I love Gay Patriot’s clear take on things. I hope all my conservative evangelical readers head over to support such clear thinking and thank him:
Bernie Sanders
The Politics of Envy ~ Afterburner
Bill Whittle recently spoke to a progressive audience of high school students, and took several Bernie Sanders questions. Hear what he told those millennials.
Justice Vs. Fairness ~ Louder With Crowder
Moonbattery H/T
Violent Democrats ~ Trump vs. Bernie
Radical Leftists Shutting Down Free Speech (Rebel Pundit)
Here is the appearance of the Rebel Pundit guys on Hannity (Gateway Pundit h/t):
- Tonight Andrew and Jeremy went on Hannity to describe the scene. It’s important to remember that this violence did not start with Trump. The left has been promoting violence against their opposition and the American public for decades.
Here is the entire video from The Rebel Pundit:
Even Bernie Sanders Understands Hillary’s Position
An Object Lesson in Democratic Socialism
Chess Master Garry Kasparov on Bernie Sanders
Front Page Magazine has some great insights by ex-soviet and chess master, Garry Kasparov:
American Thinker continues the theme via Kasparov:
Teaching Sandernistas a Marxist Lesson (Redistribution)
Making the Socialist Grade: Teaching Sandernistas a Marxist Lesson ~ By Mark Pastin
Sheperd Fairey ~ The Iconographer of Choice for Socialists
Gay Patriot does an excellent job in calling out the fascination of the extremist left’s enchantment with totalitarian “art.”
The People’s Cube mock’s it by putting it side-by-side for comparison:
The Daily Caller will finish off this post with some points of interest:
For real political art, see: http://unsavoryagents.com/
Libertarian Republican’s Short Critique On 1985 Bernie Sanders
Libertarian Republican’s Post: