Via NewsBusters:

Just How Much Have Democrats Changed in 20-Years? (Mark Steyn)
Mark Steyn ( responds to the question of how far the Democrat Party has moved in 20[+] years in regards to its extremism. Senator Ted Cruz notes how far, for example, the Democrats have moved leftward from Ted Kennedy on the First Amendment (below).
For more clear thinking like this from Hugh Hewitt… I invite you to visit:
If you asked a student to listen to Kennedy’s inaugural speech — without letting them know who was giving it, do you think they would say it was a Republican or Democrat?
Hugh Hewitt and Journalist Uwe Siemon-Netto Discuss Lee Harvey Oswald and the Media`s Proclivity To Blame Conservatives
(See two other posts on this here, and here) Video Description
Hugh Hewitt interviews Uwe Siemon-Netto about the Medias proclivity to blame Republicans for violence… since the JFK days.
From Hugh Hewitt’s blog (
Today’s studio guest will be Uwe Siemon-Netto, a remarkable man with a long and accomplished life in journalism and theology. Part of the former life was as a correspondent for Springer Foreign News Service which took him around the world, from the UN to Vietnam, and to Dallas in the immediate aftermath of the murder of President Kennedy 50 years ago today. His most recent book, published this past July, concerns his years as a war correspondent in “Vietnam: Duc: A Reporter’s Love For The Wounded People of Vietnam.”
More about the Uwe:
For 57 years, Uwe Siemon-Netto, an international journalist from Germany, has reported about major world events including the construction and the fall of the Berlin Wall and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He covered the Vietnam War over a period of five years, from 1965 until 1969 and then again in 1972. He has also written extensively about topics ranging from wine, food, classical music and modern art to religion. At age 50 he interrupted his career to earn an M.A. at a Lutheran seminary in Chicago and a doctorate in theology and sociology of religion at Boston University. His doctoral dissertation titled, The Fabricated Luther: Refuting Nazi Connections and Other Modern Myths, has been widely acclaimed as a resounding argument against the charge that the 16th-century German reformer could have been Hitler’s progenitor. As part of his theological studies Siemon-Netto served as a chaplain to Vietnam veterans in Minnesota and wrote a significant book on pastoral care titled, The Acquittal of God: A Theology for Vietnam Veterans. Dr. Siemon-Netto now lives in southern California as a writer, educator and founding director emeritus of the Center for Lutheran Theology and Public Life in Capistrano Beach. Part of the year he and his British-born wife, Gillian, spend their time at their home in the Charente region of southwestern France.
For more clear thinking like this from Hugh Hewitt… I invite you to visit:
Walter Cronkite announces death of JFK
Negative Effects Conspiracy Theories Have on History/Public Psyche
James L. Swanson and Dennis Prager work through the negative effects conspiracy theories have on history and the public psyche:
Video Description:
Dennis Prager asks “End of Days: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy” author, James L. Swanson, about JFK conspiracies. This led to outstanding conversation that dealt more with what conspiracy theories do to important events in history that should be remembered exactly for what they are. See also the recent upload of the NYT’s article blaming both Dallas (the City) and conservatives for the killing of Kennedy:
For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager… I invite you to visit:
Video Description
Hugh Hewitt interviews Uwe Siemon-Netto about the Medias proclivity to blame Republicans for violence… since the JFK days.
For more clear thinking like this from Hugh Hewitt… I invite you to visit:
Debunking JFK’s “Secret Societies” Speech
Willful Ignorance of History (Obama and JFK)
The American Spectator has a great post about Obama’s destructive behavior and the success of JFK and Reagan in cutting taxes on the rich and its affect on job growth (Red Planet h/t):
With 15 million workers unemployed and another 11 million underemployed, President Obama recently decided that the answer was to hit the road and throw some anti-rich red meat to some friendly stadium audiences.
At a Labor Day rally in Milwaukee, Mr. Obama declared that the United States “didn’t become the most prosperous country in the world by rewarding greed and recklessness.”
He didn’t say whether we became the most prosperous country via income redistribution and mandatory wealth spreading.
He also didn’t say whether the “greed” accusation applied to folks like Jay-Z and Lady Gaga or just to the regular capitalists and entrepreneurs who run America’s car repair shops and jewelry stores on Main Street.
He also didn’t say whether his definition of “recklessness” includes the nonstop and decentralized risk-taking that’s inherent in a free enterprise economy, a system rooted in what Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter called “creative destruction.”
Mr. Obama also declared that “anyone who thinks we can move this economy forward with a few doing well at the top, hoping it’ll trickle down to working folks running faster and faster just to keep up — they just haven’t studied our history.”
In fact, the history of the 1960s and 1980s, under Democrat and Republican presidents, shows that the benefits of cuts in top marginal income tax rates clearly trickled down to help “working folks” in the form of more jobs, less unemployment, less poverty, less inflation, and higher wage growth.
The John F. Kennedy income tax cuts of 30 percent that were enacted in 1964, cutting the top marginal federal income tax rate from 91 percent to 70 percent, were followed by several years of 5 percent real GDP growth per year, dropping the unemployment rate from 5.2 percent in 1964 to 3.5 percent in 1969, a lower jobless rate than the 4.0 percent unemployment rate that’s generally defined as “full employment.”
Similarly, the Ronald Reagan income tax cuts produced real average annual GDP growth of 3.2 percent from 1981 to 1989, a higher growth rate than existed before and after the Reagan years — the 2.8 percent average real annual growth in the pre-Reagan years from 1974 to 1981, or the 2.1 percent growth in the post-Reagan years from 1989 to 1995.
Following the Reagan cut in the top marginal federal income tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent, unemployment was cut in half, from 9.7 percent in 1982 to 5.3 percent in 1989.
And the impact on the poor? The real income, adjusted for inflation, of the poorest fifth of U.S. households increased 12 percent in the Reagan era, reversing a 17 percent decline in their average real income from 1979 to 1983 before Reagan’s pro-growth tax cuts kicked in.
The poverty population in the U.S., after growing by 7 million in the late 1970s, dropped by 4 million in the 1980s. The real median income, adjusted for inflation, of African-American households increased by 17 percent from 1982 to 1989, reversing a 10 percent decline from 1978 to 1982.
Obama’s strategy? Ignore the aforementioned history and raise taxes on “the rich” during a recession, for “fairness.” That’s a clear policy of economic and political “recklessness,” a strategy that will keep millions of people needlessly unemployed.
I Love JFK Dems
Big Men-Big Speeches (Presidential)
Uncle Jimbo — via Big Peace — gives us something to chew on:
….Obama is a politician and that is where he feels comfortable. he even felt obligated to remind us that “ending” the Iraq War was a campaign promise of his.
So tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country.
This was my pledge to the American people as a candidate for this office.
Well thank you candidate Obama, you will soon be back in your comfort zone running for re-election. Too bad you couldn’t find some time to actually command the troops in the interim.
He also managed to bring up the monetary cost of the war as one of its downsides.
We have sent our young men and women to make enormous sacrifices in Iraq, and spent vast resources abroad at a time of tight budgets at home…..We have spent over a trillion dollars at war, often financed by borrowing from overseas.
A guy who pissed away more than a trillion dollars paying off his political allies ought to watch what he says. If we are willing to go to war then we shouldn’t whine about the money it costs. Hear John F. Kennedy speak.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty….
To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required—not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
Let’s contrast Obama’s bloodless lecture to President Bush’s clarion call for victory when he announced the surge Obama couldn’t bring himself to mention.
The challenge playing out across the broader Middle East is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of our time. On one side are those who believe in freedom and moderation. On the other side are extremists who kill the innocent, and have declared their intention to destroy our way of life. In the long run, the most realistic way to protect the American people is to provide a hopeful alternative to the hateful ideology of the enemy, by advancing liberty across a troubled region. It is in the interests of the United States to stand with the brave men and women who are risking their lives to claim their freedom, and to help them as they work to raise up just and hopeful societies across the Middle East…
The changes I have outlined tonight are aimed at ensuring the survival of a young democracy that is fighting for its life in a part of the world of enormous importance to American security. Let me be clear: The terrorists and insurgents in Iraq are without conscience, and they will make the year ahead bloody and violent. Even if our new strategy works exactly as planned, deadly acts of violence will continue — and we must expect more Iraqi and American casualties. The question is whether our new strategy will bring us closer to success. I believe that it will.
…(read more)…
Democrat Looney Toons
NewsBusters has a story about conservative candidates being covered in their various failings, but not the Democratic candidates:
(Jeff Greene… following in JFK’s footsteps)
Jeff Greene’s Boat Summerwind is the “Levi Johnston of Yachts”
- Convicted rapist and former boxer Mike Tyson traveled through Europe aboard the Summerwind with Greene in 2005, and recently had to clarify that he did not do drugs while aboard the yacht. Though he did do drugs during the trip, in Amsterdam, just not he claims, on the boat.
- Back in 2005, the Belize government claimed that Summerwind caused major damage to coral along one of the country’s most economically important coral reefs. Greene denies knowing anything about the incident.
- In 2007, the Yacht broke the embargo by docking in Cuba. Greene claims it was for emergency maintenance, and he took the opportunity to visit Cuban synagogues. The St. Pete Times says of the stop, “everybody talked about the vomit caked all over the sides from all the partying going on.”
- Sharyn Peach, a Fort Lauderdale woman who used to work as a stewardess for Greene aboard the yacht, recently wrote of her time aboard for our sister paper: “Working on Greene’s 145-foot Choy Lee yacht was like being ‘locked’ in Studio 54 in its prime. It was nothing short of ‘Sex, Drugs, and Techno Music.’ Celebrities, ‘hired’ party girls, mayhem, and debauchery. I saw more tits and ass in one night on Jeff Greene’s Summerwind than I have for the past seven years on South Beach …The real partying started in Sag Harbor, New York. That’s when a deckhand and Mr. Greene would go to a place named the Sex Castle and come back with new women almost daily. …Shortly after that party, I found four lines of cocaine in Mr. Greene’s stateroom bathroom marble vanity.”
- A 2009 account of Greene’s yacht habbit in The Greatest Trade Ever went like this: “Greene brought two Ukrainian strippers on board to make a cameo appearance and hired stewardesses from coastal towns to serve as his crew. Some doubled as massage therapists, which came in handy after a day of scuba diving, Jet Skiing or kayaking.”
- Several former employees of the yacht describe Greene as just a horrible, horrible boss.
- Just this past New Years Eve, Lindsay Lohan was a guest on the yacht while in St. Tropez.
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