I saw a very cheap version of this… so I thought I would recreate it a bit better. The LARGE VERSION is HERE , I also have a minimum wage section HERE:

The Simpsons, Crowder, and Black Pigeon Tag-Team Google
These are three great short commentaries on the issue at Google which will soon creep into YouTube policies. The first commentary is the Simpson’s almost prophetic dealing with this a decade ago:
…Early in his radio career, Coughlin was a vocal supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. By 1934 he had become a harsh critic of Roosevelt, accusing him of being too friendly to bankers. In 1934 he established a new political organization called the National Union for Social Justice. He issued a platform calling for monetary reforms, the Nationalization of major industries and railroads, and protection of the rights of labor. The membership ran into the millions, but it was not well-organized at the local level. After hinting at attacks on Jewish bankers, Coughlin began to use his radio program to issue antisemitic commentary, and in the late 1930s to support some of the policies of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito. The broadcasts have been called “a variation of the Fascist agenda applied to American culture”. His chief topics were political and economic rather than religious, with his slogan being “Social Justice”, initially in support of, and later opposing, the New Deal. Many American bishops as well as the Vatican wanted him silenced, but after the outbreak of World War II in Europe in 1939 it was the Roosevelt administration that finally forced the cancellation of his radio program and forbade the dissemination through the mail of his newspaper [called], SOCIAL JUSTICE.
(WIKI – emphasis added… see also pages 41-42 of D’Souza’s book)
Before continuing let me post and expand (with extra links) on a GAY PATRIOT post that tackles this insanity — and yes, Christian’s being forced to bake cakes via the weight of the state but other’s not being forced to bake cakes for other situations is telling.
(Even selling blueberries is deemed hate!) CEO’s being fired for contributing to tradition marriage causes, the lamenting of alternative news choices, adoption agencies no longer able to adopt out children to loving families, etc — all causes me to say unless something changes, we [conservatives] will be rounded up into ghettos:
I daresay that the reference is not only to the James Damore situation (which technically is not about free speech; it’s more about working conditions and the illegal, retaliatory firing of a whistleblower -but also to:
✦ Youtube censoring conservatives and alt-media, bringing on left-wing extremist groups to do it;
✦ the allegations of Google helping Hillary by biasing its search-term auto-completes, etc.
Anyway, Alphabet Inc. has a lot of ‘splainin to do.
And we’re fools if we think Google is not biased. I’ve noticed that other search engines are more complete, when it comes to indexing/returning GayPatriot articles.
(Louder w/Crowder) Following Google’s viral debacle and the firing of James Damore’s “anti-woman manifesto”, we decided to do some digging to find out just how “diverse” Google’s leadership actually is! Hint: they’re all hard core liberal SJW activists!
If Google Ads uses an algorithm to tell if the person shopping online is a female or male… is that sexist? Gender imperialism?
(Black Pigeon Speaks)

The Simpsons vs. SJWs

Dennis Prager Takes Crazy Pills! (Leftist Radicalism in Education)
Here is the article Dennis is reading from, via THE GLOBE AND MAIL:
…Until recently, Henry Parada was director of the School of Social Work at Ryerson University, Toronto’s big downtown commuter school. His career was going well and he got major research grants. Now he has stepped aside after a handful of students calling themselves the Black Liberation Collective accused him of “a violent act of anti-Blackness, misogyny and misogynoir.” What was this act? It seems that he left a meeting where a black female speaker was giving a talk. No one knows why.
What happened next won’t surprise anyone who has been tracking the steady rise of authoritarian illiberalism on the left. The Black Liberation Collective at Ryerson (which has perhaps the most diverse student body in the nation) issued an escalating series of rants demanding immediate action to address his crimes, along with institutional racism in general. Students disrupted faculty meetings. The administration has issued the standard non-response: Basically it values diversity and inclusion, and is looking into the matter.
But really, it doesn’t matter what Prof. Parada did. He’s a white man, and therefore guilty.
Here’s a partial list of what’s been happening on campus lately. At the University of Toronto, psychology professor Jordan Peterson is under attack – not least by his own administration – for refusing to use invented pronouns for transgender people. (Last year, Kenneth Zucker, a renowned U of T psychiatry professor, was fired from his position at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health because his treatment of transgender kids was deemed not radical enough.)
At Queen’s, a good-natured off-campus costume party blew up into a crisis over racism. Queen’s principal Daniel Woolf denounced the event on his blog as “the unacceptable misappropriation and stereotyping of numerous cultures,” and solemnly vowed yet again to improve diversity and inclusion on campus. In other news from Queen’s, the head of a student theatre group was forced to grovel after announcing a plan to cast a white female as the lead in Othello. “There is absolutely no excuse for making a casting decision that was oppressive and caused people of colour to feel as though they were invalid,” she apologized. The production was cancelled.
At many campuses, students routinely try to shut down controversial speakers because they might make someone feel queasy. When Marie Henein, Jian Ghomeshi’s defence lawyer, was invited to speak at Bishop’s University early next year and have her lecture live-streamed to other schools, one women’s studies major at St. Francis Xavier said that Ms. Henein’s talk was a “disservice to students who are victims of sexual violence.” To his credit, Bishop’s principal Michael Goldbloom wrote a rebuttal – an unusual act of academic courage these days.
How did we get here? Here’s a very short answer.
University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.
According to studies of U.S. universities, 18 per cent of social-sciences professors say they’re Marxists. Only 7 to 9 per cent identify as conservative. Leftism in the academy is a positive feedback loop – and we’re now well past the point where the radicals have taken over. Those who don’t agree just shut up. “There’s no question there’s an atmosphere of terror,” one (older, white, male) professor told me.
According to classic Marxist ideology, people’s degree of oppression is determined by their ancestry and class. Today’s identity politics simply swaps in race and gender. But the anti-liberal thinking is the same. When your goal is revolution, dissent becomes intolerable, and you have a moral licence to shut down free speech. As the very liberal Jonathan Chait wrote in New York magazine: “Liberalism believes in political rights for everybody, regardless of the content of their ideas. Marxists believe political rights belong only to those arguing on behalf of the oppressed.”
Not so long ago, I thought this craziness would pass. Now I’m not so sure. When institutions cave in to radicals, their demands will only escalate….

Hollywood Libs Caught On Camera (UPDATED w/ Simpsons)
(H/t ~ Gateway Pundit) EPIC! Via Progressives Today:
Via The Hollywood Reporter:The conservative journalist duped progressives Ed Begley Jr. and Mariel Hemmingway to get involved in an anti-fracking film that was funded by Middle Eastern oil interests. O’Keefe will unveil the movie at the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday!
James O’Keefe says he duped Ed Begley Jr. and Mariel Hemmingway into agreeing to get involved with an anti-fracking movie while hiding that its funding comes from Middle Eastern oil interests.
Journalist James O’Keefe, known for his controversial undercover sting operations aimed usually at liberals — is set to unveil at the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday the first of a group of videos that he says will reveal hypocrisy among Hollywood environmentalists….
Just Press Play, It Works:
This is one of the scenes from the Simpsons in 1999 where Ed Begley Jr.’s made a cameo appearance: