Year: 2011
`My Wife Looks At Me Like I`m a Ghost` ~ SNL
Two Plead Guilty to Murder in PA Abortion `House of Horrors` ~ The Party of Death
Two abortion clinic workers pleaded guilty on Thursday to third-degree murder at a Philadelphia clinic where seven babies were allegedly killed with scissors and a patient died from an overdose of painkillers. One worker, Andrea Moton, 34, admitted her involvement in the death of a baby. The other, Sherry West, 52, pleaded guilty in the February 2009 death of a patient, Karnamaya Mongar. Neither worker was properly trained for the tasks they did at the clinic run by Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the authorities said. Dr. Gosnell and nine employees, including his wife, were charged after a grand jury report detailed macabre conditions at the West Philadelphia clinic. Dr. Gosnell, the only doctor, and other staff members are accused of performing illegal late-term abortions and killing babies born alive by severing their spinal cords with scissors. Ms. Moton assisted with procedures and cut the spinal cords of aborted babies, the grand jury report said. Ms. West also pleaded guilty to drug delivery causing death. Ms. West’s lawyer said she might have administered some of the Demerol that killed Ms. Mongar.
The issue related with all this deals with health codes and regulations that seem to not apply to abortion clinics, for example:
Wisconsin’s abortion facilities not subject to health inspections
An open records request conducted by Pro-Life Wisconsin has revealed the state’s abortion facilities are not inspected by the Department of Health Services and no records exist of any such past inspections. Furthermore, there is no state statute mandating health inspections of the state’s abortuaries.
January 22 marks the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and a death toll of 53.5 million babies aborted nationwide. Abortion may be legal, but here in Wisconsin, it is neither safe nor rare. We have seen women rushed by ambulance to a hospital after botched abortions. We know women who have committed suicide after having an abortion. Abortion hurts women!
By contrast, all restaurants in Wisconsin receive a health inspection at least once per year.
Whether a facility heals or kills, there are standards of care that must be adhered to. It is unbelievable that abortion facilities do not receive even the scrutiny that a fast food restaurant does. At the end of the day, the state of Wisconsin and the health department are responsible for the health of the public.
This morning, news services across the country reported the horrifying circumstances surrounding a Philadelphia abortionist’s practice:
An abortion doctor who catered to minorities, immigrants and poor women was charged with eight counts of murder in the deaths of a patient and seven babies who were born alive and then killed with scissors, prosecutors said Wednesday… Patients were subjected to squalid and barbaric conditions at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society.
Makes you wonder what all Wisconsin’s abortion facilities have to hide. So much for safety.
From a 2006 WND article: Recent investigations at abortion clinics in several states have shown that such businesses are not just a danger to unbornchildren, but also to the immediate health and welfare of the mothers that enter their doors. In the past two months, Alabama’s health department has shut down two of the state’s 10 abortion clinics for health code violations and Florida’s health department has shut down five.
In Arizona, “In 1999 a bill was passed to regulate abortion clinics. Before the law could take effect, a lawsuit was filed that “stayed” the regulation of abortion clinics until a settlement agreement could be finalized with the Department and the plaintiffs. Last year the settlement agreement was finalized and the Department was able to write rules for the regulation of abortion clinics. The new rules are complete and have been filed with the Secretary of State’s office; they go into effect on November 1, 2010.”
The Above Via: Pro-Life Wisconsin
Watching the Watchers ~ Plato
Lecture by Louie Giglio, author of Indescribable, Lifts Our Eyes To Loftier Ideas (Serious Saturday)
Steven Crowder on Hollywood`s Hubris~ Miley Cyrus and Jimmy Fallon
Southern Style! `Don’t send a man to the grocery store!`
Student Talks Common Sense and Rebuffs the Thought Police
This is the absolute best cinematography of a ghetto brawl the world has ever seen. Bar none.
Warning: Harsh Language and Saggy Pants Ahead (Sometimes my sliding bar of posts interfears with the playing of videos… the origical file is here.)
Egypt Turning Towards Tyranny in their Post-Dictatorship Era
See also: Egypt & Syrian Revolutions Compared