Gregg Jarrett filled in for Sean Hannity, and I liked this snippet discussing the idea that Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself as Attorney General. Great refutation of a mantra.
Jeff Sessions
Anglo-American Traditions – Jeff Sessions
Michael Medved’s discussion of history as it relates to our law enforcement traditions and the Left’s lack of knowledge regarding our Anglo-American history… which they enjoy.
- “I want to thank every sheriff in America. Since our founding, the independently elected sheriff has been the people’s protector, who keeps law enforcement close to and accountable to people through the elected process,” Sessions said in remarks at the National Sheriffs Association winter meeting, adding, “The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement.” – Jeff Sessions
MOONBATTERY notes Senator Schatz’s (like in “I shat” my pants?) offense taken and explains in written word what Medved does in spoken word:
Communal Defense. You mean these Leftist Democrats are against a “communal” organization? How did a community organizer win the Presidency twice then? What about this:
- We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Is that racist? We already have a community guardian, a sheriff. Is calling for another one assuming Anglo-American traditions a dog whistle?
BTW, as an aside… someone at my LIVE LEAK posting of Medved’s audio noted the following: “Why is it ok to say African American, but now it’s taboo to say Anglo American?” Indeed.
Democrat Policies Coming Home to Roost
THE HILL notes that Schumer is concerned… I wonder if this same concern swept over him with Clinton?
You don’t think firing 93-U.S. Attorneys was putting “ongoing investigations at risk”?
Pelosi about GOP health bill:
➤ “…The American people and Members have a right to know the full impact of this legislation before any vote in Committee or by the whole House.”
Pelosi on Obama-Care:
➤ “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”
Are Democrats serious right now!
Jay Sekulow Deconstructs Jeff Sessions
Jay Sekulow comes at this issue in an erudite and clear manner. I start the video out with a montage put together by Jay’s team. Also included is a segment (almost 11-minutes long) from the show prior to Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusing himself. The second segment is almost 8-minutes long and post-dates the AG’s recusal. The final segment (just over 5-minutes) is an update in regards to Nancy Pelosi.
THIS WHOLE thing is moving quickly. Some funny aspects have surfaced, like all 100 of our Senators meeting with Russian officials this week. Chuck Schumer has personally met with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, whereas President Trump has not. Oh, and don’t forget, Democrat hero and Lion of the Senate actually ASKED Russia to help defeat Reagan.
Larry Elder Slams Dems About Sen. Sessions Stance
- “His [Sessions] crime is that he’s a white, male, conservative, Christian, heterosexual, from the south, Republican. If you are a Democrat, like Robert Byrd, you get a pass.” ~ Larry Elder
From Bannon to Sessions
So Steve Bannon is an anti-Semite even though many Jews came out an defended him (leftist Jews, Orthodox Jews, secular Jews, and higher ups in Israeli political parties. NOW, Jess Sessions is in cahoots with the KKK even though he fought the Klan in court as well as being key in desegregating schools… but he is a Stormfront racist. Um… okay [/sarcasm]
The Left has gone bat-shit crazy!
Thank you POWERLINE!
Here is more on that “deciding vote” by Arlen Specter that he regrets as one of the biggest miss-voted in his career (TOWNHALL):
Illegal Aliens Have The Same Rights To Work As US Citizens ~ AG Nominee
Via Gateway Pundit
Kagan Update-Arguments Against Her Nomination Summarized
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Skeptical of Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Elena Kagan
LR asks this:
Exit question – Does, “I’ve learned that we make progress by listening to each other across every apparent political or ideological divide…”
Substitute, ‘I do solemnly swear to faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States under the Constitution and laws of the Unites States, so help me God?’