End Justify the Means ~ Obama Lied Us Into Same-Sex Marriage
Via NewsBusters:
The Honesty Games: Hillary Clinton vs. Brian Williams
Brian Williams Fib Is Exposed by Stars and Stripes (UPDATED)
Watch the original report…
Politico notes that William’s has told the story multiple times, as the above video shows:
Williams has told the story several times, including during a 2013 appearance on “The Late Show” with David Letterman.
“Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one I was in, RPG and AK-47… we were only at 100 feet doing 100 forward knots,” he told Letterman. “We landed very quickly and hard, and we were stuck, four birds in the middle of the desert. And we were north out ahead of the other Americans.”
(Cartoon by Foden!)
This video comes from NewsBusters:
Here is more via the Weekly Standard, Stars and Stripes first uncovered the fake story:
Red State writes well on this topic!
…The mind boggles. That a man who has risen to the top of his profession would need to imitate Baron von Munchausen and claim experiences that were so blatantly false defies explanation… or rather any explanation that doesn’t include the word “sociopath.” That he would use the occasion of a senior non-commissioned officer’s retirement to spin the web of deceit once again is tawdry beyond words.
His excuse is priceless:
“I would not have chosen to make this mistake,” Williams said. “I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”
Have you ever been shot at? For real? Have you ever been in an aircraft that had to set down with an actual in-flight emergency? These are not things you “conflate” with anything else….
Also… don’t forget: “Sharyl Attkisson: Brian Williams Not Alone; Hillary Clinton Lied About Being Shot At In Bosnia“
Is “Take Back Our Country!” Racist? ~ If You’re Republican
If saying “take back our country” is racism in disguise… what does this mean for the Democrats in the above video?
A slightly longer version can be found here. The first point I want to make, via NewsBusters, is that Democrats used (and use) the phrase “take our country back.” For instance:
“Taking Back America” Wasn’t Racist Until Liberals Stopped Saying It
…In declaring his run for the presidency, Howard Dean told a crowd in Burlington, Vermont, “You have the power to take our county back!” A little more than half a year later, when Dean was ousted from the Democratic primary, he said the same thing once again. Nine days later, he again said “I’ll be doing everything that I can to make sure that John Kerry and John Edwards take this country back.”
In fact, Howard Dean was such a fan of the phrase, he even wrote two books incorporating it into their titles: “You Have the Power: How to Take Back Our Country and Restore Democracy in America” and “Winning Back America“. From whom? He doesn’t say. But clearly he’s a racist.
As is Hillary Clinton. In a stunning show of racial bigotry, Clinton opened her 2008 run for president by declaring the she would “take our country back.”
Chuck Schumer: also a racist. After the 2006 midterms, he stated: “We really care about taking our country back… So far, sooo good.”
Prominent Democratic strategists James Carville and Paul Begala are also racists. They coauthored a book in the run-up to the last presidential election titled “Take It Back: A Battle Plan for Democratic Victory.”
And how about the racist Katrina vanden Hevuel, editor of the far-left, near-bankrupt magazine The Nation. She’s also a racist for penning a book titled “Taking Back America“.
Liberal talk show host Thom Hartmann also cannot restrain his racist views. The title of his book, “We the People: A Call to Take Back America” is clearly rooted in bigotry…
So the question becomes, if it is racist for the T.E.A. Party… why is it not for Democrats? Breitbart points out the obvious (as did NewsBusters)… lying about racial incidents in our electronic age is getting harder-and-harder:
…Don’t forget that the big story occupying the news cycle the weekend of March 20, 2010 was that racist Tea Party protesters in Washington DC yelled the “N-Word” at civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis as he walked across the mall to the capitol building that sunny afternoon. The story led all the cable shows, the Sunday shows and was the main lede in every print column about the historic events that weekend.
The media repeated the lie without ever asking a single question of the dubious man who made the audacious claim, Rep., Andre Carson. Only one man dared to question the bogus tale, Andrew Breitbart. He offered $10,000 to the United Negro College Fund for any evidence of the slander. He upped it to $100,000. Nothing.
The Congressional Black Caucus didn’t want to talk about it anymore. They had done their job. They had distracted the media. They had gotten their president’s signature piece of legislation passed. Nothing to see here, move along.
Andrew didn’t let it go. He found four individual videos that proved Carson’s tale was a lie. The media ignored it. They still do….
Obama Took Credit BEFORE He Was Against Taking Credit
Obama is SUCH a joke! HotAir has this:
(Still the Lynn University campus debate via WaPo)
- Romney: “With regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should be a status of forces agreement,”
- Obama: “That’s not true,”
- Romney: “Oh, you didn’t want a status of forces agreement?”
- Obama: “No,” … “What I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.”
Some other things Mitt got right and “O” didn’t:
NASA & NOAA Have Been Skewing Outcomes of Global “Warming”
The NASA US historical temperature record has changed significantly since 1999, to create the appearance of warming. Previously the NASA records showed the US cooling since the 1930s.
This comes with a h/t to Drudge!
The scandal of fiddled global warming data
The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record
When future generations try to understand how the world got carried away around the end of the 20th century by the panic over global warming, few things will amaze them more than the part played in stoking up the scare by the fiddling of official temperature data. There was already much evidence of this seven years ago, when I was writing my history of the scare, The Real Global Warming Disaster. But now another damning example has been uncovered by Steven Goddard’s US blog Real Science, showing how shamelessly manipulated has been one of the world’s most influential climate records, the graph of US surface temperature records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data. In several posts headed “Data tampering at USHCN/GISS”, Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs with those based only on temperatures measured at the time. These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century….
The “Will” of the “Hammer” Destroy O’s Straw-Man
Via Gateway Pundit
The Special Report All-Star Panel weighed in after President Obama touted the success of ObamaCare in remarks at the White House, lashing out at Republican critics.
“We now know that the number of Americans who’ve signed up for private insurance in the marketplaces has grown to eight million people. … They said nobody would sign up. They were wrong about that. They said it would be unaffordable for the country. They were wrong about that,” Obama said.
George Will noted that Obama’s remarks were a “tour de force of Obama rhetoric,” criticizing the president for attacking a “straw man” by claiming that the GOP said “nobody would sign up.”
“No Republican ever said any such thing,” said Will, adding that Obama then moved on to declaring the debate over, as he has done with other issues like climate change and gay marriage.
Charles Krauthammer disputed the notion that the new health care law is working, saying doctors, hospitals, and insurers are getting a “worse deal” and in the end consumers will be hurt the most.
“It’s working in that it exists. It breathes,” he said, questioning how Obama can link reduced health care costs from the recession to the ObamaCare implementation.
“It couldn’t possibly have retroactively affected last year’s numbers. I mean, he makes this stuff up with a brazenness that is almost admirable,” said Krauthammer.
Another Republican Claim Proven Right — Census Bureau
This is yet another “lie” supposedly made by the right. Remember the Lie of the Year where Mitt Romney said Jeep was gonna go to China? Proven right, and the Lie of the Year was pwned! How bout’ Sarah Palin being eviscerated for her “death panel” comments? Again, the Right (Sarah Palin and others) were proven right! How bout the REAL Lie of the Year? Obama was shown to be THE Lie of the Year… and it stuck!
Now another Republican position was proven right. This comes via Black and Conservative (Derrick Wilburn). Bravo to Media’ite for posting this!
So this is how it looks:
- Republicans warned you couldn’t keep your health care. Dems said you could keep it.
- Republicans warned illegal aliens would be insured thru Obama-care. Dems said NO WAY JOSE!
- Republicans warned about death panels. Dems said we were conspiracy nuts!
- Republicans said the Obama admin was gonna sell (and move) Jeep to China. Dems said, yeah right.
- Republicans said the Obama admin would politicise the Census. Dems said yur crazy!
- Republicans said Putin was gonna take Ukraine. Dems said the 80’s called.
- Republicans said the ACA (Obama-care) would kill jobs. Dems said it would create 400,000 immediately.
Um, when is America gonna wake up?
Three-Quarters Of ObamaCare Signups Have Higher Premiums
Lower pay for specialists and doctors mean more “car-sales-men” physicians selling you their personalities rather than their earned specialties. Via Gateway Pundit:
Cleveland Clinic CEO Dr. Toby Cosgrove told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures that three-quarters of ObamaCare signups have higher premiums.
“Well people who’ve signed up, about three-quarters of them, find that their premiums are higher than they had been previously with other insurance. What we do know it that it will have a major impact on healthcare providers. What we do know is that we’re going to get paid less for what we do.”
Oh What a Difference a Month Makes ~ Harry Reid
The Lies of the Left Mount
Like Obama’s lies about many aspects in his book, to Elizabeth Warren’s lies, to Wendy Davis… when you on on policies driven by emotion… you tend to emotionally driven fairy tales by said people:
CNN is actually looking into this, where other places, ahem… *MSNBC*… are not:
(From an older post) Some new information about Obama’s grandfather and his treatment by the British may be another lie penned by Obama. Mail Online has this:
A new biography of Barack Obama has established that his grandfather was not, as is related in the President’s own memoir, detained by the British in Kenya and found that claims that he was tortured were a fabrication.
‘Barack Obama: The Story’ by David Maraniss catalogues dozens of instances in which Obama deviated significantly from the truth in his book ‘Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance’. The 641-page book punctures the carefully-crafted narrative of Obama’s life.
One of the enduring myths of Obama’s ancestry is that his paternal grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama, who served as a cook in the British Army, was imprisoned in 1949 by the British for helping the anti-colonial Mau Mau rebels and held for several months.
Obama’s step-grandmother Sarah, Onyango wife, who is still living, is quoted in the future President’s memoir, as saying: ‘One day, the white man’s askaris came to take Onyango away, and he was placed in a detention camp.
‘But he had been in the camp for over six months, and when he returned to Alego he was very thin and dirty. He had difficulty walking, and his head was full of lice. He was so ashamed, he refused to enter his house or tell us what happened.’
In a 2008 interview, Sarah Obama claimed that he was ‘whipped every morning and evening’ by the British. ‘They would sometimes squeeze his testicles with metal rods. They also pierced his nails and buttocks with a sharp pin, with his hands and legs tied together. He was lucky to survive. Some of his fellow inmates were mutilated with castration pliers and beaten to death with clubs.’
But Maraniss, who researched Obama’s life in Kenya, Indonesia, Hawaii and the mainland United States, found that there were ‘no remaining records of any detention, imprisonment, or trial of Hussein Onyango Obama’. He interviewed five people who knew Obama’s grandfather, who died in 1979, who ‘doubted the story or were certain it did not happen’.
This undermines the received wisdom that Obama’s grandfather was a victim of oppression, an assumption that has in turn fuelled theories that Obama harbours an animus towards Britain based on a deeply-rooted rage about the way Onyango was treated.
John Ndalo Aguk, who worked with Onyango before the alleged imprisonment and was in touch with him weekly afterwards said he ‘knew nothing’ about any detention and would have noticed if he had gone missing for several months.