Adam Carolla shared some thoughts today on the Dennis Prager Show that I happened to catch. His thoughts were good enough to put into an embeddable form.
Adam Carolla

Adam Carolla Brags About His White Privilege
Filmed live on-stage at Cal State Northridge on Feb. 15, 2017 as part of their ‘No Safe Spaces’ tour, Carolla and Prager talk about a sensitive subject: Adam Carolla’s white privilege.
Can’t wait for the documentary:

“No Safe Spaces” w/Adam Corolla and Dennis Prager
The release date has been moved to 2019 and will be released in theaters first. Some of the cast/crew can be found HERE.
Nov 2, 2018
May 24, 2017

Don’t Make Things Worse (Adam Carolla)
Adam Carolla, comedian, social critic and host of the wildly popular Adam Carolla podcast, delivers the 2018 commencement address for PragerU. He offers some sage advice and makes a heart-felt request — as only Adam can.

An Hour of Adam Carolla & Dennis Prager

Minimum Wage Realities (UPDATED)
UPDATE via the WASHINGTON EXAMINER with a shout-out to THE SAGE!
San Francisco’s higher minimum wage is causing an increasing number of restaurants to go out of business even before it is fully phased in, a new study by the Harvard Business School found.
The closings were concentrated among struggling, lower-rated restaurants. The higher minimum also caused fewer new restaurants to open, it found.
“We provide suggestive evidence that higher minimum wage increases overall exit rates among restaurants, where a $1 increase in the minimum wage leads to approximately a 4 to 10 percent increase in the likelihood of exit,” report Dara Lee and Michael Luca, authors of “Survival of the Fittest: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Firm Exit.” The study used as a case study San Francisco, which has an estimated 6,000 restaurants in the Bay Area and is ratcheting up its minimum wage. Restaurants are one of the largest employers of minimum wage workers.
The city’s minimum wage is currently $13 an hour, compared with California’s rate of $10.50 and the federal rate of $7.25. The city’s rate is set to increase to $14 in July and again to $15 next year. That rate, unlike federal law, does not include an exception for tipped employees. The rest of the Golden State will see the minimum rate rise to $15 in 2022. States are free to set rates higher than the federal level, and cities can do the same regarding state minimums.
Higher minimum wages also reduce the rate at which new restaurants open by 4-6 percent per $1 increase in the minimum, the study found.
Editor’s Note: In case you do not realize the outcome… the only food places able to stay open are the BIG… CORPORATE… CHAIN RESTAURANTS. Which is why they like raising wages… it kills any real competition — this is ECON 101. But we know that BIG GOVERNMENT likes to be in bed with BIG BUSINESS.
(clears throat… *Ehem*, Dems)
GAY PATRIOT comments on the recent study on the effects of minimum wage, hailing from lib-tard central San Francisco:
- with Starbucks. Or,
- with the rise of automated ordering at fast-food restaurants. Or,
- with that San Francisco bookstore that was destroyed by a minimum wage increase it had supported.
Leftists like to deny math and other facts of business and economics. What makes it odious is, they’re also smug about it. It isn’t just their ignorance; it’s their aggressive pride in staying ignorant.
Via HotAir, now a study confirms that San Francisco’s minimum wage does indeed injure the businesses and workers of that city.
San Francisco’s higher minimum wage is causing an increasing number of restaurants to go out of business even before it is fully phased in, a new study by the Harvard Business School found.
The closings were concentrated among struggling, lower-rated restaurants. The higher minimum also caused fewer new restaurants to open, it found.
“We provide suggestive evidence that higher minimum wage increases overall exit rates among restaurants, where a $1 increase in the minimum wage leads to approximately a 4 to 10 percent increase in the likelihood of exit,” report Dara Lee and Michael Luca, authors of “Survival of the Fittest: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Firm Exit.” The study used as a case study San Francisco, which has an estimated 6,000 restaurants in the Bay Area and is ratcheting up its minimum wage.
So, Nancy Pelosi and her fellow limousine-socialists are looking at fewer restaurant selections for themselves – and more unemployed people. Do they understand that? Or even notice it?
There is only one time when the minimum wage doesn’t hurt employment: When it’s low enough, in real terms, to be ineffectual…..

Who Not To Vote For ~ Adam Carolla
Adam Carolla isn’t going to tell you who to vote for. But he is going to tell you who NOT to vote for. And in a time when candidates running for office promise the moon, one of America’s funniest comedians shares a few tips about how to spot the candidate that you should run from.

Some Non-Spiritual Reasoning Behind Why the Left Hates Israel
The Breitbart article astutely ends with this synopsis that makes sense to me. I say in the title “non-spiritual” because as one is more secular… typically one hates more-and-more Godly activity in the panoply of history. In other words, the Left hates miracles! And Israel’s mere existence is evidence of God’s mighty hand.
The fact is that when it comes to Israel, nobody seems to be interested in the truth. No one cares that it gave up the lands it seized during the Yom Kippur War, in the hope of securing peace. Nor that it gifted the Palestinians 3,000 greenhouses, opened border crossings and encouraged trade. Nor that the Gazans responded by destroying the greenhouses and electing a government committed to eradicating the Jews, which has fired thousands of rockets into Israel, and digs tunnels under Israeli territory from which to launch surprise attacks.
No one cares that Israel gives Gazans advance warning of raids, while Hamas deliberately targets Israeli civilians. Nor that Hamas places its weapons in schools, mosques, hospitals and private homes, to maximise the chance of civilian casualties. Nor that Israel arrested those guilty of murdering a Palestinian youth, and offered reparations to the victim’s family, while Hamas did nothing to capture or punish the killers of three Israeli teenagers. Nor that no Israeli soldiers are actually based in Gaza, despite talk of an ‘occupying force’ by Hamas apologists
No one takes these facts into account because they are unhelpful to the narrative propagated by the pro-Palestinian Left – namely, that this is a battle between a strong, macho oppressor and a weak, downtrodden underdog, which leftists can feel virtuous about supporting.
Israel is a distillation of everything leftists hate about Western nations: capitalist, conservative and fiercely patriotic. It is a projection of their own prejudices about the supposed injustices of societies that cherish the ‘wrong’ values and the ‘wrong’ people. They don’t share the Palestinians’ spiritual beliefs, but they share a common enemy. Indeed, if Israel was removed from the equation, its critics would have little good to say about Gaza or Hamas. Theirs is a marriage of convenience.
The Left’s use of the Israeli-Arab situation as a platform for moral preening, and as a metaphor for its own hang-ups, blinds it to the evils of Hamas and the rest of the Muslim Brotherhood. It seems oblivious to the ideological conflict between Islamic fundamentalists and Western progressives, because it persists in regarding the former as pet victims of the latter. It may discover the hard way that it is giving comfort to an enemy that makes no distinction between liberal hand-wringers and any other infidels.

Taking Care Of Your Kids Has Become A “Right-Wing” Issue
VOLUME Warning at the very beginning (the “Daily Caller” intro):
Curious about his MANGRIA? Here is the link.
Feelings Front-and-Center In Race-Based Claims
The Burning Truth writes well on the recent indecent, and brings us into Blaze’s commentary afterword:
…I’m no fan of Oprah, never have been. Mostly because I know who she really is as a person.
I’ve watched her get away with misleading her audience on a whole host of issues, pretending to be outraged when guests turned out to be frauds, giving away free cars and saddling winners (who had not entered to win) with huge tax bills, refusing to marry because she didn’t want ‘a man’ to get her money, etc., etc.
Now this latest Oprah racism flap has awaken some to what really lies beneath the Harpo. Others are ceasing upon the story to highlight that even rich black people face racism. Of course, there is absolutely no evidence of racism in this story, but that hasn’t stopped the race-baiters (Oprah included) from fanning the flames of hate.
Before we continue, you should know that the person accused of being racist has vehemently denied Oprah’s accusations, and Oprah has apologized.
Certainly, it is possible for a wealthy, famous person to encounter racism. My doubt in this story comes from a distinct lack of anything racial supposedly being said to or about Oprah. So right of the get go, I’m assuming she’s race-baiting.
There is, however, a history of Oprah frivolously crying racism when she doesn’t get her way. You see, Oprah is an elitist, and she’s never hid that from anyone. Her fans were simply ignoring it. She’s a wealthy, famous person who believes her turds don’t stink, and she thinks people should bend over backwards for her. When they don’t … RACISM!
In 2005, Oprah also levied the charge of racism. Why? Because Hermes would let her in the store when they were closed for business. How dare they not give her special treatment!
Talk show host Oprah Winfrey believes she was refused entry to the Hermes shop in Paris, France because she is black, and she is planning to discuss the incident when her TV show resumes later this year.
Here is the commentary by the Blaze’s:
In 2005, Oprah Winfrey accused luxury store Hermes in Paris of turning her away when she stopped in to purchase an expensive watch for singer Tina Turner. A spokesperson for the TV personality later referred to the incident as her “crash moment.”
“Crash” was a 2004 film that centered around the damaging effects of racism. The phrase “crash moment” refers to “situations where a party feels discriminated against on the basis of skin color,” CNN reported in 2005.
The claim is extremely similar to Oprah’s recent claim of discrimination she supposedly experienced at a high-end boutique in Zurich, Switzerland. In that case, she says a sales assistant refused to show her a $38,000 handbag because it was too expensive for her. The sales assistant and the store manager have both strongly denied the allegations.
As it turned out, Oprah and her team arrived at Hermes at around 6:45 p.m. on June 14, 2005, which was about 15 minutes after the store had closed and was setting up a private PR event. A store spokesperson said a security guard informed the star that the store was closed. Oprah was given a card and told to come back the next day.
Surveillance footage of the exchange backed up the store’s account. Oprah apparently wanted the store to allow her to make a quick purchase, but was denied.
The New York Post, citing various sources close to Oprah, reported she was turned away because the store had been “having a problem with North Africans lately.”
A Hermes spokesperson vehemently denied the allegation.
“There was never any discussion of North Africans,” she said. “The story is not true.”
However, Hermes still ended up apologizing to Winfrey for the misunderstanding.
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