Kitzmiller v. Dover ~ Explained!

A must buy documentary is “Revolutionary: Michael Behe & The Mystery of Molecular Machines.” (My first Blu-Ray buy… amazing!) In a recent discussion  the Dover Trial was brought up, then, 3-days later I got the documentary in the mail. Here is the comment that started the convo:

  • They took their best shot in Dover, PA and failed so utterly that ID is locked out of the science the USA.. They have managed to make a good bit of money saying what you love to hear–but they are keeping ID from ever ever being taken for science. Find a better approach and you can potentially prevail but not with these guys-they are a dead end as far as ID is concerned.

And this excerpt from it is the best explanation of the all the issues surrounding the trial and the complete slamming of Ken Miller’s un-scientific response to Michael Behe’s clear elucidations:

Milo Lectures On “Retarded Culture” and Child Abuse

Child Abuse foisted on society by the progressive Left, via GAY PATRIOT:

So this mom tried to jump on the trendy transgendered band-wagon, claiming her little boy identified as a girl. You get a lot of high-fives and social kudos in left-wing social circles for this.

Then, the court put the little boy back in dad’s custody. You won’t believe what happened next. (See, I can be a master clickbaiter) 

A seven-year-old boy has been removed from his mother’s care by the high court, after he was found to be suffering “significant emotional harm” due to his mother raising him as a girl.

The judge in the case slammed social services who had simply accepted that the boy should be treated as a girl.

The woman had told him that the boy “expressed disdain for his penis”, he said, adding: “I consider that [the mother] has caused significant emotional harm to [her son] in her active determination that he should be a girl.”

“I have been told that [the father] and his partner were shocked when they first saw [the boy] by the extent to which he appeared to be a girl, both in appearance and in mannerism,” said the judge. “However, what is striking is how well [the boy] has settled down.

“I have noted from reports that [the boy] has become interested in Power Rangers, SpongeBob, superheroes and is constantly finding new interests … It is striking that most of [the boy’s] interests are male-oriented.

You gotta feel sorry for kids who become just tokens of their parents desire to embrace social justice culture. I keep thinking of that poor little boy raised by the two man-hating lesbian couple* who, surprise surprise, despises himself and also identifies as transgendered because it’s probably the only way to get his parents to accept him. He’s due for quite a shock later on when he finds out how many lesbians hate trannies. Poor kid….

(read more)


Here is a partial excerpt from the above via BREITBART:

…Of course many trannies, or those that make up their own new gender, are not actually retarded. But they are deeply mentally damaged, and they are failed by a liberal establishment obsessed with making them feel good about themselves.

Consider how fanatical the liberal establishment, especially on campus, is with pronouns.  My pronouns in case you are curious are “Fag, Faggot, and His Royal Fagness”.  In the minds of the far left, what is important is not that a person be free to believe what they want about themselves, it is that all of us need to believe what they believe…. OR ELSE.

If trans lobby had its way, misgendering them would land you in jail.   How ridiculous is this idea!  Forcing people think a certain way, to make another person comfortable.

A tranny may say I am ugly. They’d be wrong of course. But they are free to say it.

More importantly, I do not base my self esteem on the fact that everyone around me is forced to accept whatever I say about myself.

Trannies need to learn to say “So What” if someone doesn’t accept them.  But they never will.  They are obsessed with being victims and being given special rights.  

Everything they don’t like is transphobic. They’ve even invented a swear word for straight people: “cis”.

And if you won’t sleep with a tranny, you are transphobic. They call it the Cotton Ceiling, which is a stupid name. They should just call it: Biology.

My constant refrain is that we must not tailor our cultural norms to the whims of the mentally ill.

We do not require Americans to speak french to mental patients who believe they are Napoleon Bonaparte.  We also don’t change that poor soul’s birth certificate to say he was born in France centuries ago.  

There is a mental illness in Israel called Jerusalem Syndrome, in which foreigners spontaneously believe they are religious figures from the bible.

Imagine if society had to conform to their lunacy?  You’d not only have to speak aramaic or some other dead tongue to them, you’d have to accept their faith. If you are an atheist and someone identifies as Jesus, will you risk disbelieving them, and being labeled a bigot? I think not!

This isn’t to say I don’t have sympathy with trans “folk”, as we are asked to call them.

I’m not, by the way, remotely the most offensive person on this subject.

Real people with the real disorder, that is, not transtrenders in the media, who are simply gay men dressing up for attention. I hate people like that!

I want you to imagine the struggles of a fellow student.  They feel they don’t belong in their body.  They were born the wrong shape, and when they look into a mirror, they see something alien…. It isn’t them.

This fellow student will go to any lengths to become the person they KNOW they are on the inside.  It may involve drug usage, mutilation, or starvation.

You may think I am describing a transexual, but I’m not- I’m describing a young person with Anorexia Nervosa.

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder.  When detected, the sufferer will receive counseling and other mental health treatment to stop their destructive behaviors and learn to recover both mentally and physically.

Many sufferers of Anorexia end up leading normal and productive lives, and even maintain a healthy weight.

Now imagine if Anorexia was on the LGBT spectrum.

How would treatment differ?  The Anorexia would not be called a mental disorder, but something else, something non-offensive, maybe a condition.

It would be encouraged by parents and mental healthcare providers.  The trans-eating would be praised for their strength and encouraged not to eat.  They might even get surgery to remove some ribs to be even thinner.

It’s sick and disgusting, but that largely describes how gender dysphoria, formerly known as gender identity disorder, is treated today.

Even the DSM-V, the manual which is used to diagnose mental disorders, has bowed to the pressure of the establishment, which insists that trannies are healthy and legitimate. Their 2013 edition made the change from a “disorder” (Gender Identity Disorder) to a “condition” (gender dysphoria).

Some are still brave enough to say the truth, for example Dr. Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, who has said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are “collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.”

He said that and didn’t get droned by the Obama administration. I’m shocked!

Dr. McHugh and colleagues pioneered gender identity disorder studies in the 60’s.  They found no good reason to cut off healthy body parts.

In short, and this is the concept the entire left and LGBT spectrum rejects: reality DOES NOT and CAN NOT conform to delusion.

Trannies can never be women, or men for the small slice of women insane enough to desire to give up female privilege.

Trannies suffer from an astronomically high suicide rate after having their genitals mutilated.  Some theorize that they realize they did not magically turn into women, and cannot handle this truth.  Regardless of the reason, that this treatment continues is a travesty of medicine.

Every study shows the same thing: post-transition depression and suicide rates do not change or get worse.

One study in Sweden, which ran for 30 years, found the suicide rate of post-op trannies is 20 times higher than the normal population. Is that not the definition of medical malpractice? When a doctor’s operation leaves the patient 20 times more likely to die?

The Williams Institute at UCLA also found unbelievably high suicide attempt rates.  More than 40% of trannies attempt suicide, as compared to less than 5% of the general population, and somewhere between 10 and 20% of the gay and lesbian population.

There is a long list of health problems associated with trannies, some mental and some physical.

Researchers at Vanderbilt have documented many of these:

  • Problems caused by hormone therapy like liver damage and blood pressure problems.
  • Cancer in remaining organs- is it transphobic to tell a trans-man to get checked for cancer of the uterus?  
  • Drug abuse just to deal with what they are…. Leading to dangerous sex and increased HIV transmission
  • Higher rates of anxiety and depression, especially among those without social support.
  • Higher risk for heart disease due to hormone use, smoking, and obesity.

No matter how you slice it (pun intended) trannies suffer a tremendous risk of suicide, worsening mental problems, and a massive range of physical issues.

Our medical establishment has taken one of the most vulnerable groups — certainly the most likely to kill themselves — and declared the way to treat their mental illness is to pump them full of estrogen, cut up their genitals, and make everyone call them a woman.

And the LGBT lobby and their friends in the media — the people vulnerable groups in society look to for support — are complicit in this self-mutilation and denial of reality.

These are terribly broken people. They are some of the most damaged amongst us, besides my ex-boyfriends. They need therapy, treatment, and to learn to live with the gender they are.

In my opinion, in future times we are very likely to look back at gender reassignment surgery with abject horror.   We will wonder how the people of the time still known 50 years in the future as “current year”  were able to justify butchering the bodies of mental patients to play along with their cruel delusions.

It will rank up there with electro-shock therapy to cure homosexuality as a barbaric practical with zero efficacy.  

At some point children of both real genders will read about doctors who treated mental illness by surgically building their patients a vagina out of their penis…. A vagina that has to be blocked open for six months lest it heal over.  Does that sound like medical treatment or barbaric medieval torture?

Although I may seem cruel to trannies, I say all of this because i recognize they are vulnerable and at-risk, and are treated as pawns by the liberal establishment eager to use them to push thought control on the rest of us.

I wish I could say these adults struggling with identity disorders were the most vulnerable and at-risk, but they are not.

The vogue thing to do these days in is to declare that your child is a transexual.  We see them on TV and elsewhere, parents parading their tranny kids around.

It reminds me a bit of the little girls dressed up as pageant contestants, but parents pushing transexualism on their kids is worse…. Much worse.

Children have no idea what they are sexually until puberty.  Even the mental health establishment will grudgingly admit that so called “gender non-conforming” children may snap out of it by their teenage years.

I mean, we used to have a word for this: tomboys.

I fear a future in which by the time they snap out of it, mommy and daddy has gotten them a sex change on the taxpayer’s dime.   

Imagine the hell these kids will experience, all so that their parents feel special, and part of the tranny movement themselves.

There is no coming back from having your penis surgically removed.

You may have heard of a peculiar mental illness called munchausen’s syndrome by proxy.  In this mental illness, a caregiver will fabricate, exaggerate, or directly cause illnesses in their child or other dependant so they can feel special and act as a wonderful caregiver.

I think there is a direct parallel to these parents, we could call it tranny by proxy.  They feel special and they feel part of a cultural movement by playing around with the gender identity of their child.

It is sick, just as sick as giving a child a dose of poison so you can rush them to the ER.

Now we’ve been discussing trannies, who are mentally ill and not necessarily retarded.  But there are plenty of retards out there.

Deeply narcissistic young people who have latched onto gender identity as a way to be special.  

I hate to break it to you– but if you identify as one of these, you as closer to a potato than a regular college kid.

Made-up genders don’t make you special, they make you a retard…

Sean Hannity Interviews Clinton Operative Jeff “the Fixer” Rovin

Jeff Rovin was a ghost writer for Tom Clancy, FYI. Sean Hannity full interview with the ” fixer ” Clinton operative Jeff Rovin National Enquirer story. I have a couple reservations about this guy… some of his responses to Hannity seem either guarded for reasons and lies.

  • (a)  a person who intervenes to enable someone to circumvent the law or obtain a political favor.” 

The United Nations Homogenizes Opinion

Ezra Levant of on the UN’s blacklisting of Rebel journalists who applied to cover the COP22 climate conference in Morroco. MORE:

Some news via GAYPATRIOT:

…Bowing at the altar of Gaia comes with a significant cost. In Ontario, the province where the Gaia Agenda has been pushed to California-style extremes — energy rates have skyrocketed. And now many Canucks are finding themselves having to choose between having back-bacon in the fridge and heating their homes.

Ontario premiers Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne, via their 2009 Green Energy Act and other poor decisions, have pushed many of the people they govern into dire financial straits thanks to their activist agendas.

“They live as if it’s Cold War Russia,” Miranda from Toronto told me during a phone conversation about her parent’s energy woes. “They use a pellet stove and propane heating. They put construction-style plastic on the windows and extra insulation.”

“They’re considering using food banks this winter,” she said. “I work in international development in third world countries and I’m starting to see the stuff here that I’m seeing there.”

Not everybody is doing so bad. Canada’s Carbon Tax “Slush Fund” promises to become a big, fat gold mine for politically connected cronies and rent-seekers.

Play Socialist Games, Win Socialist Prizes….

“Immigrants! Don’t Vote for What You Fled” ~ Gloria Alvarez

Many of America’s legal and illegal immigrants fled nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. But once here, they support the same things. Why? Gloria Alvarez, Project Director at the National Civic Movement of Guatemala, explains.

Here was her appearance on the Dennis Prager Show:

Dr. Michael Brown Explains His Vote for Trump

Here is a good portion of the STREAM article:

Second, I’m not endorsing Donald Trump. In my mind, there’s a world of difference between endorsing a candidate and voting for a candidate.

Third, I respect those in the #NeverTrump camp and I share many of their concerns, including the possibility of his further vulgarizing and degrading the nation, the possibility of him deepening our ethnic and racial divides, and the possibility of him alienating our allies and unnecessarily provoking our enemies, just to name a few. Among the #NeverTrump voices I respect are columnists like David French and Ben Shapiro, bloggers like Matt Walsh, and evangelical leaders like Russell Moore and Beth Moore.

Fourth, I take strong exception to evangelicals who have fawned over Trump as if he were some kind of savior figure, supporting him as if he was Saint Donald. I also take issue with evangelical leaders who want us to minimize some of Trump’s failings, constantly saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first one” (see John 8:7). This is not a question of condemning the man but rather a question of making a moral assessment as to his readiness to serve our nation.

Fifth, my decision to vote for Trump, barring something earth-shattering between now and November 8, is consistent with my position which has been: 1) During the primaries, I issued strong warnings against voting for Trump while we had other excellent choices. I did this in writing, on video and on the radio, but always stating that, if Trump won the nomination, I would reevaluate my position. 2) Once Trump became the Republican candidate, I wrote that I was rooting for him to take steps in the right direction and thereby winmy vote. 3) I have stated repeatedly that under no circumstances would I vote for Hillary. (For two strong warnings about Hillary, see here and here.)

So, what has convinced me that I should now vote for Donald Trump?

First, I believe that he actually is serious about appointing pro-life, pro-Constitution Supreme Court justices. When he said during the last debate that, if you’re pro-life, you want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, and when he reiterated at his Gettysburg speech that he will be drawing from his list of 20 potential appointees, he helped me feel more confident that he would not suddenly flip-flop if elected.

Second, one reason I endorsed Sen. Cruz was because he took on the political establishment, both Democrat and Republican, to the point of calling it the Washington cartel. Trump is an absolute wrecking ball to the negative parts of the political system (although, unfortunately, he’s been a wrecking ball to some of the good parts of the system), so my vote for him is also a protest vote.

Third, I am voting for the Republican platform, not the Republican party, which means I’m in agreement with the platform while at the same time having very little confidence in the party as a whole.

Fourth, while I have always felt that the line, “We’re electing a president, not a pastor,” was overstated and superficial, if we rephrased it to say, “We’re electing a general to train hand-to-hand combat warriors, not a pastor,” it might have more relevance. In other words, we are not looking for Trump to be a moral reformer (even if he does appoint righteous judges), and, at this point, he certainly is anything but a moral example (although we pray he will be truly converted and become one). Rather, out of our choices for president, which are stark, we are voting for the one most likely to defeat Hillary and make some good decisions for the nation, not be the savior. And with things so messed up in America, the hand-to-hand combat analogy is closer to home.

Fifth, within the first few minutes of the last debate, the massive differences between Hillary and Trump were there for the world to see, she a pro-abortion radical and an extreme supporter of the LGBT agenda, and he unashamedly speaking out against late-term abortions and wanting to appoint justices who would defend our essential liberties. Since I have the opportunity to vote, I feel that I should vote for Trump.

Sixth, Trump continues to be drawn to conservative Christians, and not just ones who tickle his ears. One of my dear friends has spent hours with Trump and members of his family, and he has told me that in 55 years of ministry, no one has received him as openly and graciously as has Trump. Yet my friend continues to speak the truth to him in the clearest possible terms. While I am not one of those claiming that Trump is a born-again Christian (I see absolutely no evidence of this), the fact that he continues to listen to godly men and open the door to their counsel indicates that something positive could possibly be going on. It also indicates that these godly leaders might be a positive influence on him if he was elected president.

Seventh, although I’m quite aware that a president could do great harm or good to the nation, I’m far more concerned with what we as God’s people do with our own lives and witnesses, and for me, the state of the church of America is much more important than the state of the White House. In that context, I echo the words (and warning) of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state. It must be the guide and the critic of the state, and never its tool. If the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal, it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority.”

So, in sum: 1) my hope is in God, not Donald Trump, and I do recognize that either Hillary or Trump has the potential to do great harm to America; 2) my urgent call is for us as followers of Jesus to get our own act together so we can be the salt and light of the nation; 3) I will continue to urge all believers not to vote for Hillary Clinton, whose policies will certainly do us great harm; 4) ultimately, the most effective way to defeat Hillary is to vote for Trump, while also praying that God will use him for good, not for evil.

In the end, if he gets elected and fails miserably, I will be grieved but not devastated. If he does well, I will rejoice….



Moral Objections To Voting For Trump |Wayne Grudem|

PRO: Wayne Grudem

CON: John Mark Reynolds

(See my POST on the issue)

Theologian Wayne Grudem deals with the moral objections to not voting for Trump (the entire article is actually MORE than just this):

It isn’t even close. I overwhelmingly support Trump’s policies and believe that Clinton’s policies will seriously damage the nation, perhaps forever. On the Supreme Court, abortion, religious liberty, sexual orientation regulations, taxes, economic growth, the minimum wage, school choice, Obamacare, protection from terrorists, immigration, the military, energy, and safety in our cities, I think Trump is far better than Clinton (see below for details). Again and again, Trump supports the policies I advocated in my 2010 book Politics According to the Bible.


Moral Objections To Voting For Trump

Several Christian friends tell me they still have some moral objections to voting for Trump. They say evangelicals should vote for a third-party candidate. Here is why I am not persuaded by their objections:

(1) “My conscience won’t let me vote for Trump.”

Answer: I fail to see how your conscience lets you help Hillary Clinton get elected, for that is the result of withholding your vote from Trump. Does it not trouble your conscience to help advance the terrible harm that she will bring to the nation? (See details below.)

(2) “Voting for Trump means you approve of his immoral treatment of women.”

Answer: No, it absolutely does not. In my Oct. 9 opinion piece, I proclaimed to all the world that his treatment of women was morally wrong. And so did every other evangelical leader who is supporting him.

(3) “When faced with the lesser of two evils, choose neither one.”

Answer: I agree with this principle when facing a choice between doing two evil actions. For example, when faced with a choice between stealing and telling a lie, I should choose neither one. But this is not that kind of situation. We are not talking about doing something evil. We are talking about voting.

Yes, it is morally evil to commit adultery. It is also morally wrong toapprove of committing adultery. But that does not mean it is morally evil to vote for someone who has committed adultery. In a world affected by sin, voting for morally flawed people is unavoidable. Voting for the candidate you think will be best for the country (or do the least harm to the country) is not a morally evil action, so this objection does not apply.

(4) “If you vote for Trump you’ll never have credibility in the future when you say that character matters.”

Answer: I disagree. The current chaos over Trump’s candidacy (and Clinton’s) is mostly because of character issues, and character will continue to matter in future elections, perhaps even more so because of this election.

On the other hand, if you refuse to vote for Trump, how can you ever have credibility in the future when you say that the policy differences between candidates and between political parties matter?

I have read the Republican platform and the Democratic platform for this year. In my opinion, the Republican platform is more consistent with biblical moral principles than any platform I have ever read. And the Democratic platform is more antithetical to Christian principles than any platform I have read. This is important, because most elected officials vote consistently with their party’s platform most of the time. Policy differences do ultimately determine the future of the nation.

(5) “We have to send the Republican party a message that a candidate like Trump is unacceptable.”

Answer: You don’t have to. You want to, perhaps thinking that it will demonstrate moral courage and heroism. But the leadership of the Republican party already knew that Trump was the most unacceptable of all the choices we had. They fought tooth and nail against Trump in the primaries, and he won anyway.

Is it worth turning the country over to a corrupt Clinton political machine that is hostile to Christian values, just to “send a message” that the party leaders already agree with? That’s a steep price to pay.

And why not vote to help defeat Clinton and send the entire nation the message that a candidate like Clinton is even more unacceptable?

(6) “It is wrong for Christians to place their trust in a morally compromised man.”

Answer: Our ultimate trust of course should be in God alone. But the question in this election is not whether we trust Trump or God. The question is whether we trust Trump or Clinton.

When the apostle Paul was on trial before the Roman governor Festus, he saw that things were going badly, so he said, “I appeal to Caesar” (Acts 25:11). But “Caesar” was the emperor Nero, an immoral and corrupt person. This doesn’t mean that Paul was trusting in Nero instead of in God, but it means he wisely decided that he would have a better chance for a fair trial under Nero than under Festus.

Similarly, I think we have a much better chance for good government under Trump than under Clinton.

(7) “I could never tell my friends that I voted for Trump.”

Answer: Why not? Are you acting out of a misplaced fear of what your friends will think? The future of the country is at stake. Is it worth it for you to pay the price of disapproval from your friends?

(8) “We should vote for neither one and trust a sovereign God to bring about his good purposes for the nation.”

Answer: Every time I hear this objection, I think of the story of a man who climbed up to the roof of his house in a flood and prayed for God to save him. A man with a boat came along and urged him to get in, but he refused, saying, “God will save me.” Another boat came and he gave the same response. Finally, as the waters were lapping at his feet, a helicopter came and dropped a rescue harness to him. He waved it away, yelling out, “God will save me!”

Then he drowned in the flood, and when he got to heaven, he asked God, “Why didn’t you save me when I prayed to you?” God replied, “I sent two boats and a helicopter.”

The moral of the story is that God often works through human means to answer our prayers. And I think that the ballot box in this election is still the human means that God has given in answer to our prayers that he would deliver us from the increasing opposition to Christian values brought on by the Democratic Party and the Obama administration. Why not vote for the candidate whose policies are best, and also trust God for the future of the nation? Please don’t wave away the helicopter – even a faulty helicopter – and later say to God, “Why didn’t you save us?”

(9) “Are there no limits to what you will tolerate in a candidate?”

Answer: This is the question that set me back on my heels and threw me into a few days of uncertainty after the release of the Trump video.

In the end, I decided it is useless at this point to speculate about all possible future elections. The question facing us is how we should vote in this election, given what we know now. The question is whether Clinton or Trump would be a better president. My conclusion is that, because I agree with his policies, Trump is the far better choice.

(10) “My vote doesn’t really matter. I don’t even live in a battleground state.”

Answer: This election is unlike any other in our lifetimes, and it is possible that the polls are more wrong than they have ever been. Individual votes matter. George W. Bush became president because of only 537 votes in Florida in 2000.

In addition, your vote sends a signal. Every vote in every state affects the margin of victory for the winning candidate. A large nationwide victory gives a strong political mandate and a lot of political clout going forward. A small victory gives a weak mandate and less political clout going forward.

In future years, people will ask, “In 2016, did you do what you could to stop Hillary Clinton or did you vote in a way that helped and encouraged her?” If we fail to vote to stop Clinton and her support for abortion rights, government imposition of gender confusion on our children, hate speech laws used to silence Christians, and government-sanctioned exclusion of thousands of Christians from their lifelong occupations because they won’t bow to the homosexual agenda — will our failure to oppose these evils destroy our Christian witness for the future? Will our grandchildren ask us why we failed to at least vote to try to stop the imminent triumph of anti-Christian liberal tyranny when we had the ability to do so?

(11) “I can’t trust Trump to do what he promises.”

Answer: This objection carries no weight with me. It asks me to believe that Clinton will be a better president than Trump even though Clinton promises to do what I considerbad things for the country while Trump promises to do good things. This objection says I should vote third-party and help the person who promises to do bad things rather than vote for the person who promises to do good things. This is nonsense.

Of course we cannot know Trump or Clinton’s future conduct with 100% certainty, but we should decide based on the most likely results. And the most likely result is that both Trump and Clinton will do most or all of what they have promised. That’s what elected officials always do, or they lose the support of their own party and become totally ineffective. Their policy differences matter a lot.

Yes, Trump has changed his mind, but notice how he has changed his mind. His policy statements continue to move in a more conservative direction, and he has chosen a very conservative vice president and list of judicial appointments. His transition team includes many solid conservatives, and they will determine many of his appointments and much of what his administration will do. Just as he succeeded in business by listening to the best experts to solve each problem, I suspect that he has been learning from the best experts in conservative political thought and has increasingly found that conservative solutions really work. We should applaud these changes.

His choice of Indiana governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate is an especially significant indication that he will govern as a conservative. Pence was outstanding when he debated Tim Kaine in the vice presidential debate. Trump could have picked a moderate but instead picked a lifelong solid conservative who is a thoughtful, gracious policy wizard. Pence is a lawyer and former talk radio host who served 12 years in Congress and had significant congressional leadership positions, so he will be immensely helpful in working with Congress. He is a committed evangelical Christian. He is a former board member of the Indiana Family Institute, a conservative Christian lobbying group in Indiana.

(12) Conclusion on moral objections

Trump has a morally tainted past. I will be voting for him, not with joy but reluctantly because of his deplorable past mistreatment of women. I wish the Republican candidate were someone with a spotless moral reputation (such as Mike Pence). But because anything I do will help elect either Trump or Clinton, these moral objections raised against voting for Trump are not finally persuasive to me. Most of them become even stronger arguments for voting to stop Clinton.


The Atheist Delusion (Movie)

Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. Yet millions are embracing the foolishness of atheism. “The Atheist Delusion” pulls back the curtain and reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny the obvious. It introduces you to a number of atheists who you will follow as they go where the evidence leads, find a roadblock, and enter into a place of honesty that is rarely seen on film.

From Living Waters, creators of the award-winning TV program “The Way of the Master” and the hit movies “180” and “Evolution vs. God,” comes the powerful film “The Atheist Delusion.” Executive produced by TV co-host and best-selling author Ray Comfort (Hell’s Best Kept Secret, Scientific Facts in the Bible).

Learn more at