President Donald Trump popped off a few impeachment jokes as he continued the 30-year-old tradition of pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey. Trump’s latest clemency benefits a 47-pound turkey named Butter and its alternate, Bread. (Nov. 26)
Holiday Madness

An Observation Regarding “Holy-Days”
My wife said something interesting to me yesterday. She said usually when you are out and about and you say “Merry Christmas” first to someone they respond naturally back, “Merry Christmas.” She said sometimes (like at a persons work place) they may be use-to-saying “Happy Holidays,” but even they, if you break the ice first with “Merry Christmas” respond in kind. Sant [my wife] mentioned that only one person this season went out of their way to stop, and purposely say “Happy Holidays.” [We watched the first and the last videos in my post dealing with the issue]
Now… Christmas is a real Federal holiday. And I noted with the wife that February has the most official holidays out of any month — the disingenuous of people who do not say “Happy Holidays” during this month but do during Christmas is telling.
It is a form a Christophobia – a fear of anything related to Christianity/Christ, A bias against one “particular” religious expression. A word like the one I used in one of my first “conversation series” posts on my old blog (November of 2006): “theophobia” – a fear of “the belief in one God as the creator and ruler of the universe”.
If I personally run into the person who insists on “Happy Holidays” it should be mentioned that it means “Happy Holy Day.” And it is worth mentioning that they are still referring to a set of HOLY DAYS… here NATIONAL REVIEW discusses the matter well:
…A few people who avoid saying “Merry Christmas” may do so out of scruples passed down to them from John Knox, but these days that’s rare. More common, sad to say, is the fear that public acknowledgment of a holy day peculiar to a particular religion will be interpreted as a dog whistle to imaginary theocrats plotting to overturn the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Some people outright hate the particular religion and therefore any proper nouns that are sacred to it; although the separate elements of “Christ-mas” are muddled when glued together in that composite, they’re still discernible, and those who loathe the faith tend to be rigorous, no less than those who hold to the narrower doctrine of strict religious neutrality.
Recall that devout Jews kept a respectful distance from the Holy of Holies and that Gentiles respectful of Judaism kept a respectful distance from the Temple’s inner courts. Devout Jews to this day preserve the Tetragrammaton from contact with hand or mouth — and hence their references to “Adonai” (Lord), a hedge against the Ineffable, and “HaShem” (the Name), a hedge against the hedge. Recall also that the first of the seven petitions that Jesus formulated in the prayer that he taught his disciples, including us, is that the name of “our Father” be “hallowed.” Christians translate the Tetragrammaton as “Kyrios” (Greek), “Dominus” (Latin), “Lord” (English, with small caps in the King James Version), and the equivalents in other languages.
“Throw not your pearls before swine,” the Lord teaches, meaning, among other things, “Be grateful wherever the character string ‘C h r i s t — ’ isn’t flashing next to underwear ads on Jumobtrons in Times Square.” Then redouble your gratitude if the word “holidays” enables us to smuggle into secular consumer culture a hint of anything like the transcendent. Most people now think of holidays as primarily days on which they don’t have to work, but even that much takes us halfway to the principle of the Sabbath, the very prototype of the holiday, or holy day.
Next, be grateful for the plural in “Happy holidays,” because people need to be reminded, or informed, that Christmas is a whole season, of which the Feast of the Nativity is not the end but the beginning. It extends to the Octave, on January 1, when traditional Catholics still observe the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, but it doesn’t stop even there. On the twelfth day of Christmas, Christians observe the Feast of the Epiphany, when the Magi finally reach Bethlehem and present their gifts, a bit of metal and a couple of jars of stems and leaves — you think that’s not enough? It’s holy. It’s enough…

The War On “Merry Christmas” [Christmas]
(Here is a different version of the above.) Should Americans wish each other “Happy holidays” or “Merry Christmas”? Should an office “Christmas party” be called a “holiday party” so that it’s more inclusive? Dennis Prager answers these questions and more in this short video. (More Prager: Most Jews Wish You a Merry Christmas | Not saying ‘Merry Christmas’ is hurtful to most of your fellow Americans | ‘Merry Christmas’ to All!
Some past posts regarding anti-Christmas/anti-Christian motifs:
- War On Christmas Makes It To Newhall ~ SCV Makes Drudge`s Headline
- Comedian JP Sears Mocks Date Rape Controversy
- Google CELEBRATES Anti-Human and Anti-Christian Motifs
- School Cancels Christmas Toy Drive for Needy Children

Comedian JP Sears Mocks Date Rape Controversy
- The date rape controversy surrounding the song kicked into high gear earlier this month when a Cleveland radio station banned the Christmas classic after listeners complained it allegedly promotes date rape and that it sent the wrong message in the #MeToo era. The song’s creator, Frank Loesser, intended it as a flirtatious song between a man and a woman on a cold winter’s night, not date rape. Nothing better illustrates this than the part in the song where the woman sings “Baby, it’s cold outside” in unison with her male partner, signifying that the two were always in sync. Frank Loesser’s daughter recently asserted this was the case, but none of that has assuaged the SJW mob from branding the song forever as a date rape anthem. (DAILY WIRE)

A Progressive Father’s Day Dream – Special Persons Day
Add Father’s Day to the long list of holidays progressives would like to take away from us. We are told that Father’s Day perpetuates gender stereotypes and heteronormativity — i.e., it supports healthy, normal families, which liberalism has been striving to destroy since the inception of the welfare state. (MOONBATTERY)
While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.

No Gender December?
(The Tucker Video Is Dated 2014)
GAY PATRIOT records the insanity:
In Social Left Utopia, there are no girls, and there are no boys. Identifying with your biological sex is just a white supremacy-patriarchy thing.
- In 2014 a group called Play Unlimited founded No Gender December with the aim to end what they call ‘gender-stereotyped toys’. They believe that with correct parental conditioning you can actually defy biological reality and scientific studies and make boys like girl’s toys and girls like boy toys. Last year they were successful in lobbying major Australian retailers Big W and Target to end having gendered toy categories in their stores.
Yes, there was a group of spoiled, over-privileged twits with nothing better to do with their lives than that……

Make It A #BlackXmas
Michael Medved interviews Dr. Melina Abdullah, a professor at California State University-Los Angeles (CSU-LA) who is also a national Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader. Her racism is very apparent in this interview. She is a converted Muslim, is a Marxist, and really, an anti-American.
THE DAILY WIRE has more:
….Abdullah, who descends from a family of Marxist organizers, made the comments on her weekly KPFK radio show called “Beautiful Struggle,” which features songs like “5 Million Ways to Kill a CEO” as bumper music. She was joined by Dr. Anthony Ratcliff, also a professor at CSU-LA, who organized BLM’s first youth activist camp last summer.
“Black Lives Matter and other organizations build a strong critique and understanding of racism and white supremacy and sexism and homophobia, transphobia, but we have to have as much hatred or vitriol against capitalism,” Ratcliff said. “Until we start to see capitalism just as nefarious as white supremacy, we will always be struggling.”
BLM launched a Black Xmas website on Saturday which calls for “no spending with White corporations” through New Year’s Day, encouraging supporters to donate to allied, black-led community groups or black-owned businesses instead…..
Two comments from my LIVELEAK I thought worth sharing:
I am white just for the record.
I agree with a lot she said.
Blacks should invest in their own neighborhoods.
I’ve always found it strange that the local 7/11 is run by an Asian in most black neighborhoods.
Her condemnation of Wal-Mart is a little under informed.
From district managers, store managers, assistant managers department managers people of color are very common.
Some guy waving around a realistic looking pellet gun got shot.
You don’t blame the gun you blame the man with the gun.
If you walk into a New York trading company and don’t see a lot of black faces that’s discrimination.
If you walk into an NFL locker room and don’t see a lot of white faces that’s talent.
Double standard double standard double standard.
The black community needs leadership, encouragement, and talent.
It doesn’t need blame the white guy. If they’d get over that I can get on with it.
Here is a “here-here” of sorts:
Well said. It’s not like there aren’t examples from the past…Harlem at its height was not a ghetto, and Greenwood in Tulsa Oklahoma was known as “Wallstreet” before whites burned it down in 1921. It was the wealthiest black community in the US. I’m sure black multimillionaire sport stars and celebrities give tons to colleges and universities for black scholarships, but I never hear of them giving money to start up grocery stores or pharmacies or 7/11’s in black communities.

Turkey Day Turncoats
It’s Thanksgiving, another fun family holiday, so of course Liberals are not happy about it! Look what they’re doing!!
- While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.

Gobble Gobble – LOL

Cultural Appropriation Halloween
Curing cancer through cultural appropriation:
Just when you thought joyless, whining social justice warriors couldn’t possibly ruin anything else, they’ve now set their sights on Halloween. (H/T to Gateway Pundit)
GAY PATRIOT comments well on the above PC Police stopping “cultural appropriation”
…Another sanctimonious leftist advises on how to lecture people whose costumes are politically incorrect.
- Among all the tricks and treats, cultural appropriation is an undeniable problem this time of year.
By “undeniable problem” she means “irresistible opportunity for moralistic preening by social leftists.” In this case, she recommends cornering those whose costumes are deemed “offensive” and delivering a stern lecture on the sin of “cultural appropriation.”
“Cultural Appropriation” is a term created by sanctimonious social leftists to attack white people who enjoy partaking of non-white, non-European culture. White entertainers that incorporate elements of African, Caribbean, or Asian influences into their art and music: jazz, for example or Kabuki-inspired costumes, are guilty of cultural appropriation. Note that “Cultural Appropriation” only goes one way; to suggest that Africans should not attempt “white European art” such as ballet or classical music would be racism. “Cultural appropriation” has been extended by the sanctimonious social left to condemn colleges that serve tacos on campus and people who dress up as ninjas or bandidos for Halloween.
In reality, “cultural appropriation” is something privileged leftists made up to lord over other people because they have no real problems and no real morality. There’s also an element of the Baby Boom Left — for whom race sensitivity rivals only hyper-environmentalism as their religion of choice — that needs to keep their pieties from dying out in the Next Generation; even as racism becomes culturally and socially irrelevant.
“The original cultural appropriators”
(Young Conservatives have a really good post on this) This comes via Gay Patriot’s commentary on “a generation is raised to believe that they are so wonderful and so special that anything that offends them…”
- They were mad because a professor said in an email that if someone’s Halloween costume offended them, they should try and act like adults about it. (The longer version can be found here)

Jimmy Kimmel Asks Kids the “Meaning of Easter”
(NEWSBUSTERS h-t) On Thursday night, Jimmy Kimmel Live showed producers asking kids on Hollywood Boulevard, “What is the meaning of Easter?”

Trigger a Feminist, Sing “Baby It’s Cold Outside”
No, “Baby It’s Cold Outside” was never about rape. Everything wrong with the rewritten feminist edition. Last year was “White Christmas.”