A Soda Banned in Sixth-Grade… But IUDs Are Okay (Sick World)

Take note that I do not know if this procedure has been done yet to a sixth-grader, however, this is not the point. Them being able to do so without parental consent — IS the issue. And we can thank the philosophy or the progressive left [the base of the Democrat Party] for this exciting new frontier sexualizing everything, by law. Which doesn’t surprise me in that one of the most left-leaning Justices on the Supreme Court argued while working at the ACLU to lower the age of consent from 16-to-12… what a “brave new world.”

Schools Implant IUDs in Girls as Young as 6th Grade Without Their Parents Knowing

Earlier this month, LifeNews.com reported on a high school in Seattle, Washington that is now implanting intrauterine devices (IUD), as well as other forms of birth control and doing so without parental knowledge or permission.

The IUD is known as a long acting reversible contraception, and may even act as an abortifacient. So, a young teen in Seattle can’t get a coke at her high school, but she can have a device implanted into her uterus, which can unknowingly kill her unborn child immediately after conception. Or, if she uses another method, she can increase her chances of health risks for herself, especially if using a new method.

The high school, Chief Sealth International, a public school, began offering the devices in 2010, made possible by a Medicaid program known as Take Charge and a non-profit, Neighborcare. Students can receive the device or other method free of cost and without their parent’s insurance. And while it’s lauded that the contraception is confidential, how can it be beneficial for a parent-child relationship when the parents don’t even know the devices or medication their daughter is using?

As it turns out, Chief Sealth isn’t the only school in Seattle doing this. As CNS News reports, more schools are fitting young girls — as young as 6th grade — with the devices and doing so without their parents knowing.

Middle and high school students can’t get a Coca-Cola or a candy bar at 13 Seattle public schools, but they can get a taxpayer-funded intrauterine device (IUD) implanted without their parents’ consent.

School-based health clinics in at least 13 Seattle-area public high schools and middle schools offer long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), including IUDs and hormonal implants, to students in sixth-grade and above at no cost, according to Washington State officials….

Here is another story on the same issue:

Public schools in Seattle are offering more than just an education; they are offering teen girls of any age the opportunity to get free IUDs implanted into their uterus and other long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) without parental consent at clinics right in the school setting. According to New York Magazine, the ability to get an IUD inserted in school, for free, removes barriers for teens who do not want to discuss the option with their parents or risk involving their parents’ health insurance policies.

Washington law states that minors of any age are permitted to obtain birth control services without a parent’s consent. Meanwhile, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends LARCs, like IUDs, as the most effective way to prevent teen pregnancy.

If a girl in a Seattle public school would like to have an IUD inserted into her uterus without talking to her parents about it and without her parents ever knowing, she can simply consult with an in-school clinic and apply for the Washington state Medicaid program called “Take Charge” to pay for the service instead.

Salon reported that teens at one Seattle high school, Chief Sealth International School, are lining up to get their IUDs inserted.

“Contrasting sharply with the attitudes toward sex and sexuality promoted at countless public schools across the country, Chief Sealth International School is taking a different approach, offering students the option to receive the contraceptive of their choice at no cost and without having to use their parents’ health insurance. Thanks to a Washington state Medicaid program called Take Charge and the nonprofit Neighborcare, teens can access confidential counseling on different birth control methods — and LARC insertion — more easily than they can buy a soda.”…

Re-Education Camps and Censorship “Chic” in the UK

Powerline has this story of government run media being used to guide the public towards a certain conclusion.Pravda

Salon.com (yes, I know) is celebrating that the BBC has decided to go full Pravda on us and cease allowing “climate deniers” on the air.  Well, it is a government-run media establishment.  But that would be the same BBC that refused to allow Churchill to broadcast his “appeasement denial” views back in the 1930s.  Yup, same slimy people.

Anyway, quoth a jubilant Salon:

Good news for viewers of BBC News: you’ll no longer be subjected to the unhinged ravings of climate deniers and other members of the anti-science fringe. . .  Were every network to start doing what the BBC is, their unfounded opinions would cease to be heard, Bill Nye wouldn’t have to keep debating them, and maybe, just maybe, they’d all just go away.

Esquire Magazine goes further in it’s diatribe of censorship that prove there is a totalitarian in every leftist waiting to get out, something Powerline missed, by-the-way:

The BBC Forbids Idiots On The Topic Of Science: No longer must Bill Nye debate the ignorant, at least in the U.K.


BBC journalists must now attend seminars with academics and scientists who educate on what constitutes popular and marginal opinions.

Perpetuating ignorance for the sake of entertainment is not only getting boring, but is actively dangerous. US media companies should take note. American media makes political bipartisanship a game of spin and false controversy, which—as Jon Stewart will tell you—can inflict a lot of very real pain….

Yes, re-education camps… you read it right. Scientism on the march in the name of secularism. The Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), otherwise known as the Khmer Rouge, would be proud, as would others. Even the HHS is defining media in the immigration battle, this from The Corner:

– No recording devices will be allowed
– No questions will be allowed during the tour
– No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
– We ask that your questions be provided via email or phone after the tour to Kenneth Wolfe
– HHS ACF public affairs will provide answers to your follow up questions as quickly as possible
– We will provide photos of the facility after the tour
– There will be no on-site interviews by HHS staff before or after the tour, all inquiries go to Kenneth Wolfe

To continue… while the BBC stops debate on climate, the UK starts to talk seriously about the normality of pedophilia. CNN notes just how bad it is for the BBC in this regard:

Gay Patriot notes the following:

An increasingly vocal and open group of prominent British Academics is claiming that paedophilia is a perfectly normal and natural thing.

“Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”

The presentation in question was presented at an academic conference at Cambridge University in the UK,  where other topics included: “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”

And — like every other horror of the current ear — this has its roots in the sexual liberation movement of the 1970′s.

With the Pill, the legalisation of homosexuality and shrinking taboos against premarital sex, the Seventies was an era of quite sudden sexual emancipation. Many liberals, of course, saw through PIE’s cynical rhetoric of “child lib”. But to others on the Left, sex by or with children was just another repressive boundary to be swept away – and some of the most important backing came from academia. [Emphasis added]

Hey, “Love is Love,” right?… 

Malcolm Muggeridge (a British journalist, author, satirist, media personality, soldier-spy and, in his later years, a Catholic convert and writer) said it best:

“If God is ‘dead,’ somebody is going to have to take his place. It will be megalomania or erotomania, the drive for power or the drive for pleasure, the clenched fist or the phallus, Hitler or Hugh Heffner.” 

  • Ravi Zacharias, The Real Face of Atheism (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2004), 32.

`The Danger of Symbolic Actions` ~ Fox`s The Five Retaliates Against Gawker (as do I)

From Video Description:

(Via Media’ite) Fox’s “The Five” retaliates against Gawker’s making public the addresses of all gun owners in NY by giving out the phone number of Gawkers founder, Nick Denton, which is (for now):

What would be nice is for someone to post online his home address. Greg Gutfeld makes the point that Gawker writes positively about pedophilia, but negatively about legal gun-owners. (Pedophilia is one of the traumas in children’s lives that drive many to homosexuality, and many in the community want to normalize this somewhat in order to validate their not dealing with this traumatic event in their lives. This, they feel, normalizes them into culture, or is some form of validation)

I will continue to post information here on this topic (addresses and haunts Nick Denton and friends like to hang at), including on Nick’s boyfriend, Derrence Washington. His FaceBook is found here for those wishing to see if he will field questions about Nick’s actions: http://www.facebook.com/derrence

Derrence lives in New York:

Again, I will update this post as I find info. I assume these Texas residence are Derrence’s family since he himself is a Houston, Texas native. Here are a few family members Face-Book profiles:

What is interesting is that many of his family members have studied criminal justice, and I would bet own firearms. I feel bad as well for making public these people — many are fellow believers (at least a cursory look would tell me that. As you know, anyone can “say” they are Christian). At any rate, one should keep all the people in New York who are now known by criminals to not own guns, those who are in law enforcement (D.A.’s, policemen and women, judges, special crime units [gang units], and the like) whom criminals know their home addresses… as well as Nick and Derrence’s friends and family in prayer. Pray for their safety and well being. Why do I say that, because any address is easy to find once you have a name and city. I and my family can likewise go for some pleading of the precious blood of the lamb.

Some info on Voncile Washington-Durio, her phone number is 1-832-483-9575 — dial *67 before you dial the number to make your phone or cell phone show up as private. She lives or did live here:

the number, again, Voncile’s phone number can be seen here on a contact list at a kids sport team contact list. She is also a barber who’s barber license number is 08122012. She also performs public notaries for those needing her services:

Voncile Washington Durio is a certified public notary located in Houston, TX Voncile Washington Durio is located at 7206 Frostview Ln. Voncile Washington Durio can be contacted at on FindNotary or by their phone number or email address listed above.

Derrence? Do you have your boyfriend’s ear?