Fossil Flatulence ~ Exciting the AGW Crowd with Scientism and Fuzzy Math

Another culprit in the many theories of how the dinosaurs died has entered the arena, flatulence. I have two technical books arguing that global warming was the cause, and another says global cooling was the cause. Here again, politics is playing a part in this idea of dinosaur extinction. In fact, What’s Up With That says that “something smells alright – the stench of extrapolation is overpowering.”  Some of these fuzzy ideas are pointed out by Creation Today:

Like huge cows, the mighty sauropods would have generated enormous quantities of methane (emphasis added to indicate fuzzy words).

A simple mathematical model suggests that the microbes living in sauropod dinosaurs may have produced enough methane to have an important effect on the Mesozoic climate.

A Mesozoic methane mixing ratio of six to eight ppm seems very plausible.

CT continues:

The overwhelming majority of the article contains such examples of fuzzy words. Two additional sentences in the article give assumptions which are unprovable.

Medium-sized sauropods weighed about 20 tonnes and lived in herds of up to a few tens of individuals per square kilometre.

This quote suggests a degree of knowledge about the behavior of sauropods. How can it possibly be known whether or not the sauropods lived in herds, or how big or dense those herds were?

Gateway Pundit includes the Telegraph’s inclusion of the math formula:

“A simple mathematical model suggests that the microbes living in sauropod dinosaurs may have produced enough methane to have an important effect on the Mesozoic climate,” said study leader Dr Dave Wilkinson, from Liverpool John Moores University. Indeed, our calculations suggest that these dinosaurs could have produced more methane than all modern sources – both natural and man-made – put together.”

This is why the Global Warming crowd loves this stuff — it includes scientism and fuzzy math, and historical revisionism created ad-hoc, all based on the theory — not the evidence.

Mitt Romney vs Obama`s Past ~ Clipping Hair vs. Infanticide (UPDATED: Anti-Bully, Bully ~ Selective Media Outrage)

A Must Read! From Gateway Pundit:

The Washington Post, a liberal rag that never investigated anything on the radical communist-mentored youth of Barack Obama, published a story today on Mitt Romney’s high school days. Apparently, Mitt picked on a kid once. It was a horrific crime. The Washington Post reported:


The absolute horror! Ace of Spades offers analysis.

Meanwhile, In September 2008 abortion survivor Gianna Jessen joined Born Alive Truth in an illuminating ad that attacked Barack Obama for voting to snuff the life out of newborn survivors of abortion:

(See Gianna’s interview here) Barack Obama voted 4 times to support infanticide. Boy, that Mitt Romney sure is a horrible person, huh?

Gateway Pundit goes on to point out that In His Own Words… Obama Admits to Smoking Pot, Drinking Beer, Doing Drugs… And Bullying Fat Nerdy Black Girl in High School (Video):

Not only that, but it appears Obama shoved girls in school. While it is innocent playground antics, the point is that the Washington Post (who just “happened” to release this story to the day of Obama coming out for gay marriage — such a coincidence) doesn’t do the same investigation into Barry’s background! (NewsBusters asks, and rightly so, If “The WashPost Report a 5,000-Word Expose on Obama’s Cocaine Use In the Last Cycle?” They answer: Of Course Not!) Badger Pundit does a great job in piecing together the event — in Obama’s own words — and his “anti-bullying” appearance:

A Sliding Scale of Concern and Money Making/Legislating Opportunities! How To Check Your Health

When you walk through a grocery store and gaze upon all the damning headlines of America and American’s, obesity is one to critique a bit:

BMI does not take into account age, gender, or muscle mass. Nor does it distinguish between lean body mass and fat mass. As a result, some people, such as heavily muscled athletes, may have a high BMI even though they don’t have a high percentage of body fat. In others, such as elderly people, BMI may appear normal even though muscle has been lost with aging.  Take for example, basketball player Michael Jordan: ”When he was in his prime, his BMI was 27-29, classifying him as overweight, yet his waist size was less than 30,” says Michael Roizen, MD.

See “How Accurate Is Body Mass Index, or BMI?

And again:

The primary reason why over 60% of Americans are “overweight” has nothing to do with fast food, cars, or television; it is not because Americans are eating too much and exercising too little; nor is it because of any “fat” gene within us; nor is it because of any clear evidence linking body weight to health. The reason why a majority of Americans are overweight is because a handful of scientists and government health officials, many with significant ties to drug companies, have arbitrarily designated “overweight” and “obese” at very low levels. These thresholds have little to do with any scientific evidence about weight and health and a lot to do with the pecuniary interests of academic researchers, government agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry. [According to the Body Mass Index — BMI] George W. Bush or Michael Jordan [in his prime] are “overweight” or Arnold Schwarzenegger is “obese,” (which they are according to our current standards), it is not because of their poor fitness or their precarious health. It is because the very people who are defining these terms stand to gain by setting a very low threshold for determining what overweight and obese should be.

See the article entitled, “The Curious Politics of Defining People by Their Weight

93% of Muslims Voted for French Socialist President

Via Libertarian Republican:

Confirmed! 93% of Muslim voters, voted for Socialist Hollande

(Translation [by Eric Dondero]):

93% of Muslims have voted for Francois Holland A study released by the Institute for Surveys OpinionWay for the second round of elections finds a massive coalition of Muslims for the Socialist Party. It shows a rejection of Sarkozy-ism, but not all the parts of the values of the right, notably on the societal questions on homosexuality. The Muslims called for change, and they received it. According to a study of the electoral body by OpinionWay and Fidicuial for May 6 by Le Figaro, from 10,000 voters, 93% of the believers had slipped a Francois Hollande ballot in their envelopes. Only 7% of them voted for Nicolas Sarkozy.

We have been shouting at the top of our lungs for years here at Libertarian Republican about the growing alliance of socialists and Islamists. And now we have solid data from this French election. Islam does not, nor has it ever, been favorable to capitalism.

…read more…

(Islamic flags were out in full display)

Walid Shoebat asks some pertenant questions:

Wasn’t Hitler a socialist? After all, “Nazi” = National Socialist Party.

Didn’t Hitler control France for a time?

Didn’t the Muslims align with Hitler during WWII?

Jake Tapper Grills White House on `Cynical` Gay Marriage Dodge, ABC Ignores

From the video description:

ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper on Monday grilled the White House press secretary over Barack Obama’s position on gay marriage and whether he will change his stance after the 2012 election. Tapper dismissed the President’s 17 month “evolution” on the topic as “cynical.” Yet, the ABC network skipped any coverage of his questions.

`I am afraid in the next 5 years we will see a war between Egypt and Israel` ~ Yoni


With statements like the following, this is not a tough guess/call:

Bill O’Reilly Explaining the Media’s Bias IN Regards to Race, Class, and Gender (the left’s `trinity`)

Via NewsBusters:

As the program began, O’Reilly said, “Shortly after 11PM on April 14, 26-year-old Marjon Rostami and 31-year-old David Forster were coming home from the theater when someone threw a rock at their vehicle.”

The pair worked for the local paper the Virginian-Pilot.

Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower only to be set upon by approximately five African-Americans who beat him.

Rostami got out of the car to help her boyfriend leading her to be attacked as the car was surrounded by a crowd of about 30 people.

She ended up calling 911, and the police filed a report describing the assault as a suspected hate/bias crime arresting a sixteen-year-old. That has since been changed; police are no longer claiming it was a hate/bias crime.

However, Fox News’s Jesse Waters interviewed a witness to the event who verified Rostami and Forster’s account claiming that he felt this was a racial episode tied to the Trayvon Martin incident in Florida.

…Read More…