This is an excerpt via Megyn Kelly On Rumble:
PJ-MEDIA has a field day with this:
Schools teach children that, when it comes to slavery, America was the worst.
But Wilfred Reilly, author of “Lies My Liberal Teacher Taught Me,” says that’s just not true.
“Slavery around the world, was slavery,” says Reilly in our new video.
He believes it’s better to teach the truth – that almost every society had slavery: the Aztecs, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Vikings, and most of all, the Islamic world.
American slavery was horrible. But it wasn’t unique.
Our culture would be healthier if we learned about that.
Americans are taught that the native people were stewards of the environment.
Movies like Pocahontas sell that message.
But Wilfred Reilly’s new book, “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me” debunks this and other myths about America’s history.
Government guides for teachers say, “Native Americans lived in harmony with nature… They did not kill anything they could not use.”
I believed it!
But Reilly points out the Natives took slaves, set big forest fires to clear land, and often were just as cruel as white Europeans.
Our new video looks at myths American schools still teach.
This comes by way of RIGHT SCOOP…
BTW, LANGAUGE WARNING… and … while I don’t necessarily agree with all Bill Maher’s thoughts — in general and below — he is truth telling in a high percentile range:
It’s time for Democrats to stop screaming at people to “get with the program,” and instead make a program worth getting with.
Today on The Free Press Live, Michael Moynihan and Batya Ungar-Sargon interview Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the recent violence in Amsterdam directed toward Jewish residents—and what this disturbing event signals about ongoing trends in the West.
New York’s Pogrom Leader Made a “Kingmaker”
Among those calling for former President Donald Trump’s conviction for the impeachment charge of incitement to insurrection is none other than the Rev. Al “No Justice, No Peace” Sharpton. No joke. Now, the reverend doesn’t have the most credible voice when speaking about justice or peace. On the contrary, his past activism reveals otherwise. Larry revisits Rev. Sharpton’s list of lies in this episode, from the Tawana Brawley scandal to 5 million debt in taxes. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, Larry presents the Rev. Al Sharpton: “Democratic Kingmaker.” (Many links at Larry’s video description)
Larry Elder reminds the audience about these two characters credibility… and the hypocrisy that suits their need. More:
I add a bunch of stuff to Larry Elder’s recent audio from November 11th (APPLE TUNES). The quick change of tune here is amazing, both from KJP, Biden, and Kamala Harris – as well as the MSM.
ACE of SPADES has a good post on this:
Something tells me the Dems didn’t really believe all the fascist Hitler talk. Can’t put my finger on why. Just a hunch.
— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) November 14, 2024
PJ-MEDIA pounces, lol
I asked AI to imagine the Trump Biden lunch at the White House today and it did not disappoint!
— Ari K (@arikuschnir) November 13, 2024
Veterans Day stands for a lot of things to many people. But for the men and women who served, it’s personal. In this feature we hear from three veterans of different eras of U.S. military history on what Veterans Day means to them. A very special thank you to Troy Taylor, Steve Evans and Wayne Matter for telling us their story.
Are you grateful for your freedom? Then, today and always, we should thank our veterans. For Veterans Day, use this video to honor these brave men and women for their service and sacrifice. They put their very lives on the line to keep us safe. They left loves ones and shed blood so that we could live free. We owe each of them such great appreciation. Set aside a time during your worship service to let the veterans in your church know how thankful you are for their service.
This Veterans’ Day, we believe it is particularly important to take the time to thank those who have served our nation and defending our freedom. Thank you!
The Man – Reagan
Reagan’s Remarks at the Veterans Day Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery 11-11-85
Before the video, here is some good X comments via Thomas Chatterton Williams:
Dennis Prager has said this for years in a memorable quip, S.I.X.H.I.R.B. ~ sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted. Somehow “Transphobia” needs to be added. Maybe, SIXTHIRB, like you have a lisp… lol. Remember Hillary’s version?
Speaking about the CNN debate, Coleman Hughes notes:
Okay, here is what started out just as the CNN video, but blossomed into this monstrosity. Lol.
More from the NEW YORK POST:
Fox News’ Jesse Watters DEMOLISHES Kamala Harris FAILED presidential campaign.
“She raked in more than $1 billion and is somehow now in debt.”
— Resist the Mainstream (@ResisttheMS) November 10, 2024
SEE: How Kamala Harris plowed through $1 billion (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)
They’re falling apart…
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 10, 2024
I added a clip of Rick Wilson (the Failed Lincoln Project member) from November 4th, the day before Trump was reelected. Rick cusses and is in general, a mean man. BE WARNED.
See my previous post that exposes Rick and the Lincoln Project a bit more: How We Got Here
Dennis Prager was on the Patrick Bet-David Podcast and was asked why a majority of Jews vote Left typically. His response as well as the ABC article to follow are illuminating. To say the least.
(One minute and 45-seconds long)
Israelis broadly favor Trump over Harris on security and in vote preference: Poll