Obama Calls GOP `Reckless/Extreme` ~ Let`s Look at the 2006 Obama (Mark Knoller)

In case you do not know who Mark Knoller is, here is an intro:

Now, here are his recent tweets of the President from 2006 (some with twitter commentary) — Via Twitchy!


Recent Comments


Now 2006




Is He Serious?

Idols of the Age ~ The Media Is Not Alone

Via Gateway Pundit

From video description on MRCTV:

This comes via Gateway Pundit. I will post some comments from the YouTube file:

“This guy” said:

while I dont like the fact he is praying to obama, most of you religious people dont even know your gods name…you use the generic term “god”…if I was to pray to a god, I would use the name of that god, any takers as to what the the gods name is in the bible

My Response:

YHWH, sounds like Yahweh. “Jehovah is a mix of these letter and the vowels from Adonai [or, Adhonay]. When He told Moses “I AM” has sent you, it is the root Hebrew portraying timelessness. In the Hebrew, the list is long: El, Elohim, El-Elyon, El-Roi, El-Shaddai, El-Olam, El-Berith, El-Beth-El, El-Elohe-Israel, Eloah, El-Gibbor, Elohim-Elyon, Elohim-Saboath, Adon or Adonai, Immanu-El, etc. (http://www.the-name-of-god.com/)

Note “Barry” or “Obama” are not on the list.

Similarly to the above, the New Testament calls Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach, but He also has other names and titles: Adonai, Malakh Melitz, Kol Bakol, Aleph v’Tav, Ha-Mashiach, Rosh vaSof, Reishit Bri’at HaElohim, Yadid, Tsemach Tsedakah, Lechem Shamayim, Lechem Elohim, Chatan, Rosh Pinah, HaMashiach, Or-Boker Mimarom, HaPalat, HaSha’ar, Ne’eman V’Yashar, etc, etc, etc. (http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Names_of_G-d/Yeshua/yeshua.html)

But “God” is good for all in the Christian Trinity, as this is a shared office/nature. “Father” is best used of YHWH.

A few comments from the peanut gallery:

  • OMG. Just… creepy.
  • This boy needs to know Obama is a man not a god, and there is only one GOD and to put no god before HIM, that is blasphemy! If he gets anything from Obama its because us tax payers have paid for it, ALL!
  • sigh, sigh
  • This is sad. This child thinks Obama is God. What the heck are these parents teaching him?
  • it’s disturbing that he’s praying TO Obama instead of FOR him. FRIGHTENING
  • Blasphemy! This is beyond disgusting. Shame on this brain washed child and shame on his parents.
  • Listen to the words, Regina, he’s praying TO obama, not for him… This is just sick and twisted. “when you get older you will be able to do great things”, that lost brainwashed kid is praying TO obama and that’s disgraceful parenting
  • When there is an absence of God, evil always takes it’s place…
    German children prayed to Hitler, North Korean children pray to Kim, Russian children prayed to Stalin. Brain-washing starts early.
  • Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me”.
    “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”
    Would not want to be his mama
  • Yikes! Lying to a little one…. Prayers to flesh and blood idol…. OMG, are we in trouble. We kill babies. We make them pray to men. We get hooked on govt handouts. This is sooo bad.
  • Cute kid. But you have to ask yourself why your telling your kid to thank a man who happens to be 1/2 black & presiding over an economy where black teen unemployment is at an all time high 41%. Just thought you should know that if you didn’t already.
  • —-Good point mrltavern… its like you are praying for failure.
  • Goes to show how fucking stupid they are..Obama could lead those idiots into a burning house…
  • Your President, not mine.
  • Granted the kid has good intentions. In all seriousness BO needs more than a prayer. I bet this kid can do a better job running the country.
  • Hes destroying this country. Praise him more.
  • I’m all for praying for our leaders . . . but uh, that’s not a prayer FOR Obama; that’s a prayer TO Obama, and that’s sad. Please teach your child that Obama=/=God.
  • Some people have such tiny brains that Obama is “god” to them. It’s all emotion. Sad. Like people cheering for a bad football team. LOL
  • Exodus 20:2-6 -One God, do not worship false idols. This is not praying for Obama, this is praying to Obama. Only pray to God.
  • This is pure sickening. There is only one person worthy to be prayed to and that is the only true and living God. This is pure mockery to my God.
  • This is downright gut wrenching! HE’S PRAYING TO Obama, NOT FOR HIM! Short of actual physical torture, this has got to be the worst form of child abuse imaginable!
  • Here’s praying that this child is taught who God is and who politicians are (Barack Obama) who want to keep children like this on the Plantation. Content of character, not the color of skin.
  • Holy Hell this is disturbing beyond description.
  • way to go. post your child abuse on youtube! this poor kid.
  • Eeeek!
  • Seig Heil!
  • What exactly has Barack Obama done to help blacks? Notice how the boy only heaps these vague words in Obama’s praise.
  • Now THAT is freakin sad.
  • Ya’ll got SERIOUS Problems!!! that man is EVIL just like Adolf Hitler! get yo’ heads out of yo’ asses and start reading the Bible not the Quaran. obama is leading all ya’ll that follow him strait to hell.
  • Well. You can not blame the kid. His parents are probably using Obamaphones, food stamps, Medicaid and every other program they can access.
  • Luke 17:2
  • @Ms. Young Is he your son? If so and if you know the bare basics of prayer you need to repent.
    I will pray for this child. He’s still cloaked in God’s love and protection.
  • And people say stupid isn’t getting worse!
  • Unbelievable. You don’t pray to a politician, you pray to a Creator. Pure idolatry. Please, don’t let your son do this ever again. He certainly didn’t get anywhere with Barack Obama. Unless you think increasing unemployment among the black community was a good thing. Let’s consider the fact that under this president, it’s a 50/50 shot that he will have a job when he graduates high school. But there’s an even worse chance he won’t graduate high school. Yay Obama!!!
  • You pray to your god and I’ll pray to my God and we will see who stands on judgement day. Bring an air conditioner.
  • Wow, I’ve never seen such blasphemy. It’s obviously not the kids fault, he doesn’t know any better… but the parent should know better.
  • Yes, the price you paid for the boy’s soul in selling him to the devil, is without measure. That boy and his parents have no clue what this moron is purposely doing to our country. Black unemployment is at its WORST, but he has plenty of time to campaign for gay rights and hobnob with Jay-Z and Beyonce.
  • welcome to comrade Obama’s America, all hail our dear leader<—sarcasm for all you koolaide drinkers
  • I have no words…other then we’ll be seeing this kid in the future wearing a NBPP Beret, threatening to kill white babies.

…there are LOTS more on the YouTube link above, while the video is still up that is.