Ian posted the below in response to this:
Hilaria Baldwin. pic.twitter.com/TeHbEz4CFW
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 30, 2020
Ian posted the below in response to this:
Hilaria Baldwin. pic.twitter.com/TeHbEz4CFW
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 30, 2020
Dennis Prager discusses the “prom dress” heard around the world. David French’s article, “How a Pretty Prom Dress Helped Reveal Rot in the American Soul,” notes that any normal American thinks the girl looks smashing. And her prom date is a lucky man. But this is not how the Left thinks — you must (emphasis on must) think like them or you are “sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted (S.I.X.H.I.R.B.).”
Curing cancer through cultural appropriation:
Just when you thought joyless, whining social justice warriors couldn’t possibly ruin anything else, they’ve now set their sights on Halloween. (H/T to Gateway Pundit)
GAY PATRIOT comments well on the above PC Police stopping “cultural appropriation”
…Another sanctimonious leftist advises on how to lecture people whose costumes are politically incorrect.
By “undeniable problem” she means “irresistible opportunity for moralistic preening by social leftists.” In this case, she recommends cornering those whose costumes are deemed “offensive” and delivering a stern lecture on the sin of “cultural appropriation.”
“Cultural Appropriation” is a term created by sanctimonious social leftists to attack white people who enjoy partaking of non-white, non-European culture. White entertainers that incorporate elements of African, Caribbean, or Asian influences into their art and music: jazz, for example or Kabuki-inspired costumes, are guilty of cultural appropriation. Note that “Cultural Appropriation” only goes one way; to suggest that Africans should not attempt “white European art” such as ballet or classical music would be racism. “Cultural appropriation” has been extended by the sanctimonious social left to condemn colleges that serve tacos on campus and people who dress up as ninjas or bandidos for Halloween.
In reality, “cultural appropriation” is something privileged leftists made up to lord over other people because they have no real problems and no real morality. There’s also an element of the Baby Boom Left — for whom race sensitivity rivals only hyper-environmentalism as their religion of choice — that needs to keep their pieties from dying out in the Next Generation; even as racism becomes culturally and socially irrelevant.
“The original cultural appropriators”
(Young Conservatives have a really good post on this) This comes via Gay Patriot’s commentary on “a generation is raised to believe that they are so wonderful and so special that anything that offends them…”
BTW, I bet those two ladies that lost their business are now ex-Democrats. They will be dumbfounded that they will be voting Trump in 2020.
Dennis Prager reads from a Reason.com piece entitled, “White-Owned Restaurants Shamed for Serving Ethnic Food: It’s Cultural Appropriation.” It is another sick story of the Segregationist [racist] spirit of the Left that has been with the Democrat Party since they were founded. Here is an excerpt from the piece:
If you’re a white person, you have no business running a restaurant that serves Asian, Latin, African, or Indian cuisine.
That’s according to the creators of a “white-owned appropriative restaurants” list, which accuses several Oregon establishments of engaging in cultural appropriation—a tool of “a white supremacist culture.”
The list, a Google Docs spreadsheet, includes about 60 Portland-area restaurants, the names of their white owners, and the kind of cuisine they serve. (For example, the list informs us that Burmasphere “was founded by a white man who ate Burmese food in San Francisco.”) The spreadsheet also lists competing restaurants that are owned by people of color and urges customers to try them instead.
“This is NOT about cooking at home or historical influences on cuisines; it’s about profit, ownership, and wealth in a white supremacist culture,” wrote the spreadsheet’s authors. “These white-owned businesses hamper the ability for POC [people of color] to run successful businesses of their own (cooking their own cuisines) by either consuming market share with their attempt at authenticity or by modifying foods to market to white palates. Their success further perpetuates the problems stated above. It’s a cyclical pattern that will require intentional behavior change to break.”
The spreadsheet seems to be a response to the controversy over Kooks Burritos, a Portland-area pop-up food truck run by two white women. In an interview with Williamette Week, Kooks owners Kali Wilgus and Liz Connelly explained how they fell in love with authentic Mexican tortillas during a visit to Puerto Nuevo, Mexico.
Anyway, if you’re saying that white people shouldn’t serve ethnic food at all, even if it’s really authentic and popular with customers, you’re going to drastically shrink the pool of non-ethnic people trying, eating, and learning about, ethnic cuisines. That might satisfy the enemies of cultural appropriation, but it doesn’t seem like it would ultimately be in the best interests of anyone, including the ethnic restaurateurs.
Here is another example:
“Mike wears whatever he wants”~ classic!
More chaos via MOONBATTERY:
When utopia has been achieved, white people will no longer be racist by wearing sombreros and ponchos during lighthearted celebrations (assuming there will be any white people in utopia). In the meantime, at the University of New Hampshire:
[A] student group known as “All Eyes on UNH” has released a set of demands, which includes calls for the “administration and town elected officials” to urge “local stores in Durham to stop carrying items like ponchos and sombreros for May 5 celebrations, and instead seek out alternative sources of revenue.”
The stores must stop selling these products because “cultural appropriation contributes to the growing acceptance of racism and xenophobia.”
Meanwhile, the list of demands also calls for the “creation of a campus-wide committee to prevent similar offenses in future years,” with another demand asking Greek-life leaders to “find other ways to celebrate the end of the academic year.”
I can just picture the committee (to the right)….
See my previous post on the example of dreadlocks, here: Cultural Appropriation Alert: Honkeys Cannot Have Dreadlocks
The Social Justice Warriors — the first warriors to faint at the sight of a penknife — have a new weapon to show off their unearned moral superiority: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, where mainstream culture steals from minorities without being “authentic.” Surprisingly Bill Whittle agrees with this, and has a list of grievances all his own.
To me, this is an example of the left eating itself. This hippie-dippie kid is probably left-wing, and this BLM styled activist is a leftist… and one is telling the other to groom themselves a certain way. I guess she is an employee of the university, but we will soon (like Iran) have a dress code police. Something Walter Williams coined as “lifestyle Nazis” (one and two). The positive thing that may come out of these types of experiences is that we will get more Republican voters as they leave the crazy left.
People were in a tizzy over Mitt Romney’s forced haircut on a fellow student. The Left said this prank was enough to disqualify him from the Presidency. Yet, here, we see the Left wanting to forcefully cut hair due to “cultural appropriation.” Breitbart notes:
…The video begins with the woman threatening the man by asking her friend whether he has a pair of scissors.
An argument ensues as the student insists on his right to have dreadlocks regardless of the style’s cultural origins.
“You’re saying I can’t have this hairstyle because of your culture? Why?” asks the student.
“Because it’s my culture,” responds the student.
The woman proceeds to grab him as he begins to walk away from the situation. When the white student pushes back, she accuses the man of putting his hands on her….