Borde-Guth-Vilenkin Theorem Discussed:
Technical Presentation by Vilenkin Himself:
More on the BGV Theorum:
Borde-Guth-Vilenkin Theorem Discussed:
Technical Presentation by Vilenkin Himself:
More on the BGV Theorum:
This debate on “Does God Exist?” took place in front of a capacity audience at the University of Manchester (including an overspill room). It was recorded on Wednesday 26th October 2011 as part of the UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig.
William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, California and a leading philosopher of religion. Peter Atkins is former Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Lincoln College.
The debate was chaired by Christopher Whitehead, Head of Chemistry School at the University. Post-debate discussion was moderated by Peter S Williams, Philosopher in Residence at the Damaris Trust, UK.
Another quote:
From an old post… continuing some of the ideas above:
Dr. William Lane Craig gives a message on the topic of failure. The type of failure Dr. Craig speaks on is NOT on moral or spiritual failure but professional defeat. Dr. Craig gives his own personal stories of a past failure he experienced in life. This message was delivered from Johnson Ferry Baptist. – This debate on “Does God Exist?” took place in front of a capacity audience at the Great Hall, University of Birmingham. It was recorded on Friday 21st October 2011 as part of the UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig.
William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, California and a leading philosopher of religion. Peter Millican is Gilbert Ryle Professor of Philosophy at Hertford College, University of Oxford and a noted scholar in studies of Hume.
The debate was hosted by the University of Birmingham Student Philosophy Society, and the debate was moderated by Professor Carl Chinn.
For more information on the Reasonable Faith Tour see
Common Misunderstanding Corrected
Full Interview
Another Interview
True Free Thinker’s Multi-Verse Presentation.
Thanks to Debunking Atheists for the Link!