We’ve had four terrorist attacks in less than a year, two of which succeeded in killing people and another two which only failed because of the incompetence of the terrorist. Iran is a year or less away from getting a nuclear weapon. Turkey is rapidly sliding towards Islamism. North Korea is doing their best to restart the Korean War. And what does Barbara Boxer think is the greatest national-security threat facing us in the next generation? Carbon dioxide.
Author: Papa Giorgio

Leaked Treasury Docs Reveal Health-Care Grab
NEWSBUSTERS has an excellent article on what the press ignored and what economists and other pundits and personalities said would happen. Businesses will drop their health coverage automatically or by coercion. (See the PDF at CATO INSTITUTE)
Earlier this year, in his “Can we lose health coverage? Yes we can” column, syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock made a point asserted in dozens if not hundreds of columns and reports during the hide-and-seek legistlative process that ultimately led to the passage of what is commonly known as ObamaCare: The President’s core promise relating to the statist health care legislation that ultimately became law in March — namely that “If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what” — could not and would not be kept.In that column, Murdock quoted Cato Institute analyst Michael Cannon as follows:
“Obama’s definition of ‘meaningful’ coverage could eliminate the health plans that now cover as many as half of the 159 million Americans with employer-sponsored insurance, plus more than half of the roughly 18 million Americans in the individual market. … This could compel close to 90 million Americans to switch to more comprehensive health plans with higher premiums, whether they value the added coverage or not.”
Internal administration documents reveal that up to 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage because of ObamaCare.
Small firms will be even likelier to lose existing plans.
The “midrange estimate is that 66% of small employer plans and 45% of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfathered status by the end of 2013,” according to the document.
In the worst-case scenario, 69% of employers — 80% of smaller firms — would lose that status, exposing them to far more provisions under the new health law.
…. The 83-page document, a joint project of the departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the IRS, examines the effects that ObamaCare’s regulations would have on existing, or “grandfathered,” employer-based health care plans.
Draft copies of the document were reportedly leaked to House Republicans during the week and began circulating Friday morning. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., posted it on his Web site Friday afternoon.
… In a statement, Posey said the document showed that the arguments in favor of ObamaCare were a “bait and switch.”
… (A White House) source conceded: “It is difficult to predict how plans and employers will behave in the coming years, but if plans make changes that negatively impact consumers, then they will lose their grandfather status.”
… In total, 66% of small businesses and 47% of large businesses made a change in their health care plans last year that would have forfeited their grandfathered status.
….The Associated Press has noticed the story too, but with the weakest of headlines: “Health overhaul to force changes in employer plans.” The content isn’t much better. Earth to AP reporter Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar: ObamaCare, as predicted by so many during the previous year by experts most of the establishment press willfully ignored, will cause many employers to drop their insurance entirely.
…(read more)…

USC Student Talks About Alvin Greene Obscenity Charge
USC Student Talks About Alvin Greene Obscenity Charge

Democrat Senate Candidate Alvin Greene Montage
a TPMtv original

Kenyon “Blood Sucking Cult” Gave Birth To Philip Onyancha
The case of Philip Onyancha, Kenya’s infamous serial killer who planned to murder 100 women and children.
RUIRU, Kenya, Jun 10 – The teacher who allegedly recruited Kenyan serial killer Philip Onyancha into what he calls a “blood sucking cult” has now gone into hiding. From RELIGION NEWS BLOG:
The Kiswahili teacher [name withheld] at Gatamaiyu Secondary School in Ruiru did not show up to school on Thursday, according to the headmaster Mr J.Gichohi.
“She was here yesterday [Wednesday] but I have not seen her today; we are equally worried because she did not seek permission to be absent,” Mr Gichohi said.
Mr Gichohi said he knew little about the teacher as she had only been posted there one and a half months ago from Matopeni Secondary School in Ruiru.
“She was moved here recently; she is new and she had no other responsibility here apart from teaching Kiswahili,” the head teacher said.
A manhunt for the teacher was launched on Wednesday after Mr Onyancha – who has confessed to killing 19 people – alleged that she recruited him into the cult while he was a student at the Kenyatta High School, in Othaya Nyeri.
“My class teacher recruited me into a cult when I was in school but it took long to take effect; the spirits started working in me when I started working in Nairobi,” Mr Onyancha who hails from Etange village of South Mugirango said.
Since Sunday, Mr Onyancha has been taking the police to various scenes where bodies and other personal effects of people he confessed to have killed were recovered.
“My target was 100 people… once I achieved that I would have been very rich. It is that power of conviction in me, and that is what my initiator told me but all that is now gone because I have confessed,” he added.
During police interrogation and interviews with journalists, the suspect said he planned to accomplish his mission in a span of five years and was mainly targeting women and children under 10 because they are weak.
He was arrested last week after he was tracked down through his mobile phone which he had used to demand ransom from the family of a nine-year-old boy he had killed in Nairobi.

How The Media Skewed The Gaza Flotilla Event (Shraga Simmons)
Live report from Ashdod examining how the media skewed the Gaza Flotilla event to portray Israel as the aggressors. Shraga Simmons is author of “David & Goliath,” the explosive inside story of media bias in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Alvin Greene: South Carolina’s Democratic Conundrum
(See the GUARDIAN for more on this) As one commentator said at the Washington Examiner:
- So much for only the Republicans are stupid, neanderthal, uneducated drones mantra, definitely the Democrats that voted didn’t bother to research the politicians. “I am Democrat and I vote Democrat….first one on the list check it off.. ” LOL.. this is truly amazing.
South Carolina “mystery man” Alvin Greene speaks
The Big Picture talks with U.S. Senate Democratic candidate, Alvin Greene.
Chris Stirewalt analyzes the candidacy of Alvin Greene in South Carolina for the Fox News Channel and the recent felony charges leveled against him after being charged for showing a co-ed lewd photos.
I have yet to figure it out. This dude is just plain unexplainable. I edited this. It aired on WBTV. This is Tom Roussey Reporting.
Alvin Greene Interview with CNN Must See! 6-12-2010! “Ok this interview was totally bizarre and is a must see for any South Carolinian.”
Mark Levin interviews Alvin Greene – Monday June 14th.

Bottom Line Of Evolutionary Naturalism ~ Just Give Me the Raw Facts

Arnold Schwarzenegger (160 Greatest Quotes)

JPL Censors Speech, ADF Helps David Coppedge Draw a Line
I enjoy speaking with Mr. Coppedge on rare occasions when there are events in town about ID or creation. I have always enjoyed his company and conversation when the opportunity is afforded. For him to be anything but gracious in conversation is a tough stretch for me. So his drawing a line in the sand is wonderful and may change the culture at JPL closer to the one thought of in the founding documents of our nation than the culture practiced by [dialectical] Materialism found in the old Soviet Union, e.g., scientism. What Dr. Richard Lewontin, geneticist and past professor of biology at Harvard University, admitted was a metaphysical position, or, an a priori belief that interprets the evidence instead of allowing evidence to drive the interpretation:
…the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories; because we have a priori commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.
Here is a recent article on the Coppedge flap:
Demoted Employee for NASA Mission Fights Discrimination
An amended complaint was filed Monday in a lawsuit against a NASA laboratory in California on behalf of an employee who was demoted for discussing his beliefs about intelligent design.
Since his demotion last year, David Coppedge, who had served as a “team lead” technical specialist on Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Cassini mission to Saturn, has been “stigmatized in such a way that career advancement opportunities have been foreclosed to him,” the complaint reads.
Last March, Coppedge was accused of “pushing religion” on his co-workers after he began engaging colleagues in conversations about intelligent design – a theory that life and the existence of the universe derive not from undirected material processes but from an intelligent cause – and offering DVDs on the subject when the co-worker expressed interest.
His supervisor, Gregory Chin, allegedly received complaints from employees and threatened the long-time employee with termination if he persisted with his intelligent design discussions.
Coppedge said he would comply with the orders not to discuss the theory, politics or religion in the office but felt his constitutional rights were violated.
He later received a “written warning” which stated that his actions were harassing in nature and created a disruption in the workplace. Thereafter, he was removed from the team lead position in order to “lessen the strife” in the work area. His demotion was announced on a memo that was distributed on April 20, 2009.
According to the amended complaint, Coppedge said he was never told by a co-worker that his discussion of intelligent design was unwelcome or disruptive to their work. He was offered no specific details of the charges allegedly made by other co-workers.
Since the incident, Coppedge continues to suffer embarrassment, emotional distress, humiliation, indignity, apprehension, fear, ordeal and mental anguish, the complaint states. Specifically, he has remained constrained in his ability to express his personal views and has been “kept a prisoner of JPL’s systemic ideological culture.” The JPL employee also “endures each working day under a cloud of suspicion and a threat of termination lest he say anything by which someone might take offense.”
Coppedge’s attorney, William J. Becker, Jr., who is part of the Alliance Defense Fund, argues, “Discussing the origins of the universe with willing co-workers is not punishable just because it doesn’t fit a prevailing view at JPL.”
Becker further contends in the amended complaint that Coppedge suffered injustice and was deprived of his constitutional right to freely speak, write and publish his sentiments.
The written warning against Coppedge that was issued last April was expunged from his personnel file this year after his supervisors and manager revisited the matter. But he was not restored to the team lead position because the company continued to believe that his conduct in distributing the DVDs and advancing his views on intelligent design was inappropriate.
ADF Senior Counsel Joseph Infranco commented, “Mr. Coppedge has always maintained that ID is a scientific theory. Regardless, JPL has discriminated against him on the basis of what they deem is ‘religion.’ The only discussion allowed is what fits the agenda. Stray, and you are silenced and punished. It just doesn’t fit with JPL’s otherwise fine reputation in the industry.”

Jennifer Aniston In Heineken Commercial

Alan Grayson Wishes To Lock Up Dissenters
Media’ITE captured this story in a post entitled: “Alan Grayson Wants Michael Steele To Go To Jail For Causing The Gulf Oil Spill” (Jun 4th, 2010: ).
Here Dennis Prager plays audio from the Stephanie Miller Show where Alan Grayson discusses their bias against views that differ with them.
My Vimeo account was terminated; this is a recovered audio from it.
(Some will be many years old, as is the case with this audio.)