Michigan Votes for Change

Libertarian Republican has a story on my birth state and their choice to change direction:

The conservative blog Western Right has an excellent round-up of Michigan election results. They report on a little-noticed shift that is sure to have enormous consequences for the future of Michigan politics. The State Supreme Court now has a Republican majority 4 to 3. The infamous liberal-controlled Court for decades has shot down conservative/libertarian-backed measures such as tax cut initiatives, union-busting measures and most famously, the initiative to repeal Affirmative Action hiring and college admissions quotas.

Republicans in Michigan won a victory of epic proportions in the November election. They won everything. Well, almost every race that they seriously contested.

Bill Scheutte won the Attorney General race 52.6% to 43.5% over David Leyton.

Ruth Johnson won the Secretary of State race 50.7% to 45.2% over Jocelyn Benson.

Republicans have reclaimed a 4-3 majority on the court. This sets Young up to become the Chief Justice next year. This will also protect the rule of law against liberal activists and the market against greedy trial lawyers. It should also protect a Republican redistricting plan.

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Megyn Kelly vs Dana Milbank’s column-Bill O’Reilly

Add to my previous post (FoxNews Election Coverage more fair [and watched] than MSNBC and CNN) the Baltimore Sun:

The Baltimore Sun’s media critic is still fuming about MSNBC’s pathetic coverage on election night.

In his piece published Saturday, David Zurawik called the cable news network a “liberal prep school” while claiming the behavior of folks like Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O’Donnell, and Keith Olbermann was “so egregious” that the “entire realm of TV journalism was diminished in the public mind”

…(News Busters)…