A Tradition/Tribute since 2007

911 - LIGHTS

“There will even come a time when anyone who kills you
will think he’s doing God a favor”
(John 16:2 – The Message)


Remember … Meditate … Pray

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Throughout the day on 911, but typically the following Sunday, I will add political cartoons as they are released.

I am splitting the post into sections:

I am a BIG fan of editorial cartoons/cartoonists and will let these talented people memorialize this solemn day ~ their talent to catch a big-idea in one image is unrivaled. New frames will be added under the GOLD moniker just below. The newer cartoons will be larger than the older ones. The parameters of the old blog did not allow for bigger. [Note: this does not mean the newer cartoons directly below are themselves “new,” it just means that I recently found them… they in fact may be old.]

~ with love and remembrance, PapaGiorgio

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Newer Tributes Below

Click to ENLARGE the Below (see original on FB)

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9-11 2016 Ramirez

Bridge 9-11 2

Never Again




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Lights Clouds

Ramirez AIR-Force One Gitmo



Never Forget a Poll

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Varv 911 new

Breen 911 2014



Family Circus 9-11 cartoon



9-11 Anniversary






Images-Oklahoma NY








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Joint Effort

Stripe Smoke

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The Hour of Islam 9-11-01

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Varvel Carry

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If there is indeed a social revolution under way, it shouldn’t stop with women’s choice to honor their [own] nature. It must also include a newfound respect for men. It was New York City’s firemen who dared to charge up the stairs of the burning Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. The death tally of New York City’s firefighters was: men 343, women 0. Can anyone honestly say you would have wanted a woman coming to your rescue on that fateful day?

Suzanne Venker & Phyllis Schlafly, The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know — and Men Can’t Say (Washington, D.C.: WND Books, 2011), 181-182.


These are mainly by fireman/port authority guys in remembrance of those lost


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Just a few pictures of steel beams and info


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You are looking at what some people believe is a miracle.

Two days after the disaster, a construction worker found several perfectly formed crosses planted upright in a pit in the rubble of the heavily damaged 6 World Trade Center.

The large, cross-shaped metal beams just happened to fall that way when one of the towers collapsed. An FBI chaplain who has spent days at ground zero says he has not seen anything like it on the vast site.

As word of the find has spread at ground zero, exhausted and emotionally overwhelmed rescue workers have been flocking to the site to pray and meditate.

“People have a very emotional reaction when they see it,” says the Rev. Carl Bassett, an FBI chaplain. “They are amazed to see something like that in all the disarray. There’s no symmetry to anything down there, except those crosses.”

This is the Ground Zero cross seen Friday, October 4, 2002, in New York. Father Brian Jordan and a group representing construction workers and victims of the World Trade Center are asking the governor to preserve the ground zero cross and use it as part of the eventual memorial that will be erected at Ground Zero.

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From Cox & Forkum’s Site (cartoonists):

In the excellent book Never Forget: An Oral History of September 11, 2001, authors Mitchell Fink and Lois Mathias collected stories from eyewitnesses. Here’s an excerpt from what David Kravette, a Cantor Fitzgerald broker, told the authors about his experience at the World Trade Center:

On the morning of September 11, I was on floor 105, tower 1. I had an 8 a.m. meeting set up with a client. He was bringing by some tech people to do some due diligence on our technology company called E-Speed. I get to work usually around seven, seven-fifteen. At eight, the client called to tell me they were running late. And I said fine. But I reminded him to bring photo ID downstairs. Ever since the last terrorist attack in ’93, the building requires photo ID downstairs. He’s been there before, so he knew the drill. He said, “Fine. No problem.”

At 8:40, I get a phone call from the security desk downstairs, asking me if I’m expecting visitors. I said yes. “Well, they’re here,” they said. “But one of them forgot their ID.”

I’m 105 flights up. The commute to get downstairs takes about five minutes, especially around that time. So I’m annoyed, obviously, because I have to go down now to sign these people in after I just told them to bring ID. I look at this desk assistant across from me, thinking maybe she’ll help out and go down, but she’s on the phone. She’s also about eight months pregnant. She’s a few weeks from maternity leave and she’s on the phone talking to a friend and she’s on a website looking at bassinets and cribs. A very nice girl expecting her first child. So how lazy am I? I decide to go myself. …

… I take these two elevator rides down. I take the elevator from 105 to 78, change, and take the express down to the ground. I got down to the lobby. Our elevator banks actually face the visitors’ gallery. And I started walking over to the visitors’ gallery, I’d say it’s about thirty yards, and they’re standing there waiting for me. And I remember yelling, “Which one of you knuckleheads forgot your ID?”

And as I say this, you hear this really loud screeching sound. I turn around and it’s kind of coming from the elevators. So I run away from it, like ten steps, and look back. And the elevators are free-falling. Then, from the middle elevator bank, not the one I came down on, but from the middle one, a huge fireball explodes in the lobby. This huge fireball is coming right toward me. People got incinerated. And I remember just looking at this thing, not feeling scared, but just sad because I knew I was going to die. But as quickly as it came toward me, it actually sucked back in on itself, and it was gone. It left a lot of smoke and everything was blown out, all the glass and revolving doors leading into the shopping area. All I felt was a big wave of heat come over me, like when you put your face too close to a fireplace. My customer and my general counsel and I just ran out. The three of us ran over the overpass to where the Financial Center is. We went down to where the marina is, where the yachts are. And that’s when we found out what happened, that a plane had hit the building.

I looked up and saw this big gaping hole. I said, “What’s that falling out of the window?”

My general counsel looks at me like I’m nuts. And he says, “That’s people jumping out.” …

Cantor Fitzgerald had four floors in the North Tower — 101, 103, 104, and 105. Nobody got out on those floors. Everyone who was upstairs perished. There were a lot of phone calls to wives and husbands at around nine o’clock saying good-bye, as though they knew they were going to die.

Remembering The Jumpers

On another note, there is an old SNL skit where, coincidentally, John Belushi explains how the Twin Towers will come down via SkyLab:


Where was God at 9/11? Columbia asks the tough questions to an Oxford scholar on 9/11 at a Veritas event:



tattoo ground zero

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Inside America’s Corruption Capital – Washington D.C.

Corruption exists everywhere, but in America, how corrupt have the federal government and the agencies that run our country become? Today, we meet with First Amendment attorney Benjamin Barr to stroll around Washington, D.C., to better understand government corruption, learn how our tax dollars are used, and discover more about how America operates behind the scenes.

Gold Star Families Defend Trump After Harris’ Criticism

‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ hosts discuss Gold Star families defending former President Trump for attending a memorial for fallen service members after Vice President Harris’ criticism.

Senator Tom Cotton Shuts Down The Fake News Arlington Hoax


Larry Elder Tackles “Black Jobs” Outrage

In an excellent segment, the “Sage from South Central calms the Leftist outrage with reason and facts. He reads from an excellent HOUSTON CHRONICLE article found here @Archive: “How immigration policies failed Black Americans | Opinion”

You can find Larry Elder’s radio shows — yes, he is back on the radio! — at OMNI FM.

Here is the June 20, 2024 HOUSTON CHRONICLE article in toto:

This year marks a milestone in Black American history. It’s the 50th anniversary of U.S. Rep. Barbara Jordan’s televised speech to the nation regarding the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.

Widely considered one of the best American political speeches of the 20th century, it catapulted Jordan — a Houstonian, and the first Southern Black woman in Congress — to national prominence. It remains the most celebrated moment of her career.

But there’s another element of Jordan’s story that’s notoriously undercovered: her opposition to immigration policies that have failed Black Americans for centuries — and continue to hinder their ability to build wealth today.

With slavery abolished after the Civil War, Black Americans began accruing real wealth. After emancipation, the white-black wealth gap narrowed from 23-to-1 in 1870 to 11-to-1 in 1900. While still suffering from both de jure and de facto discrimination, Black Americans took on paying jobs, became business owners and even purchased land.

Then the Progressive Era’s immigration boom began in earnest. Between 1900 and 1915, more than 15 million immigrants arrived at U.S. shores — destabilizing labor markets and particularly hurting low-skilled Black workers.

Numerous Black civil rights and labor leaders, including A. Philip Randolph, endorsed efforts to slash immigration rates. Excessive immigration, Randolph explained,“over-floods the labor market, resulting in lowering the standard of living.”

Congress ultimately listened and passed the Immigration Act of 1924. By tightening the labor market, the law was arguably a factor in radically shrinking the earnings gap between Black and white men between 1940 and 1980.

It’s simple supply and demand, after all. When there are fewer workers available, to attract them, employers have to raise wages and provide better benefits.

The 1924 law certainly had flaws. It gave preference to prospective immigrants based on their country of origin, and strongly favored northern Europeans. Ultimately, the law’s discriminatory nature led Congress to repeal it in 1965.

But lawmakers threw out the baby with the bathwater. Instead of creating a nondiscriminatory immigration system that protected American workers from cheap foreign labor, the reforms of the 1960s encouraged mass migration — and Black Americans have been paying a steep price ever since.

As Harvard economist George Borjas has argued, low-skilled workers — including many Black Americans — are particularly disadvantaged by lax immigration policies, because immigrants compete with them directly for blue-collar jobs. Each “10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the Black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of Black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of Blacks by almost a full percentage point,” Borjas and his colleagues concluded.

Of course, Black Americans aren’t the only ones harmed. Journalist David Leonhardt recently chronicled how American workers of all races have seen their wages decline thanks to the renewed tide of immigration that began in the 1960s.

He echoes the forgotten perspective of Barbara Jordan.

Jordan chaired the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, a bipartisan panel of experts tasked by President Bill Clinton with offering a suite of immigration reform recommendations. After dozens of hearings and extensive research, the commission recommended that the United States pare down immigration to 550,000 people per year and eliminate low-skilled immigration altogether. Clinton initially endorsed the commission’s recommendations, but Congress did not move forward with the reforms.

Since the Jordan Commission, too many policymakers have defended a system that allows in millions of predominantly low-skilled immigrants, both legal and illegal, who depress wages for Black Americans. And it’s not just liberal lawmakers who protect the status quo. In ruby-red West Virginia, for instance, the state House passed a bill that would have required most employers to use the free, accurate E-Verify system to ensure that jobs only go to citizens and legal immigrants. But it didn’t make it out of the state Senate.

Reducing immigration, just as Congress did a century ago, would give Black families a fair shot at the American dream.

Andre Barnes is HBCU Engagement director for NumbersUSA.

Low IQ Voters, It’s 2020 All Over Again | MRC

  • Add it all up, and the networks have granted the combined Democratic ticket of Harris-Walz 82% positive press, while Trump-Vance have faced 90% negative coverage. — NEWSBUSTERS

A new Media Research Center poll finds that large majorities of registered Democrats and Independents who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 — exactly those who would be expected to support Vice President Kamala Harris in this year’s contest — are mostly in the dark about many of the controversial and radical positions Harris has taken.


PolitiFact’s Convention False Percentages: 89 For Trump, 33 For Harris

With both party conventions now in the books, so too are PolitiFact’s nightly recaps. After four days of the RNC and the DNC, PBS’s new fact-checking partner, gave Republicans three times as many false ratings while giving Democrats three times as many true ratings.

Throughout the RNC, PolitiFact awarded two true ratings, one mostly true, eight half trues, eight mostly falses, 16 falses, and one pants on fire. That is eight percent on the right side of the truth-o-meter, 70 percent on the wrong side, and 22 in the middle.

During the DNC, PolitiFact handed out seven true ratings, four mostly trues, ten half trues, six falses, two falses, and zero pants on fires. That is 38 percent on the green side, 28 on the red side, and 34 in the yellow.

The difference was even starker when it came to Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. PolitiFact slapped Trump with one pants on fire, 16 falses, eight mostly falses, eight half trues, and only one mostly true. Harris, by contrast, got one true, one half true, and one mostly false. That is 89 percent false for Trump and 33 percent for Harris.

It is a common retort to say Trump or Republicans are labeled false more often because they deserve it. However, when Harris falsely claimed, “The United States Supreme Court just ruled he would be immune from criminal prosecution,” PolitiFact did not give her a false or even mostly false rating despite quoting the Court ruling that, “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”

Also on Thursday, PolitiFact gave JD Vance a false rating for claiming “Kamala Harris wants to give $25,000 to illegal aliens to buy American homes” because “At PolitiFact, the burden of proof is on the speaker. Having seen no specific details from Vance’s team that demonstrate Harris’ proposal would benefit immigrants in the country illegally, we rate his claim False.”

However, when Harris claimed Trump “and his allies would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion and enact a nationwide abortion ban, with or without Congress,” PolitiFact again declined to hand out a false rating despite writing several words that suggested Harris was spinning and fearmongering about birth control and Trump’s federalist abortion stance.

If those two examples were given the false labels they deserved, Harris’s percentage of false claims would have nearly doubled to 60 percent, which is quite a different headline than 33.

Stephen Miller & Clay Travis

MUST WATCH – Glenn Beck

The mainstream media is working overtime to hide the most radical presidential ticket in U.S. history in Harris-Walz. America has seen socialists run for president before, as fringe third- or fourth-party candidates. But now we have radical left-wing socialists at the TOP of a major party ticket. While Kamala Harris has never openly admitted to being a socialist, her Senate record gives it away. She scored to the left of Bernie Sanders! She voted TWICE against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to new reporting by the Daily Signal, when Harris was California’s attorney general, she had the home of pro-life journalist David Daleiden raided by California DOJ agents who seized video evidence that potentially incriminated employees of Planned Parenthood. And Harris has found her dream socialist partner in Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Don’t buy the “Midwestern dad” propaganda. Last year, Walz proudly signed a law making Minnesota a “trans refuge” for children who want transgender surgery or irreversible hormone treatments. If parents in Minnesota refuse to grant their child these experimental trans treatments, this law allows state courts to take custody of the child. He also signed a separate bill mandating that all health insurance plans cover these gender transition procedures. Glenn dives beyond the media headlines to uncover the darkest details of their past. They are socialists in sheep’s clothing. And the evidence reveals their dictator tendencies and their anti-freedom, anti-American agenda for our nation. Vote accordingly this November.

New A.I. Generated Views of the Shroud of Turin Image

The Shroud Evidences – Dr. Johnston

(March 29, 2024) Is there enough evidence to prove that the Shroud of Turin is real? Prestonwood Baptist Church apologetics pastor Jeremiah Johnston used to be a skeptic. But once he did a deep dive into the history of the Shroud, he became a “total defender” of the Shroud’s authenticity. This Easter Week, Pastor Johnston joins the Glenn Beck Program to lay it all out from a scientific perspective. Plus, he explains why you don’t need to be Catholic to believe the Shroud is truly the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.


  • (John 20:5-8, CSB) 5Stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not go in. 6 Then, following him, Simon Peter also came. He entered the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying there. 7 The wrapping that had been on his head was not lying with the linen cloths but was folded up in a separate place by itself. 8 The other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, then also went in, saw, and believed.

The indomitable Leon Morris:

6–7 It is not said how much later Peter arrived. But when he got there he did not hesitate but went straight into the tomb. He saw the cloths that had been around the body. John specifically mentions that the cloth that had been on Jesus’ head was not with the others, but was wrapped up in a place of its own (Berkeley [Berkeley The Holy Bible, The Berkeley Version (Grand Rapids, 1959)] renders “in its particular place,” but this seems to go beyond the meaning of the Greek). In recent years this has often been taken to mean that the grave clothes were just as they had been when placed around the body. That is to say, Jesus’ body rose through the grave-clothes without disturbing them. This is not inconsistent with the language, but we should bear in mind that John does not say this. That the headcloth18 was not with the others scarcely supports the view, for had this been the case it would have been right alongside them, with no more than the length of the neck (if that) between them. Moreover, “folded up” does not look like a description of the way it would have appeared if the head had simply passed through it. However, whatever be the truth of this, John is plainly describing an orderly scene, not one of wild confusion. This means that the body had not been taken by grave robbers. They would never have left the cloths wrapped neatly. They would have taken the body, cloths and all, or would have taken the cloths off and dropped them in a heap.19 [1]

18 σουδάριον is a loanword from the Latin sudarium, a cloth for wiping off sweat (sudor); it denotes a cloth more or less like our handkerchief. Here it apparently signifies a jawband, a cloth that went “round the face and over the head” (Robinson, Priority, p. 292) to hold the jaw in position.

19 Long ago Chrysostom remarked: “For neither, if any persons had removed the body, would they before doing so have stripped it; nor if any had stolen it, would they have taken the trouble to remove the napkin, and roll it up, and lay it in a place by itself; but how? they would have taken the body as it was. On this account John tells us by anticipation that it was buried with much myrrh, which glues linen to the body not less firmly than lead …” (85.4; pp. 320–21). Grave robbing was regarded as a serious offense; Barrett cites an ordinance of Claudius prescribing capital punishment for offenders (The New Testament Background: Selected Documents [London, 1957], p. 15).

[1] Leon Morris, The Gospel according to John, The New International Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1995), 735.

The Shroud Evidences – Mr. Schwortz

(July 30, 2023) Is the debate over the Shroud of Turin over? Many Christians believe it was the burial cloth of Jesus and even non-Christian scientists struggle to explain how the image of a man was imposed onto it. But some scientists have claimed that carbon dating has proven it is much younger than previously thought. However, Shroud of Turin Research Project Official Photographer Barrie Schwortz joins Glenn to explain why he’s refuting that claim. According to Schwortz, who was once a “total skeptic” of the Shroud, the carbon dating was improperly done. Instead, he believes the most plausible explanation is simple: “This is the burial shroud of the historic Jesus of Nazareth.”

The NEW YORK POST updates the issue a bit with [of course] an A.I. rendering:

New X-ray analysis seems to prove that the Shroud of Turin was indeed from Jesus Christ’s time – allowing artificial intelligence to recreate stunning images of what many believe could be Christ himself.

Christians have long believed that the treasured relic was the burial cloth of Jesus, showing an imprint of their Messiah’s face.

While dating analysis from the 1980s suggested it was actually a painted forgery from the 1300s, new X-ray dating evaluation suggests it was from 2,000 years ago, putting it in Christ’s time, according to a study published in the Heritage journal.

That knowledge has since allowed cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology to creating vivid, eerily lifelike renderings of the facial impression that believers are convinced was left on the cloth at the moment of Christ’s resurrection.

One image drawn from the facial imprint by AI site Midjourney was eerily similar to many classical art historical depictions of Jesus, including the shoulder-length hair and beard. 

The AI image also shows the man with wounds on his bare chest, suggesting that he had just been tortured and killed, noted the Daily Express, which generated the image.


Dr. Liberato de Caro, the leader of the Heritage analysis, claimed that the wide-angle X-ray analysis proved that the Shroud of Turin matched a similar fabric sample from Masada, Israel dating between 55 to 74 CE.

“The experimental results are compatible with the hypothesis that the Turin Shroud is a 2000-year-old relic,” the study said, claiming that the previous definitive analysis was flawed due to contamination.

There were also tiny particles of pollen from the Middle East lodged in the linen fibers of the shroud, which seemingly ruled out the idea that the fabric came from Europe, Dr. de Caro added. …

Of course, there are other A.I. renderings of the image, and they vary in appearance. So know that man-made parameters for the programs change the end result — in other words, the images may be close, but no cigar.

My dad had this same painting hanging in his hallway. The eyes are painted shut, but it also loos like he is staring at you:

Spooky Jesus

… Uhm … I would much rather have the A.I. renderings than this.

Note that Doc Habermas talks about the “teeth image” that makes the accurate image of God

The Shroud Evidences – Dr. Habermas

Dr. Gary Habermas shares the special qualities of the Shroud of Turin and problems with the most recent Carbon 14 dating.

The Resurrection Evidences – Dr. Craig


Democratic National Brat (Language Warning)

We investigated the 2024 DNC in Chicago, and asked hard questions to politicians, delegates, senators, protestors, and your fav progressive stars.

Featuring interviews with Rep. Jerry Nadler, AG Letitia James, Chris Cuomo, Sen. Raphael Warnock, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Cohen, JJ Abrams, Kellyanne Conway, Sen. Ed Markey, Harry Sisson, Vermin Supreme, Crackhead Barney, Nick Shirley, Cornel West, and Hasan Piker.

  • These people at the DNC had no idea this dude is making fun of them. — Champagne Joshi





















One Massive Lie / Joe Biden’s DNC Speech

RPT: by far the best fact-check going on.

Former Vice President Joe Biden was up way past his bedtime last night at the DNC, his speech was a grocery list of every lie about Donald Trump of the last eight years, & we’ve got a rapid-fire debunk for you along with a deep dive into specific claims about Trump’s stances on abortion, a purple-haired person got into a heated showdown at a Wisconsin board meeting, and more! GUEST: Josh Firestine


Here are LOUDER w/CROWDER‘s sources: