Author: Papa Giorgio
Faith In Faith Kills
In Matt 26:39 Jesus prays: “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” The word faith “health and wealth” person prays: ““My Father! I command You to take this cup of suffering be taken away. Yet I want my will to be done, not yours.” Unfortunately this twisting of wills and subjects to be prayed to (ones own faith) is no other than the lie from Genesis 3:1-6. It is not merely putting oneself in the chair central to ones life, but making a throne out of it.
From Religion News Blog:
Herbert and Catherine Schaible of Philadelphia face more than a decade in prison for the January 2009 pneumonia death of 2-year-old Kent.
“We were careful to make sure we didn’t have their religion on trial but were holding them responsible for their conduct,” jury foreman Vince Bertolini, 49, told The Associated Press. “At the least, they were guilty of gross negligence, and (therefore) of involuntary manslaughter.”
The Schaibles, who have six other children, declined to comment as they left the courthouse to await sentencing Feb. 2.
Experts say about a dozen U.S. children die in faith-healing cases each year. An Oregon couple were sentenced this year to 16 months in prison for negligent homicide in the death of their teenage son, who had an undiagnosed urinary blockage.
Their pastor, Nelson A. Clark of the First Century Gospel Church of Juniata Park, which teaches healing through prayer and eschews medical care as evidence of a lack of faith in God, seemed crushed by the jury’s conclusion.
The Schaibles’ 2-year-old son, Kent, died after fighting what began as a cold and progressed over two weeks to bacterial pneumonia. According to testimony, Herbert Schaible, 42, and Catherine Schaible, 41, prayed for their son and thought he might be getting better.
But on the night of Jan. 24, 2009, the Schaibles discovered that Kent was dead. They called the church’s assistant pastor, Ralph Myers, who came to the house, joined the parents in prayer, and then called a funeral director.
“We tried to fight the devil, but in the end the devil won,” Herbert Schaible told homicide detectives in a statement read to the jury during the trial, which began Tuesday.
Debunking JFK’s “Secret Societies” Speech
TSA is profiling-they just arent profiling the most plausible terrorist (e.g., young Muslim men),instead its busty blondes
Obama Gets Busted on Mythbusters! (ReasonTV)
When Mantras Meet Fact~or~When Katie Couric INterviews Condoleezza Rice

Rapid Petrification of Wood-Peer Reviewed Article Sites and Supports Creationist Article
It is extremely unusual for creationist research to be favorably reported and referenced in a technical scientific paper by academic geologists published in a major, secular, geological journal. However, not only has this just happened, but the same paper reported experimental research that confirms the conclusions of the creationist research published in a young-earth creationist journal! Here are the two articles, the first a young-earth creationist. The second, an evolutionist:
- Rapid Petrification of Wood: An Unexpected Confirmation of Creationist Research, by Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D.
- Akahane, H., T. Furuno, H. Miyajima, T. Yoshikawa, and S. Yamamoto, 2004, “Rapid Wood Silicification In Hot Spring Water: An Explanation Of Silicification Of Wood During The Earth’S History,” Sedimentary Geology, vol. 169, pp. 219-228
John 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
Evolutionary scientists have long maintained that it takes several million years for wood to become petrified or turned to stone as in the famous “Petrified forest.” In 1995 the creationist magazine Creation published research to show that wood can petrify in a relatively short time. Now a scientific journal, Sedimentary Geology, has published a new study that agrees.
Japanese scientists immersed specimens of wood in hot spring water. The mineral-filled, hot water stayed at about 122o F. They noted that some pieces of wood already in the hot spring water looked very much like ancient petrified wood. They compared it to petrified wood found in Miocene era volcanic ash. Such petrifaction had always been said to take millions of years. After one year, they removed some of the wood for study. They did the same every year for seven years, finding that little petrifaction had taken place the first year. But after seven years, over 38 percent of the wood was petrified. Detailed study of the wood showed that it was petrified in the same way that the Miocene wood was. In their published paper, they even cited their agreement with the 1995 Creation article!
True science will never challenge anything the Bible says, even when it comes to historical details like the age of the Earth. The Bible is indeed God’s truth.
I thank You, Lord, that I can trust Your Word, even when it comes to historical details. Your Word is truth. Amen.
Impact (ICR), 1/05, Andrew A. Snelling, “Rapid Petrifaction of Wood: An Unexpected Confirmation of Creationist Research.”
Here is an old video that incorporates this phenomenon that evolutionists rejected for some time:
Weird: Former President Clinton takes over the President Obama’s press conference
Yup-Makes Me Want To Convert To The Religion of Peace (Public Flogging Of 17 Year old Woman In Sudan)
Gods Sense of Humor
Drudge linked to an article from The Week that cataloged the following:
The irony: As negotiators from nearly 200 countries met in Cancun to strategize ways to keep the planet from getting hotter, the temperature in the seaside Mexican city plunged to a 100-year record low of 54° F.
Climate-change skeptics are gleefully calling Cancun’s weather the latest example of the “Gore Effect” — a plunge in temperature they say occurs wherever former Vice President Al Gore, now a Nobel Prize-winning environmental activist, makes a speech about the climate. Although Gore is not scheduled to speak in Cancun, “it could be that the Gore Effect has announced his secret arrival,” jokes former NASA scientist Roy W. Spencer.
humor and lawsuits aside, there is some seriousness coming from this meeting that all conservatives should be made aware of:
Bolivian President Evo Morales called Thursday to save the Kyoto Protocol and to create an international climate justice tribunal. ‘The planet is wounded,’ Morales, Bolivia’s first president of indigenous descent, said in Mexico’s Caribbean resort city of Cancun. ‘We have an enormous responsibility with life and with humanity,’ he told the UN Climate Conference in a 20-minute speech. Morales asked industrialized nations to approve a second round of commitments to the Kyoto Protocol, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions after 2012. ‘If we send the Kyoto Protocol to the bin, we will be responsible for ‘ecocide,’ and thus for genocide, because we would be attacking humanity as a whole,’ he said.
I think that this is just another of the many grabs for control by those who do not believe in nation states. If we are worse than Hitler (what Al Gore thinks — see below) and commit genocide (President of Bolivia), who wouldn’t convict those who disagree with the eco-Left?
CAUTION-CNN Airs Dumb and Dumber Poopy Scene
Red Eye: Muslims Want MORE Religion