One of the best stories I have heard in a while

BigPeace has this awesome story! Bin Laden Shot With A “Pork Fat Coated” Bullet:

Was Osama bin Laden shot with a bullet soaked in pork fat, denying him a place in paradise?

Yes, if one rather shady website, that peddles gun oil containing liquefied pig fat, is to be believed.

The makers of Silver Bullet Gun Oil claim it contains 13 per cent USDA liquefied pig fat thus making the product ‘a highly effective counter-Islamic terrorist force multiplier.’

The apparent owner of the gun oil site, who goes by the name ‘The Midnight Rider,’ explains how the pig fat will transfer onto anything the bullet strikes.

This ‘effectively denies entry to Allah’s paradise to an Islamo-fascist terrorist,’ Rider adds.

The oil, which costs $8.95 for 4oz, apparently puts the ‘fear of death into them (terrorists)’.

The full story is here.

Welcome to Los Angeles

(Brought to my attention by a reader, Tommy Boy.) I think this first picture (above) is a great contrast between what most would consider two extreme positions. On the right — can you see the irony? — a “revolutionary” socialist/Marxist. On the left a Bible thumper who is holding a cross intimating salvation either before Christ’s Second Coming or before one dies [or you will be forever damned]. The difference is that the Bible thumper wants stability and economic justice (as the Constitution provides). She would believe that her actions can neither speed up or slow Christ’s coming. She would also believe that nothing but a free choice would be involved in the accepting or rejecting the gift of salvation by said sinner. The “revolutionary” believes that those who do not want this change should be forced to make up their mind. Read here Pol-Pot, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and the myriad of revolutionaries in the 20th century. In other words, any person — believer or skeptic — would want that Bible thumper verses what you see below. (All pictures enlargeable upon clicking):

Unions and Communists March Side By Side at May Day Rally – Los Angeles, Ca 5/1/2011


Socialists/Leftists Helping Islamo-Nazis

The below can also be found here:

The below excellent chapter from MELANIE PHILIPPS, book: “THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN: THE GLOBAL BATTLE OVER GOD, TRUTH, AND POWER.”  My edits to this previous post included making each page scan equal in width, normalized in color, and removed most of my handwritten notes/annotations. (An interesting investigative interview/documentary about my home state is here: Exposé – Abdul El-Sayed – Marxist Jihad in Michigan) – added this year [2021])