Republicans Happier Than Democrats ~ O.W.S. Proves the Point

“…I feel that they are lacking in strength and courage to move themselves forward.”

Dennis talks Arthur Brooks, professor of public administration at Syracuse University, Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth about Compassionate Conservatism. (Originally broadcast December 28, 2006)

From the hard work already done over at RIGHT WING SPARKLE (with fixed links), she moved her blog to here:

The Pew Research Center did several surveys to determine who was happy. Not surprisingly Republicans were happier than Democrats or Independents. 45% to 30% to 29%. In addition, Republicans have been happier every year since the General Social Survey began taking its measurements in 1972. Also, People who attend religious services weekly or more are happier as well.

Drawing on extensive attitude surveys, Schweizer’s “Makers and Takers: Why Conservatives Work Harder, Feel Happier, Have Closer Families, Take Fewer Drugs, Give More Generously, Value Honesty More, Are Less Materialistic and Envious, Whine Less . . . and Even Hug Their Children More Than Liberals,” which comes out this week, says liberals are much more likely than conservatives to think about themselves first and are less willing to make sacrifices for others.

Some 71 percent of conservatives say they have an obligation to care for a seriously injured spouse or parent, compared with 46 percent for liberals. Asked if they would endure all things for the one they love, 55 percent of conservatives say yes, compared with 26 percent of liberals.

Equally revealing, liberals are far more likely to say they are depressed and to view the world bleakly. Schweizer attributes that to an attitude that they and those around them are victims and helpless unless the government intervenes.

Well, that explains a lot, doesn’t’ it?

Republicans have more children as well:

Of the ten states with the highest fertility in the U.S., eight of them voted for Bush in 2000. Of the bottom ten states in fertility, eight went for Gore. More importantly, of the states Bush won, his margin of victory was generally much higher in high-birth rate states than lower ones. As for Gore’s states — the lower the birth rates the higher the margin of victory.

A BYU study also shows that conservatives are more likely than liberals to read opposing points of view.

Conservatives also give much more to the poor and charity and donate more of their time than liberals. You can look at some specific well know politicians for examples here.

And last, but certainly not least, Republicans have a better sex life than Democrats.

So let’s summarize. Republicans are happier, give more to the poor, have more children, and have a better sex life.

This explains a lot of the comments I have to delete. Unhappiness brings much bitterness.

I find it amazing that the picture of Republicans that Hollywood and the media try to portray is actually the opposite of reality.

I say to Democrats reading this, all is not lost. The wonderful thing about this country is that we are free to admit when we are wrong and turn things around. It can happen to you.

Come join the party. The HAPPY party….;-)

Newspapers in Iran celebrating the anti-Semitic `O.W.S.` (Occupy Wall Street) Movement

From Gateway Pundit:

The Iranian regime is celebrating the anti-Semitism at the Obama-endorsed Occupy Wall Street protests that have spread across the nation. Fars News reported:

Occupy Wall Street protesters condemned the Zionist lobbies and communities living in the US as well as the Zionist regime of Israel for the economic inequality and crisis in the United States, saying that their country is falling apart for the sake of Israel.

Despite tight censorship by the western media, intense anti-Israel and anti-Zionist tendencies are reported from Occupy Wall Street protest demonstrations against the US administration’s cruel economic, financial and political policies and practice.

Among the signs that could be seen in the protest were, “Gaza supports the occupation of Wall Street”, “Hitler’s Bankers” and a sign urging people to Google the following: Wall St. Jews, Jewish billionaires, Jews & Federal Reserve Bank.

In addition, anti-Israel signs were raised against “Israel’s occupation of Gaza”.

Another protestor said that “a small ethnic group constitutes almost all of the hedge fund managers and bankers on Wall Street. They are all Jewish. There is a conspiracy in this country where Jews control the media, finances. They have pooled their money together in order to take control of America.”

Zionist organizations and communities, including the “Emergency Committee for Israel”, released videos showing that Zionist Jews being blamed and condemned for the US financial crisis and assistance to Israel.

In the video, a young demonstrator is seen arguing with an older Jewish man wearing a yarmulke. At one point, the young man says, “I work, earn seven dollars an hour. You have the money. You don’t speak English? You are from Israel? Go back to Israel.”

Another African-American protester condemns the Zionists for taking over America. “The smallest group in America controls the money, media and all other things. The fingerprints belong to the Jewish bankers who control Wall Street. I am against Jews who rob America. They are one percent who control America. President Obama is a Jewish puppet. The entire economy is Jewish. Every federal judge in the East Coast is Jewish.”

Another placard read “Zionists control Wall Street”. Video cameras also captured a man’s hateful tirade against a Zionist visitor to Zuccotti Park, site of the New York protest.

The man also carried a sign denouncing “Jewish bankers” and called President Barack Obama a “Jewish puppet.”

Similar incidents have been reported at economic protests in Los Angeles.

What Do MSNBC and the NYT`s (and more), Obama, the Nazi Party of the USA, the New Black Panther`s, and the Communist Party of the USA Have In Common?

They Support the Occupy Movement!

The Nazi Party came out in support of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement mainly because they know it is anti-Semitic, as well as the New Black Panther Party. Many media “acolytes” support the movement (for instance: the NYT, MSNBC hosts [Ratigan, Sharpton, etc], and the like)… even Obama once again came out in support of the movement, again. Some say this is an odd combination, I beg to differ (link in graphic above). Celebrities are also taking sides with this radicalized movement in supporting cop-killers and occupy’ers.

Even the “anarchists” involved do not know what the “F” they are talking about! For instance, Prager commented on this mix-up a while back:

`Machine Gun Preacher` Refutes Liberal Narrative

Big Peace has this wonderful post about a narrative that will raise its head at the water-cooler soon, here is a response to the liberal Democrat narrative.

Joseph Kony, the monstrous leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda, a group possibly more despicable than Hitler’s nazis, has apparently been targeted by the Obama administration. News broke on October 14th that 100 US troops were being sent to track Kony down. The meme that is being floated in the liberal media is that Kony is a radical Christian protestant. Obama’s apparatchiks might attempt to advance that meme as much as possible for political advantage against the Christian right.

There’s a small problem with it. It’s a lie.

Late last month, a movie – Machine Gun Preacher – was released about a man named Sam Childers, whose character is played by Hollywood A-lister Gerard Butler. Childers, a former heroin addict and bad guy himself, converted to Christianity; he was inspired to help the children of southern Sudan and northern Uganda after hearing a guest speaker at his church.

[…] See Trailer to the Movie […]

In 2007, I had the opportuntiy to interview Childers on my radio show. The subject of Kony came up multiple times. Here is a portion of what Childers told me:

“Our area is almost all Christian people and the LRA is financed by the Arabs of the north… so the Arabs are the Muslims so it’s basically a holy war inside of our area. This man (Kony) is just out to kill every Christian he can kill in south Sudan and also in Northern Uganda… He’s being financed… it’s been proved for many, many years that the Arabs of the northern Sudan ok, which is Muslims, they have been financing this man for many, many years.”

Kony is a very, very bad guy who needs to go. That point is granted. What cannot and should not be allowed to happen is the politization of his motives to push a narrative that says he is a Christian. The truth is that he is an insane madman whose evil is sanctioned by northern Sudan’s Arab Muslims. Childers went on to explain that Kony claims to have added an eleventh Commandment to the Judeo-Christian ten. It says, “Thou shalt not ride a bicycle.” Childers also said Kony reportedly had “160 some spirits that speak to him.” These are NOT Christian tenets, nor is killing children. Islamists, however, do believe in killing non-Muslim children; Kony does that for them while being paid to do so.

In some respects, this comes back to the Islamic problem the west simply refuses to identify. Kony is evil, for sure, but Childers indicated to me in 2007 that the root of the problem is Arab Muslim money:

“The north gives truckloads after truckloads of guns and ammunition and money and food so if somebody’s not financing a war, no, I don’t believe it would be going on.”

The reality is that if Kony isn’t a Muslim, he’s certainly doing the will of the Arab Islamists while taking their money to do it. If he is removed, Islamist money will find a new proxy.

The Arab Spring meme has been serving Islamists well for months now. The Muslim Brotherhood waits in the wings for dictators to fall in places like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria; it then fills the vacuum left behind after the Obama administration either runs interference or does its dirty work.

The situation in Uganda is similar in some ways with the potential for an added twist. Look for western media to paint the picture of a radical Christian named Joseph Kony who is slaughtering children in the name of Christianity so it can convey moral equivalency between religions. If it is successful, know that the Obama adminstration will have approved such a portrayal.

Meanwhile, the Arabic Islamists will hide behind the Joseph-Kony-is-a-Christian narrative just like they are hiding behind the Arab Spring moniker.

…(read more)…

Pinko-Commies Marching in Downtown Chicago

Gateway Pundit has this post that should make more people vote Republican in 2012:

This is frightening.
THOUSANDS of Obama-endorsed “Occupy Chicago” protesters cheer open communists at their rally last night in downtown Chicago. Later on 175 of the Obama-endorsed protesters were arrested for trespassing.

Rebel Pundit has video and more on the Communist leader speaking last night at the rally.

Also see what happens when crazy — drunken — libs get together to occupy St. Loiuse.