Mediocre Fascists

If you think Bernie Sanders is a hero, harm yourself. He is, in fact, a fascist with bad hair. Worse than Trump’s by the way. So Trump has that going for him. Which is nice. Aside from his tax plan which we’ve already thoroughly debunked, my biggest beef is how Sanders is selling himself. He’s telling everyone he’s “for the people.” But that is, in fact, a giant lie.

“Fascism” is a pretty fun catch word in today’s politics. Usually applied to extreme “right-wingers”, allow me to make a case for why Bernie Sanders is the most fascist candidate of them all…

I Heard All These Democrat Promises in the USSR ~ Ted Turner Jr.

Conservative Teddy Turner, Jr. says he spent time in the Soviet Union after graduation and Hillary, Obama and Bernie Sanders are saying the same thing as the Hammer and Sickle members of the USSR.

  • My dad made me go to military school. Which was a brilliant move. I went to the Soviet Union for a couple years. And when you go there, I’ve heard everything that Bernie’s been saying, or Hillary or Obama, have been saying for years. And it was guys with hammers and sickles. We don’t need to be there. And we cannot move more toward socialism. It doesn’t work. There are failed socialist countries all over the world. (Gateway)

Pantssuit Hillary Mao Pol-Pot

(From left to right) Pol-Pot; Hillary Clinton, Mao, Teletubbies

Dan Bongino On Bernie Sanders, Socialism, Health-Care, and more

Video description:

First time really hearing Dan. His blog is here.

I loved his style/verve. I uploaded the second half of the program, after he got done talking about Friedmans four ways to spend money (below right).

Great stuff. Make sure to follow him on Twitter.

For more clear thinking like this from Mark “the Great One” Levin… I invite you to visit:

The animated portion of Bernie Sanders came from Sam Seder, “Bernie Sanders Through the Eyes of Your Crazy Uncle” ( ~ Sam Seders site is here:

Larry Elder Takes Steven Colbert to the Wood Shed…

…and by association, the media, as well as the rest of the Democrat sheep:

Larry Elder was filling in for Dennis Prager and during the course of this portion of the show takes Colbert (and other media’ites/Democrats) to the tool shed. In classic “Sage” style, Larry goes through his comparisons like a samurai sword through butter.