Here is a great comment from my YouTube via Frodojack:
Video Description from my YouTube:
Here is a great comment from my YouTube via Frodojack:
Video Description from my YouTube:
Mind you, it is WORSE than this.
First of all, I want to give props where they are due. Firstly to GAVIN MCINNES‘ work, isolated by WESO AND AUSTLOG, added to by me.
I was told THIS was a racist statement:
While I agree this hurt his chances with Hispanics, this “hurting” is not due to any racism on Trump’s part — rather, it is a lack of clear delineation and reference to facts by Trump himself.
And while “Mexico Proper” is not sending all it’s misfits, the President of Mexico and officials are making getting to our border easy by not only Mexicans but others from Central and South America (as well as other parts of the world). We all remember the stories about THE BEAST, right? By Mexico ignoring the issue (or actively protecting illegal immigrants/immigration), they might as well be complicit with it! Or am I waaay off base here?
Here is the SJW getting worked:
While I found the social justice warrior’s lack of understanding in regards to facts (or “Coyotajes”), the below is NOT funny! Here is support for the stat used in the video. One from a liberal site, another by a gay conservative:
Via PJ Media:
WASHINGTON – Conservative columnist George Will told PJM he has officially left the Republican Party and urged conservatives not to support presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump even if it leads to a Democratic victory in the 2016 presidential election.
Will, who writes for the Washington Post, acknowledged it is a “little too late” for the Republican Party to find a replacement for Trump but had a message for Republican voters.
“Make sure he loses. Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House,” Will said during an interview after his speech at a Federalist Society luncheon.
Will said he changed his voter registration this month from Republican to “unaffiliated” in the state of Maryland.
“This is not my party,” Will said during his speech at the event….
…Sabotage the GOP?
In this clip Mark Levi explains some basics in conservative economics 101. I include a couple calls and Mark gets worked up in the process of “laying down the law”!
BTW, this is a great refutation of those who think tariffs are a good thing. The movie BREXIT does a great job explaining how this thinking killed European competitive markets.
(See also my previous post on this)
An “authentic, fully American history and tradition” is lacking in Trump’s thinking. To wit, reading this article by Daniel Krauthammer titled, Without Exceptionalism, both lifted me up as-well-as saddened me. The article made my spirit sour because of the reinvigorated understanding of “what it means to be an American” by a young man while-at-the-same-time my heart sunk because of the state of the American people in nominating a complete scoundrel in all regards to the Grand Ol’ Party. What a roller-coaster ride that was! I will take Charles Krauthammer’s word for it that Daniel “has the sharpest, most brilliant mind, sharper than mine.” Without further adieu, here is Michael Medved reading over and commenting on Daniel’s article:
The key point I see in Daniel’s piece is that Trump views markets, wealth, and ultimately America as a zero-sum game:
He shows an almost Keynsein propensity that manifests itself in trying to fit the American Soul into an Excel spreadsheet — viewing “what” we are… kinesthetically… at his deepest understanding [if that even applies to “The Donald”] depicting the United States as the “Crimson Permanent Assurance,” a (mostly) standalone short in Monty Python’s Meaning of Life about “a crew of aged accountants who throw off the yokes of their oppressors, take up the mantle of corporate piracy and set sail on the high seas of international finance.”
What a joke!
What an ass.
Every day I am more-and-more convinced in my decision to leave the Presidential choice BLANK come November. For the first time, since I started voting, I will not vote for the President of These United States. Bill Kristol is right when he says that we have 5-months ahead of us of watching GOP pundits (like Sean Hannity and others) “defending, apologizing for, and excusing” Donald Trump’s obvious zero-sum intelligence.
Good luck with that.
Gay Patriot (CFA) writes in response to a question by yours-truly that he recognizes that “primary campaigns get nasty,” he adds that he also gets
Amen to that! I won’t be either.
“America Guided by Wisdom”
(Click to Enlarge)
On the fore ground, Minerva, the goddess of Wisdom, is pointing to a shield, supported by the Genius of America, bearing the arms of the United States, with the motto UNION AND INDEPENDENCE, by which the country enjoys the prosperity signified by the horn of plenty at the feet of America. The second ground is occupied by a Triumphal Arch with the Equestrian Statue of WASHINGTON placed in front, indicating the progress of the liberal arts. On the third ground, Commerce is represented by the figure of Mercury, with one foot resting on bales of American manufactures, pointing out the advantages of encouraging and protecting Navigation, signified by an armed vessel under sail, to Ceres, who is seated with emplements of Agriculture near her. The Bee Hive is emblematic of industry; and the female spinning at the cottage door, shews the first and most useful of domestic manufactures.
~ Benjamin Tanner’s descriptive text.
The first black poet in America to publish a book, Poems on Various Subjects: Religious and Moral, spoke of this wisdom that guided one of our Founding Fathers in a poem entitled, “His Excellency General Washington.”
Just a small bio on this American gem before the poem:
May I also add to History Bitches slightly adapted info above that Phillis was also steeped in the Bible. And being a poet she was well aware of “lady wisdom” in Proverbs. (A more complete bio of her is below):
Richard Gamble writes about this “exceptionalism” with a warning…
And so, goodbye…
Phillis Wheatley
This was a BIG-DEAL with Obama… but no biggie for Republicans supporting Trump? Trump is an idiot. “American Exceptionalism” is not a monetary standard! “American Exceptionalism” is not able to be placed into a spreadsheet! Here is a decent article about what we are seeing today in this 2016 election cycle. The article is entitled: “What Are Trump and Sanders? They Are the End of American Exceptionalism”
All that being said… here is a great video intro by Charles Murray to his book, American Exceptionalism: An Experiment in History (Values and Capitalism), But this cogent understanding of history and “what” America is DEVOID of anything “the Donald” espouses.
Conservapedia has this: