If you have never watched CLINTON CASH (the Documentary), it’s never too late.

Manafort May Be Jail-Bound?
THE HILL notes this about Paul Manfort’s possible involvement…
…Investigators were reportedly concerned that the intelligence included communications that Manafort may have encouraged the Russians to help influence the 2016 election, though two unnamed sources familiar with the matter cautioned that the evidence is not conclusive.
Manafort has emerged as a key figure in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.
Mueller’s team has taken a series of aggressive actions against Manafort in recent months. In July, for example, the FBI conducted an early-morning raid of Manafort’s Alexandria, Va., home. Mueller has also subpoenaed the former campaign chairman’s personal spokesman and former attorney…
Manafort is tied to Clinton comrades (APRIL 13th!!!)…. and CLINTON CASH makes it clear the connections of Russia and Hillary are damning. Manafort may be in trouble! Mark Levin said he may go to jail as well. If you are friends with Clinton friends… trouble soon follows.

Someone In CIA “Running An Operation” Against Trump | Stephen Cohen
TYT Politics Reporter Michael Tracey (Twitter) sits down with NYU & Princeton Professor, Stephen F. Cohen, to discuss the establishments’ response to the Russia investigation. In this clip, they discuss the “New Cold War.”
Maybe they are Dem loyalists like Jill Stein thinks:

Chris Cuomo: Oppo Research From Russia, Bad | Ukraine, Good
NTK has the story:
Jay Sekulow, a member of President Trump’s legal team, pointed out on CNN’s “New Day” Wednesday that Democratic National Committee (DNC) operatives had coordinated with the Ukrainian government to dig up opposition research on the Trump campaign.
“The Ukrainian government was giving information to the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s people on who? Donald Trump,” Sekulow said in a discussion about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. “So we’re acting like this doesn’t happen, but it does.”
“Ukraine is not Russia,” CNN’s Chris Cuomo replied, implying it was all right for one campaign to get “opposition research” from a foreign power, but not the other.
Sekulow pushed back on Cuomo’s reasoning, saying “That’s not the law.”……
GATEWAY PUNDIT has a good recap of the Ukraine story:
As TGP previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s aides met with Ukrainian government officials and journalists specifically to dig up dirt on team Trump. The information gathered was then sent to the DNC and Hillary’s camp.
The media sycophants are however, silent over Hillary Clinton’s antics during the presidential election which makes Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting pale in comparison.
Politico reported back in January of 2017:
But Andrii Telizhenko, who worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy under Shulyar, said she instructed him to help Chalupa research connections between Trump, Manafort and Russia. “Oksana said that if I had any information, or knew other people who did, then I should contact Chalupa,” recalled Telizhenko, who is now a political consultant in Kiev. “They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa,” he said, adding “Oksana was keeping it all quiet,” but “the embassy worked very closely with” Chalupa.

Sebastian Gorka SAVAGES CNN’s Alisyn Camerota
“More People Watching Nick at Night Than CNN”

Proof of Collusion!

Kimberley Strassel Destroys Narrative on NBC’s Meet the Press
…“I think we are having a discussion that is absolutely divorced from reality this week. It is astonishing,” she quipped as she reminded them of how then candidate Obama (not President-elect Obama) set up a highly covert back channel with the Iranians:
Let me set the scene for you: It’s 2008, we are having an election and candidate Obama, he’s not even president elect, sends William Miller over to Iran to establish a backchannel, and let the Iranians know should he win the election they will have friendlier terms. Okay? So this is a private citizen going to foreign soil, obviously in order to evade U.S. intelligence monitoring and establishing a backchannel with a sworn enemy of the United States who was actively disrupting our efforts in the military in the Middle East.
Of course there is more to this issue than the MSM has led on to… such as this BLOOMBERG (2014):
President Barack Obama’s administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine.
This month, Obama’s National Security Council finished an extensive and comprehensive review of U.S policy toward Russia that included dozens of meetings and input from the State Department, Defense Department and several other agencies, according to three senior administration officials. At the end of the sometimes-contentious process, Obama made a decision to continue to look for ways to work with Russia on a host of bilateral and international issues while also offering Putin a way out of the stalemate over the crisis in Ukraine.
Kerry has been the point man on dealing with Russia because his close relationship with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov represents the last remaining functional diplomatic channel between Washington and Moscow. They meet often, often without any staff members present, and talk on the phone regularly. Obama and Putin, on the other hand, are known to have an intense dislike for each other and very rarely speak….
Funny that “back-channels were an Obama thing… for reals!

Diane Feinstein: No Evidence Of Russia-Trump Camp Collusion
A top Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee says she has yet to see evidence of collusion between Donald Trump advisers and the Russian government.
“Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?” CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked California Sen. Dianne Feinstein during an interview on Wednesday.
“Not at this time,” she responded…..

The Aftermath of the Attack In Syria
- Joke: All jokes Assad, things are getting pretty Syrias right now.
- A friends response: I’m laughing so hard I’m Putin!
PICTURE: Al-Shayrat Airfield, which is where these chemical attacks were launched from… AFTER Tomahawk Barrage
This is from the U.S. NAVAL INSTITUTE NEWS post, which includes videos of the launching of some of these Tomahawks:
…..“The strike was a proportional response to Assad’s heinous act,” Davis’s statement continued. “Shayrat Airfield was used to store chemical weapons and Syrian air forces. The U.S. intelligence community assesses that aircraft from Shayrat conducted the chemical weapons attack on April 4. The strike was intended to deter the regime from using chemical weapons again.”
A U.S. military official told USNI News that Russian forces in the country were given a “heads up” ahead of the launch of the missiles. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a statement that the U.S. did not seek Moscow’s permission for the strike.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who serves on the Senate foreign relations and intelligence committees, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper this evening that “I don’t believe this is a message; I believe this is actually a tactical action that furthers an objective, which is important. My guess is, and I think you’ll see confirmation of it shortly, al-Shayrat Airfield, which is where these chemical attacks were launched from with fixed-wing aircraft a couple days ago, is going to be the target, and that is the airfield from which the chemical attacks were launched. It’s also a critical point in a part of the country where they’re battling rebels, non-ISIS rebels, in the northern part of Syria. So as I said, it’s an important and decisive step that was taken. It is not a message; it is an actual degrading of the capability of Syrian regime to carry out further chemical attacks against innocent civilians. This will degrade their capability to launch those attacks from the air, and I think it was an important step and hopefully it’s part of a comprehensive strategy moving forward to bring to a close this chaos that’s happening in Syria.”
Asked about the significance of this first attack in the bigger context of the ongoing situation in Syria, Rubio told Cooper, “I’m not saying this accomplishes everything, but I am telling you that this is the area from which those chemical attacks were launched and where we were going to see future attacks come from, particularly targeting innocent civilians in an area where the regime felt it was losing territory after making significant gains.”….
And — more from DEBKA FILE:
…Washington has NO DOUBT that the Syrian SU-22 bomber which Tuesday dropped a sarin gas bomb on Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province, killing up to 100 people, was a joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian gambit to divert the Trump administration from a comprehensive plan for Syria. As US President and commander-in-chief he could not ignore this provocation.
Our sources report that the new US administration’s plans for Syria center on an offensive to evict the Islamic State from its Syrian capital, Raqqa, a mission for which US military preparations have been going forward for the past two weeks at five centers. To this operation Moscow, Tehran and Damascus were not averse. But that operation was also designed to rid Syria of Iranian and Hizballah forces – to which they were.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that despite previous agreements, Syria had not surrendered its chemical weapons stockpile, and accused Russia of “failing in its responsibility to deliver on its commitment” to supervise the surrender of those chemical weapons. “Either Russia has been complicit or simply incompetent in its ability to deliver,” Tillerson continued.
The question now is whether Vladimir Putin will decide to hit back at the US operation. Russia did not retaliate for the Israel air strike on March 17 over the northern Syrian T4 air base. If Putin chooses to sit on his hands once again, the same question may be addressed to Iran and Hizballah.
Very possibly, Trump and Putin reached accord on the limits of the US punitive attack in Syrian in long hours of debate during the day between the US State and Defense Departments and the Russian Foreign and Defense Ministries, which were first reported by DEBKAfile 24 hours ago. Pentagon sources report that Washington gave Moscow advance warning of the coming US attack on the Syrian Shayrat base where Russian air force units are also deployed.
Follow-up US military action may yet come after the US president asserted that for him, “many, many lines were crossed” by Assad’s chemical attack and his attitude towards Syria had changed….

Jay Sekulow Deconstructs Jeff Sessions
Jay Sekulow comes at this issue in an erudite and clear manner. I start the video out with a montage put together by Jay’s team. Also included is a segment (almost 11-minutes long) from the show prior to Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusing himself. The second segment is almost 8-minutes long and post-dates the AG’s recusal. The final segment (just over 5-minutes) is an update in regards to Nancy Pelosi.
THIS WHOLE thing is moving quickly. Some funny aspects have surfaced, like all 100 of our Senators meeting with Russian officials this week. Chuck Schumer has personally met with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, whereas President Trump has not. Oh, and don’t forget, Democrat hero and Lion of the Senate actually ASKED Russia to help defeat Reagan.

BOOM! Tammy Bruce Lays Bare Leftist Arguments
NEWSBUSTERS reports on the issue:
Following the release of the intelligence report detailing Russia’s meddling in the U.S. election late last week, the Sunday morning shows were all abuzz with commentary with most of it critical of President-elect Donald Trump. But things were slightly different on CBS’ Face the Nation where radio host Tammy Bruce ripped in President Barack Obama for his meddling in the democratic election in Israel, all in a futile attempt to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“In 2015, we spent over 350,000 taxpayer dollars funding an organization in Israel called OneVoice, which we learned once we gave them those grants they immediately began to build up an infrastructure to oppose Netanyahu in Israel,” recalled Bruce.
Bruce’s claim is accurate, and not only did Obama use taxpayer money to undermine a staunch US ally but the news broke around the same time as the Russian meddling was occurring. “This is not unknown, it was widely reported in the summer of last year that it was an Obama-aligned group of people that worked with his campaign that were the consultants to that effort to dislodge Netanyahu, an active campaign in Israel,” she continued.
According to The Washington Times a Senate investigation found, “OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign.” And if that wasn’t bad enough, the US’ top official in the country was discovered to have “…regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws…”….

BBC vs Blogosphere |or| Fake vs. Real News (UPDATED)
This is via VLAD TEPES (with a h-t to GATEWAY PUNDIT). Mind you, the BBC report may have been right after the event, but they had the audio and I will comment on searches today on their YouTube Channel and site. Here is what the BBC reported was said: “Reportedly witnesses say that he shouted out ‘Aleppo’ and ‘revenge.'” Here is the report:
After perusing the BBC’s YouTube Channel and website, I continually find this written:
- He can be heard yelling “Don’t forget about Aleppo, don’t forget about Syria” and uses the Islamic phrase “Allahu Akbar” (God is great).
And in a later broadcast recapping the event, you can see the same is said:
There seems to be a whitewashing of the message for the larger audience. Here is the fuller “yelling” his allegiance to the founder of Islam:
- Killer: “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! We are those who have given a pledge of allegiance to Muhammad that we will carry on Jihad as long as we live. Allahu Akbar. Don’t forget Allepo. Don’t forget Syria. Don’t forget Allepo. Don’t forget Syria. As long as our towns are not secure you won’t have taste of security. Back off. Back off. Only death will take me away from here. everyone who has contributed to this cruelty will pay, one by one.
VLAD has the video subtitled
JIHAD WATCH has some great reporting on the issue as well. Jihad Watch quickly noted for instance that the assassin is making the one-finger-upraised signal that has come to signify allegiance to the Islamic State. The shooter is said to be part of a special ops team, as well as being on the private security detail of Erdogan on multiple occasions. This death will surely be added to the counter to the right!