One commentator says this: “Now, Brian Williams is on the air at MSNBC complaining about ‘Fake News’. That’s rich!”
Fake News

The Washington Post Steps In It Again #FakeNewsHeadline
Larry Elder dismantles the Washington Post’s VERY misleading headline, “Mueller Complained To Barr About His Summary Of Russia Probe.” You have to read to the 13th paragraph to read this:
- “…nothing in the Attorney General’s March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading…”
I added some video of Ted Cruz, as well as James Evans Jr. (JJ from the CBS television series Good Times) — WHY YOU ASK — because when “the Sage” acted out Bill Barr calling Mueller, it reminded me of this. I add Stewie Griffin from Family Guy for good measure in my “video ‘added emphasis’.”

Catholic Students vs. American Indians 2.0
So I wanted to do a separate post on this “controversy,” wholly ginned up by the media. The reason is that my other post were immediate responses via Twitter showing the narrative to be false. And so, has a lot of differing media and is raw.
However, newer video commentaries have been uploaded since on YouTube. So, if one wants to watch the entire video of the incedent in question, you can.
In fact, the BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITES (more on this in a bit) that were harassing people, as well as the kids that were waiting for buses, filmed almost 2hrs of video. But a long-enough version can be found HERE.
So after watching these videos, I came to the realization that these kids had never encountered this racist cult (Black Hebrew Israelites) before. You can see a more virulent version of them on my site, entitled, “The Most Racist/Hateful Cult EVA! (Not Westborough Baptists!)” — mind you, these guys are as racists as you can get. If you live in Southern California and plan a trip to Venice Beach, they are down there as well on the boardwalk.
This explains to me after the kids were trying to dialogue with them, and more gathered for the buses, that they finally started to cheer their school song (over-and-over-again). And so, as the American Indian group walked up, led by a guy who caused issues with other students and made false accusations against them as well (see HERE). As the Indians walked into the space of the students, and started pounding the drum inches from their faces… he settled on one student. This student deserves a medal of honor (or a peace pipe session).
NO ONE said “build the wall,” no one hurled racial epithets at the American Indians. And a Native American eyewitness notes the calmness of the whole situation. Not only that, but the large group of kids when interviewed thought that the group of Indians wanted them to sing and chant with them. They weren’t mocking or singing to make-fun of their culture… but joining in.
So, before I post a couple good commentaries on the whole thing, I just want to reiterate what I have gleaned in the past 24-hours:
What it shows is the group of kids disbanding (getting ready for the buses picking them up) after the group of American Indians had walked up to their group and the one started beating his drum inches from many of the kids faces, ending on the one kid who politely stared at him after he had his space encroached upon. Many videos detail the beginning of the “episode,” the kids chanting their school song (for the umpteenth time) in a circle of their own aimed at drowning out the racist, violent cult.
These kids were there for “March for Lives” — not protesting against Native Americans. While the group was predominately white, there were many minorities interspersed among them — so it wasn’t a racial thing — outside of the racist cult yelling at them. As they were waiting for the bus, MANY videos show the American Indian group walking UP TO them. They were NEVER surrounded, they walked into the kids group. As the kids dispersed for the buses, it looked like they were encapsulating the Indians… but part of that group were also not part of the Catholic School kids. The kids said they thought the group wanted them to join in the chant (they had no idea they were the target at that time of the drum-banger). None of them chanted “build the wall.” None of them hurled epithets at the Indians. The guy banging the drum has made false allegations in the past and admitted to walking up to another group of students and called them racist. The boy seen standing where the Indian walked up to him has been doxxed and progressives have called for violence against him. Even Kathy Griffin is calling for doxxing. And Dan Rather is trying to get in the headlines as well.
ALL based on a lie, easily shown to be false by watching the videos.
This attack on obviously-innocent teenagers is one of the grosser smear jobs by the mainstream press in recent memory. Just when you thought the media could not stoop any lower. These kids were high energy, are seeing stuff for the first time, being inundated with slurs from a black racist cult. This is how Washington D.C. is alll the time. Then the kids had a group of drumming American Indians invade their space. In other words, these kids did and acted very well. And deserve a peace pipe.
Here are a couple great commentaries:

#FAKENEWS: Catholic Students Accused of Hate (UPDATED)
UPDATE: American Indian witness refutes the media narrative… I was told this was a racial issue… is the Indian a racist!
While the mainstream media were quick on Saturday to declare the students guilty of anti-Native American bigotry, new angles and videos in context told a much different story. In fact, the students were not protesting Native Americans as some claimed, nor did they approach and surround a group of Native Americans as initially alleged.
Meanwhile, Marcus Frejo, who the Associated Press described as “a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribes who is also known as Chief Quese Imc,” also countered the dominate media narrative.
Frejo told the AP that while it seemed the students initially appeared to mock the Native Americans, once the situation defused he “was at peace singing among the scorn and he briefly felt something special happen as they repeatedly sang the [anthem from the Native American Movement].”
“They went from mocking us and laughing at us to singing with us. I heard it three times,” Frejo said. “That spirit moved through us, that drum, and it slowly started to move through some of those youths.”
In the end, a “calm” fell over the group before they dispersed.
The one “drum beater” Indian is a far-left leaning activist. So when he is the only one that heard the chants “build the wall,” I am UBER suspicious.
This video is claimed to show the American Indian being “surrounded by a violent, epithet hurling” group of toxic white masculinity with a dash of racism. Watch it and see [UPDATE] Lulu Says has closed her account for a bit. So I will post the full video here:
It’s even worse when you see the full mob effect.
— Lulu Says (@lulu_says2) January 19, 2019
What it shows is the group of kids disbanding (getting ready for the buses picking them up) after the group of American Indians had walked up to their group and the one started beating his drum inches from many of the kids faces, ending on the one kid who politely stared at him after he had his space encroached upon. The above video shows like the others detailing the beginning of the “episode,” the kids chanting their school song in a circle of their own — for the umpteenth time. Here is my summation of what the video evidence shows below:
- They were there for “March for Lives” — not protesting against Native Americans. As they were waiting for the bus, MANY videos show the American Indian group walking UP TO them. They were NEVER surrounded, they walked into the kids group. The kids said they thought the group wanted them to join in the chant (they had no idea they were the target at that time of the drum-banger). None of them chanted “build the wall.” None of them hurled epithets at the Indians. The guy banging the drum has made false allegations in the past. That boy has been doxxed and progressives have called for violence against him. ALL based on a lie, easily shown to be false by watching the videos. This attack on obviously-innocent teenagers is one of the grosser smear jobs by the mainstream press in recent memory. Just when you thought the media could not stoop any lower.
Here is how the DAILY MAIL opens up their article:
‘Display Of Blatant Hate, Disrespect, And Intolerance’: Shocking Moment Kentucky Students Wearing Maga Hats ‘Mock’ Native American Vietnam Vet Singing And Playing A Drum At Washington Rally
- The footage shows a boy staring at and standing close to the elderly man
- Others surround man, identified as Vietnam veteran, laughing and shouting
- Congresswoman Deb Haaland tweeted that the footage was ‘heartbreaking’
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington said it was ‘investigating’
- The Indigenous Peoples March in Washington on Friday coincided with the March for Life, which drew thousands of anti-abortion protesters
- Elderly man, named as Nathan Phillips, ‘heard them saying build that wall’
What the video doesn’t show is thankfully shown by the Twitterverse. Here is the first video I wish to note of the two main refutations, followed by some comments:
(YouTube video with a COWGER NATION hat-tip):
Exhibit A–C
“Covington Catholic student bothering elder man” yet here is evidence of the man approaching them during their school cheer not disturbing anyone. Doesn’t make sense
— maria judy (@mariajudy_) January 19, 2019
INFORMATION LIBERATION (hat-tip LIBERTY DAILY) notes with a newer addition to the video proof that this is definitely a media driven hoax:
Newly surfaced video shows Native American activist was not “surrounded” by #CovingtonCatholic students but instead *approached them* from afar.
— Chris Menahan ? (@infolibnews) January 20, 2019
[Native American guy confronts High Schoolers doing School Chant on March For Life Trip]
Leftists everywhere: “MAGA hat fascists disrespect Native American guy”
These kids did nothing wrong, and it’s Nathan Phillips, the Native American who should apologize.
— Hirsty ?? (@TheHirsty) January 19, 2019
The videos above video shows a crowd of people that are stationary and chanting their schools song. THEN, an American Indian walking over to them and start pounding the drum in the boy’s face. Here are two “bigots” [I only say this because someone called me a bigot for posting a video to refute these #fakenews stories] discussing the issue showing the American Indian drummer walk up to the crowd and get inches from the kids face:
Our response to Kentucky High School teens in MAGA Hats Harassed a Native American Vietnam Veteran #fakenews #MAGA #MAGAhats
— HodgeTwins (@hodgetwins) January 20, 2019
And here is another comment on how well behaved these young men were… is this one:
More Media Lies
There was no #MAGA mob hounding a Native American
Mult Native Americans instigated an incident walking into a peaceful group of kids & taunting one chanting & drumming inches fm his faceNo one said “Build the Wall”
& if anything
That kid deserves a peace medal— Jim Hanson (@Uncle_Jimbo) January 20, 2019
And the last — middle of the road — comment is this one by Mike Cernovich:
A much older man approached a group of teenage boys who were ALREADY chanting a school song.
Although the teenage boys could have been more respectful, and should have been, the story was that they surrounded him.
— Mike Cernovich ??? (@Cernovich) January 19, 2019
Where was the outrage when these liberal teenagers bullied & hit an elderly man?
He walked up to the MAGA kids &
atleast they didn’t hit like the LIB kidsDOUBLE STANDARDS! #CovingtonCatholicHighSchool #NathanPhillips #OmahaNation #IndigenousPeoplesMarch #MAGA #DACA
— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) January 20, 2019
Just finished talking with Kids who were at the protest.
They were there for “March for Lives” not protesting against Native Americans.
Read their responses.— Joey Salads (@JoeySalads) January 19, 2019
Where was the media covering these students harassing this 71 year old vet during the Kavanaugh hearings? ?
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 20, 2019

Anti-Semitism IS NOT Increasing! The ADL’s Big Lie
(Jump to new material) First, here are the two articles by David Bernstein Dennis Prager is reading from:
- Has There Been a Surge of Anti-Semitism Under and Because of Trump? || In short, probably not. And about that ADL study everyone is citing… (
- Correcting the ADL’s False Anti-Semitism Statistic || The spread of misleading information on hate crimes is counterproductive in the fight against real and rising anti-Semitism (TABLET MAGAZINE)
Dennis Prager is livid at the lies (The Fake News) we are “bathed in” on a daily basis. This is a great segment to pair with an earlier upload of mine, titled: “Antisemitism In America ~ #FakeNews” (DENNIS PRAGER).
…The ADL also reports that “college campuses saw a total of 204 incidents in 2017, compared to 108 in 2016.” How many of these incidents were of the alt-right nationalist variety, and how many were related to leftist anti-Israel activism? There is no way of knowing from the ADL study, but to the extent the latter was the cause, that could hardly be blamed on Trump.
Finally, it’s worth noting, that despite showing a 57 percent increase in incidents overall, from 1,267 to 1,986, the ADL study shows a 47 percent decrease in physical assaults, from 37 to 19. This is obviously inconsistent with the meme that 2017 saw a surge in violent anti-Semitism. Physical assaults are also the most objective sort of incident to document, which adds to concerns about the robustness of the rest of the data.
I have no desire to let Trump off the hook for his very real flaws, and I am not nor have I been a Trump supporter or apologist. But the Jewish community’s assessment of the dangers of anti-Semitism should be based on documented facts, not ideology, emotion, partisanship, or panic. And the truth is this: The claim that anti-Semitic incidents increased 57 percent in 2017 is contradicted by the very ADL study on which that claim is based.
…Those who wish to blame Trump have an ace in the hole, an Anti-Defamation League study that purports to show an almost 60 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents between 2016 and 2017, which is implicitly blamed on Trump. This study has been cited on over and over in response to Pittsburgh.
There are several problems with relying on this study for Trump-bashing, however. The first is that the study includes 193 incidents of bomb threats to Jewish institutions as anti-Semitic incidents, even though by the time the ADL published the study, it had been conclusively shown that the two perpetrators of the bomb threats were not motivated by anti-Semitism. One can only guess why the ADL chose to inflate its statistics in this way, but none of the explanations speak well of it.
Second, the ADL report itself acknowledges that some of the rise in incidents may simply be due to better reporting (“more people are reporting incidents to ADL than ever before”).
Third, “college campuses saw a total of 204 incidents in 2017, compared to 108 in 2016.” How many of those incidents emanating from traditional forms of anti-Semitism that one might associate with Trumpian populism, and how many from leftist/pro-Palestinian sources? The ADL doesn’t say.
Fourth, the ADL counts ambiguous incidents as anti-Semitic incidents, so long as they were reported as such. For example, the report states, “Jewish graves or cemeteries were desecrated seven times in 2017. The desecration of Jewish headstones is a classic anti-Semitic act employed for hundreds of years. The majority of the cemetery desecrations occurred in the first months of the year, at the same time as the bomb threats were called in to Jewish institutions, which contributed to a sense that the Jewish American community was under siege.” The problem is that desecrations of cemeteries of all faiths is not uncommon, and are often the product of either bored teenagers or vagrants. In fact, at least some of the cemetery incidents counted by the ADL were ultimately determined by police not to be anti-Semitic in origin. The desecraton of a cemetery in St. Louis got a particularly large amount of attention. The police eventually caught the perpetrator, and determined that he was just “mad and drunk,” not anti-Semitic. The ADL has not updated its study or press release to reflect such facts. Other questionable “anti-Semitic” incidents I’ve seen reported include graffitti with a swastika and “TRUMP.” Is the “author” supporting “Trump the Nazi” or attacking Trump by accusing him of being a Nazi? My inclination would in most cases be to suspect the latter, but surely it’s at least unclear….
AMERICAN GREATNESS has an excellent rebuff of David French’s recent article claiming “white supremacy” is growing thanks to us honkies.
…But David French at National Review has other post-election targets in mind—namely, the imaginary cabal of white supremacists taking over the Republican Party.
Outlandish Claims, Distorted Evidence
French’s November 15 column, “The White-Supremacy Surge,” is more cowbell to amplify the media’s nonstop drumbeat that Donald Trump and his supporters are bigots, anti-Semites, and neo-Nazis. (A despicable Washington Post column over the weekend suggested that massacres and death squads might be in the offing because of Trump.)
Sadly, French’s incendiary analysis wasn’t far from that Post screed. It is a literary junk drawer of anecdotal evidence and conjecture scattered with overworn insults about Trump supporters.
In an attempt to boost his inaccurate claim that white supremacy is surging, French cited a sketchy study while overlooking exculpatory data in the very same report, and he mentioned random racial crimes that are vile but no indicator of a coordinated white supremacist movement. “Trump’s words have emboldened white supremacists,” French outlandishly declared, again without evidence.
In an effort to prove his case, French conflated a rise in white supremacy with a speculative rise in hate crimes. According to a May 2018 report from California State University’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism—the paper French cites in his column—hate crimes increased by 12 percent in 2017 in 10 major cities. (The report documents the number of allegations, not convictions, reported to police. Dr. Brian Levin, one of the authors, confirmed to me via email that the center’s data “cover hate crimes reported to police at time complaint is made and is not dependent on how it is eventually charged.”)
A closer look at the statistics included in the report not only fails to bolster French’s claim, the data show that whites are the third-most frequently targeted group of victims, after black and LGBT people. Jews, Mexicans, and Muslims are less likely to be a victim of a hate crime than a white person, according to the study. Further—and highly relevant here—there is no proof that white supremacists committed most of the offenses noted in the study.
Then this: “We are forecasting a small to moderate increase for hate crime for 2017. Only a small number of agencies have partial year data for 2018, but most are down significantly… we are forecasting a significant national decrease in 2018 but only for the first half of the year.” (Emphasis added.)
So, despite the hysterical warnings from French and his collaborators in the media, there was only a small increase in hate crimes last year and those numbers dropped significantly in the first half of the year. This means there is no “surge” either in hate crimes or white supremacy. (The synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh last month singularly will change that forecast for the year. Trump also has been blamed for that massacre by French’s NR colleague, Jonah Goldberg, even though the shooter did not vote for Trump and criticized the president for being “surrounded by kikes.”)
…He slammed Breitbart and The Federalist for allegedly endorsing white supremacy. (The author of the Federalistpiece he misrepresents is Jewish.) Non church-going Trump voters are closet racists, French concluded, because not enough of them have “warm feelings” for blacks, according to one survey: “The white-supremacist surge is a symptom of a greater disease, and it’s a disease with no easy cure.”
…A greater threat to civil society, in reality, is contemptible pieces of writing like French’s, which are intended to malign innocent people based on race and political affiliation, and further divide the country he laughably claims to want to save.

Weather Ruckus (Mundane Monday)
Remember this FLASHBACK to exaggerating weather?
Well, there is a new contender… and then the responses on Twitter (give em’ a sec to render). FIRST, the weather reporter going for the Golden Globes:
WATCH: Weather Channel Reporter Acts As If He Can Barely Stand During Hurricane Coverage as 2 Citizens Casually Walk By
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 14, 2018
CNN reporting on #HurricaneFlorence#FakeNews#Funny@ScottAdamsSays
— Kelly Lacour (@kjlacky) September 15, 2018
— Sam & Hannah (Sannah) (@sam_hannah_g) September 16, 2018
— Baker O’Brien (@baker5131) September 16, 2018
— Stair na hÉireann (@Stairnahireann) September 15, 2018
Then there was this fine work by Ali Velshi and his backup dancers…
— ? Chris Parry ™ (@ChrisParry) September 14, 2018

CNN’s Staging “Ex-Trump” Supporters (#FakeNews)
(NEWSBUSTERS) On Tuesday CNN again treated supposed Trump voters as lab rats to analyze their current attitudes towards the President. As Newsbusters’ Brad Wilmouth observed, CNN hinted that “Half of Trump Voters Regret Support for ‘Monster.‘” However, since then it has been revealed that that supposed apple Trump voter calling the President a monster on the “facts first” CNN panel was actually a virulently anti-Trump socialist banana.

Millennials Are Suckers for #FakeNews
This old story reminds me of talking to millennial’s who listed to comedy shows as their source of political moral guidance on what is the case in our body politic. Here is the WASHINGTON TIMES noting the gullibility of these younger persons who really haven’t read much or watched much outside of what they had to for their bachelors in literature of psychology or business administration:
…Ben Rhodes, the man who majored in creative writing and then ended up the Deputy National Security Adviser for President Obama, told The New York Times about the “echo chamber” he was able to create and feed:
In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. ‘We created an echo chamber,’ [Rhodes] admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. ‘They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.’
“The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. … They literally know nothing,” Rhodes bragged.
And the know-nothing millennials loved him for it. And, apparently, they still do….

Time Magazine Cover = #FakeNews
Oooops, Time Magazine’s open border propaganda exposed (h-t, LIBERTY DAILY):
Also, “According to a new Rasmussen poll, a majority of Americans blame illegal immigrant parents for the child crisis on the border over the U.S. government.” THE DAILY CALLER continues:
The media has put a hyper focus on the separation of families at the border over the last several weeks, leading President Donald Trump to sign an executive order ending the separation. Current U.S. law does not allow families to be detained together if the parents are referred for prosecution for illegal border crossing.
However, the Rasmussen poll shows that Americans don’t blame the Trump administration for the approximately 2,000 children who have been separated from their parents.
54 percent of likely voters polled by Rasmussen said that they think the parents are more to blame for breaking the law.
Only 35 percent said the government is more to blame for the crisis.
Further, 54 percent of voting Americans agree with President Trump’s assertion that “The United States will not be a migrant camp. And it will not be a refugee-holding facility — it won’t be.”
The survey of 1000 likely voters was conducted on June 19-20………

Larry Elder’s 2nd and 3rd Appearance on Dave Rubin’s Show
Larry Elder (Author & Radio Host) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his views on Black Lives Matter, real racism vs systemic racism, Donald Trump white supremacy, fake news, and much more. (Make sure to watch Larry the first appearance on the Rubin Report):
Larry Elder joins Dave to discuss Kanye West’s political awakening, the state of the media, the new conservatives, and more.
MAY 2018

Us Embassy Opens In Jerusalem | Full Ceremony (Bonus: #FakeNews)
TOWNHALL brings us the anti-Israel beef the Leftist media has:
Mainstream media is at it again, promulgating fake news.
I woke up this morning to a slew of stories about “Palestinian Protestors Killed in Gaza Protests.” The imagery of a man holding up a cardboard sign while getting shot comes to mind, from such a headline, doesn’t it? I became concerned, read further.
Turns out, it’s the same ‘ol anti-Israeli fake news. Mainstream media at it again.
- CNN: “37 Palestinians killed in Gaza protests ahead of US embassy opening”
- ABC News: “Death toll in massive Palestinian protests climbs to at least 41, bloodiest day in Gaza since 2014 war”
- Washington Post: “Israelis kill dozens of Palestinians in Gaza protesting U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem”
These articles carry inflammatory titles. But the story doesn’t match the headlines.
Fox News explained that at least 3 were killed because they were armed terrorists who were stopped before they detonated a bomb.
A protestor is defined in the English language as “someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.,” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. Violent is defined as “using or involving force to hurt or attack:” So why is the CNN headline conveying that Palestinians are being shot at while just shouting or carrying signs, when in fact the story is that Israel is responding to force and attacks? Why is CNN not calling them violent, but is instead attempting to insinuate peaceful action? Israel, the center of ceaseless critique when engaging in careful defense of its citizens (which include Muslims, Christians, and Jews), surely doesn’t care to fire on someone who is just yelling.
The media’s biased reporting on Israel is nothing new. It has been a staple of liberal media reporting. Anti-Israel bias is also rampant amongst Democrat politicians. Even some liberals cannot understand it, calling it a double-standard. Howard Kurtz uses some very appropriate terminology when he discusses the media’s double-standard on Trump reporting in his new book Media Madness, calling the media’s biased reporting a “decimation of original reporting.” “The lines between news and opinion were not just blurred, they were all but obliterated,” Kurtz writes. That exact bias is all too familiar in the reporting of Israeli defense against Palestinian violence. Just as mainstream media has been irresponsibly spreading fake news about Trump, so too have they been spreading lies about Israel – vilifying Israel and victimizing Palestinian aggression.
If you would like unbiased insight into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I suggest you read analysis by self-proclaimed left-wing Arab, Fred Maroun.
But until the media stops with the fake news, take heed what you read.

The New York Times Best Seller List IS #FakeNews
The New York Times best seller list really isn’t that. What it is is merely an editorial “what you should read, not what actually sells the best.”
The NYT’s even had the audacity (or the lack of self awareness in their egalitarianism aims) to publish a graph of the male and female authors by decade. It showed a clear male dominance over the women. However, as the decades progressed, the sexes got closer to being even, until, the final decade in the graph, they were very similar in books on the New York Times best seller listing.
But this graph, then, is merely an illusion. Since they control the list and who makes it on the list — they can control whichever factors they wish to. Like gender for instance. So they can even out the sexes on the list to give the appearance that male and female authors are writing and selling great books, equally. It does not reflect reality. Nor does this “evening-out process” have anything to say about how well something is written. It merely projects what the few editors think is important to the New York Times.
The majority of authors are — I presume — white. So soon a similar graph will surely show an evening out of minority vs. Caucasian authors.
Facebook “Convo”
I posted a link to this article discussing Trump’s foreign policy advancements as compared to Obama’s in regard to “Nobel Peace Prizes.” Here is part of the article:
North and South Korea are discussing plans to make a stunning announcement at their leaders summit next week: a permanent end to the 68-year state of war between the two, according to reports.
North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in may release a joint statement saying they will seek to end military conflict, an unidentified Seoul official told the Munhwa Ilbo newspaper, Bloomberg reported.
The two men are scheduled to meet April 27 in the border village of Panmunjon — the third-ever summit of leaders from the two Koreas.
Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce. Despite occasional flare-ups between the two nations in the years since the armistice, the two Koreas have managed to avoid an all-out war.
A successful summit could pave the way for a historic meeting between Kim and President Trump — the first between a sitting US president and a North Korean leader….
Later we find out that Pompeo met with the North over Easter weekend. A person simply said “Wow…..” MIND YOU, I am reading a lot into his “Wow,” but here is my response to the larger issue:
You do realize people like myself do not really want Trump to get the Nobel Prize in Peace, but what is being intimated by the article (OP) is that Obama got his just eight and a half months in the White House.
The prize was nothing more, then, than Leftist panels awarding a Leftist person they idealized with a hopeful fiction.
(In fact, all of Leftism is an idealization of a Utopian dream. A “Super Man” in the “Nietzsch’ian sense”… genderless, able to offend no one, always concerned for the welfare of others in the market place, etc. REALLY THEN, a pipe-dream but one enforced by legislative acts. Dangerous in other words.)
It is similar, then, to the NYTs posting this graphic as if it means something ( Since the NYT Best Seller list are really editorial choices and not based on the reality of “which books actually sell the best,” their being proud of an evening-out of male-to-female authors is meaningless. (Unless you live in a bubble: SNL –
It is a form of self-gratification, or as David French calls them, the “New Holy Rollers.” That is, “social justice warriors.” The NYT sees themselves as such in creating a fictitious reality in order to fool people with what is really an illusion that says nothing of literary excellence.
You see, when you believe you are morally superior, when you have dehumanized those you disagree with, you can justify almost anything.
Like giving a Nobel Peace Prize to a person who will hold to an illusory ideal created whole cloth from nothing.
So, if that is the standard…
…the Trump administration has already surpassed it. As we found out with the meeting over the Easter weekend. Ultimately nothing may come of it, but it is more “hope and change” to the real world than what Obama had “accomplished.”
THAT is the point.
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