
Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens Meet Some Fascists

You Shouldn’t Bring A Stick To A Fist Fight
Antifa Soy Boy knocked out at Patriot Prayer rally in Portland. In this slow-mo you can see that the “prayer rallie guy” took some steam off his punch and disarmed the other guy as he was falling. Good stuff.
Fuller Video… these are our soccer hooligans!

Exactly Like The NAZI Youth
It doesn’t matter if your libertarian atheists, or Democrats (which all of the below are), if you step out of line with the end goal (socialism), violence from the Left is the consequence in and failing society.
Antifa Mob Shouts Down Dr. Yaron Brook, Assaults Students At King’s College In London (DAILY WIRE)
A mob of masked Antifa members stormed a lecture hall at King’s College in London on Monday night, shouting down — and then shutting down — an event being held by the Ayn Rand Institute featuring Ayn Rand Board of Directors chairman Dr. Yaron Brook and internet personality Sargon of Akkad.
According to The Washington Times, the event, hosted by the King’s College Libertarian Society, was supposed to be a “discussion about Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism … followed by a question and answer period.” But the event took a turn for the terrifying when Antifa burst into the hall, made their way to the stage and began threatening the speakers with violence. Fights broke out on stage.
Dr. Brooks was lucky to escape unscathed. Audience members were able to catch the shocking incident on video, but the student recording was attacked……..
- In order to become ‘Führer’ of Germany, Hitler felt that speeches and propaganda were not enough to win him the election. His own private army, the SA, helped him; they beat Communists up, interrupted their meetings and deterred their campaigning. Next, Hitler had about 4000 Communists arrested and imprisoned. The newspapers were shut down. SA were waiting in the streets to beat anti-Nazis up. (IN)
Progressives Shout Down Christina Hoff Sommers At Portland Law School (HOT AIR)
Christina Hoff Sommers was scheduled to speak today at Lewis and Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon. Yesterday, in anticipation of her arrival, a coalition of progressive groups led by a local chapter of the National Lawyer’s Guild announced they would be protesting her appearance. Specifically, a letter released by the group said that Sommers was a “known fascist” and that her invitation to speak was an “act of aggression and violence” toward others.
In case you had any doubt, the violence and aggression they are talking about here is speech. “Free speech is certainly an important tenet to a free, healthy society, but that freedom stops when it has a negative and violent impact on other individuals. There is no debate here.” Here’s the letter in full….

Leftists Movements Deeply Tied to Pedophile Groups
The YouTube video has STRONG LANGUAGE and is just a dude commenting on the evidence recently exposed:
GAY PATRIOT comments:
- CONSERVATIVES: “Once we start tearing down traditional family structures that have generally served humanity well and proven themselves over thousands of years of human experience, who knows what will happen then.”
- PROGRESSIVES: “Stupid bigot. It’s not like we’re trying to normalize incest or anything.”
- PROGRESSIVES (3 years later): “You know what would be fun? Normalizing incest.”
(GP’s link is to a Cosmo article) Also, an expansion via THE BLAZE speaking about the DAILY CALLERS story:
Documents discovered by the Daily Caller have revealed that the Antifa group present at the Berkeley anti-conservative riots have connections to the pedophile group known as the North American Man/Boy Love Association.
The Antifa group known as the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have led several anti-right riots, including the one against provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, and were behind the plans to disrupt Ann Coulter’s Berkeley appearance before it was canceled.
According to the Daily Caller, BAMN’s parent organization, the Revolutionary Workers League in Detroit, has worked directly with NAMBLA. Additionally, BAMN’s co-founder, Eileen Scheff is a member of the Revolutionary Workers League, and an admitted member of NAMBLA. Reportedly, she describes NAMBLA as being the victum of a “witch-hunt.”
From Daily Caller:
Shanta Driver, described by the Capital Research Center as BAMN’s founder and co-chair, was affiliated with RWL as early as 1983, according to the Workers Vanguard, a communist publication. She also identified herself to the Los Angeles Times as an activist with RWL in late 1995 while protesting in Berkeley.
Driver argued before the Supreme Court on behalf of BAMN as recently as 2013.
Driver’s former law partner, Eileen Scheff — who has represented BAMN on multiple occasions, including at the Supreme Court — has been a self-described “member of NAMBLA.” The bulletin identified Scheff as an RWL member.
“As an activist in the legal and political struggle for lesbian/gay rights and for freedom of sexual expression, I am here to support NAMBLA and to demand that the witch-hunt against it must be stopped,” Scheff said at a 1991 NAMBLA conference. “The media and police are targeting NAMBLA because it stands for the rights of young people to have consensual sex with whomever they want.”……….

ANTIFA – Premeditated Violence
What happens when two guys infiltrate Antifa, live amongst them for weeks, and take part in their deeply rooted tactics of disruption and violence?
HOTAIR has this on the above:
Wednesday I wrote about the far left’s plans to disrupt a speech by Ben Shapiro at the University of Utah. What I didn’t know is that YouTube host Steven Crowder and his producer had infiltrated a local Antifa group and captured them on tape discussing plans and handing out weapons.
The situation with national media is very different. A Nightline producer has time and resources to take a tape like this and verify the facts, talk with police, even interview the people shown in the clip to get their side. So it’s hard to understand why someone like that wouldn’t be interested in this video, except of course that it makes Antifa look pretty bad. Perhaps if there had been some actual Nazis present to help balance the narrative, but as it is the only story here is far left extremists preparing for violence to shut down a conservative speaker. That’s probably a little to clear-cut for Nightline.

Getch-yur POPCORN/PEANUTES Here!! (Antifa Edition)
(Language Warning)
“THE DAILY CALLER caught up with Gesualdi, who says his experiences reveal how humorless the Antifa protesters are and how dangerous they can be — especially when there are no alt-right protesters for them to fight against.”
Here is Gesualdi’s “Hitler Rap” put to a beat:
More from the DC:
….“As a comedian I am obviously a big free speech advocate, which is why this recent wave of protests bother me,” he says. “Though most of the protesters have good intentions and show up simply looking to exercise their free speech rights, many come for the sole purpose of starting fights and causing destruction. That’s not how we solve problems in America.”
“What I do is bring a bit of absurdism to the venue, to hopefully keep things lighthearted while also showing how ridiculous it is to characterize these protests as if they are the battlegrounds of a civil war,” says the comedian. “These kids may think they are badass street soldiers fighting against the forces of evil, but it’s hard to maintain that narrative when you’re being heckled by a peanut vendor.”
Gesualdi says that unlike the last time, the protest site was “almost devoid” of right-wing voices, many of whom were chased off by the large Antifa turnout, or because they were warned not to go by the organizer.
“I saw one group of people being chased into the police station by a group of leftists,” he says. “There’s actually a great video of this on LiveLeak, which pans over to me hawking my wares.”
The comedian says that the normal Berkeley protest crowd was peaceful, with “lots of people laughing, asking for pictures, etc.” A trio of Juggalos — fans of Insane Clown Posse — even treated Gesualdi to a bottle of Faygo and he got to sing along to “I’m Gonna Let It Shine” with older hippies.
“It was only when I got too close to the Antifa camp that things started to go south,” he says, describing how he was attacked by two separate black-clad groups.
“One group of Antifa-types took issue with the tiny American flags attached my vendor’s tray of snacks,” he described footage that was captured on his video. “Declaring them symbols of colonialism and white supremacy, they ripped them off and burned them in front of me. I was surprised they were so brazen about it, and parts of the crowd even cheered as the flags burned.”
Gesualdi was confronted by another set of Antifa later on in the day, when one of them declared him a “troll” and encouraged the group to accost him. “Knowing this could end badly I attempted to walk away from the situation, but they followed behind, ringing a cowbell for some reason. Very intimidating.”
He speculates that the reason he was targeted was because few right-wing voices had come out for them to attack, so they were happy to go after him. “They lobbed some rotten tomatoes at me, but thankfully, none of them could throw worth a damn. They blared rape whistles in my ear and got some tomato juice on my shirt, but stormed off in anger when I just ignored their nonsense and kept trying to sell them bags of popcorn.”
Gesualdi says that what really surprised him about the protest was how many people there were going on about the “evils of capitalism.”
“They seemed too much like a stereotype of the classic clueless communist who knows capitalism is evil but isn’t really sure why,” he says. “One young man tried seriously explaining to me that people didn’t want to pay because they were socialist, though I actually had commenters from socialist countries tell me that of course they pay for their food and that kid was a clueless idiot.”
“Others told me to cease my selling and ‘seize the means of production.’ I will have to look into seeing if the state is willing to acquire me a free peanut factory.”
Gesualdi says he won’t let the bad experience deter him from going to future rallies if it allows him to keep exposing their absurdity, but he worries that Antifa will paint a target on his back if he becomes a regular face.
“The Berkeley police were nowhere to be seen on both occasions I’ve gone and I honestly believe it’s only a matter of time before someone gets killed at one of these things,” he says.

Democrats Cannot Be Racist or Ableist (Saay Whaaat!?)
Where are the Social-Justice Warriors on this? Why isn’t this labeled as racist but if it were an attack of opposite political values it is hailed as racist by the media?
Here is MORE on the below video:
Finally the violent stomping of a man by SEIU members is going to court. The video will be a big part of the trial. Rather than — or instead of — zeroing in on the violent nature of the left throughout history and American politics, I wanted to focus on one aspect of how the media portrays the indecent. This from Gateway Pundit, Nearly 2 Years After Beating – Kenneth Gladney Case Goes to Trial Tomorrow:
CBS Local reported:
Twenty-months after he claims he was beaten by two union activists, while he tried to sell conservative buttons outside a Congressman Russ Carnahan town hall forum on health care reform, Kenneth Gladney now has a court date.
The case against two Service Employees International Union members accused of attacking Gladney is scheduled for July 11th, according to St. Louis County Counselor Patricia Reddington.
SEIU members Elston McCowan and Perry Molens are charged with misdemeanor assault. Both men pleaded not guilty and requested a jury trial.
Earlier, Gladney had complained that the delay in scheduling a trial was “political” and he pointed the blame at Reddington and fellow Democrat, County Executive Charlie Dooley.
Reddington countered that the delay was caused soley by the defendant’s request for a jury trial. Her municipal court system has no jurors, so she had to work with he state courts to set up a court room and a jury, Reddington said.
“Conservative buttons” vs. “Service Employees.” The question I have, have you EVER heard the media reference buttons or anything for sale at Democratic activist gatherings as “liberal buttons,” or, “progressive items for sale”? These buttons are in fact worn by Democrats and Independents who are part of the Tea Party. To say we are taxed enough already (T.E.A.) and top call the government to some fiscal responsibility is not a partisan concept. However, less spending does mean less government… this is where the basis for the difference of the parties kinda becomes partisan. But I digress. Would the media call this [above/right] a “progressive button?
Somehow I doubt it, even thought SEIU stuff was for sale at the same event… you will never hear “liberal” or “progressive” used of any item or person by the media. This should come as no surprise since the following is believed by the majority of the press/media:
- The media will not only not identify Democrats typically, like they label persons as conservative or Republican, they will often times misidentify persons.

Coddling Antifa – Meet the Press
TWITTER: Matt Christiansen

The Nazi Roots of the American Left (Dinesh D’Souza)

Ben Shapiro Discusses Antifa’s Radical Violence

3 Ways Antifa and White Nationalists are the SAME
Here is a FB comment of mine:
Maybe if enough of these Democrat Mayors and Governors take down enough Confederate reminders the masses will finally think Democrats had nothing to do with the Civil War, slavery, or the Trail of Tears, etc.
Another almost comical (if people haven’t been getting killed or badly hurt in the violence mainly from the Left) thing is that technically the people marching [with a permit… the KKK] are socialists. The people countering them are by-n-large socialists. Fighting over a Democratic history.
One should note the first blows thrown were from the Black Shirt Fascists (Antifa) against the Brown Shirt Fascists (KKK) — BOTH are socialists.
- In the wake of Charlottesville, many are tempted to think that White Nationalists and Antifa are ideological opposites. On the contrary, I would argue that they are two sides of the same coin and share far more in common than either side dare admit. Allow me to present the top 3 ways they are the SAME. (1) Both Reject Peaceful Assembly; (2) Both Play Victim Card/Identity Politics; (3) Both Hate Israel.
Here is a list of why the White Nationalists and KKK are Leftists:
- They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) and ideological reasoning (socialist); or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak; There is a shared hatred for Israel and supporting of groups wanting to exterminate the Jews (Palestinians for instance). (TRUMP SIZED MYTHS)
This is a good list of Antifa “need-to-knows” about Antifa:
1. Antifa uses fascist tactics to achieve its goals.
2. The Department of Homeland Security labeled Antifa’s actions as “domestic terrorism.”
3. Antifa uses “black bloc” attacks to promote violence, sow chaos, and evade law enforcement.
4. Antifa’s garbled ideology is grounded in Marxism.
5. The mainstream Left is praising Antifa.
7. Antifa conflates speech with violence, believing that “offensive” rhetoric, “hate” speech, and micro-aggressions should be counteracted with macro-aggressions, or physical violence.
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