Democrat Vicimology Creating an Aggrieved and Violent Class

There will be more of this as the Democrats and left leaning professors instill vicimhood in their “believers.”

…An on-duty uniformed deputy in Texas was shot and killed Friday night while pumping gas into his cruiser, authorities said.

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office said that a male suspect with a dark complexion, wearing a white shirt and red shorts, opened fire on Darren Goforth, 47, at a gas station just outside Houston.

“A male suspect came up from behind the deputy and shot the deputy multiple times. The deputy then fell to ground. The suspect then continued over to him and shot the deputy again multiple times as he laid on the ground,” deputy Thomas Gilliland told reporters….

(The Blaze)

I was in Starbucks yesterday and overheard two moms talking… one said her son just got back from college and was talking about white privileged and how the blacks are kept down by white people, etc. Its sad.

The Left Continues To Devour Itself ~ Pass the Popcorn

There are two other videos at Powerline, where the following is from:

Really, this story requires no analysis or set up at all. From the Seattle Times a few hours ago…

Black Lives Matter protesters shut down Bernie Sanders speech

A Seattle speech by Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was pre-empted in a chaotic confrontation Saturday afternoon with a handful of Black Lives Matter protesters, who took the stage and refused to let him speak.

As the star attraction at a rally for expanding Social Security and Medicare, Sanders was just starting to address the crowd, thanking Seattle for being “one of the most progressive cities in the United States of America.”

That’s as far as he got, as a pair of women walked onstage and grabbed the microphone.


Actually, some commentary is deserved. That a Democratic political rally would allow “a handful” of demonstrators to shut down and hijack their event shows how deeply liberals have drunk the White Guilt Kool Aid.


Some presidential material. Once upon a time a candidate might have said, “I’m paying for this microphone you little shits.”

Pass the popcorn indeed. No extra butter necessary.

Enjoy the Show as the Left Eats Itself (Jefferson & Jackson Out)

I have said for quite some time that the Left eats itself. From Hillary and O’Malley having to backtrack for statements that “all lives matter,” to the same activist group interrupting Bernie Sanders (I guess he is not left enough?), to this new occurrence via

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are history in Connecticut.

Under pressure from the NAACP, the state Democratic Party will scrub the names of the two presidents from its annual fundraising dinner because of their ties to slavery.

Party leaders voted unanimously Wednesday night in Hartford to rename the Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner in the aftermath of last month’s fatal shooting of nine worshipers at the historic black church in Charleston, S.C….

Maybe this will get Democrats to see their history fully?

More Democratic Racism and Segregation on Display

Gay Patriot notes the Democrat Party’s slouches toward open racism:

1. The Democrat Mayor of Kansas City brags about driving the white people out of his city. Can you imagine the outrage of another mayor had bragged that his city was better for having fewer black or Hispanic people in it? One notes, he said this at a convention for a group called “The Nation Council of the Race;” whose historical motto has been, “Within the race is all; outside the race is nothing.”

2. First Hillary and now dunderheaded Democrat candidate Martin O’Malley (the best governor Virginia ever had) have been attacked for saying “All lives matter.” O’Malley was forced to apologize for his gaffe of suggesting that the lives of members of other races mattered as much as black lives.

Powerline notes the radical aspects of the left and how this will affect the elections more than the “Trumps” in our party. We (and most of the candidates) rebuke Trump. Mums the word from the Democratic candidates:

…Steve wrote on Saturday about the rather shocking events at the annual “Nutroots” convention in Phoenix. Both Martin O’Malley’s and Bernie Sanders’s appearances were interrupted by “Black Lives Matter” protesters who, rather than being ejected from the hall, were invited to share the stage. These are the same bullies who invade restaurants in New York and other cities, shouting racial slogans at diners. This video is 22 minutes long, so you probably won’t want to watch all of it. But it is worth a few minutes of your time to see how crazy the scene was. It is the same kind of thing that worked so well for the Democrats in 1968.

Bernie Sanders responded grumpily, while O’Malley looked like he wished he was somewhere else. Toward the end of the video, when O’Malley responded to the protesters, he was shouted down when he suggested that criminal violence is worth mentioning, along with police violence. Most significantly, just after the 20 minute mark in the video, O’Malley said that “all lives matter,” including even “white lives.” This was greeted with howls of protest. Later on, someone apparently explained his mistake to O’Malley, and he apologized:

Later, when O’Malley was on “This Week in Blackness,” he apologized. O’Malley stated that he “meant no disrespect” and characterized his remarks as a “mistake.”

So in one of America’s two major parties, it is not permissible to say that “all lives matter.” Such a controversial sentiment is too hot to handle. The Democrats have gone off the deep end, and seem to be fully in thrall to their most extreme elements. Maybe there is an opportunity here for Hillary Clinton to show some political courage by denouncing her party’s far left. But when has Hillary ever shown political courage?

In the meantime, it is on the Democratic side of the aisle, not the Republican, where trouble is brewing that is likely to spill over into the general election next year.


The Battle Flag of the Confederate Army Benefits Republicans

See my “Racial History of the U.S. – Page”

  • In dealing with the left, one must remember that they are a selfish and irrational people. Political Correctness is the outward expression of their piety in their progressive socialist religion. They demonstrate their moral purity to one another through one-upmanship, no demand is so crazy that it cannot be topped be an even crazier demand. It’s a game no one can ever win. Put another way, if you give a monster a cookie, he’s only going to demand more cookies. (Gay Patriot)

I posted the below on a friends FaceBook… thought I would share it here:

The issue I see is almost a “pop” outrage. Democrats feel good in taking down something they put up in the 60’s as a middle-finger to the government telling them to desegregate. (Sort of like them getting rid of trans-fats after they replaced coconut oil and lard with it… they fix the problems they cause… decades later.)

I learned something during this whole thing. This is not the confederate flag. It is specifically Gen. Lee’s Battle Flag and was put up by a Dixiecrat. This Dixiecrat (Ernest Frederick “Fritz” Hollings served as a Democratic United States Senator from South Carolina from 1966 to 2005) stayed a Democrat till his dying day ~ like almost every Dixiecrat!


“…virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.” ~ Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;

…I am personally glad for this “outbreak” of faux-concern because it allows for discussion of Democratic racist history and hands me opportunity to note campaigners of Hillary Clinton on stage with shirts sporting Che Guevara, a racist homophobe who killed blacks, homosexuals, banned rock music, engineers, priests etc… as well as Obama campaign offices with Che Guevara hanging on the wall behind them.


“…not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.” ~ Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.

While Amazon and Wal-Mart took down the Stars and Bars, campaign pins for Clinton-Gore with the Battle Flag behing them -or- Hillary Clinton with the Battle Flag are for sale on eBay as well (below-left). I love it… it is a giant cesspool of leftist hypocrisy, and when I engage in conversation with people [beyond their bumper sticker beliefs that keep them warm-and-cozy in their political mirage… I get entire Starbucks soo quite you could hear a pin drop.

One girl was shuffling soo much as I pulled out a book that I purchased off of the Akiba bookstore of Trinity United Church of Christ (Obama’s church of twenty years) and read these two quotes [after clearly explaining where I bought the book to my two compatriots… this was the time no one in Starbucks was talking]:

“White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality” ~ James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.64

And then I read this one from Mein Kampf:

“The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

The only noise I could hear is a young college student shuffling to my left. It was as if I was exorcising a demon from her as she was moving soo much after having her protected world inhabited by reality.Hillary

And this is the point a very left-leaning professor makes. To have people in the camp he is in merely label people as ~ sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted ~ makes my job easier. Because one someone is labeled, the person doing the labeling stops learning, refuting, checking facts and history.

And I slice them up one side and down the other like the 1972 movie Shogun Assassin.

Keep this faux outrage coming, I love it. I wake up every morning and look in the mirror and say… proudly, “my party is the party of Lincoln… we set people free. The new plantation keeps them subservient.”

[Well, I don’t say that every morning… I just try to gauge if I am gonna take a dump before or after my cup of coffee.]

The Battle Flag of Gen. Robert E. Lee ~ A Quick History

I loved this callers short historical bio of the flag in question. Rush did a short bio of it as well. The Daily Callers original upload on YouTube had a horribly low volume issue. So I corrected it and uploaded it at my Live-Leak and posted it and other issues here:

When Did Republicans Get Involved?

Listen To Larry On-Line at CRN-Talk Radio

For more clear thinking like this from Larry Elder… I invite you to visit: ~AND~

Some Pleasant Conversation About Democratic Racist History

An older [seasoned] black caller and Larry Elder discuss politely the racial history of the Democratic Party… past and present. Larry Elder was filling in for Dennis, a pleasant conversation.

Listen To Larry On-Line at CRN-Talk Radio

For more clear thinking like this from Larry Elder… I invite you to visit: ~AND~

Walmart Ditches the “Stars & Bars” But Keeps cliCHE Racism

The only problem is… WalMart still sells merchandise with a mass-murderer on them. Gateway Pundit quotes one of the best writers on Che and Fidel:

Fontova wrote about Guevara’s and the Castro regime’s anti-Black racism in a 2009 column at Human Events chastising members of the Congressional Black Caucus for meeting in Cuba with the communist dictator brothers Fidel and Raul Castro:

Racism is one of the cornerstones of the Castro regime. As Fidel’s close friend and ally, the murderous Ernesto “Che” Guevara, once said, “The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent… We’re going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the Cuban revolution. By which I mean: nothing

…Today the prison population in Stalinist/Apartheid Cuba is 90% black while only 9% of the ruling Stalinist party is black. As these black legislators cavorted in Cuba, a black Cuban anti-communist named Antunez, who suffered 17 years in Castro’s dungeons (essentially for quoting Martin Luther King and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights in a public square), was on a hunger strike against Castroism. I will quote his sister from a samizdat smuggled out of Cuba last year while he was still in prison:

“The Cuban government tries to fool the world with siren songs depicting racial equality in our country. But it is all a farce, as I and my family can attest, having suffered from the systematic racism directed at us by Castro’s regime. My brother suffers the scourge of racial hatred every day. The beatings are always accompanied by racial epithets. They set dogs on him. They deny him medical attention. They kept him from attending his mother’s funeral.”

“The racist mentality is so ingrained among Cuba’s agents of repression that when mixed race groups are stopped on the street, only the blacks are asked for their identification papers. The only thing I have to thank the Cuban revolution for,” she quoted her brother, “is for restoring the yoke of slavery that my ancestors lived under.”

“When Did Republicans Get Involved In This?” ~ Rush

Rush’s correction before you listen to the 2-minute audio:

I have to make a minor correction — and unlike most, when we make a correction, we make it prominently. I’m not going to say something today that’s erroneous and wait until Friday at 2:55 in the afternoon to fix it. So here we go: The Confederate flag does not fly over the South Carolina state capitol. Only the United States flag and the state flag actually fly over the capitol.

The flag in question, the Confederate flag, flies separately on the state capitol grounds, and the controversy is whether it should be on the grounds of the state capitol at all. It does not fly over the actual capitol anymore. It once did. The point is not changed, here. Ernest Hollings, a Democrat, put the Confederate flag up! The old Dixiecrats were Democrats!

More from Rush (and take note of the Clinton-Gore campaign flag pin [i.e., histories a bitch!]):

…This Confederate flag business, Hillary Clinton’s now come out and she’s demanding that the Confederate flag be removed in South Carolina, and really is a key point. It does not fly over the statehouse. It used to, resulting from the commandment, if you will, from Senator Ernest Fritz Hollings, Democrat Senator, South Carolina. He used to be the governor, he put it up.Clinton Gore

It was a Republican, ladies and gentlemen, a conservative Republican governor who first tried to get the Confederate flag removed from atop the statehouse. And, by the way, that conservative Republican governor got no support from the local NAALCP. In fact, when that all happened, the Democrats used the flag against the Republican governor, and it may have cost him the election. That was not that long ago.

Now Hillary Clinton has come out and demanded the flag be removed. Never mind that while the Clintons were in Arkansas they presided over something called the annual celebration of Confederate Flag Day, which continues to this day. Oh, yeah. It does. Confederate Flag Day continues to this day in Arkansas, and when the Clintons lived there, they presided over the annual celebration.

Not only that, Governor Bill Clinton, 1987, signed into law an act that commemorated the Confederacy with a blue star in the Arkansas state flag. I know I’m spitting against the wind here. I know none of this is gonna matter an iota to anybody. But I have such reverence for you people in this audience, I have such respect that I want you to know the truth of these things. And this wave, this never ending wave of literal destruction that is just sweeping across our country is relentless. And whatever I can do to have those of you know the truth about this and the blatant hypocrisy, because the Democrats are never held to account for hypocrisy….

Herbert Hoover and the Changing Demographic of Black Voters

See C-SPANS one-hour interview of Bruce Bartlett about the book I quote from below:

By 1914, Tillman was not on the ballot and he used his influence to defeat Blease in the Democratic primary, the only election that mattered in South Carolina after the disenfranchisement of blacks in 1895. Indeed, so intent was Tillman on defeating his former protégé that he threatened to have the literacy tests designed for blacks used against Blease’s poor white followers as well.

Among the more ridiculous tactics Blease used in the 1914 campaign to save his position was an attack on doctors, whom he charged with abusing young women by examining their private parts during physical examina­tions. He threatened to kill any doctor who examined his daughter against her will and to pardon anyone who did the same. Fearful that other people were not as outraged as he was about doctors simply doing their jobs, Blease implied that doctors were allowing “Negro janitors” to observe their examinations.

Of course, Blease did not avoid attacking blacks directly in his efforts to gin up the votes of ignorant white textile workers. “The Negro race has absolutely no standard of morality,” he declared. “They are, in that respect, a class by themselves as marital infidelity seems to be their more favorite pastime.” Blease said that giving education to a black man would only “ruin a good field hand and make a bad convict.” He warned that “the black ape and baboon” was a constant threat to rape white women when­ever the opportunity presented itself.

Partly because of Tillman’s efforts, Blease was defeated in the 1914 Democratic primary and again in 1916. In 1918, Blease retaliated by run­ning against Tillman for the Senate himself. However, Blease misread the mood of the people regarding World War I and ran a strongly pacifist cam­paign, attacking Woodrow Wilson and opposing American intervention in the war. After voters reacted very negatively to this approach, he tried to switch course, but it was too late and he was defeated.

Six years later, Blease ran again for the Senate; this time winning elec­tion. As a U.S. Senator, Blease was best known for continuing the Tillman tradition of making racially inflammatory speeches on the Senate floor. For example, in a 1928 speech, Democrat Blease blasted Republican Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover:

Republicans are now talking about nominating that man for President of the United States . . . a man who is in favor of making young white girls use the same water-closets as Negro men, making young white girls sit by them day by day. If there was nothing else, Mr. President, a Negro would be offensive because of his natural human smell. You can take a Negro and take a tub of the hottest water you can get him into, and use all the soap you can use, then take him out and cover him with cologne, and in five minutes he will smell just as offensive as he did before you washed him, because it is human nature, and he could not get rid of the odor. Then this man [Hoover], who wants to be President of the United States of America, this Englishman, wants to make white girls associate on equal terms with Negroes. . . . Mr. President, it is a shame, it is a disgrace.

The only disgrace, of course, was that the Democratic voters of South Carolina—the only ones whose votes counted—sent such an obnoxious racist to Washington to represent them. But by 1930, they came to their senses and replaced Blease with James F. Byrnes, a much more genteel racist. Twice more, in 1934 and 1938, Blease attempted to make a come­back as governor, but was rejected by voters both times. He died in 1942.


There is no mention of blacks in the Democratic Party’s 1932 platform. Much of the black community was, in fact, less than enthusiastic about the Roosevelt-Garner ticket. Said the New York Amsterdam News, a prominent black newspaper, “We fear that equal rights in the National Democratic Party means exactly what they meant in 1913 when the Woodrow Wilson administration came into power—equal rights for the white man but hell and damnation for the colored man.”

From the black perspective, the best thing Roosevelt had going for him in 1932 simply was that he wasn’t Herbert Hoover. Hoover was cer­tainly no racist—he abolished segregation in the Commerce Department while secretary” But he had the tinniest of tin ears when it came to practical politics, especially when it came to blacks. Hoover needlessly alienated them by purging blacks from Republican organizations in the South in order to appeal to whites; nominating a justice to the Supreme Court, John J. Parker, who was widely viewed, rightly or wrongly, as a racist; and allowing the War Department to segregate black Gold Star Mothers during a government-financed trip to European graveyards. Many blacks also believed that Hoover had condoned discriminatory treatment while he was in charge of federal relief after the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.


It is impossible to calculate precisely to what extent New Deal policies raised black unemployment above what otherwise would have been the case. But it is revealing that well after the beginning of the Depression but before the New Deal began, unemployment for black workers was actually lower than for whites. In April 1930, the unemployment rate was 6.3 per­cent for black males and 6.9 percent for white males. Seven years later, in late 1937, after implementation of most New Deal programs, the unem­ployment rate for black males was well above that for white males: 19.1 percent for the former versus 13.9 percent for the latter.


Despite all of this, black support for Roosevelt grew sharply between 1932 and 1936. Contrary to popular belief, Hoover actually carried a majority of the black vote in 1932. It was not until 1936 that blacks really deserted the Republican Party in large numbers. A key reason appears to have been the federal government’s welfare efforts through the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, which literally put food on the table for a large per­centage of black families. According to one estimate, 30 percent of the entire black population was receiving relief in January 1935. As a con­temporary analyst explained, blacks were profoundly grateful for this aid, little as it was, and rewarded the political party that delivered the goods:

Many Negroes in Chicago came in for a large share of relief funds and, consequently, were greatly impressed with the humanitarian aims of the New Deal. This sentiment was played upon and encouraged by both the national and local Democratic organizations. It was soon evident that their security was tied up with direct relief.

This same analyst quoted a Republican precinct captain in Chicago, who explained his party’s loss of the black vote this way: “That Abe Lincoln was a Republican is not near so important as their daily bread.’ It didn’t matter that the disbursement of aid was in the hands of local officials who often discriminated severely against blacks. They were grateful that they were getting something, even if it was less than whites received. “Let Jesus lead me and welfare feed me,” Depression-era blacks would say.

Ironically, on August 14, 1935, Roosevelt signed into law the biggest expansion of social welfare in American history—the Social Security Act—and left most blacks out of it. Although initially proposed as universal legisla­tion that would benefit all workers, the bill Roosevelt ultimately signed excluded most blacks by exempting domestic and agricultural workers from coverage. For this reason, many historians today view the original law as inherently racist. As Robert Lieberman of Columbia University recently wrote:

The Old-Age Insurance provisions of the Social Security Act were founded on racial exclusion. In order to make a national program of old-age bene­fits palatable to powerful Southern congressional barons, the Roosevelt administration acceded to a Southern amendment excluding agricultural and domestic employee from OAI coverage. This provision alone elimi­nated more than half of the African Americans in the labor force and over three-fifths of black Southern workers.

While Roosevelt himself was not responsible for the provision that lim­ited Social Security coverage for blacks, it is also a fact that he didn’t fight very hard to prevent his proposal from being watered down this way Nor can Roosevelt be excused for ignorance. The NAACP even testified against the Social Security Act before the Senate Finance Committee. Said the NAACP representative, Charles H. Houston, the more the organization studied the legislation, “the more holes appeared, until from a Negro’s point of view it looks like a sieve with the holes just big enough for the majority of Negroes to fall through.”

Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), 54-55, 112, 118-119.