end of this post). I include in this audio video of a debate at Oxford Prager spoke of as well as an excerpt of the interview with Alan Dershowitz.

Keep in mind that senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahhar admits that this is not a peaceful protest. But the Western Media is saying that this is a peaceful protest…as if they are helping attack Israel in their own way ([see below] CONSERVATIVE REVIEW | TOWNHALL | FOX NEWS),as a united front of sorts working in unison with Hamas.

The following is with thanks to CONSERVATIVE REVIEW:

In a column for the Daily Wire, Shapiro shows how Hamas is inciting violence against Israeli security forces and hiding behind women and children as they march on the Israeli border. But in the mainstream media, these are some of the headlines you’ll read:

And don’t forget this horrible front page from the New York Daily News:


Mainstream media is at it again, promulgating fake news. 

I woke up this morning to a slew of stories about “Palestinian Protestors Killed in Gaza Protests.” The imagery of a man holding up a cardboard sign while getting shot comes to mind, from such a headline, doesn’t it? I became concerned, read further. 

Turns out, it’s the same ‘ol anti-Israeli fake news. Mainstream media at it again. 


  • CNN: “37 Palestinians killed in Gaza protests ahead of US embassy opening”
  • ABC News: “Death toll in massive Palestinian protests climbs to at least 41, bloodiest day in Gaza since 2014 war”
  • Washington Post: “Israelis kill dozens of Palestinians in Gaza protesting U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem”
  • Los Angeles Times: “At least 37 Palestinians killed by Israeli army at Gaza border”

These articles carry inflammatory titles. But the story doesn’t match the headlines….


Dennis Prager is friends with Pastors Robert Jeffress and John Hagee, and throws some cold water on the Left’s faux flames. Prager wrote one of the leading books on Antisemitism, “Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism,” and knows “Jew hatred” when he see’s it. All he sees here is the Left’s hatred of anything pro-Israel.

Us Embassy Opens In Jerusalem | Full Ceremony (Bonus: #FakeNews)


TOWNHALL brings us the anti-Israel beef the Leftist media has:

Mainstream media is at it again, promulgating fake news. 

I woke up this morning to a slew of stories about “Palestinian Protestors Killed in Gaza Protests.” The imagery of a man holding up a cardboard sign while getting shot comes to mind, from such a headline, doesn’t it? I became concerned, read further. 

Turns out, it’s the same ‘ol anti-Israeli fake news. Mainstream media at it again. 


  • CNN: “37 Palestinians killed in Gaza protests ahead of US embassy opening”
  • ABC News: “Death toll in massive Palestinian protests climbs to at least 41, bloodiest day in Gaza since 2014 war”
  • Washington Post: “Israelis kill dozens of Palestinians in Gaza protesting U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem”
  • Los Angeles Times: “At least 37 Palestinians killed by Israeli army at Gaza border”

These articles carry inflammatory titles. But the story doesn’t match the headlines. 


 Fox News explained that at least 3 were killed because they were armed terrorists who were stopped before they detonated a bomb.


protestor is defined in the English language as “someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.,” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. Violent is defined as “using or involving force to hurt or attack:” So why is the CNN headline conveying that Palestinians are being shot at while just shouting or carrying signs, when in fact the story is that Israel is responding to force and attacks? Why is CNN not calling them violent, but is instead attempting to insinuate peaceful action? Israel, the center of ceaseless critique when engaging in careful defense of its citizens (which include Muslims, Christians, and Jews), surely doesn’t care to fire on someone who is just yelling. 


The media’s biased reporting on Israel is nothing new. It has been a staple of liberal media reporting. Anti-Israel bias is also rampant amongst Democrat politicians. Even some liberals cannot understand it, calling it a double-standard. Howard Kurtz uses some very appropriate terminology when he discusses the media’s double-standard on Trump reporting in his new book Media Madness, calling the media’s biased reporting a “decimation of original reporting.” “The lines between news and opinion were not just blurred, they were all but obliterated,” Kurtz writes. That exact bias is all too familiar in the reporting of Israeli defense against Palestinian violence. Just as mainstream media has been irresponsibly spreading fake news about Trump, so too have they been spreading lies about Israel – vilifying Israel and victimizing Palestinian aggression.

If you would like unbiased insight into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I suggest you read analysis by self-proclaimed left-wing Arab, Fred Maroun

But until the media stops with the fake news, take heed what you read.

What Did Kanye West Mean About Slavery Being A Choice? (UPDATED)

Added Audio:

Was slavery a choice? Why weren’t the Slave in chains on the plantation? They were chained going to the African coast, they were chained to the bottoms of the Slave ships. They were even chained when they arrived at the Slave framing camps in the Carribbean Islands. But once they arrived on the plantation their minds had been transformed and no more chains were needed. READ ”It’s Ok To Leave the Plantation!” Mason Weaver. And learn the truth.


The Left’s Selective Outrage Deconstructed |Larry Elder|

Larry Elder LAYS INTO the hypocritical Left and their constant “selective outrage” on issues important to the American people. This is Larry at his best, with his keen mind and memory laying bare the Left’s tendency to make the trivial seem important and the important seem trivial.

“Media Errors Are ‘All in One Direction'” |Mollie Hemingway|

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: I think there are a couple of problems. One is that the media keep using anonymous sources who keep getting things wrong, and there’s no accountability when you’re using anonymous source. There’s no way you can say, “Well, I know I shouldn’t be trusting this person,” because we don’t know the people who are involved.

The other issue is this sort of animosity toward Trump that make all the errors happen in one direction. This is not the first time there’s been a major correction on a story that’s really big, and they always go in this sort of anti-Trump direction. That suggests that it’s not just what happens sometimes in journalism, which sometimes stories get wrong.

ED HENRY: People make mistakes.

HEMINGWAY: But there’s something else going on here, that is something we also probably saw in the 2016 election: an inability to understand what was happening in the country, and just on a very important big story. And here, this is a big, important story.

HENRY: Sure, and another big important story to your point, when ABC News Brian Ross, they got that story wrong about Michael Flynn, which is that “he’s prepared to testify that during the campaign he colluded with the Russians,” that all of a sudden the narrative was true. And ABC bought it hard, and really, it blew up in their face.

HEMINGWAY: It’s been happening throughout the media. CNN last had a series of problematic stories on the overall story of Russia collusion and investigation of same, including that they said that James Comey was going to testify that he never told Donald Trump he wasn’t under investigation when in fact he testified that he said it three times.

And again, no one is held accountable. No one gets fired, or very rarely does anyone get fired, or we (ever) see media taking it seriously.

ED HENRY: Rarely do we see a scoop saying, “Donald Trump is innocent.”

HEMINGWAY: Well, and just yesterday, there was that big story about the judge saying about the Mueller probe that we have serious problems here. It’s not that it didn’t get coverage. But it didn’t get that hysteria that you’re seeing with so many other issues.


The Latest on Trump and Mueller’s Questions (+ More)

Sean Hannity had guests Sydney Powell, author of “Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice,” and the author of the forth coming book, “The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump,” Greg Jarrett to discuss the recent leaking of the questions leaked to the press that Trump received from the Mueller team. Alan Dershowitz also discusses the “open-ended” questions as a way to “catch” Trump.

A good listing of the botched and crooked dealings of the FBI under Mueller (and Mueller himself) is available, as well as an excellent article of the politicization of the FBI under Muller is worth reading.