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Racist Democrats
Democratic Myths and Rhetoric Help Create Violence in Teens
The question is — if given a chance to have some time with these kids — what would I do to try and counter these actions? They are based on cultural myths passed on by parents, uncles, and the like. In other words, how would you begin to counter these myths? FIRST the actions, then some thoughts.
Students at Antioch High School in Nashville, Tennessee, tore down the Stars and Stripes during a walkout over gun violence. CHANNEL 4 in Chicago has more on the violence.
Here are the Chicago students being allowed out of school for 17-minutes:
Here is expanded footage of the walkout protesters trashing the Chicago Walmart
— The Red Elephants ? (@RealRedElephant) March 16, 2018
I would start a reading club and meet weekly to discuss the issues in the book we would be currently reading. My first book I would have us read is Out Of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa. At some point I would have the kids listen to the audio chapter from Thomas Sowell’s book regarding slavery. Of course during this time one would be befriending and involved in a loving support of positive outcomes based in truth. As Christians, we should gravitate towards truth in outcomes in all things. Another study and discussion of a topic is the broken home. Something Larry Elder confronts in his own discussion with his father: Dear Father, Dear Son: Two Lives… Eight Hours. There are many resources to counter bad thinking on my page regarding RACIAL MYTHS… but the problem in the inner cities will continue as long as the family is broken and the blame is laid at the feet of historical myths and lies.
But this angst above is what the Left wants. It is how most revolutions happen, and why Barack Obama Tweeted to these student activists a few weeks back: “We’ve been waiting for you. And we’ve got your backs.”
- High School Protesters Recite Marxist Chant With Communist Fists During The Walkout Against Guns
Race Baiting Bruno Mars
Larry Elder plays a “cultural commentator’s” (Seren Sensei) views on Bruno Mars and wonders out-loud if crazy is the new norm [adapted] — although, in more words than my own thinking. Here is the CNN story:
But there is NO WINNING against such thinking, as “Traditional Tradesman” notes regarding Seren Sensei:
HOT AIR comments on the Bruno Mars flap, and this is just another example of the Left cannibalizing itself:
Presidential Portraits
JUMP TO spoofs of Obama’s portrait below.
Here is some great commentary from a few different posts by Gateway Pundit (HERE and HERE):
DAILY CALLER notes as well that the artist puts sperm into his portraits — and many are saying Obama has a big goo on his face:
What you are witnessing is very similar to Homer Simpson… A disappearing President. Or as Clint Eastwood would say, an empty chair.
My rendition includes an ode to Obama’s “Choom Gang” days (marijuana leaves and joint added of course):
Welcome To The Digital Age
People On FB Still Pushing White Supremacy – Thank You!
I came across this post on Facebook a friend was involved in. My friend and others were responding to this post (as well as others)… but it got me thinking…
… we should really be thanking people like Jon M. Why? Well, because of the growth in minorities who say they are going to vote for Trump or feel they are better off now than a year ago… despite the ad-hominem attack. People like Jon M. are making more people sick of the lies and labels and more likely to vote GOP. Let me explain with my Facebook response to Jon
FB Response
[media enhanced]
(CAUTION, reading required… I know this is a stretch beyond simple bumper sticker mantras I see above… but facts have been scarce, so I thought I would bring some to the party. You do not have to follow the links… they are meant for people who care to check their positions at the door and do critical thinking.)
This is why blacks and Hispanic/Latino people will vote for Trump more in 2020 (or the GOP) than they already did in 2016. People who have a common sense understanding about border security, jobs, taxes, and want to fix properly what was promised to Reagan and was essentially double crossed on…
… they are now called white supremacists. They are sick of the violent bumper sticker labels.
There isn’t a single thing Trump has done that has endeared him to white supremacy (WS). I have spent some time in jail and know intimately the viewpoints of white-power individuals… not to mention having studied the views of four racist cults in-depth (Christian Identity [defunct for the most part], the KKK [5,000 members], the Nation of Islam [NOI], and the Five-Percenters). Unannounced to the bumper sticker mantras above, almost all KKK’ers are socialist, and vote almost entirely Democrat.
I make that point in two of my posts here:
➤ Radical Groups Support the Democrats (Even the KKK)
➤ Some Trump Sized Mantras
➤ Blacks, Hispanics and Gays are Sexist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Racist
Mind you, I noted months before the election of Obama his racist tendencies in this video: “Obamacon – Twenty Years In A Racist Church” (Mind you, I look like a white supremacist… but that is why I spend the first 6-minutes giving my bio):
…but even Obama’s bigotry wouldn’t fall towards supporting white supremacists.
I also wish to commend my discussion with an older Democrat on my vacation:
“Hot-Tub Conversations ~ Discussing Politics on Vacation“
BUT, AGAIN, this is why Trump will win again, that is, because people are sick of being called racist for believing the same thing all politicians did a generation ago, what Cesar Chavez (UFW founder) fought for.
- See my post, “Comedian Paul Rodriguez Strays from CNN’s Script (+Mark Levin)” for more on this.
And the worst name calling has been against black persons who are Republicans and/or are starting to support the GOP via Trump. (You should see the stuff said of Larry Elder that I censor on my YouTube — the nicer ones are “coon” and “Uncle-Tom.” — agains, people don’t actually read so they don’t know that character in Harriet Beecher Stowe telling was the hero.)
HERE is a poll to further my point that people like Jon M. are helping Trump, not hurting him (via BLACKSPHERE):
There is a political phrase from the past that fits nicely here:
- “It’s the economy stupid”
The street version of that is more to the point:
- “Money talks, bullshit walks.”
You see, Jon M. is still talking bullshit. Which we should thank him for… because people are walking away from that smelly pile into the GOP.
If Trump Is Racist For Norway Comment… Why Not Obama?
The dumbest thing about all this is Trump made the Norway comments basically just after meeting with the Prime Minister of that country. So “Norway” was merely in the forefront of his mind. Obviously Norway is not a country who’s socialist tendencies and welfare from the West would be appreciated. Listen to:
Also, previously the history of Chuck Schumers racism is noted in this post, Sen. Schumer’s Bigoted, Nay, Racist Past. For some more excerpts and links to original sources, see GATEWAY PUNDITS post on the matter.
Larry Elder deals firstly with Chuck Schumers blatant racism, then he notes how the Democrat press views Trump’s statement about Norway, and he then reads from an ATLANTIC article regarding similar “racist” statements by Obama. Obama’s comments were much worse however, as, they were saying the CULTURE of countries like Norway are superior to that of Middle-East and Northern African nations. HYPOCRISY is the word of the day.
Sen. Schumer’s Bigoted, Nay, Racist Past
Jay D. Homnick is interviewed about his 2006 American Spectator article on U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (NY), entitled, “RACE TO THE TOP“.
This is important because (a) it is noted that the media has not asked Sen. Schumer about this — whereas if he were a Republican I am sure everyone’s 12-year-old to the oldest infirmed member of the family would have heard about this “racism.” (Read here media bias.) And secondly, it brings into context all the “holier than thou” attitude Chuckie Boy has been spouting as of late. TO WIT… Senator Chuck Schumer tells Stephen Colbert that, yeah, of course Donald Trump’s a racist
The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party
When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science Carol Swain explains, the Republican Party was actually responsible for nearly every advancement for minorities and women in U.S. history—and remains the champion of equality to this day. (See her other two videos on my “RACIAL MYTHS PAGE.” Dr. Swain is also a main person interviewed in the documentary, INDOCTRINATE U)
Larry Elder Sidelines Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
Larry Elder reminds the audience about these two characters credibility… and the hypocrisy that suits their need.
Totalitarian Seminaries – Dissent Is Not Allowed
David Horowitz has an EXCELLENT point that higher education is really an ideological seminary. Heresy and contrasting thought is NOT allowed. In fact, Dennis Prager makes the point that at a Christian seminary debate and exposure to contrasting thinking is probably more than at a secular university.
A Minnesota Mayor Labels City Councilwoman “Racist”
While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.
- Mayor of New Brighton Minnesota, Valerie Johnson, cries after a member of the City Council doubts ‘white privilege.’
Make It A #BlackXmas
Michael Medved interviews Dr. Melina Abdullah, a professor at California State University-Los Angeles (CSU-LA) who is also a national Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader. Her racism is very apparent in this interview. She is a converted Muslim, is a Marxist, and really, an anti-American.
THE DAILY WIRE has more:
Two comments from my LIVELEAK I thought worth sharing:
Here is a “here-here” of sorts: