I assume the perpetrators (if they even vote) vote Democrat. BREITBART:
Mind you, it is WORSE than this.
See more at NATIONAL REVIEW. Here is more on “King ‘Noble‘”
Hillary tells NAACP that cops need to quit killing black people.
EXCELLENT reference resources, HERE
“The Great One,” Mark Levin, splains the radicalism Obama can’t help to exude. What the general public may think is a normal answer/position by Obama in regards to the recent Dallas shooting and the racist political cult known as Black Lives Matters, is anything but. A great segment on the ideology that drives our Prez.
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/subjectpolitics/videos/vb.1633304150220472/1713873015496918/?type=2&theater” width=”685″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]
Beware, statistics we’re not allowed to talk about ahead. If you’re easily triggered by scientific studies, run away as fast as your little liberal legs can carry you. It’s about to get real.
The above audio is a truncating of Dennis Prager’s 1st and 2nd hour of his show today (7-8-16). He deals with the Dallas Shooting and in Prager’s style note the pervasive anti-white and anti-police rhetoric of the left over the past few years in media, academia, by Democrat politicians, and the like. Early this morning before the shooter was identified, I made a prediction:
It turns out I was right. It turns out the shooter liked many racist cults and groups on his FaceBook, one being a page relating to Elijah Mohammed, the second leader of the Nation of Islam. Interestingly enough, this racist cult leader was on the magazine cover of Obama’s church (note the magazine cover is to the right)… during the time he attended. It is interesting to note that the many racist cult leaders brought into Obama’s church and placed on the church’s magazine see to have planted a spirit of division in this President that has come to fruition in Americans being more divided now than ever.
And who coddles and kowtows to these racially divisive groups? DEMOCRATS! Take note (via NEWSMAX):
None of this matters though… because they all vote DEMOCRAT and support DEMOCRATS!
It is a bit ironic, but I posted a *snip* of mine after posting a liberal Brit woman crying about leaving the EU and saying she didn’t think her country was like racist, hateful America:
My prediction is that these murderous individuals were involved in -or- involved in a combination of these political organizations or racist cults: Nation of Islam, Five-Percenters, Marxist organization, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, or the like.
Gay Patriot rightly notes that…
We also know, again, know who funds the Black Lives Matter movement (H-T FREE REPUBLIC):
It is a bit ironic, but I posted a *snip* of mine after posting a liberal Brit woman crying about leaving the EU and saying she didn’t think her country was like racist, hateful America:
(BREITBART) “I was really nervous to get up here because there’s a lot of white people in the crowd” said the activist, while audience members nervously laughed. “That wasn’t a joke” she added.
Hahaha… the cop looked confused: “should I support the gays or the blacks?” Welcome to self the destruction of the Left.
This is actually an older story by a couple of months… however, this is the first time I have heard of it and was more-than-happy to share with people Michael Moroz’s story and his intelligence and clarity on issues. I have to agree with Prager, young men like Michael do give me hope for our country. The abatement of free speech or counter-points is something akin to totalitarian governments AND I guess, schools. I just posted before this post on similar issues, see “…But Then I Started College.”
See the video description below (also, here is the Urban Dictionary definition of DINDU):