Here is the LINK Eddie spoke of at the end of his video
Navy Seals

I’ll Die Before I Quit… a Navy Seal Testimony | Chad Williams
About Wingmen: Wingmen is a gathering of men with the purpose of forming transparent, Christ-centered, masculine relationships. As Wingmen, we offer men acceptance, affirmation and accountability.
Wingmen is unique in the fact that it is not an accountability group, bible study, or networking group. It is an entity that emphasizes relationships above all else, relationships with Christ first and foremost and then relationships with other men. Our name, Wingmen, was purposeful in that fact that using military visual pictures/analogies are a powerful tool to bring home the idea of the need for masculine relationships in our lives as we conduct warfare and “spiritual maneuvers” in our daily spiritual battles. We do not dance around sensitive topics – pornography, addictions, over working, and abuse. We are a safe house — a place to get off the front lines and seek a reprieve/respite before jumping back into the battle.
About Chad Williams:
Having been a featured guest on Fox News Channel, CNN News Room, Anderson Cooper 360, TBN, Daystar, Hour of Power, CBN 700 Club and more; former U.S. Navy SEAL Chad Williams draws on his experience as a combat veteran SEAL to yield an exclusive perspective rooted in teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.
Prior to entering SEAL training Chad was mentored by U.S. Navy SEAL Scott Helvenston. Just days before Chad headed off to Navy bootcamp, Helvenston took a brisk opportunity to serve his country once again in Iraq.
Shortly thereafter, Chad turned on a television one morning to learn first hand how precious and costly freedom is as his eyes met a screen that portrayed a smiling still image of his mentor followed by Scott’s birthdate separated by a dash March 31, 2004. What immediately followed was graphic video footage of Helvenston being mutilated and dragged through the streets of Fallujah, Iraq. Finally he was hung upside-down from the Euphrates River Bridge while an enraged Iraqi mob repeatedly chanted in Arabic, “Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans” and set him on fire.
Steeled in his resolve to walk in his Helvenston’s footsteps and become a SEAL in honor and memory of his good friend, Chad entered the military’s most grueling and difficult training known as BUD/S. BUD/S Class 254 started out with 173 sailors vowing they would die before they ever quit the rigorous training (which requires ringing a brass bell three times and surrendering their class helmet on the asphalt grinder). By graduation day there would only be 13 of those original sailors still standing there and Chad was among them.
Serving his country proudly as a Navy SEAL, on Teams One and Seven, Chad came into contact with the horrors of war first hand, even fighting his way alongside his Team through a premeditated ambush in Iraq, near the location that took Helvenston’s life in a similar scenario.
Today Chad is the author of SEAL of God and an in demand guest speaker, taking the principles and ethos learned as a U.S. Navy SEAL to better communicate the Gospel. As a gifted evangelist, Chad’s message is captivating and eye-opening as he relates to the audience the price of freedom that was not only paid for in the blood of our soldiers on battlefield but most importantly the blood of our Savior at the cross of Calvary.

Benghazi: Obama vs. Bush (Memes)
Reposted For The Anniversary
below are pieces posted 6-13-2014 but the original date posted was 2012 on FaceBook.
Also note the phone calls that also showed almost immediately that Benghazi was a well-orchestrated terrorist attack. All covered up to ensure reelection.
Here is a portion (large portion, but I recommend reading it all) of Kyle Becker’s article from the Independent Journal Review:
One of the best-known versions of this meme is the ridiculous screed at Huffington Post “13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush’s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News,” which has around 90K shares and likely well over a million views.
The post was nearly replicated on numerous left-wing sites, such as DailyKos, the Daily Banter, and PolicyMic.
Here goes: the “13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush’s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News” – cases versus reality.
“January 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.”
“June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al Qaeda attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.”
“October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of ‘Bali Bombings.’ No fatalities.”
You said it, Huffington Post.
“February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.”
“May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al Qaeda terrorists storm the diplomatic compound, killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.”
After numerous State Department warnings, and Saudi Arabia investigating al Qaeda for a potential planned attack, three defense compounds were assaulted with car bombs and armed attackers. Nine defense contractors were killed.
Bush immediately called the attack part of the “war on terror,” and two of the attackers that survived the raid were killed by Saudi police forces. You know, just like Benghazi. (CNN)
“July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.”
“December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.”
“September 17, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.”
“Attackers used vehicle bombs, rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons to mount a coordinated assault on the U.S. Embassy here Wednesday, leaving 10 guards and civilians dead outside the main gate but failing to breach the walled compound. No Americans were killed.” (Washington Post); (CSM)
(Even if there was misreportage, no embassy officials were killed or missing, and those who were killed were done so in a matter of minutes.)
So of all the Americans killed, only one was a diplomat, and he was killed almost instantly. Nine others were defense contractors.
It is my belief that this “13 Benghazis” post was published with the intention of deceiving the public. It may have been an attempt at persuading Americans to dismiss further inquiry into how the Benghazi terror attack was handled and how it was reported to the public….
I wanted to update this post (5-2013) just a bit with a challenge along similar veins by Bob Beckel on the Five, and Dana Perino’s response to his muddled thinking (the short exchange is HERE if you wish):
Bob Woodward compares to Watergate:
(Original 2012 post)
Back to the older response to an acquaintance:
Media Matters, a Soros funded org, has infected liberal blogs with what they feel is a good argument or response to both Democrats and Republicans wanting to know what the failure was in Benghazi, Libya and how 4-Americans can die when they requested help a month prior. Here is a cut-n-paste of it as it was presented to me on FaceBook:
- 2002 U.S. consulate-Karachi,Pakistan-Attacked-10 killed,51 injured 2004 U.S. Embassy bombed-Uzbekistan-2 killed,9 injured 2004 Gunmen storm U.S. consulate in Saudi Arabia-8 killed 2006 Armed men attack U.S. Embassy in Syria-1 killed,several injured 2007 Grenade launched into U.S. Embassy in Athens 2008 Bombings at U.S. Embassy in Yemen-10 killed 2012 U.S. Annex in Benghazi, Libya attacked-4 killed. Republicans outraged and suddenly concerned with the safety and security of American’s abroad. Now they demand investigations.
Years of discussing religion and politics has taught me to check out what is presented, so I at least (I do have a life) looked into the first two examples… and a patter emerged.
Here are a couple of my responses to the above via my FaceBook.
The first is this:
Suicide Bomber for your 2002 example (Karachi), not a long, preplanned attack that more boots on the ground (that was both requested and called for earlier than the attack) could have prevented. IF in the 2002 Karachi, Pakistan attack they requested because they saw pre-planning on the terrorists part with additional intelligence an attack was eminent and they requested better fortified positions to stop vehicles (suicide attacks) from coming in [and these requests were denied], then I would be interested. Plus, NOT A SINGLE U.S. person died in the attack. All Pakistani. PLUS, even if U.S. personnel have died in an attack similar to Benghazi… they were most likely Marines protecting sovereign U.S. soil. The expectation of an ambassador is to be protected, not to fight. So your “well aware of the risks” argument is another conflated comparison.
You are creating straw-men arguments through conflation and non-sequiturs, and then comparing the two as if the same. Sloppy thinking Ross. No idea of the requested help a month before and during the attack. Dumb.
Here is the second example examined:
Your 2004 example of the U.S. consulate in Saudi Arabia-8 killed
(BBC — 2004) …A Saudi security source told Reuters news agency that heavy security had prevented the attackers from getting into the Jeddah consulate by car…. All Americans who were at the consulate are reported to be safe…. Correspondents say security around the consulate has been extremely tight since a series of bombings by Islamic militants in Saudi Arabia began in 2003, mainly targeting buildings that house foreigners. They add that the attack must have been very well planned, given the security measures…. The embassy and the mission in Dhahran had been closed as a precaution following the Jeddah attack…. (BBC)
So, a synopsis of your 2004 example:
★ Many Defenses Due To Intel Because of Previous Attacks;
★ No Americans Died;
★ Other Sites Temporarily Closed Due To This Attack.
★ No Defenses Even Though Previous Attacks On This Site and Intel and Requests;
★ Security was Decreased;
★ Not Closed Temporarily Even Though Attacked, Intel Was Coming In, And 9/11 Date.
APPLES AND ORANGES ~ Compare to Benghazi:
The U.S. mission in Benghazi, at an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the Sept. 11 attack, drafted a contingency plan to suspend operations as security deteriorated — and in the near-term, recommended that consulate operations be moved to the CIA annex about a mile away, according to a classified cable reviewed by Fox News.
The State Department’s senior representative at the consulate told those at the Aug. 15 meeting that the security situation was “trending negatively” and reported “this daily pattern of violence would be the ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future, particularly given the minimal capabilities” of the Libyan security forces.
With no apparent reason to believe conditions would improve, the cable notified the office of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the “Emergency Action Committee” was updating “Post’s tripwires in light of the deteriorating security situation … to include a ‘suspension of operations’ section.”
The term “tripwire” refers to lines in the sand which, if crossed, cover personnel levels, security measures, and in this case, the extreme step of suspending operations.
The cable marked “SECRET” also said, of the possibility of moving the consulate operations: “Mission personnel could co-locate to the Annex (CIA outpost) if the security environment degraded suddenly. … (There was agreement) to formal weekly meetings to discuss the security environment. … In the longer term, we believe formal collocation with the (Annex) will greatly improve our security situation.”
The warnings reflected a grave concern among officials on the ground that the Libyan militia charged with protecting the consulate had been compromised, perhaps even infiltrated by extremists.
Summarizing the Aug. 15 meeting, the cable sent the following day reported that “certain sectors of the 17 February Brigade were very hesitant to share information with the Americans, but as the largest brigade they acted as a buffer for the Mission against some of the more anti-American, Islamist militias in town.” The brigade was charged with protecting the consulate.
Moving the consulate operations to the CIA annex might not have ultimately saved the four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who died in the Sept. 11 strike. The annex ended up coming under fire and was the site where two of the four Americans were killed.
But the concerns in the cable — which also warned Washington that the consulate could not be protected in the event of a “coordinated attack” and that “approximately ten Islamist militias and AQ training camps” were known to operate within Benghazi — are further evidence that the U.S. mission in eastern Libya repeatedly warned Washington that they were a target.
The reference in the cable to the February 17 Brigade was significant.
This week, new documents recovered from the Benghazi compound by Foreign Policy magazine further support the classified cable’s prescient warning that the Libyan militia was compromised. In the early morning hours of Sept. 11, the consulate staff believed they were under surveillance. A document found by the magazine stated “this person was photographing the inside of the U.S. special mission and furthermore … this person was part of the police unit sent to protect the mission.”
This reporting is consistent with an online post from Sean Smith, an avid gamer, shortly before the consulate was overrun by terrorists and Smith was killed. As reported by Wired magazine shortly after the attack, Smith wrote: “Assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”
Days after the attack, an intelligence source on the ground in Libya told Fox News: “One thing for sure is that the 17 Brigade was nowhere to be found and the Americans were left on their own in the assault.” On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being very bad, the intelligence source said the consulate security was “A 10 — total security failure. Benghazi was known to be a major area for extremist activities. Militias’ loyalty is easily bought and sold. Deals with militia leaders are worth nothing.”
The cable also shows the consulate staff and CIA leadership in Benghazi agreed to work hand-in-glove, which included reviewing “emergency action plans” and addressing areas of collaboration. ….
Read more: FOX NEWS
Also, there is more info about what the annex was capable of:
Sources who have debriefed the team that was at the CIA annex the night of the attack in Benghazi say that the CIA operators from the Global Response Staff, or GRS, were equipped with Mark 48 machine guns and had two types of laser capability. Each weapon had both a “passive” as well as a “visible” laser that could be used against the Libyan attackers.
The presence of laser capability on the roof of the CIA annex confirms what Fox News sources that night in Benghazi originally said, which is that they had laser capability and for 5 hours and 15 minutes were wondering where the usual overhead air support was, especially since, according to this source, they radioed from the annex beginning as early as midnight asking for it.
The presence of lasers raises more questions about why air support was not sent to Benghazi even protectively once it became clear that the fighting had followed the CIA rescue team back to the annex.
U.S. military officials say they “thought the fighting was over” after the team left the consulate and that there was a lull in the fighting.
Fox News has learned the guns were fitted with PEQ-15 lasers. The “passive” laser is not visible to the naked eye but can help team members identify hostile forces when the shooter is wearing NODS, or Night Observation Device attached to their helmet. The visible laser system places a red dot on the attacker and warns the attacker not to shoot, encouraging them to flee the scene. U.S. troops often use the visible laser to scare children or other civilians who find themselves in the middle of combat activity. When civilians see the laser they often back off in order not to be shot.
The GRS team that was present at the CIA annex provided security for the CIA station, as they do around the world. They are highly trained in countersurveillance, close target reconnaissance and in depth reconnaissance. Enemy fighters have learned in Afghanistan and Iraq to use their cell phones to follow or intercept these “passive” lasers without having night vision or NODS.
The Annex team also had Ground Laser Designators, or GLD. This kind of laser equipment emits code and signal when there is overhead air support, unmanned aerial surveillance, drones or Spectre gunships, for instance.
A source present the night of the attack says that the GRS team that was defending the annex asked where the air support was at midnight. Former SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed 5 hours and 15 minutes later.
Read more: FOX NEWS

New York Times – AR-15 Fires 8-Rounds a Sec. (Ghost Gun Added)
THE BLAZE notes that the New York Times (Alan Feuer) makes an amazing claim, and it is this (H/T – Young Conservative):
- In making its case that the popular AR-15 is a “common element in mass shootings,” the New York Times, citing the owner of a gun engineering company, reported the semi-automatic rifle can FIRE EIGHT ROUNDS PER SECOND.
The Blaze then quotes Olympic shooter AMANDA FURRER (pictured below) saying she can only shoot 3-rounds a second, and she shoots guns for a living!
In regards to the Grayson’s comment, my son (a Marine) and I were rolling over all the variables involved in his 700-rounds a minute statement:
My son and I were talking about the logistics of this. A shooter that could pull this off would have to be legendary. There would have to be a wheel-barrel full of magazines, and a person to hand off full magazines to the shooter who would have to change them out quickly. Carbon build-up would most likely jam the striker, the shooters finger would tire from pulling the trigger so many times. We were laughing about all the scenarios available to a father and son, but the idea Grayson puts forward is not funny as it serves the left to try to put forward gun-control.
Taking Amanda’s ability, and assuming she had a magazine or a belt with enough ammo on it, as well as assuming no muscular degradation in muscle ability from pulling the trigger for a minute straight, she would be able to shoot 180-rounds a minute.
These people [leftist media’ites and Democrats] are idiots, that is the only explanation. I thought this video by DOM RASO would be fitting considering the topic:
(Above video description) After the attack at Pulse night club in Orlando, Hillary Clinton looked past the obvious enemy – radical Islamic terror – and instead said “weapons of war have no place on our streets” and that we need to ban AR-15s immediately. AR-15s are fine for Hillary and her family. They’ve been protected by armed guards who use them for three decades. But average Americans who watch the news and feel genuine fear for their safety, and their families’ safety—Hillary wants to deny them the level of protection she insists upon herself.

NAVY SEALS Parachute Into Football Stadium ~ Cool!
Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Explains to CNN`s Jake Tapper What a Man Is, A Patriotic Man
WOW! A bad ass NAVY SEAL even in interviews! GOD BLESS these men and what their families sacrifice[d]!
Via The Blaze!
Former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell pushed back at CNN’s Jake Tapper after the host suggested in an interview that the “lone survivor’s” fellow veterans died for nothing.
“One of the emotions that I felt, while watching the film is first of all the hopelessness of the situation — how horrific it was and also just all that loss of life of these brave American men,” Tapper said in an interview that aired Friday.
“And I was torn about the message of the film in the same way that I think I am about the war in Afghanistan itself,” he added. “I don’t want any more senseless American death. And at the same time I know that there were bad people there and good people that need help.”
Watch the tense interview (comments come at around 3-minute mark):
Editors note: the CNN interviewer said maybe this is what a civilian watching the film feels.
… a liberal, weenie civilian.
Here is the Trailer for `Lone Survivor`
(UPDATED w/Video) Obama Admin. vs the Military 101 ~ NAVY Jack
Ranking SEAL commanders recently banned the Navy Jack from SEAL uniforms. The Daily Caller reported:
The Navy Jack is the ‘don’t tread on me’ flag, one that has earned a revered place in America’s naval history and a beloved place in sailor’s hearts, through its use for over two centuries. This symbol of America’s naval ferocity has spanned our country’s entire existence, flying from the masts of the Continental Navy during the war of independence, to today’s War on Terror. In fact, an amendment to the Navy code called SECNAV Instruction 10520.6 clearly states that as of 31 May 2002 all ships are to fly the flag throughout the duration of the War on Terror.
So why would ranking SEAL commanders ban the historical symbol? Is the proverbial top bass banning the flag? Is President Obama?
Clearly the administration and sycophant “top brass” officers have degraded America’s military prestige; from hand-tying rules of engagement, to uniform regulations that make our military allegedly more compatible with foreign forces, to the banning of an awe-inspiring flag that traces its roots to the first U.S. Navy.
In late 1775, as the first ships of the Continental Navy readied in the Delaware River, Commodore Esek Hopkins issued, in a set of fleet signals, an instruction directing his vessels to fly a “striped” jack and ensign. The exact design of these flags is unknown. The ensign was likely to have been the Grand Union Flag, and the jack a simplified version of the ensign: a field of 13 horizontal red and white stripes. However, the jack has traditionally been depicted as consisting of thirteen red and white stripes charged with an uncoiled rattlesnake and the motto “Dont [sic] Tread on Me”; this tradition dates at least back to 1880, when this design appeared in a color plate in Admiral George Henry Preble‘s influential History of the Flag of the United States. Recent scholarship, however, has demonstrated that this inferred design never actually existed but “was a 19th-century mistake based on an erroneous 1776 engraving”.[1]
In 1778, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sicily, thanking him for allowing entry of American ships into Sicilian ports. The letter describes the American flag according to the 1777 Flag Resolution, but also describes a flag of “South Carolina, a rattlesnake, in the middle of the thirteen stripes.”[2]
The rattlesnake had long been a symbol of resistance to the British in Colonial America. The phrase “Don’t tread on me” may be coined during the American Revolutionary War, a variant perhaps of the snake severed in segments labelled with the names of the colonies and the legend “Join, or Die” which had appeared first in Benjamin Franklin‘s Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754, as a political cartoon reflecting on the Albany Congress.
The rattlesnake (specifically, the Timber Rattlesnake) is especially significant and symbolic to the American Revolution. The rattle has thirteen layers, signifying the original Thirteen Colonies. And, the snake does not strike until provoked, a quality echoed by the phrase “Don’t tread on me.” For more on the origin of the rattlesnake emblem, see the Gadsden flag.
Protein Wisdom suggests the following:
…have it tattooed on your neck…. If one were to have the Navy Jack tattoed on his neck and Obama then demands its removal, be prepared to tell him that, if he wants it gone, he’d best be prepared take your head with it. Or else he should consider fuc$#*& right off.
Spec-Ops Not So Successful in Somalia ~ No U.S. Forces were Killed
I didn’t track with what Congressman Peter King said this morning in a video I uploaded Sunday morning (above), but after reading this story I understand:
Failed Navy SEALs raid on Somali target could bolster Al Shabab
A commando unit from the US Navy’s Seal Team Six launched an amphibious raid on a Somali town, but failed to confirm a capture or kill of their Al Shabab target, suspected to be linked to Nairobi’s Westgate mall terror attack.
The operation could have opposite its intended result of discouraging further attacks. Analysts warn that even earlier successful targeted strikes against Al Shabab, a Somalia-based Islamist militant group, failed to curb the
group’s capacity to carry out international terror attacks, and that failed missions could in fact bolster its support and recruitment.
The predawn raid Saturday came unstuck when the US troops were faced with heavier-than-expected return fire, and pulled out to avoid civilian casualties, two security sources said. No Americans were injured….
Gabriel Gomez (R) Humorously Responds to Chris Wallace
Video Description:
Former Navy SEAL Gabriel Gomez(R), is running in a special election in Massachusetts to replace John Kerry in the Senate next Tuesday. In an interview by Chris Wallace, Mr. Gomez had a funny quip in response to a challenge by Chris. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk). Here is a cartoon related to Mr. Gomez:
To Wound, or Kill ~ Special Air Service (SAS) Debate
(Via Firearm Blog) According to the Daily Mail the SAS are looking at switching from the 5.56x45mm NATO round to a 7.62mm round. They seem unimpressed that their US counterparts have access to 7.62mm FN SCAR-H rifles [pictured above] and they are stuck with the M4-like 5.56mm Colt Canada/Diemaco C8 Carbine. From the Daily Mail:
The SAS are being issued with new ammunition designed to kill the enemy outright after they condemned a ‘shoot-to-wound’ policy that put their lives at risk.
Last night, a regiment insider said: ‘The shoot-to-wound policy was based on the assumption that once he was wounded an enemy combatant would stop fighting, and so would his comrades to give him first aid. ‘But this backfired against the Taliban. The 5.56 mm rounds did not take a big enough chunk out of them, allowing fanatical insurgents to keep on fighting despite their wounds. As a result, more SAS soldiers were shot and badly wounded
The elite troops will now use bigger, heavier rounds to overcome Islamic insurgents who are determined to fight to the death.
The bullets upgrade – and a new range of rifles designed to fire them – were recommended in a top-secret report on SAS operations in Afghanistan. It called for a return to a ‘shoot-to-kill’ policy and for heavier rounds to be issued to troops. The report’s authors described bloody clashes with Taliban jihadists who managed to ignore their bullet wounds and carry on shooting.
The problem of 5.56 mm rounds lacking killing power in firefights is worse because the Taliban use 7.62 mm rounds in their AK-47 Kalashnikovs and Russian sniper rifles. The SAS’s report said the 7.62 mm rounds flew farther and with greater accuracy – giving the enemy a distinct advantage, especially in long-range engagements.
`The Devil of Ramadi` Laid to Rest ~ A Hero
Spec-Ops Vets and Egyptian Liberals Agree: Morsi, Bad; Those Who Support Him, Bad
(Via Gateway Pundit) Secular Egyptian Protesters Bash US Democrats in Tahrir: “Down With American Democratic Party, the Ally of Morsi” ~ The Egyptian liberals are very upset with Barack Obama and his Democrat Party for propping up the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi regime. This sign was seen in Tahrir this week:
- “Down with the American Democratic Party the ally of Morsi, down with Morsi the infiltrator of America”
(Related: Via Breitbart) Special Ops Vet Group Criticizes Weapons Sale to Muslim Brotherhood
Criticizing Obama’s plan to provide Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi with F-16 fighter jets and “no less than 200 M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks,” retired Navy SEAL Capt. and co-founder of Special Operations Speaks Larry Bailey says there’s no way to separate support for Morsi from support for the Muslim Brotherhood.
President Morsi has made no qualms about his racist views toward Israel, his radical Islamist beliefs, or his willingness to impose dictatorial measures on Christians and the opposition party in Egypt. Yet for some reason, Barack Obama thinks that giving Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood allies newer, highly advanced fighter jets and the most lethal of modern tanks on the battlefield will lead to stability in the region.
Bailey cites Morsi’s description of Israelis as “blood-suckers” and “descendants of apes and pigs” as evidence of his hostility to America’s allies:
It is the height of madness to give radical Islamists–who openly hate our allies–new and more powerful weapons with which they could potentially destroy them. Special Operations Speaks condemns the Obama Administration’s decision to follow through on the deal in the strongest terms.
Wall Street Journal adds to the craziness:
Egypt’s President-elect Mohammed Morsi made a nod to his base in a speech on Friday when he pledged to seek the release of Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman from U.S. custody.
Sheik Abdel-Rahman, who is better known as the “blind sheik” is serving a life sentence at a federal penitentiary in North Carolina for his role in planning the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City.
His detention has become a cause célèbre among hard-line Salafi Islamists whom Mr. Morsi counted on in his runoff against ex-regime loyalist Ahmed Shafiq….