Author: Papa Giorgio
spooky halloween sounds
Does Liberalism Cause Amnesia? MSNBC’s Norah O’Donnell says Michelle Obama never said that she had not been proud of her country
Thankfully a light rail is here to save detroit! (Yeah Right)
Too Funny! Harry Reid is a dope
HotAir has a story, and its title is “Reid accuses Angle of lying about ‘War is lost’ statement.” HotAir goes on to say,
He’s not shy about it, either, as Aurelius discovers on Reid’s Twitter and Facebook accounts, as well as Reid’s “fact check” website. Too bad Harry Reid hasn’t got a clue about YouTube. While he claims that Angle referenced a remark made on March 3, 2007 about having to reach a political solution to the war in Iraq and not just a military solution, he seems to have missed the video that clearly shows Reid claiming that the war is, well …
Coolest Fountain EVA! (Plus: Fake Pool)
Recycling King (with a dash of kook)
Viral Video h/t:
Smart Political Ad by Democrat Jim Marshall
Obama Shovels Something Brown In Order to get Stimulus passed (Plus: Krauthammer-No Shoveling at Harvard Law School)
Joy Behar Exemplifies Hate-Speech
Pages 448-452 of Christian Theology by Millard Erickson On Creation and Evil/the Fall
Proud Obama Criminals from actual police photos
From the email I received from a reader (Tommy Boy):
Just think about this for a second:
Did you ever see anyone arrested wearing a Bush T-shirt, or for you older guys, an Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, or even Nixon, or Bob Dole shirt. There MUST be a message here, but I can’t quite grasp it.