You Do Not Have To Be Religious To Be PRO-LIFE ~ Just Reasonable


In one of my favorite presentations by Scott (his ministry is outstanding:, arguments touching on scientific laws, philosophy, and common sense allow the pro-life advocate to deal with opponents in clear and concise ways. This isn’t a Bible bashing fest, but a tactic in bringing the whole of the argument for the preciousness of life to the forefront.

Here is the VIDEO Scott Klusendorf references near the end of this presentation. THERE IS A WARNING WITH THIS VIDEO, it is GRAPHIC!

A good presentation as well is the 180 movie. Well worth your time.


Aborted! And Lived to Rally Against the Party of Death

On August 28, 2012 the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced the launch of a $150,000 television ad campaign across Missouri highlighting President Obama’s extreme record on abortion and featuring abortion survivor Melissa Ohden. Missouri has recently been at the center of the conversation on abortion.

“In light of the recent national discussion over abortion, it’s important Americans know the President’s best-kept secret: his extreme record on abortion. Melissa Ohden’s powerful story draws a stark contrast to his unbending support of abortion and the abortion industry and reveals the human face to this debate.” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “President Obama’s appalling record on abortion is not just limited to his four votes to deny rights to abortion survivors but spans to his recent heartless refusal to support bans on sex-selection and late-term abortions. These actions fly in the face of mainstream American views and run counter to the President’s first term pre-election talk of finding common ground. Recent polling reveals the majority of Americans support bans on these horrific practices.”

Larry Elder Stands Tall Among Fellow Conservatives ~ Calls On Todd Akin To NOT ~ Yes, NOT ~ To Step Down

The “Sage” is one of the only pundits left with any balls! Period! He talks about Rep. Todd Akin’s comments about “legitimate rape” and the chances of being “impregnated” due to rape, rejecting fellow conservatives calling on him to step down. I know this is long (48-minutes), but it is a must listen to for the patient politico.

PS, on the way to the gym I heard Mike Gallagher defend Akin… I will hunt around for it and post it if someone uploads the audio. It will be shorter.

Litmus Test for Democrats and `Feminism` ~ Egalitarianism Hurting Those It Purports to Help

Women like this, feminists that are pro-life, are not welcomed in the Democratic Party:

NewsBusters has a great article that show the Washington Post’s bias in reporting “what is” and “what is not” inclusive in regards to the coming Democratic convention.

“Democrats aim to be inclusive,” blurts the headline in Amy Gardner’s 5-paragraph item on how the Democratic convention “will feature a long list of female speakers and a slew of activities designed to make it the most inclusive convention in history, organizers announced Wednesday.”

Gardner went on to note that Sandra Fluke and “women from many other walks of life” will take to the podium, such as NARAL Pro-Choice America president Nancy Keenan, Caroline Kennedy, and actress Eva Longoria. Gardner left out that Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood was also announced as a speaker, and that Keenan served on this year’s platform drafting committee, which shot down an effort by Democrats for Life of America to add “big tent” language to the platform. Somehow a handful of pro-choice speakers addressing contraception and abortion is diversity to the Washington Post.

Perhaps that’s not so surprising, however, since, aside from Post columnist Melinda Henneberger, there’s been no print coverage of the group’s work to change the platform. There was also an August 18 guest entry by Sarah Kliff on the matter at Ezra Klein’s Wonk Blog, but that’s about it.

Democrats for Life notes that roughly a third of Democrats nationwide are pro-life and noted in an August 10 press release that:

61% of Democrats support parental consent for minors seeking abortion (Gallup, 2011);
60% of Democrats support a 24-hour waiting period for women seeking abortion (Gallup, 2011);
84% of Democrats support informed consent (Gallup, 2011);
49% of Democrats support an ultrasound requirement (Gallup, 2011);
59% of Democrats support a ban on partial-birth abortions (Gallup, 2011).

It’s notable that in 2008, NARAL conducted a survey of Democratic Party delegates and boasted that a whopping 87 percent responded that they were pro-choice. That’s wildly out of proportion with the rank and file, which is 34 percent pro-life and 58 percent pro-choice according to Gallup.

…read more…

This leads me to my next point, and it is made by Ashley Herzog in her great book (which I highly recommend for girls between 16 and 20 years of age), Feminism vs. Women. The point is two-fold. The heroes of feminism were pro-family and pro-life, secondly, the cultural left (progressives) are more dogmatic and ideological in their litmus tests than any fiery-eyed-Baptis-preacher.

“They [the women] are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heart beat, they wouldn’t \want to have an abortion.” – Abortion doctor quoted in New Dimensions magazine, 1990

Invariably, the feminist position on abortion is portrayed as the “pro-woman” position—mostly because feminist leaders have convinced their followers that this procedure is essential to women’s liberty. As Gloria Feldt, former president of Planned Parenthood, said, “‘abortion’ became a symbol of our independence, because reproductive freedom is fundamental to a woman’s aspirations.”

This is also known as the “pro-choice” position. But how do feminists feel about women who don’t choose abortion—and, more importantly, the women who assist them in making that choice?

Don’t be fooled by the deceptive labels and euphemisms. When it comes to “reproductive rights,” feminists have a very specific agenda—one that involves a lot more abortions, but not necessarily more choice.

At Temple University in Philadelphia, Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life of America, faced a tough crowd. As Crisis magazine described the scene, “The 40 or so students gathered to hear Foster are mostly women. Not even the pro-lifers are smiling. The student who introduced her asked those with differing opinions to be respectful. It set an ominous tone. Would they start chanting soon? Blowing whistles? Would they get violent?”

But then, somehow, Foster performed a miracle. She threw the cover off “the dirty little secret of women’s studies departments” — America’s earliest feminists were anti-abortion. In the words of coura­geous suffragette Susan B. Anthony, abortion was “child murder,” and “no matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!”

Foster then asked the crowd, “If women were fighting for the right not to be considered property, what gives them the right to consider their baby property?”

It was something to think about. From that moment on, even students who had showed up to protest couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

That night, Foster raised a point that feminists dare not discuss: before the women’s movement was hijacked by leftists in the 1960s, abortion was never viewed as a good thing for women. In fact, the prac­tice was unthinkable to individuals like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the mastermind behind the historic Seneca Falls Convention and mother of seven chil­dren. (If Stanton applied for a teaching position in a women’s studies department today, she would be labeled a “Jesus freak” and promptly dismissed.)

“When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit,” Stanton wrote to her friend Julia Ward Howe in 1873.

She wasn’t the only one.

Victoria Woodhull, the first female stockbroker on Wall Street, also became the first woman to run for President in 1870. An early suffragette with a flair for the outrageous, Woodhull epitomized the modern feminist slogan “well-behaved women rarely make history.” (She was repeatedly arrested for her polit­ical activities.) And she too hated abortion.

“A human life is a human life and equally to be held sacred whether it be a day or a century old,” Woodhull wrote. “Wives…to prevent becoming mothers…deliberately murder [children] while yet in their wombs. Can there be a more demoralized condition than this? “

Alice Paul, who authored the original Equal Rights Amendment, was willing to face arrests, harassment, and physical assaults in order to win the right to vote. Later, when 1960s feminists began advocating the repeal of abortion laws, Paul asked, “How can one protect and help women by killing them as babies?” She considered abortion “the ulti­mate exploitation of women.”

Who are the modern descendents of Anthony, Stanton, Woodhull, and Paul? They can be found at Feminists for Life of America, whose founder, Pat Goltz, was kicked out of NOW for her anti-abortion views. On its website, FFL issues a challenge: “If you believe in the strength of women and the poten­tial for every human life…If you refuse to choose between women and children…If you reject violence and exploitation, join us in challenging the status quo. There is a better way.”

FFL reaches out to women facing crisis pregnan­cies and opposes any legislation that might make it harder for them to keep their children—much of which has been proposed by Republicans, proving that FFL hardly deserves the “right- wing” label assigned to it by pro-abortion feminists. In 1996, FFL attempted to dissuade President Clinton from signing a Republican-backed welfare reform bill that elimi­nated additional assistance for babies born to girls under 18. Their rationale? If a pregnant girl couldn’t afford to raise her child, she would have no choice but to abort.

FFL also pressures universities to provide special resources for pregnant and parenting students, a move opposed by many conservatives on the principle that pregnant women aren’t entitled to handouts. But FFL refuses to compromise its mission: to make moth­erhood a viable option for women facing unwanted pregnancies.

FFL is not actively involved in efforts to outlaw abortion. Instead, the group is interested in “system­atically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion — primarily lack of practical resources and support — through holistic, woman-centered solutions.”

This is a truly “pro-choice” position—the one that groups like NOW and NARAL claim to uphold. But evidently a lot of feminists do not believe that women deserve better than abortion.

“Who are the Feminists for Life? In a word, dangerous,” began an article in the online magazine Nerve.

“Feminists for what?” the author gasped. “Not a typo: Feminists for Life. As in, against abortion.” The horror!

As the article explained, the women of FFL “aren’t really feminists—a feminist could not force another woman to bear a child.”

Feminist hysteria over FFL indicates that the only “choice” they deem acceptable is the decision to terminate a pregnancy. The way FFL was treated by the Lilith Fair, a feminist music festival organized by singer Sarah McLachlan in the late 90’s, proved that different views on abortion will not be tolerated.

“Women are everywhere. Walking in groups, laughing and talking. Sitting on the grass. Playing the guitar. Reading pamphlets on women’s issues picked up from booths in the Village area,” a reporter described Lilith Fair’s stop in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. “There is also a woman with a gag in her mouth standing in front of one of the booths, wearing a T-shirt reading, Peace begins in the womb…

That woman was Marilyn Kopp, the director of Ohio Feminists for Life. Lilith Fair, despite its stated mission of “raising consciousness of women’s issues,” denied booth space to any group that did not wholeheartedly support abortion as the ultimate cata­lyst of gender equality.

Naturally, Lilith Fair’s feminist organizers were outraged that FFL had the gall to show up at their concert.

“This isn’t a democracy. This is a tyranny,” fumed singer Sheryl Crow, justifying Lilith’s ban on pro-life groups.

However, some ordinary concertgoers were unimpressed with the notion of tyranny in the name of women’s advancement.

“As Kopp’s friend Denise Mackura stands gagged in front of the NOW booth, a group of teenage girls walk up to her. When they find out what’s going on, they’re shocked,” reporter Laura Demarco wrote. “They see the situation as a violation of civil rights, not a defense of women’s rights. ‘This is wrong,’ says Casey Patton, 17.”

The sight of FFL members standing in front of NOW’s booth with gags in their mouths spoke volumes about the authoritarian nature of the modern feminist movement. As DeMarco observed, “It’s hard to miss the hypocrisy of feminists censoring other women like this… they patronizingly assume women aren’t smart enough to hear all sides on an issue and decide for themselves.”

The prospect of women deciding for themselves is terribly threatening to the feminist establishment—which might also explain their fanatical opposition to Crisis Pregnancy Centers.

Ashley Herzog, Feminism vs. Women (Xulon Press, 2008), 85-91.

And Yet, the Black Community Support Democrats

In the following short clip you will hear a conversation a few folks with OSA had with Ron Virmani, an abortionist from Charlotte , NC on July 26th, 2012.

As this conversation escalates you will be shocked at what you hear come out of the mouth of this abortionist!

This man whom kills unborn life for a living justifies his profession by claiming he is helping society by lessening the burden on tax payers by killing unborn babies. Also you’ll notice he admits to what he is killing…he’s not removing a blob of tissue, or a fetus…he is killing a baby or as he describes some of the babies as ‘ugly black babies’!

Mitt Romney vs Obama`s Past ~ Clipping Hair vs. Infanticide (UPDATED: Anti-Bully, Bully ~ Selective Media Outrage)

A Must Read! From Gateway Pundit:

The Washington Post, a liberal rag that never investigated anything on the radical communist-mentored youth of Barack Obama, published a story today on Mitt Romney’s high school days. Apparently, Mitt picked on a kid once. It was a horrific crime. The Washington Post reported:


The absolute horror! Ace of Spades offers analysis.

Meanwhile, In September 2008 abortion survivor Gianna Jessen joined Born Alive Truth in an illuminating ad that attacked Barack Obama for voting to snuff the life out of newborn survivors of abortion:

(See Gianna’s interview here) Barack Obama voted 4 times to support infanticide. Boy, that Mitt Romney sure is a horrible person, huh?

Gateway Pundit goes on to point out that In His Own Words… Obama Admits to Smoking Pot, Drinking Beer, Doing Drugs… And Bullying Fat Nerdy Black Girl in High School (Video):

Not only that, but it appears Obama shoved girls in school. While it is innocent playground antics, the point is that the Washington Post (who just “happened” to release this story to the day of Obama coming out for gay marriage — such a coincidence) doesn’t do the same investigation into Barry’s background! (NewsBusters asks, and rightly so, If “The WashPost Report a 5,000-Word Expose on Obama’s Cocaine Use In the Last Cycle?” They answer: Of Course Not!) Badger Pundit does a great job in piecing together the event — in Obama’s own words — and his “anti-bullying” appearance:

as many as 100,000 women in the UK may have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) procedures (either you protect life and liberty, or you don`t)

From the Blaze:

(From article) Britain’s Sunday Times is reporting that as many as 100,000 women in the UK may have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) procedures– with some medics allegedly offering to carry out the brutal surgery on girls as young as 10….


(Commentary by me) Here you have a clash of special rights with those on the left. “Do I defend Islam against the Islamaphobia of the right? Or, defend women’s rights?” If they defend the latter then they are going against an “ICON” of the left, cultural relativism, a weapon they wield well:

Also See:

It is like now people are getting gender abortions in Britain (and here, as around the world) only because they do not want a female gendered baby but a male. So here again is a clash of “special rights” instead of equality under the law. Or like this possibility:

☮ “If homosexuality is really genetic, we may soon be able to tell if a fetus is predisposed to homosexuality, in which case many parents might choose to abort it. Will gay rights activists continue to support abortion rights if this occurs?” (Dale A. Berryhill, The Assault: Liberalism’s Attack on Religion, Freedom, and Democracy)

It is all machinations of the Left trying to have their cake AND eat it too.

Here is a video from a recent article in the Guardian (some graphic scenes, warning):

Special Rights Not Equal Rights ~ Gender and Orientation Abortions (Egalitarian Homicide)

Gender/Orientation Abortions

If homosexuality is really genetic, we may soon be able to tell if a fetus is predisposed to homosexuality, in which case many parents might choose to abort it. Will gay rights activists continue to support abortion rights if this occurs?

Dale A. Berryhill, The Assault: Liberalism’s Attack on Religion, Freedom, and Democracy


From the video description:

The Christian Institute reveals through undercover camera how women can receive abortions — even if the primary reason is that the baby is a girl instead of a boy.

(h/t thechristianinstitute)

Full videos here.

 I wish to note Christians would fight the most to protect people from “gender/orientation” abortions because we have a worldview that denotes person-hood to all (See: The Declaration). When you start to have special rights afforded to classes of people, then equality under the law is lost. Dennis Prager says it well…

…The left envisions an egalitarian society. The right does not. The left values equality above other values because it yearns for an America in which all people have similar amounts of material possessions. This is what propels the left to advocate laws that would force employers to pay women the same wages they pay men not only for the same job but for “comparable” jobs (as if that is objectively ascertainable). The right values equality in opportunity and strongly believes that all people are created equal, but the right values liberty, a man-woman based family and other values above equality.

The left wants a world — and therefore an America — devoid of nuclear weapons. The right wants America to have the best nuclear weapons. The right trusts American might more than universal disarmament.

The left wants to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples for the first time in history. The right wants gays to have equal rights, but to keep marriage defined as man-woman. This, too, constitutes an irreconcilable divide.

For these and other reasons, calls for a unity among Americans that transcends left and right are either naive or disingenuous. America will be united only when one of them prevails over the other. The left knows this. Most on the right do not….

…Read More…

“I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus, but it is the woman’s body, and therefore ultimately her choice.” ~ Faye Wattleton, past President of Planned Parenthood

THE 3% LIE of Planned Parenthood, plus: 13 year-old girls (UK) given contraceptive without their parents knowing!

“I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus, but it is the woman’s body, and therefore ultimately her choice.” ~ Faye Wattleton, past President of Planned Parenthood

Via Gateway Pundit:

The Telegraph reported:

Girls as young as 13 have been fitted with contraceptive implants at school without their parents knowing.

The procedure was carried out in Southampton, Hants, as part of a government initiative to drive down teenage pregnancies.

As many as nine secondary schools in the city are thought to have been involved.

But it has caused a backlash from parents who weren’t aware that their daughters had been fitted with the 4cm device, which sits under the skin.

It is currently unknown exactly how many youngsters have taken part in the scheme.

This next portion comes from a debate I am having [had] on FaceBook, in which I pointed out the very false idea that PPH offers only 3% abortive procedures to women out of their entire health services. Planned Parent ‘Hood’ would like you to believe this:

But in reality they are doing this:

Underneath this veil of media and show-business gossamer is an organization that, contrary to the impression it works hard to create, focuses obsessively on abortion, providing ever more abortions every year, reaching out to an ever-younger clientele. The 3 percent pie slice in the 2005-06 financial report, representing 264,943 abortion customers served, can only be described as deliberately misleading.

One way Planned Parenthood massages the numbers to make its abortion business look trivial is to unbundle its services for purposes of counting. Those 10.1 million different medical procedures in the last fiscal year, for instance, were administered to only 3 million clients. An abortion is invariably preceded by a pregnancy test–a separate service in Planned Parenthood’s reckoning–and is almost always followed at the organization’s clinics by a “going home” packet of contraceptives, which counts as another separate service. Throw in a pelvic exam and a lab test for STDs–you get the picture. In terms of absolute numbers of clients, one in three visited Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test, and of those, a little under one in three had a Planned Parenthood abortion.

For those reasons, I think this graphic, taken from Planned Parenthood’s data, better illustrates Planned Parenthood’s activities:

This is how PPHF “cooks the book” if you will (like Enron) in order to look more legit. Take note that a third to [some say] just over half of their income is made from abortions alone. It is a big business… killing infants.