Elections Officials Illegally Break into Sealed Election Machines

FULL VIDEO: Maricopa County CAUGH Breaking into Machines and Reprogramming to Fail on Election Day

Maricopa County was reprogramming its machines after they were already certified! The real “errors” occurred on Election Day, when the machines failed to tabulate ballots, causing massive lines, wait times, and disenfranchisement of Republican Election Day voters who turned out three times as much as Democrats.

This video cites Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett’s declaration, where he attests under oath that “Beginning on October 14th and occurring through October 18th, Maricopa County installed the new memory cards that had the certified Election Program. Due to the reformatting, the logs from the memory cards would have a start date of either October 14, 17, or 18.”

In the video below, County employees can be seen breaking into sealed equipment, removing the already programmed memory cards, and replacing them with reprogrammed cards……


Arizona Election Fraud: Maricopa County On Trial (Part 1)

“Shenanigans” is an understatement.

I wish to note the two video sources for my video I used:

  • “Kari Lake Attorney Kurt Olsen Shows How Maricopa County Rigged Signature Verification Process” (LIBERTY DAILY);
  • Gertrude Gilstrap’s TWEET;
  • BONUS: “SHOCK VIDEO: Maricopa County Employee Verifies Signatures in LESS THAN 2 Seconds Each” (GATEWAY PUNDIT)

More on this:

  • Kari Lake WINS AGAIN, Court Case ADVANCES, Lake Must prove Signature Verification NOT DONE (TIM CAST);
  • Director of Elections Admits They performed Signature verification in Offices With No Observers – We should Trust they did Everything Right, Right? (RED PILL USA PATRIOTS);
  • Your Vote Is Sacred (RED PILL USA PATRIOTS)

Director of elections admits they performed signature verification in private offices with no observers.

Maricopa County Election Director Accidentally Drops 2020 Bombshell During Kari Lake Trial (WESTERN JOURNAL)

Maricopa County Elections Director Reynaldo Valenzuela testified at Republican Kari Lake’s election challenge trial Wednesday that mail-in ballot reviews were done at election officials’ homes in 2020 with no observers present.

Valenzuela also confirmed officials still have the ability to do so now.

Lake is contesting Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs’ win last November by approximately 17,000 votes, or 0.7 percent of the more than 2.5 million ballots cast statewide.

In March, the Arizona Supreme Court remanded the issue of whether the mail-in ballot legally mandated signature verification process was followed in Maricopa County during the election back to the trial court.

Lake attorney Byran Blehm questioned Valenzuela regarding the places where mail-in ballot verification took place in November and whether independent observers were present.

Valenzuela said there were three locations where mail-in verification took place: Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center, known as MCTEC in downtown Phoenix; the Maricopa County Recorder’s office, also in Phoenix; and Maricopa County’s Southeast Regional Center in Mesa.

Whistleblower Jacqueline Onigkeit, who worked as a ballot reviewer at MCTEC in November, had testified before Valenzuela that she thought it was “odd” when she and her fellow reviewers were sent home at 7 p.m. as counting continued of mail-in ballots.

“Why did you think it was odd?” Lake attorney Kurt Olsen asked.

“Well, because we had observers that were constantly watching what we were doing [at the designated vote-counting area]. But there was, I’m assuming, no observers there [at the recorder’s office] who was watching what they were doing,” she replied.

In light of this testimony, Blehm questioned Valenzuela whether observers are allowed in the county recorder’s office or at the Mesa location.

Valenzuela responded that observers are allowed in “any general area,” but it’s not a legal requirement.

He went on to explain that as a “certified election officer” he and others can do signature verification in their offices with no observers present.

Blehm followed up asking, “Can signature verification be done at a Maricopa County employee’s home?”

Valenzuela answered saying, “We don’t have that currently in place,” but during 2020 with the pandemic ongoing, the county allowed reviewers to work from home.


On Wednesday, he told that court that a review of data from the county showed at least 334,000 mail-in ballots were in effect not verified, which is far in excess of Hobbs’ 17,000 vote margin of victory.

This bombshell as well about the same guy, Rey Valenzuela –Maricopa County’s Director of Mail-In Voting & Elections Services– telling someone how to vote twice! Obviously this guy can be trusted [/sarcasm]:


Is In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, provides findings from the Election Systems Integrity Institute’s recent audit of signatures on 1,911,918 early voting mail ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 General Election.


Kari Lake | 58% of Tabulators Failed Logic And Accuracy Testing

Kari Lake’s legal team alleged that 58% of Maricopa County’s 446 ballot tabulators failed logic and accuracy testing before Election Day. (JUST THE NEWS):

….During the hearing on Friday, Lake’s legal counsel cited a new declaration by Jarrett that Maricopa County submitted, saying that, after the certification of the ballot tabulators on Oct. 11, the county realized that they hadn’t configured the ballot tabulators to reject provisional ballots. As a result, the county “went in, rewrote the memory cards, improved the software,” and “reconfigured” the tabulator machines, said Lake’s lawyer. This meant that the county had to conduct logic and accuracy testing again, argued Lake’s counsel.

Her team also noted that 58% of the ballot tabulators failed logic and accuracy testing and that, according to “testimony of over 200 witnesses who were voters at vote centers, 59% of Maricopa County vote centers experienced severe malfunctions of tabulators.”

The defendants’ legal team argued that Lake was seeking inappropriate relief for her allegations and that Jarrett’s declaration wasn’t a “shocking bombshell” or proof of a violation of the logic and accuracy testing requirement. Instead, the security feature to prevent provisional or early ballots from being tabulated by the machines was installed on Oct. 10 onto the sampling of tabulators that were to undergo logic and accuracy testing, which they passed on Oct. 11. Then, the security feature that passed testing on Oct. 11 was installed on the rest of the tabulators.….

Will update the below Sharyl Attkisson piece on Sunday with her larger piece. Can’t wait!

Kari Lake | Press Conference For 1/4 MILLION Ballot Rejections

Help Kari in her legal battle to Save Arizona: SAVEARIZONAFUND.COM


Biden Admits Democrats and the Media Are Anti-Democratic

Fox News host Steve Hilton weighs in on MSNBC’s reaction to the election of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and gives viewers a flashback into Democrats’ own election denial accusations on ‘The Next Revolution.’


Yes, years of denial that Trump won the 2016 election has made this video possible.


Joe Biden’s own press secretary is a threat to democracy!

Here are some pics via the POSTMILLENNIAL:

PJ-MEDIA has a decent post on the exchange:

It’s been pointed out several times now that Joe Biden declared that anyone who questioned the results of an election was a “threat to democracy” even though Biden and pretty much everyone around him has also questioned the results of an election.

“Democracy cannot survive when one side believes that there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated,” Biden claimed during his infamous Hitler-esque speech. “And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today.”

However, in 2020 Biden agreed with a supporter of his who told him she thought Trump was an illegitimate president. In 2013, he also said he believed that Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election. Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, also said that Trump was an illegitimate president.

Another person in Biden’s inner circle who is an election denier is his press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. She believes the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary, and she also said that Brian Kemp stole the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election from Stacey Abrams. And on Tuesday, she was finally called out over it, by, you guessed it, Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy.

Doocy, recalling how Biden has focused on attacking “MAGA Republicans” as dangerous for questioning the results of the 2020 election, pointed out how she denied the results of the 2016 presidential election and the 2018 Georga gubernatorial election. Jean-Pierre tried to laugh it off, “I knew this was coming! I was waiting, Peter, [wondering] when you were gonna ask me this question.”

“Well, here we go. You tweeted Trump stole an election. You tweeted Brian Kemp stole an election. If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn’t it then?”


  • DOOCY: “You tweeted in 2016 that Trump stole an election.”
  • KJP: “I knew this was coming.”
  • DOOCY: “If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn’t it then?”
  • KJP: “That comparison that you made is just ridiculous.”

Umm. What? Jean-Pierre claims she knew that question was coming, and that’s the best response she could come up with. That doesn’t even make sense. Jean-Pierre quickly deflected, insisting she now believes that Trump won in 2016 and that Kemp won in 2018 (perhaps she should tell Stacey Abrams, who never conceded) and then tried to shift the issue back to January 6, before not allowing Doocy a chance to follow up.


Here are some “threats to democracy”

I use an excerpt of Matt Gaetz floor speech from the 6th (January 2021), and combine it with Dinesh D’Souza’s RUMBLE upload as well as MRCTV’s YouTube upload. There is a good post regarding this via PJ-MEDIA that is a must read:

LIKEWISE, I post on the topic via my website: 


Kari Lake Wrecks The Media Narrative (RPT Edit)

I edit in some evidence to Kari Lake’s excellent response to a reporter, which BREITBART writes out for us:

  • “You say you feel like Joe Biden is dividing the country, but do you feel like Donald Trump is doing the same by falsely telling people he won that election when he lost it?”

Lake, a former Fox 10 phoenix anchor, asked the reporter. She continued:

As a journalist for many years, I was a journalist after 2016 and I distinctly remember many people just like you asking a lot questions about the 2016 election results. And nobody tried to shut you up. Nobody tried to tell Hillary Clinton to shut up. Nobody tried to Kamala Harris when she was questioning the legitimacy of these electronic voting machines to stop.

We have freedom of speech in this country and you of all people should appreciate that. You’re supposedly a journalist, you should appreciate that. So, I don’t see how asking question about an election where there are many problems is dividing a country. What I do see as dividing a country is shutting people down, censoring people, canceling people, trying to destroy people’s lives when they do have questions.

Lake added that “we’re going to save” the “constitution, and we’re going to bring back freedom of speech, and maybe someday you will thank us for that.”……..


Kari Lake vs “Journalist” at 60 Minutes Australia

It’s no secret that the Media is OBSESSED with President Trump, but this nut-job from 60 Minutes Australia takes that obsession to a whole new level. Propagandist Liam Bartlett is infatuated with our favorite President.

It was clear from the start that this was another Corporate Media Cabal hit-piece. And when it ended Liam became desperate–he seemed panicked he didn’t get the interview he wanted.

Hey, Liam, stop lying to the people of Australia.

RPT’s Thoughts on Arizona Audit (9-25-2021)

I posted a video showing a Federal Crime, and I get this retarded response:

First of all, that response did not address in any way the forensic evidence of a particular person deleting records that Federal Law says must be kept… but… Cyber Ninja’s [essentially] said no such thing. A normal — unbiased person sanely led by common sense and not a hook through the nose by the boob-tube news industry might ask as Kari Lake did (she is running for AZ Governor):

So, this post is for all the noobs like ROSS T. mentioned at the outset. I would say “enjoy,” but what is below is a crime that changed the outcome of an election. KEEP IN MIND… ALL THIS IS ONE COUNTY IN ARIZONA. ONE.

  • In the 2020 presidential election, the margin of victory was only 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues. Again, this is almost 6 times the margin of victory in the Presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory in other races. Based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable. (“CYBER NINJAS” — see executive summary HERE)


  • Maricopa County did not preserve the digital security logs for the 2020 election for 22 months in accordance with FEDERAL LAW.
  • Shared passwords and the same passwords across the entire election system.
  • Mail in ballots were cast under voter registration IDs for people that may not have received their ballots by mail because they had moved, and no one with the same last name remained at the address.
  • Nearly half of the votes flagged as suspicious — 23,344 — fell into a category called “ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.” They included 15,035 who moved within the county before the registration deadline, 6,591 who moved to another state before the registration deadline and 1,718 who moved to a different county before the registration deadline.
  • Found 34,448 votes from those who voted more than once in Arizona in the 2020 election. 17,000 votes that NEVER should have been included in the audit!
  • The day before the audit was to begin, nearly 1.1 million subpoenaed files were anonymously deleted. Doing this was criminal obstruction of justice. Arizona’s Attorney General, Mark Brnovic, must pursue these crimes.

NOQ REPORT has some of the cataloging of issues here (RPT adds in some media to this post from NOQ):

Here are the facts. The hand recount did what those of us who have been paying attention expected it to do. It confirmed that the original counts were not falsified without an accompanying ballot, whether collected before/during the election or manufactured following Election Day. I cannot stress this enough that contrary to what some on the right were saying, this was fully expected. Those who cheated were not dumb enough to fake the numbers. They produced the ballots necessary to match the so-called “victory” by the Biden-Harris ticket.

It’s conspicuous that a quarter of the questionable ballots came in AFTER Election Day even though the total ballots received late represented a minuscule overall percentage of the vote. They got sloppy as they rushed to make up the gap. Their initial cheating before the election was simply not enough to overcome the Trump landslide, so they rushed to recover.

The real juice in this audit was discovering how many ballots were manufactured in order to produce the desired outcome. That’s where it is crystal clear that the election was stolen. As we reported earlier, over 17K envelopes were duplicates. That’s more than enough to justify decertifying the election since the Biden-Harris ticket “won” by around 10K votes. If that was the only evidence of voter fraud that was found, then we could cry foul. But it wasn’t all that was found. Not by a longshot.

According to Kyle Becker:

The official Arizona Senate election audit report is in – and Trump supporters are calling for the state’s 2020 election to be ‘decertified.’  The results showed “57,734 ballots with serious issues were identified.” If those ballots were not counted, that would be far beyond the margin of victory needed to overturn the results of the election. The independent auditors recommended that “the election should not be certified.”

In addition, there were more disturbing findings, according to Cyber Ninjas: A Dominion technician allegedly deleted all of the log files a day before the audit began, while other security lapses abounded. Trump supporters and election integrity advocates exploded at the findings on Twitter.

Twitter was loaded with perspectives, many of which highlighted some of the many key findings in the audit hearing. Propaganda Sniper noted, “Despite poor password management by Maricopa County officials, the forensic audit team was able to identify the individual who erased the digital paper trailsbut they will only release that name (or names) to the authorities.”

 ….That’s Maricopa officials DELETING logs to cover their tracks. (RIGHT SCOOP)

“Suzy” said, “Clear intentional overwriting of security logs from EMS account. 2/11/ 21- 463 entries overwritten. 3/3/21 – 37,686 entries overwritten. 4/12/21 – 330 entries overwritten. They have identified the individual not disclosed at this time!”

Liz Harrington observed, “Maricopa County fraudulently ‘verified and approved’ mail-in ballots that had NO signature THEN multiple ballots were approved with the same exact name and address, matching signatures, but DIFFERENT voter IDs.”

They stamped Verified and Approved on mail-in ballots that WERE BLANK except for the VOTE (RIGHT SCOOP)

MAGA INSTITUTE opines on the “deletion” of logs:

To make certain that what the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors did to ensure Biden’s victory would never be discovered, the day before the audit was to begin, nearly 1.1 million subpoenaed files were anonymously deleted. Doing this was criminal obstruction of justice. Arizona’s Attorney General, Mark Brnovic, must pursue these crimes.

For those who have maintained the election was fair and honest, these deletions are proof positive that it wasn’t. The Cyber Ninjas demonstrated that it wasn’t.

Only fools, those who have a vested interest in perpetuating the darkness, and the willfully obtuse can dispute the results of this audit. Arizona was stolen, plain and simple…..


Only fools — or — ROSS T.

Of note as well is what Dominion said was impossible:

Dominion Machines Contained Non-Maricopa County Data — From South Carolina and Washington State

On Friday the Senate auditors revealed they have proof of Maricopa County officials DELETING data from the Dminion voting machines.

This was a HUGE announcement.

Audit investigator Ben Cotton also told the Senators present that the Dominion machines that were analyzed included data not from Maricopa County. They were able to identify data from South Carolina and Washington State.

What the hell is this??

More from CYBER NINJAS regarding….

Massive Duplicate Ballot Discrepancies Revealed In Audit Report

Extensive Cyber Security Issues Found During AZ Audit