Mind you, it is WORSE than this.
New Black Panther Party

Beyonce and the Super Bowl ~ Black Panthers (UPDATED)
(Again, I do not support or endorse InfoWars – see below)
While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.
Conversations about Beyonce’s performance in the Super-Bowl are all the rage right now in social media. The only thing that concerns me is the idea that the Black Panthers were not a racist group. Which they were… this leads of course to JayZ being a black supremacist being that Beyonce is married to him and has said similarly “cultic things” in the past. I will not rehash much here outside of the conversation via Facebook with the links to all the info I reference. Which is damning.
First some background to the Super Bowl appearance:
The Guardian reported (Via Gateway Pundit):
With references to the Black Lives Matter movement, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, Beyoncé’s half-time show at the Super Bowl on Sunday might be the most radical political statement from the superstar in her 20-year career.
Backing dancers wearing Black Panther-style berets and clad in black leather were photographed after the performance posing with raised fists evocative of the black power salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.
Snapped backstage, the dancers also held a picture with the slogan “Justice 4 Mario Woods”, who was shot dead last December by police in San Francisco, this year’s Super Bowl host city.
Now a few people were mentioning on Facebook that teh Black Panthers were not a racist group, and countered my position that the KKK and the Black Panthers are very similar:
- Black panthers are a mirror image of the KKK. both vote Democrat, both have radical ideology (one is socialist, one is Marxist), both are based on racial supremism, as well as both being muderouse (killing rival gang members in who was going to control the “Black Studies” at UCLA.
Here is the response:
- The KKK does not vote Democrat. They may have back in the days of Dixiecrats, but ever since McGovern, they have voted straight Republican. Do you seriously think the Klan voted for Obama?
- The Ku Klux Klan is not socialist. For fuck’s sake, they spent the better part of the 20th Century railing against perceived communism, and they actually lynched suspected socialists back in the 1910s and ’20s.
- The Black Panthers are not a racial supremacist organization. They are not Black Supremacists. They have never been Black Supremacists. They don’t go around targeting random White people to terrorize, and they never have.
- You’re comparing intra-party murders committed within party structure, or committed during law-enforcement raids in which Panthers themselves were killed… With a century’s-worth of terrorism through lynchings, burnings, and shootings that claimed the lives of thousands of people.
I didn’t respond to all of the points (who has time?) But, for a good read on why the modern KKK are socialist and support Hitler’s historical battle against communism, I suggest the book, “The Nazi War Against Capitalism.” Great historical discussion of the minor differences between what the Fascists in Germany wanted and the Communists in Moscow wanted.
The KKK was originally founded as the terrorist/racist arm of the Democrat Party. A good historical look into this movement can be found on my Racial Myths Page, as well as these very informative videos:
I only really responded to the racial activity of the old, the new Black Panther Parties, as well as Beyonce’s involvement with a black-supremacist (e.g., virulently racist), anti-Semitic, UFO, new age, violent cult. I know, that is a mouthful.
Here is my response:
I wrote on this extensively… not only do the majority of KKK members vote Democrat, but most extremists groups do:
✦ Radical Groups Support the Democrats (Even the KKK)
And the DIXIECRAT thing is just not true. I suggest going through my page thoroughly… but all my posts and reading require a little time… something not afforded FB conversations much. A shorter explanation is found in this post by Dr. Wallace:
➤ …The answer is, they returned to the Democrat party and rejoined others such as George Wallace, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, and Ross Barnett. Interestingly, of the 26 known Dixiecrats (5 governors and 21 senators) only three ever became republicans: Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and Mills E. Godwind, Jr. The segregationists in the Senate, on the other hand, would return to their party and fight against the Civil Rights acts of 1957, 1960 and 1964. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower proffered the first two Acts. (Dr. Eric Wallace)
A close friend of the Black Panther (the original) pointed out their antisemitism (this friend was then a fellow Marxist and editor of a well-known Marxist publication most hippy leftists read during this time). On page 227 David Horowitz notes this antisemitism of the Black Panther Party — in the autobiographical story of “Radical Son: A Generational Oddysey”
…Talking to Huey as a kind of equal, in this manner, emboldened me to raise yet another difficult issue. A strain of anti-Semitism had developed in the Party during the years he was in prison. Of course, the Panthers were not alone among black radicals in their attacks on Jews. In 1966, Stokeley Carmichael and the leaders of SNCC had expelled whites from the civil-rights organization, accusing them of being a fifth column inside the movement. Since Jews were a near majority of the whites in these organizations, and had played a strategic role in organizing and funding the struggle, it was clear to everyone that they were the primary target of the assault. This was underscored by the support that Carmichael and the black left gave to the Arab states during their 1967 attack on Israel.
I had not paid much attention to these developments, in part because I was in England when they occurred, but also because Israel was so strong militar-ily—its forces had crushed the Arab armies in just six days—that I did not believe there was much danger to Jewish life, let alone survival, at the time. The subsequent Arab aggression during Yom Kippur, in October 1973, convinced me otherwise. In that war, Israel’s survival was indeed threatened—and it became clear to me that the Arabs’ hatred toward the Jews was implacable. Consequently, when the Black Panther ran an article during the conflict, attacking the “Zionist, racist ‘state’ of Israel,”….
David Horowitz, Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey (New York, NY: Touchstone Books, 1998), 227.
Also, a site I do not support typically because of their extremely left wing positions is the Southern Poverty Law Center notes of the New Black Panther Party that they are
- “virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.”
And note the founder of KWANZAA — himself a racist killer who ordered gun-fights with the [old] Black Panther Party and tortured women who himself was a Marxist concurs in his writings about his competition. This dealt with a couple of your points, I am curious if you knew any of this? Or what type of church our current President went to (you can see my memorized analogy I used in a discussion with an older Democrat on my Hawaii vacation, here).
✦ “…virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.”
~ Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;
✦ “…not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.”
~ Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.
I hate to point this out as well, but Beyonce is married to a racist CULT member. I did a long video presentation of them [the cult] as well, here:
- Jay-Z Sports a Racist Emblem from the CULT, “The Five Percenters”
- Here is my video on them
- And here it crosses over into politics with Marco Rubio.
So she herself is closely aligned with a black supremacist, UFO new-age type cult.
Just Sayin’
President Obama`s Nominee a Radical Racist ~ Debo Adegbile
Here is the Wall Street Journal article about Debo Adegbile:
It’s hard to find a lawyer who could do more damage to the Justice Department’s civil-rights division than former chief Tom Perez—who wielded race as a political weapon, interfered with the Supreme Court’s docket to protect his discrimination agenda from legal review, and snubbed a House subpoena before taking the job as Labor Secretary—until you consider the record of the man the president nominated to replace him, Debo Adegbile.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will consider Mr. Adegbile’s nomination for Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Wednesday at a hearing that’s likely to be contentious (though ultimately meaningless now that Democrats can confirm candidates with a simple majority). Mr. Adegbile, 46, worked as a corporate lawyer and spent more than a decade at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, where he developed a reputation as a well-spoken, savvy and radical ideologue.
In a letter sent to President Obama Monday, the National Fraternal Order of Police recounted how Mr. Adegbile volunteered to get cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal off death row with “unfounded and unproven allegations of racism.” The group’s more than 330,000 members expressed “extreme disappointment, displeasure and vehement opposition” to his nomination, calling it “a thumb in the eye of our nation’s law enforcement officers”—unusually strong language from the Order.
Mr. Adegbile also apparently believes American blacks still endure Jim Crow-era racism. Last year he argued before the Supreme Court to preserve sections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act used by Justice to override voting laws in certain southern states. He lost. In a separate case contesting race-based college admissions policies, former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams notes Mr. Adegbile argued that (as Mr. Adams put it) “a white applicant was properly denied admission to the University of Texas Law School because she was white.”
Front Page Magazine writes on this as well, they write a bit more on the “white students” flap:
Obama’s nominee process involves finding the worst person on earth for that job or any job. It’s a process that never fails. In this case, he came up with Debo Adegbilem cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal’s lawyer and a supporter of discriminating against white students for reasons of race.
President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Civil Rights Division led the group that represents convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Debo Adegbile, who awaits Senate confirmation to become assistant attorney general for civil rights in Eric Holder’s DOJ, would bring a radical record on racial issues to his new job, which is responsible for enforcing federal discrimination statutes.
Here is a brief Adegbile filed on behalf of the “Black Student Alliance” arguing that a white applicant was properly denied admission to the University of Texas Law School because she was white.
For a post-racial leader, Obama does seem to spend a lot of time catering to racists like Al Sharpton and employing racists like Debo Adegbile.
They continue with a quick synopsis about the events that led to Mumia Abu Jamal murdering a police officer:
….On December 9, 1981, at approximately 3:55 a.m., Officer Danny Faulkner, a five year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, made a traffic stop at Locust Street near Twelfth Street. The car stopped by Officer Faulkner was being driven by William Cook. After making the stop, Danny called for assistance on his police radio and requested a police wagon to transport a prisoner.
Unbeknownst to him, William Cook’s brother, Wesley (aka Mumia Abu-Jamal) was across the street. As Danny attempted to handcuff William Cook, Mumia Abu-Jamal ran from across the street and shot the officer in the back.
Danny turned and was able to fire one shot that struck Abu-Jamal in the chest; the wounded officer then fell to the pavement. Mumia Abu-Jamal stood over the downed officer and shot at him four more times at close range, striking him once directly in the face.
Mumia Abu-Jamal was found still at the scene of the shooting by officers who arrived there within seconds. The murderer was slumped against the curb in front of his brother’s car. In his possession was a .38 caliber revolver that records showed Mumia had purchased months earlier. The chamber of the gun had five spent cartridges.
A cab driver, as well as other pedestrians, had witnessed the brutal slaying and identified Mumia Abu-Jamal as the killer both at the scene and during his trial. On July 2, 1982, after being tried before a jury of ten whites and two blacks, Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering Officer Danny Faulkner. The next day, the jury sentenced him to death after deliberating for four hours.
This is what Obama supports.
Brandon Darby of Breitbart Encounters Invasion of [Progressive] Body Snatchers
I thought of the classic ending of the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers when I watched the pointing at the Breitbart crew:
- Brandon Darby gets verbally attacked at a July 21,2013 Trayvon rally organized by the New Black Panther Party and Quanell X. The Occupy contingent recognized Darby while he was on assignment for Breitbart News. (Via Breitbart)
Faux Racist ~ Media Distorts
It is worse than a liberal-progressive radical lying… the Media knew that she was separated from the Zimmerman portion of the protest and clearly on the New Black Panther side of the line… yet, they still painted her as with the Zimmerman crowd. Here is the early reporting from the blogs about it, via Gateway Pundit:
That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side. The NY Daily News, based on reporting from The Houston Chronicle, identified her as Renee Vaughan:
One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”
Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.
The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.
Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.
Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.
- Breitbart News: What does your sign mean?
- Woman: This sign means that there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.
- Breitbart News: OK.
- Fellow anti-Zimmerman Protestor: Yo. What she said.
Breitbart points out all the places where this person was touted as a genuine Zimmerman protestor:
…The Houston Chronicle’s Jayme Fraser wrote of the woman pictured above: “At one point, Renee Vaughan of Austin mocked protesters by chanting, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better ’cause we’re white.” The language of the article was somewhat clumsy, allowing other media outlets to jump to the wrong conclusion.
The New York Daily News’ Philip Caulfield used the following caption for the above photo, from the Associated Press: “A George Zimmerman supporter holds a sign during a counter-demonstration of activist Quanell X’s group march in the River Oaks community in Houston on Sunday.” He also wrote: “One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, ‘We’re racist & proud,'” distorting the Chronicle story significantly.
The UK Daily Mail repeated the error, reporting that the sign was held by members of the pro-Zimmerman group in Houston, portraying it as a form of racist backlash against the New Black Panther Party march.
Democratic strategist Tara Dowdell then took to Fox News’ Hannity to repeat the false accusation, using the “racist and proud” sign story to push back against video evidence of intolerance at pro-Trayvon Martin rallies.
Well, Sean, do some people show up at protests with their own agenda? Absolutely. That happens all the time. There was a pro-Zimmerman rally in Texas where a woman showed up with a sign that said “Racist and Proud.” And that was in the newspaper today. So certainly there are people who show up who behave badly at protests, and that’s not something you can really control for.
Gateway Pundit concludes she was a “leftist plant” who intended to trick or otherwise deceive the media. As the interview reveals, however, she was quite honest and open about her intentions and what her sign meant. She also located herself quite clearly on the Trayvon Martin/New Black Panther Party-supporting side of the demonstration (this video shows the two sides were clearly separated and distinguished from each other).
The reason the media simply picked this up as true is that it has a narrative it believes to be true — that is, the Zimmerman case was over race… and Republicans are racist. Ergo, ad hoc — and all that jazz — the sign must be true… PLUS, it is in Texas! Double-Jeopardy, it must be true. Renee Vaughan has since apologized:
Mental Retardation Is No Laughing Matter
Moonbat bring us this example of the mental stresses of Liberal thinking combined with the mental stresses of an ex-Black Panther.
Mental Retardation Is No Laughing Matter…
…especially when those who suffer from it have power over you, like former Black Panther militant Bobby Rush, who despite having an IQ in the median range for invertebrates is a member of Congress.
From video description:
Bobby Rush was on Hannity tonight with Steven King to discuss the DOJ going after George Zimmerman, however I’m not sure that Bobby Rush ever commented on it. He kept making arguments about the case that weren’t remotely tied to the facts and then at one point had the audacity to accuse Hannity of conjecture. What’s funny is that Steve King summed up Bobby Rush’s position quite well at the very end of the interview: What happened was a young Hispanic man shot a black man in self defense, was tried by a jury of women and somehow Bobby Rush thinks it’s a white man’s fault.
Yep, that’s pretty much dead on.
A List of Those That Support The Occupy Movements
This morning we ask you to consider the recently posted Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors, and sympathizers put together by intrepid blogger Zombie.
The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers
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Communist Party USA
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American Nazi Party
Media Matters, American Nazi Party, White Honor, Sunshine State News |
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Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran
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Barack Obama
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The government of North Korea
Korean Central News Agency (North Korean state-controlled news outlet), The Marxist-Leninist, Wall Street Journal, Times of India |
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Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam
video statement (starting at 8:28), Black in America, Weasel Zippers, Philadelphia Weekly |
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Revolutionary Communist Party
Revolutionary Communist Party, Revolution newspaper, in-person appearance |
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David Duke
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Joe Biden
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Hugo Chavez
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Revolutionary Guards of Iran
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Black Panthers (original)
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Socialist Party USA
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US Border Guard
White Reference, www.usborderguard.com, Gateway Pundit, Just Another Day blog |
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Industrial Workers of the World
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Nancy Pelosi
Talking Points Memo, video statement, ABC News, The Weekly Standard |
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Communist Party of China
People’s Daily (Communist Party organ), Reuters, chinataiwan.org, The Telegraph |
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almoqawama.org, almoqawama.org (2), almoqawama.org (3), wikipedia |
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International Bolshevik Tendency
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White Revolution
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International Socialist Organization
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PressTV (Iranian government outlet)
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Marxist Student Union
Marxist Student Union, Big Government, marxiststudentunion.blogspot.com |
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Freedom Road Socialist Organization
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Party for Socialism and Liberation
Liberation News (1), pslweb.org, The Daily Free Press, Liberation News (2) |
Racist Democrats Try and Paint Perry as Racist
- … Democrats in Texas say Rick Perry doesn’t have a racist bone in his body!
From BIG GOVERNMENT, and they do have audio of it:
…Aside from the confirmation that Shabazz did meet Obama in Selma, I’ll just highlight this bit of the conversation:
Question: What is it that he said either in Selma, Alabama or that you’ve seen him say recently that particularly pleased you?
Malik Shabazz: Well, when he was in Selma, when he spoke at the black church there and he was able to again draw out of the tenets of black liberation theology. Because he was teaching about the story of [inaudible – Jesus?] and Moses and Pharaoh and the children of Israel and the Pharaoh as it is written in the Torah or the Old Testament. And he was drawing the comparison to the struggle for justice through slavery here in America and comparing us to the children of Israel. And so I knew that he had a…a based in some sound theology that is rooted in our community. And at that point I knew that he…he understood what was going on.
Shabazz goes on to say “God is with this man.”
If you’re interested in hearing the speech Obama gave inside the AME Church in Selma, the one Shabazz is commenting on, it was broadcast by C-SPAN and can be viewed here.
Observers have speculated on Obama’s connection to black liberation theology since Reverend Wright came on the scene, but Shabazz is one more voice confirming that Obama does have an affinity for that viewpoint or, at the very least, understands it well enough to give a convincing sermon based on its tenets–one understood by its audience as such.
Here is more from WND — and know that I know that the above and below pictures are from a Selma March… but you don’t think that if George W. Bush spoke on the same stage as a David Duke or Barry Mills and was standing feet from him that the media would be going ape-shit!?
…The NBPP is a controversial black extremist party whose leaders are notorious for their racist statements and for leading anti-white activism.
Shabazz himself has given scores of speeches condemning “white men” and Jews.
The NBPP’s official platform states “white man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind,” refers to the “white racist government of America,” demands black people be exempt from military service and uses the word Jew repeatedly in quotation marks.
Shabazz has led racially divisive protests and conferences, such as the 1998 Million Youth March in which a few thousand Harlem youths reportedly were called upon to scuffle with police officers and speakers demanded the extermination of whites in South Africa.
The NBPP chairman was quoted at a May 2007 protest against the 400-year celebration of the settlement of Jamestown, Va., stating, “When the white man came here, you should have left him to die.”
He claimed Jews engaged in an “African holocaust,” and he has promoted the anti-Semitic urban legend that 4,000 Israelis fled the World Trade Center just prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
When Shabazz was denied entry to Canada in 2008 while trying to speak at a black-activist event, he blamed Jewish groups and claimed Canada “is run from Israel.”
Canadian officials justified the action stating he has an “anti-Semitic” and “anti-police” record, but some reports pointed to what was termed a minor criminal history for the decision to deny him entry.
He similarly blamed Jews for then-New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani’s initial decision, later rescinded, against granting a permit for the Million Youth March.
The NBPP’s deceased chairman, Khallid Abdul Muhammad, a former Nation of Islam leader who was once considered Louis Farrakhan’s most trusted adviser, gave speeches referring to the “white man” as the “devil” and claiming that “there is a little bit of Hitler in all white people.”
In a 1993 speech condemned by the U.S. Congress and Senate, Muhammad, lionized on the NBPP site, referred to Jews as “bloodsuckers,” labeled the pope a “no-good cracker” and advocated the murder of white South Africans who would not leave the nation subsequent to a 24-hour warning……
- “Barack Obama marched with New Black Panthers at a rally in 2007” Andrew Breitbart at BIG GOVERNMENT
…Tomorrow, J. Christian Adams, the Department of Justice whistleblower in the New Black Panther Party case, will release his new book, Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department (Regnery).
The book exposes Obama administration corruption far beyond the Panther dismissal, and reveals how the institutional Left has turned the power of the DOJ into an ideological weapon.
Adams’s book also describes, in detail, the Selma march at which then-Senator Obama was joined by a group of Panthers who had come to support his candidacy.
Among those appearing with Obama was Shabazz, the Panther leader who was one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case that Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed. Also present was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47’s and then mocking their widows in this video (7:20 – 8:29).
This was the same visit to Selma where Obama credited the 1965 marchers with empowering his black father and white mother to marry… Obama was born in 1961. He was off by 4 years. But, it made a good speech
A Young Misguided Campus Youth (and Black Panther) Spews His NON-Knowledge and Threats
Via Campus Reform
And His [Obama’s] Wife Should Leave the Nigger Tonight~Malik Shabazz
Department of Justice Caught! (Leaked Info)
This case is growing and evolving, to follow it click the following tags:
Here is the HotAir post on some recent findings:
“High-level” political officials interfered in NBPP case, forced withdrawal
The US Civil Rights Commission has concluded in an extensive report that the strange decision to dismiss a case the Department of Justice had won by default against a New Black Panther Party activist for voter intimidation came after the involvement of political appointees. Furthermore, and most embarrassing, the 131-page report accuses the Department of Justice of attempting to cover up that involvement, and that the cover-up came from “high-level” officials in the DoJ. The USCRC concludes that the Civil Rights Division is “at war with its core mission”:
The Justice Department has tried to hide the involvement of high-level political officials in the dismissal of a controversial voter-intimidation lawsuit against members of the New Black Panther Party, a federal commission concluded in a draft report.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights said the department’s reversal in the case, which drew criticism from conservatives, indicates that its Civil Rights Division is failing to protect white voters and is “at war with its core mission of guaranteeing equal protection of the laws for all Americans.” …
The commission’s draft report said the department’s “repeated attempts to obscure” the involvement of political appointees in the dismissal “raise questions about what the Department is trying to hide. ”
The report accuses the Justice Department of stonewalling the commission’s investigation and of failing to turn over key documents and make witnesses available. Schmaler disputed that, saying the department provided more than 4,000 pages of documents.