Educayshun (Updated w/White Privilege)

I get “Whitesplained” to about white privilege by snowflakes!

(Posted late 2015)

I posted this earlier this morning as part of a LARGER POST… but it deserved to stand alone:

The above is somewhat — already — true:

This (the above and below) comes from, here is part of the post by them, which can be linked to below:

EAGnews has previously reported about the social justice math activists’ tricks in a book called “Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers,” edited by Peterson.

The book includes “lessons and essays about racial profiling, environmental racism, unfair mortgage lending practices of Big Banks, the ‘overabundance of liquor stores’ in minority communities, and slave-owning U.S. presidents,” EAGnews’ Ben Velderman wrote.

“The book’s other major theme is that capitalism’s unequal distribution of wealth is the root cause of the world’s suffering. Students learn to despise free market economics in lessons about third-world sweatshops, ‘living wage’ laws, the earnings of fast food workers and restaurant CEOs, and the ‘hidden’ costs of meat production,” Velderman reported.

In the book, Peterson explains his rationale for attacking the American narrative:

“I figure that if kids start questioning the ‘official story’ early on, they will be more open to alternative viewpoints later on. While discovering which presidents were slave owners is not an in-depth analysis, it pokes an important hole in the godlike mystique that surrounds the ‘founding fathers.’”

Unionists now can’t even leave math alone and have hijacked it to push their own political agenda.

Thank goodness a growing number of parents have access to charter schools, cyberschools, voucher schools and homeschools – all of which provide an alternative to government schools, many of which have been infiltrated by left-wing activists like Lewis and Peterson.


Another example can be found in this story (there are too many to note here): Physics Teacher Develops Unit About Racism, White Privilege, Social Justice

See also:

During this interview, the “individual” came up. Why is this important? Because in totalitarian movements the individual is extinguished (which is opposite of our countries [the USA] documents). Below are some quotes from the socialist movement in Germany as an example. Here are the four parts mentioned in the above interview:

Why is the individual “being lambasted” (as mentioned above) important?

Hitler noted that his task was to “convert the German Yolk to socialism  without simply killing off the old individualists.” Hitler informed Wagener that the task was to “find and travel the road from individualism to socialism without revolution.” Hitler also admitted that Marx and Lenin had the right goal, but the wrong route.


Even the school textbooks were heavily peppered with opinions which exhibited a strong bias against free enterprise and capitalism. For example, a 1943 geography textbook stated: “Until the National Socialist takeover, the German economy followed the principles of economic liberalism, which held that a nation’s economy could develop irrespective of its natural economic foundations. If the National Socialist economic plan was to be successful in reviving the German economy, all participants in economic life had to be convinced of National Socialist economic thinking. In the economy too, the guiding principle had to be: The common good comes before the individual good.”

Nevin Gussack, The NAZI War Against Capitalism (Self Published, can order on Amazon), 10, 26.

The reason I got the above book is because of some comments by Bernie Sanders, and the fact that Hillary’s voting record is as leftist as this self-avowed democrat-socialist (which the NAZI’s were). Democrats like Bernie, even having Ronda Rousey coming out in support of. I recalled this quote from a biography of Hitler I read:

  • “We are socialists, we are ene­mies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” — Hitler

One may wish to read my “SCANDINAVIAN SOCIALISM” post for more info on Nordic socialism’s failure.

(See also: 128 ‘Artists And Cultural Leaders’ Sign Open Letter Endorsing Bernie Sanders)

Creepy Uncle Joe Is Now A Race Baiter (UPDATED w/Crowder)

Joe Biden’s new thing is talking about how bad “white male culture” is. Now that a presidential bid is on the line for 2020, he’s willing to do whatever race-baiting it takes to win over the Democrat base, even if it costs a lot of self-hate.

See more at the WASHINGTON TIMES: Joe Biden Blames ‘White Man’s Culture’ For Sexual Assaults: ‘It’s Got To Change’

In what world is this normal? (Nov 22, 2017):

  • While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.

Why You Can’t Argue with a Leftist

When two people share the same goals, they can disagree – even strongly disagree – and still have a productive discussion about how to reach those shared objectives. As comedian and author Owen Benjamin explains, the problem with America today is we no longer share the same goals, and that’s tearing us apart.

Adam Carolla Brags About His White Privilege

Filmed live on-stage at Cal State Northridge on Feb. 15, 2017 as part of their ‘No Safe Spaces’ tour, Carolla and Prager talk about a sensitive subject: Adam Carolla’s white privilege.

Can’t wait for the documentary:


So Woke Blacks Have White Privilege

MEDIA’ITE fills us in on the story:

2019 is so woke that you don’t even need to be white to be accused of “white privilege” anymore.

CNN analyst Areva Martin accused Sirius XM radio and Fox Nation host David Webb of benefitting from “white privilege” because of his views on race Tuesday morning, to which Webb responded that he’s black.

In a debate on his radio show about what makes some people qualified for certain jobs over others, Webb said as a general rule when applying for jobs he cares more about his work-related expertise and experience, not skin color…..


The Left Uses Law To Compel You Against Your Conscience

Many leftists hate Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist and professor at the University of Toronto.

Some of the BEST OF Dr. Peterson:

Larry Elder’s 2nd and 3rd Appearance on Dave Rubin’s Show

Larry Elder (Author & Radio Host) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his views on Black Lives Matter, real racism vs systemic racism, Donald Trump white supremacy, fake news, and much more. (Make sure to watch Larry the first appearance on the Rubin Report):


Larry Elder joins Dave to discuss Kanye West’s political awakening, the state of the media, the new conservatives, and more.

MAY 2018

A Minnesota Mayor Labels City Councilwoman “Racist”

While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.

  • Mayor of New Brighton Minnesota, Valerie Johnson, cries after a member of the City Council doubts ‘white privilege.’

Racist DNC Says Whites Not Welcome

Here is the e-mail via POWERLINE (click to enlarge):

The sentence reads: “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, since they’re already in the majority.”

So much for being an “equal opportunity employer” I guess. Just curious: what’s it like to be a straight, cis-gendered white male working at the DNC? Do you have to begin every day genuflecting outside the office of the diversity coordinator, and apologizing for your “white privilege”? Do you have to go to regular de-tox sessions to shed your “toxic masculinity”?

PROFESSOR TURLEY says this about the above:

If this email is valid, Leader was engaging in flagrant discrimination at least in trying to avoid white male applicants.  Such practices violate state and federal laws.  She should be fired.  However, there is also the concern that Leader simply made express what may be a practice at the DNC in discriminating against some applicants or employees on the basis of their race or gender.


White Privilege Invoked In Vegas Shooting

Being a White Male helps in mass shootings as well. I guess that is why about the same number of black youths are killed every month in Illinois… #BecauseWitePrivilege.

Here are a few quotes from that Philadelphia INQUIRER article

…Like anyone, I am anxious to know why the shooting happened and how we can prevent such horrors in the future. As a black man, though, I have queries that are different from those on the other side of America’s racial divide. First among them: Was the shooter black? Second: How does race shape the media coverage? Third: Why do I have to ask those first two questions?

The answer, quite simply, is racism.


While the Trump administration fights tooth and nail to maintain a travel ban that affects black and brown people from countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America, the people who pose the biggest threat to America go largely unwatched and unchecked.

That’s because since 1982, white men have committed 54 percent of the mass shootings in America. Those statistics, published by Newsweek, are troubling. But so is our reluctance to challenge white male privilege….

Feminist Science – Right Angle

BTW, as a man, I think of “Barbarella” when I hear “feminist science.” Why do I say that? To note my natural side as a man [Romans 7:14-24] AS WELL AS TO cause deep despair in any feminist who happens along this blog-post.

There were a lot of feminist scientists in “Blame it on Rio” as well — cue smiley wink.

Feminists now claim the biggest problem with science today is that there are too many white straight males. Bill Whittle, Stephen Green, and Scott Ott tackle this outrageous claim.